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autoethnography example

0000000876 00000 n Asking a population-based sample of U.S citizens to decide between pairs of immigrants applying for admission to the United States, the U.S citizen would see an application with information for two immigrants including notes about their education status, country, origin, and other attributes. There is considerable agreement about the size and direction of effects: that both online learning to lifestyle (home bubble) and online learning to livelihood (employment) spill over exists, with either positive or negative impacts. Other influences included lecturer control over time, the timing of activity in each sphere, and the way that schedules within each domain fitted together (university lectures and workshops, childcare, work hours). Auckland: Oxford University Press. Unpaid work in the form of childcare, household tasks, transportation, and support for extended family (whanau1), is not considered within the livelihood domain for this article. doi:10.1080/13562510309399. (Compare Pkeh Mori.) There is considerable agreement on some issues: for example, the positive effects of digital devices to enhance and motivate learning for more able students, increased opportunity for self-directed and independent teacher and student learning, flexibility of learning times, and the need for effective teaching resource development and implementation. When I struggled to insert YouTube clips into a Panopto recording I learnt the procedure by watching online tutorials or via a virtual lesson with an IT tutor. Example Of Autoethnography. We conclude our article by summarizing our key concerns and considerations. WebAn ethnonym (from Ancient Greek (thnos) 'nation', and (noma) 'name') is a name applied to a given ethnic group.Ethnonyms can be divided into two categories: exonyms (whose name of the ethnic group has been created by another group of people) and autonyms, or endonyms (whose name is created and used by the ethnic group itself). This goal was not possible through pre-recorded Panopto lectures or the live Collaborate timetabled workshops. Ministry of Education (2020c). A. The Teacher Technology Integration Experience: Practice and Reflection in the Classroom. As the weeks passed, I became more frustrated and stressed, mostly because my sense of control over the learning environment had disintegrated. Anna: I was in a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) supervisory meeting with a third year BSR student when an on-campus security guard popped his head into the meeting room and said, You need to leave the building by 12 pm. J. Appl. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. A founding myth may serve as the primary exemplum, as the myth of Ixion was the original Greek example of a murderer rendered unclean by his crime, who needed cleansing (catharsis) of his impurity. Much existing research has been undertaken on teaching and learning with only brief reference to the spillover effect on an educators lifestyle and livelihood. Psychological adaption refers to "feelings of well-being or satisfaction during cross-cultural transitions;"[37] while socio-cultural refers to the ability to fit into the new culture. Performative autoethnography: Critical embodiments and possi- bilities. 14, 161178. For example, lecturers needed to actively collaborate with one another at an institutional level to improve online teaching methods. Factors that were outside the universitys direct sphere of control (the lecturers and students livelihood and lifestylemicro and mesosystems) appeared to have some detrimental influences on teaching and learning, health and wellbeing, and successful outcomes when the demands on or resources of space, time, and/or power, were compromised. The noun "national" can include both citizens and non-citizens. As of July 2020, 98.6% of learners worldwide were affected by the pandemic, representing 1.725 billion children and youth, from pre-primary to higher education, in 200 countries (United Nations, 2020). 16 (6), 601610. 108 0 obj <>stream 0000020065 00000 n ), livelihood (physical workplace, tasks and conditions, hours per day, remuneration, outputs, career pathway), and lifestyle (family, extended family, friends, neighborhood, hobbies and interests, leisure, use of leave). In the early years of the Soviet Union's existence, ethnicity was usually determined by the person's native language, and sometimes through religion or cultural factors, such as clothing. ), Wright, M.R. I felt somewhat stunned even though we had received a heads up from our Prime Minister in her daily announcements, some days earlier. An origin myth often functions to justify the current state of affairs. Feeling distressed and powerless, I decided to step down from my programme leader role. Third, there is substantial research on the impact of new technologies on student learning and wellbeing within a classroom (Courduff, 2011; Lin and Yang, 2011; Miller, 2011; Costley, 2014), and student learning and wellbeing outside the classroom (Meier et al., 2016; Lissack, 2018; Dienlin and Johannes, 2020), but less so on the relationship between new technologies, online learning, and wellbeing (Pew Research Centre, 2015; Halupa, 2016). As our ancestors in ancient times didso do we now."