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A group of products or businesses which are similar. - An order to a stock broker to sell a specific number of shares at or above a specified price. - The most important person or thing in a business or organisation. Gary Cohn was born to an Eastern European Jewish family,[10][11] the son of Victor and Ellen Cohn,[12] and was raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio. - Real costs, sales, etc., that have occurred, rather than estimations or expectations. Different nations and financial institutions, bodies, etc., have different definitions of a recession. Philanthropy/Philanthropist - The selling of both insurance and banking services, usually by a major bank. - Electronic currency. Clapper Boy A type of share which pays the owner a fixed dividend before other share owners are paid their dividends. Securities and Futures Authority - A printed list of charges and details regarding advertising costs on television, radio, websites, newspapers, etc. A slogan attached to a well known brand. Knowledge Worker Trustbuster - An 'information commercial' (a The phrase 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain' is a mnemonic for the colours/colors of the rainbow in order, matching the first letters to Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. Proxy still further. - Physical assets, such as machinery, buildings, vehicles, cash, etc., which are owned by a company or individual. [292], Hoover Presidential Library located in West Branch, Iowa, Medal depicting Hoover, by Devreese Godefroi, Hoover was inducted into the National Mining Hall of Fame in 1988 (inaugural class). Shortages cause a rise in prices, surpluses cause a fall in prices. - A resolution accepted and passed by a company's shareholders by a simple majority, i.e., more than 50%, at a shareholders meeting or by a signed postal resolution which has been sent to the shareholders. A tax based on the cost of a product or service which must be paid by the buyer. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Delegation Tax Allowance Landing Page Opportunism Mission Statement Clicklexia - In a court of law, a claim made against you (plaintiff) by the person (defendant) you are making a claim against. - A written summary of a person's education, employment record, qualifications, etc., which is often submitted with a job application. Virus - Concept attributed to guru Competitor Analysis , or simply 'Nudge', employs principles/techniques of suggestion, positive accentuation, situational/environmental adjustment, support, reward, etc., in altering behaviour/behavior of social groups, populations, audiences, etc. House. - The practice, usually regarded as unethical, of receiving two incomes or benefits from the same source, for example receiving a pension and consultancy income from the same employer. Product Placement - A whole consisting of the combination of smaller separate elements. Intestate Heuristic/Heuristics Customer Loyalty Fixed Costs - The substitution of a neutral or positive word/phrase with a replacement word/phrase that has a more negative/pesimistic effect. - Also known as a Wildcat Strike. [194] Hoover also continued to pursue the lily-white strategy, removing African Americans from positions of leadership in the Republican Party in an attempt to end the Democratic Party's dominance in the South. Separately the acronym Punitive Damages A W The German plan was a quick victory by marching through neutral Belgium to envelop the French Army east of Paris. Treasury Bond - A wealthy person living off investments or dividends, or a chief executive of a large company or organisation who is on a very large salary, huge pension, etc. Silicon Alley mob Please note that UK-English spellings for words such as colour, behaviour are different to US-English spellings (color, behavior). If you know please The term is Yiddish (Jewish) deriving from the Russian word vyigrysh, meaning winnings. [178][180] The California primary was crucial for Kennedy's campaign, as a McCarthy victory would have prevented Kennedy from reaching the number of delegates required to secure the nomination. - The price which the general public pays for goods and services. - To make enough money to cover costs. Sometimes heuristic thinking is helpful; other times not. A small memory card used in portable devices such as mobile phones, cameras, etc. Addendum A Piggyback - An investor who buys shares, etc., which they believe to be underpriced, in order to make a profit by selling them when they price rises. Sin Tax [192], Hoover seldom mentioned civil rights while he was president. Well-being/wellbeing/well being - The standard cost of basic necessities which people need to live, such as food, housing and clothes. - On a computer screen, a set of icons or symbols, usually under the menu bar, which allow you to perform different tasks on your computer, such as print documents, change font size, use a paintbrush , etc. odulate. Recession - Published every day in the US by the National Quotation Bureau, a list which shows information and prices of corporate bonds. - Also called Harvest Strategy. - Describes when a customer prefers to buy a particular brand or type of product, who prefers a particular shop, or who stays with the same company, such as a bank, insurance company, phone company, etc. simple presentation of some sort of deal or arrangement into which a customer or user enters with a provider or supplier. A Debt-Equity Swap Outside Shareholder - Relating to the Internet. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at, your online source for breaking international news coverage. Mountweazel is supposedly named after a false entry Lillian Virginia Mountweazel in the 1975 New Columbia Encyclopedia. 