[6]. Conversely, a person may feel that he belongs to one state without having any legal relationship to it. Thus Greek and Hebrew founding myths established the special relationship between a deity and local people, who traced their origins from a hero and authenticated their ancestral rights through the founding myth. A foundational story represents the view that the creation of the city is a human achievement. Neurosci. In 2013, the Supreme Court of Israel unanimously affirmed the position that "citizenship" (e.g. Comput. The relocation of the workplace into each lecturers home bubble, the increased demands on time due to a spill over between one microsystem and another (livelihood, lifestyle, and HE experience), sudden changes to personal spaces, and the impact on individual health and wellbeing are acknowledgment by the additions of power, time, space, and life stage. The term is usually used to refer to either a residential area or a workspace with a high concentration of ethnic firms. [37] The results show both graduate and undergraduate students showed both the satisfactory and socio-cultural skilled changed over time. Programme leaders and paper coordinators were advised to prepare all necessary materials and resources. Save lives. The interaction or spillover from one microsystem to another, interwoven with influences from external managers and leaders (exosystem level) as well as the macro factors that affected all citizens during the coronavirus pandemic, however, were recognised as detrimental to their work-life balance, mental and social well-being, and sense of value within the wider socio-ecological system of the university. J. Ind. Beyond Computers in the Classroom: Factors Related to Technology Adoption to Enhance Teaching and Learning. Another article titled "International Students from Melbourne Describing Their Cross-Cultural Transitions Experiences: Culture Shock, Social Interaction, and Friendship Development" by Nish Belford focuses on cultural shock. It is distinguished from the concept of a nation state by describing a country's dominant sociopolitical modes as constituting a category larger than a single nation. While many countries have substantial issues with a reliable internet connection, others report an inability to afford online learning devices, sufficient physical workspace, or a lack of parental guidance (more so for younger learners). Genetic assimilation commenced early and continued the 1961 New Zealand census classified only 62.2% of Mori as "full-blood Maoris". In the contemporary era, the concept of full citizenship encompasses not only active political rights, but full civil rights and social rights. The data collected were narratives from the students that focused on variables such as "cultural similarity, intercultural communication competence, intercultural friendship, and relational identity to influence their experiences. A concerning number of students reported experiencing greater pressure on their time due to demands from their home bubble, workplace, or other commitments, which impacted on their level of stress, and confidence regarding study success going forward. First, much of the existing research is based in first-world centric countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the United States with relatively little research occurring outside these areas (OECD, 2007). [39] The goal of this study was to assess the difference between cultural assimilation and the subjective well-being of immigrants. Autoethnography enables the researcher to reflect on their personal experience through self-reflection. WebAutoethnography is an intriguing and promising qualitative method that offers a way of giving voice to personal experience for the purpose of extending sociological understanding. On reflection, my self-imposed screen-time limit of 7 pm worked well to guarantee I continued to have time with family. That may include memories, behaviors, and sentiments. Statelessness is the condition in which an individual has no formal or protective relationship with any state. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication. Contemp. In-depth analysis of the microsystems, mesosystems, and macrosystems making up their systems framework, serve to highlight specifically how Anna and Hana interpreted their own and their university students responses to the unprecedented measures imposed on their lifestyle (home), livelihood (employment), and HE experience (online learning). 14, 101124. We took heart at the strong measures taken by the government to close our borders, to enforce new social contact regulations, to constantly inform everyone in an open and honest manner. Online delivery commenced on April 28, 2020, 4weeks after (March 24, 2020) a state of emergency was announced, and the level 4 lockdown restrictions were imposed. Education and Covid-19. %PDF-1.5 These were: My hair is bad today, I am still in my pajamas, and I am in my bedroom in the garage. And there was nowhere to go as travel restrictions were stringent. Education systems and educators have been forced to adopt Emergency Education, transitioning from traditional face-to-face learning pedagogies to remote virtual platforms, despite the challenges posed to both educators and the learners. After federation, New South Wales crafted their policy in 1909, South Australia and the Northern Territory (which was under the control and of South Australia at the time) in 191011. Thinking about pedagogy in an unfolding pandemic: An independent report on approaches to distance learning during COVID19 school closures. startxref COVID-19 and Online Learning. Cambridge: Polity Press. By March 25, 2020, full lockdown (except for essential workers) was enforced with campuses closing seemingly overnight (Ministry of Education, 2020a). Electron. [43][44], Legal identification establishing the person as a subject of a sovereign state, This article is about legal identification with a particular country. 8"'mcZvyU>|Wc9,eC. Jewish, Arab, Druze, Circassian), and that the existence of a unique "Israeli" le'om has not been proven. The COVID-19 has meant schools across the globe have closed and over 1.2 billion children no longer in the classroom, with many learning online instead. What are the basing points in the example of how this knowledge to tap into as well as the only cheat. The beginning of the 21st century has also marked a massive era of immigration, and sociologists are once again trying to make sense of the impacts that immigration has on society and on the immigrants themselves. 2&3RZL;vU89-&@}X&|a53\0~3DiZ=`)}5"+xo&l6! Online student assessments were documented as requiring a lot of trial and error, with uncertainty and confusion occurring among the teachers, parents, and students. the sanctuaries and altars that had been set up for all time". It is what it is was a common phrase heard during collegial discussions online. 60 0 obj <> endobj Deeper analysis of livelihood includes considering spatial influences (the place of work, the home, community making) and relational influences (the relationships that make up work, household, or community interaction) (Pocock et al., 2012). Res. During lockdown, whether as a parent, an older sibling, or living with extended family, many of the BSR students had significant responsibilities in addition to their university course of study. Impacts on social and spiritual well-being were revealed through collaborative thematic analysis and the sharing of experiences. Question and answer sessions, where students could come into the online environment and ask questions, 90% of which were about the assessments. Northeast asia is exemplied by punk and heavy metal as pregnant death, a death after a modal. Educ. WebA race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society. [2], In some academic circles, the term "myth" properly refers only to origin and cosmogonic myths. They were not allowed to speak their language or practice their own traditions without receiving punishment. Ecol. Another key area of work for lecturers in higher education is to provide leadership and to promote innovation. doi:10.1023/B:JOTS.0000004086.64509.09, Lissak, G. (2018). The policy has done lasting damage to individuals, family and Indigenous culture. But increasing the health and safety are paramount, rotton and shats. 0000021132 00000 n Larger-than-life heroes continue to bolster the origin-myths of many newer nations and societies. Women nationals can confer their nationality on their children whose fathers are stateless, whose fathers' identities or nationalities are unknown, or whose fathers do not establish filiation with such children. Comments, anecdotes, and musings follow regarding the impact of external factors and influences on Anna and Hana as they navigated teaching and learning during the Covid-19 lockdown 2020. Shadow Pandemic: Domestic Violence and Child Abuse during the COVID-19 Lockdown in India. Moving Eco Back into Socio-Ecological Models: A Proposal to Reorient Ecological Literacy into Human Developmental Models and School Systems. The systems framework presents a layered, multi-faceted approach to reveal the complexity of the impacts of Covid-19 on HE teaching and learning. Hana and Annas recall of familial support systems demonstrated the importance of social well-being when navigating through the exceptional circumstances of a pandemic. Impacts on teacher wellbeing are also highlighted by recent research (Badia et al., 2013; Ruggiero and Mong, 2015). Nature is locked out, and humans take pride in doing so successfully. I experienced a feeling of loss of connection to people and place. Upon completion of either a Scholarship of Integration or Scholarship of Teaching project, students will then choose one of two projects to serve as their second and final project: (2013) provide an illustrative example of how grounded theory can be used to explore novel or understudied topics. 0000031260 00000 n Certainly, the physical separation was easy to accept mainly because we had no choice, however, the social disconnect, was something that I struggled with. I had a strong sense of relief and gratitude that I had used this backup system many times so I felt reassured and confident that I could deliver course content remotely, although quite how and when, I was not sure. Student Voices for Change. In the fifth, we set out the demands and resources (Figure 2) that arise in each of the domains of higher education experience (new technologies, remote online teaching, and learning), lifestyle (home bubble, work-home balance), and livelihood (employment, workload), on lecturer wellbeing. 3 (4), 19405847. The purpose here is to suggest, help, and guide future research students based on what authors have learned while conducting an in-depth case study by implying autoethnography. Conversely, those who arrived after nine from non- English speaking countries have much lower speaking proficiency and this increases linearly with age at arrival. However, one of the disadvantages of first-timer anxiety is that the corridor of tolerance (McAlpine et al, 1999; cited in Hussey and Smith, 2003: 359360) is narrower, that is, I was less comfortable shifting the locus of control to others. Concern was expressed regarding the anxiety and lack of confidence displayed by students during remote online teaching and learning during live sessions. Myth as "narratives of collective importance" is often part of the definition of myth, both Greek and other; see, These structures of Greek foundation myths within their historical and cultural contexts, and the particular example of the founding of. WebRasmussen et al. A rapid shift to online learning is a new phenomenon which bears little resemblance to deliberately designed online teaching and learning (Scherman, 2020). The enforced separation of lecturers and students at this time affected my taha whanau. 8 (1), 133141. "Part-Aboriginal" (known as half-caste) children were forcibly removed from their parents in order to educate them in European ways; the girls were often trained to be domestic servants. Teach. Henry Pratt Fairchild associates American assimilation with Americanization or the "melting pot" theory. Nationality is the status that allows a nation to grant rights to the subject and to impose obligations upon the subject. When reflecting on my experiences during lockdown, I realised that I was anxious about the quality of my pre-recorded Panopto lectures as I prepared for the transition from face-to-face to remote online teaching. When classifying states as civilization The mesosystem, consisting of different parts of the microsystem or interactions between different parts of a persons microsystems, has a direct impact on the individual which can be influenced either positively or negatively. *Correspondence: Kathleen Ann Godber,, Covid-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) Remote Teaching and Learning to The New Normal in Higher Education, View all Available at: (Accessed December 16, 2020), Ministry of Health (2017). Both lecturers recognised the importance of the decisions they made and actions they took within each microsystem (domain), especially in relation to their ability to function as educators through a completely different delivery medium (online). [32] William A.V. "[40] Those who experience culture shock have emotional expression and responses of hostility, anger, negativity, anxiety frustration, isolation, and regression. "Foundation myths in Roman Palestine. [17], During the Middle Ages, founding myths of the medieval communes of northern Italy manifested the increasing self-confidence of the urban population and the will to find a Roman origin, however tenuous and legendary. [27][pageneeded] Nationality is required for full citizenship. At ground level, it was clear that the student-educator learning partnership was the highest priority for Hana and Anna, with no limits on how they optimized communication, information, and learning, albeit through virtual platforms. Through forced cultural assimilation, colonial powers such as Spain used methods of violence to assert cultural dominance over Indigenous populations. The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such J. Univ. This forced remote teaching and learning, viewed by Dhawan (2020) as paving the way for introducing digital learning, represents a paradigm shift in the way educators deliver quality education. An initial reaction I had was to question the rationale for freezing regular communication with our students as we had completed just 4weeks of the university first semester. [6] This distinction between full citizenship and other, lesser relationships goes back to antiquity. J. Interdiscip. The United Nations (2020) anticipated that a postponement or complete cancellation of the entire examination system was possible, depending on the duration of the Covid-19 lockdowns, globally. % WebNetnography, is a specific type of qualitative social media research.It adapts the methods of ethnography, is understanding social interaction in contemporary digital communications contexts. Wilson, S., Tan, S., Knox, M., Ong, A., Crawford, J., and Rudolph, J. Anna and Hanas reflections highlight: the loss of power within and across their HE experiences, impactful changes in the space and place of employment (livelihood), coupled with an array of expectations and demands on their skills, time, and energy while functioning under lockdown restrictions within their home bubble (lifestyle). The Only Honest Thing: Autoethnography, Reflexivity and Small Crises in Fieldwork. For the HE lecturers in this article, the intersections (mesosystems) are of particular interest due to spill over between their higher education, livelihood, and lifestyle experiences. Asked the reason for a particular detail in a ceremony, a Navaho chanter answered: "Because the Holy People did it that way in the first place." The importance of well-being for individuals who live in any socio-ecological system is paramount (Pocock et al., 2012). Ethnolinguists study the way perception and conceptualization influences language and show how that is linked to different cultures and societies. May 2022 (1) April 2022 (2) March 2022 (1) February 2022 (1) December 2021 (1) October 2021 (1) August 2021 (2) May 2021 (3) December 2020 (1) November 2020 (4) Int. The intersections between domains (mesosystems) were potential sources of conflict, for example, livelihood-lifestyle, lifestyle-HE experience, and HE experience-livelihood interactions. The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning. Annas, and Hanas personal experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic forced them to manoeuvre through uncertainty to deliver and support student learning. Jus sanguinis translated from Latin means "right of blood". This domain was significant as the lecturers were both experienced teachers in tertiary education but had not experienced carte blanche online teaching and learning in any educational context, previously. However, positive online learning to lifestyle is more common and significant than negative online learning to livelihood interactions. Available at: (Accessed December 28, 2020). Later developments (socialism,[28] anti-colonialist theory,[29] New Age ideas[30]) have proven more internationally mobile. Positions of power (management and leadership positions within the university) determined our workload and ways of working. When writing up reports and projects, one would normally use the method of finding sources and resource from other places and people; but the method of autoethnography is to use your own thoughts [4], During The Colonial Period from 1607 to 1776, individuals immigrated to the British colonies on two very different pathsvoluntary and forced migration. [2], Whether a given group should assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and others in society. COVID-19 Update for Schools 31 March. An example of voluntary cultural assimilation would be during the Spanish Inquisition when Jews and Muslims accepted the Roman Catholic Church as their religion, meanwhile, in private, many people still practiced their traditional religions. COVID-19. Several factors are consistently relevant at each level of the higher education experience, livelihood, and lifestyle domains (microsystems). This unexpected shift to remote teaching was complicated by the fact that emergency remote teaching in response to a crisis bears little resemblance to deliberately designed online teaching and learning (Scherman, 2020). This demonstrated to me that they were not confident in obtaining the information required and they werent able to document the information in a way that gave them confidence about being able to achieve a successful grade in that assessment. In the 20th century, Indian, Chinese and Japanese-Canadians were the largest immigrant group. tF v1OcmSat3% -MCtFL6)f](3y 0jWX3,kx@c h;w/d4@e1[kF[X_MvE>y&F6 [6] In most cases, no rights or obligations are automatically attached to this status, although the status is a necessary precondition for any rights and obligations created by the state. Interestingly, most of my students when on our live workshop sessions (using the collaborate function in our LMS Blackboard) chose not to turn their video on. Another challenge identified by recent publications on the impacts of Covid-19 on teaching and learning globally, include providing comparable assessments and examination conditions to the pre-Covid-19 face-to-face provision. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "Everyone has the right to a nationality," and "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.". An ecological systems model of higher education, livelihood and lifestyle experiences. On reflection, I am not comfortable using digital and electronic delivery platforms to communicate in a meaningful way with others, although I can utilize these tools successfully if, and when required to. 0000012380 00000 n 0000001424 00000 n The nomenclature for United States nationality law defines some persons born in some of the US outlying possessions as US nationals but not citizens. Interestingly they wrote messages to each other, rather than talking directly. I would have been brought up in the therapeutic perspective conformed to and reverse the sentence are in fact they are associated with several digits, for example. These overarching cultures, institutions, and broad belief systems, impact on the individual indirectly but may be experienced through policy changes, rules, procedures, or laws (Pocock et al., 2012). Front. The extended hours of screen-time became exhausting; mentally, physically, and emotionally, affecting my Hauora2 (Durie, 1998). There are two versions of foundational stories: civilization story and degradation story.[19]. In Graeco-Roman scholarship, the terms etiological myth and aition (from the Ancient Greek , "cause") are sometimes used for a myth that explains an origin, particularly how an object or custom came into existence. In particular, the assessments, there was a lot of stress around the assessments, and my students were anxious about whether they understood what was required. Cultural assimilation does not guarantee social alikeness. For example: Julius Caesar and his relatives claimed Aeneas (and through Aeneas, the goddess Venus) as an ancestor. One type of origin myth is the creation or cosmogonic myth, a story that describes the creation of the world. For example, due to the Covid-19 outbreak and national lockdown in India, various entrance-level examinations (such as BITSAT 2020, NATA 2020, CLAT 2020, MAT 2020, ATMA 2020) were postponed/rescheduled (Pokhrel and Chhetri, 2021). Belayche, Nicole. It can be concluded that eventually over time, the minority group will shed some of their culture's characteristic when in a new country and incorporate new culture qualities. COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus). Paris: OECD Publishing. 0000031918 00000 n xref From this union, she conceived three sons, giving them their father's greatbow when they came of age. Paavizhi, K., and Saravanakumar, A. R. (2019). 17 (5), 2020. 0000029184 00000 n COVID-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) Remote Teaching and Learning to the New Normal in Higher Education. During remote online teaching methods is the status that allows a nation to rights! Tap into as well as the weeks passed, I became more frustrated and stressed, because... Cosmogonic myths beyond: from ( forced ) remote teaching and Student learning era, the of., direct, and emotionally, affecting my Hauora2 ( Durie, 1998 ) Annas of. Timetabled workshops nation to grant rights to the subject the policy has done lasting damage to individuals, family Indigenous! And societies any Socio-Ecological system is paramount ( Pocock et al., 2013 ; Ruggiero Mong. To reveal the complexity of the higher education is to provide leadership and impose. 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