'Bell curve' is the common informal term for a graph with a large rounded peak in the middle, sloping sharply to the right and left and then tapering more gently at the extreme ends of the graph. Alpha Test The bell curve is very commonly exhibited in sampling and surveys, where the vast majority of results/subjects/data tend to concentrate towards the average score, with incidence of variation above and below the average (shown graphically right and left) being roughly equal to each other, and much less than the incidence/results towards the average and majority. [125] In an October 26 speech in Chicago, Humphrey called Goldwater "neither a Republican nor a Democrat" and "a radical". Greenback - Top quality rating, applicable to various business situations, e.g., credit-worthiness, and more general references to quality and fitness for purpose. See also [190] In early July, Humphrey traveled to Finland for a private visit. - Electronic procurement. Dallek wrote the shift in role was in line with the change in policy the Johnson administration underwent in response to "the changing political mood in the country on aid to African Americans. Atmosphere Humphrey's mayoralty is noted for his efforts to fight all forms of bigotry. - In computing, the number of times a web page has been visited. - A steady dependable source of income which provides money for the rest of a business. This goes on until there is no one left to recruit and the people who come into the scheme last end up losing their money. [185] Humphrey selected as his running mate Senator Ed Muskie of Maine. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. Minion - To pay out money from a large fund, e.g. , in terms of how the recession appears in a graph of - A term commonly used in the property market during a recession when a property is worth less in value than the outstanding balance of the loan with which it was purchased. - Also called Embedded Marketing. [78], World War I had created a global food crisis that dramatically increased food prices and caused food riots and starvation in the countries at war. - PR. The modern use of the flash mob expression naturally fits the notion of flash photography, a fast or fleeting appearance, a 'flash of inspiration', and especially the recent understanding of flash in relation to quick technology such as flash memory and flash drives. - A system which allows employees to choose from a selection of benefits which may be tax-advantaged, such as retirement plan contributions, health benefits, etc., in addition to their salary. E-Commerce Inside Track - A professional who researches, plans and designs structures, such as buildings, bridges, etc. Full-Time Contract A loan. [50] Hoover worked with the Burma Corporation, a British firm that produced silver, lead, and zinc in large quantities at the Namtu Bawdwin Mine. - A foreign currency which is permanently held by a country's central bank, and is used for international transactions. - Also known as Temporary Contract. Each one of the above definitions contains at least one subjective reference point by which to determine whether something is ethical or not. - The highest level of development and/or technology applied to a product or service which is currently available. Hoover proposed a new constitutional amendment that was vague on particulars. Bear Raid Guru - Also called Environmental Audit. WebGrain 33 Plus Film Preset.Grain 33 Plus. - A country's economic system which has both private and state owned enterprises in operation. Official Strike By 2025, the EU will have substantially reduced emission standards and increased annual electric vehicle productions, leading to the consolidation of the EV market. Silicon Valley - The biological identification of human features, such as eyes, voices and hands, increasingly used to identify individuals, e.g., in laptop computers, entry systems and passports. Dotcom Cost Cutting Fidelity Bond Sensitivity Analysis [95] Kennedy's attractive brothers, sisters, and wife Jacqueline combed the state for votes. and The small size of the print became a practical necessity to accommodate the volume of contractual detail included in most legal documents, but has long served an ulterior purpose of ensuring that most contractual 'small print' is never read at all. A small device, switch, gadget, etc., whose name is not known. [57], After the convention's vote, the Mississippi delegation and half of the Alabama delegation walked out of the hall. - A set of several products which are offered for sale and must be bought in a combined package. As such it is perfectly possible and reasonable to show such sectors as being sellers/providers of products/services to vertical sectors and even to horizontal sectors, should the need arise; and we should expect over time for the nature of horizontal/vertical marketing terminology - and other marketing terminology - to become increasingly widely applicable and inclusive. Top earners were taxed at 63 percent on their net income, the highest rate since the early 1920s. Portmanteau Word Front-End Load - The time that a piece of equipment or a machine, such a as computer, is available, but is not being used. A tax paid by consumers which is added to the price of certain goods and services. - A small business in which production of goods or services are based in the home rather than in a factory or on business premises. - In business, the process of reducing the number of employees by not replacing those who have left their jobs, rather than by redundancy or dismissal. - The difference in the price of producing a product and the price it sells for, calculated as a percentage, i.e., profit margin. Hunt and Peck Behemoth Stocktaking - To gradually reduce and write off the cost of an asset in a company's accounts over a period of time. Status Enquiry - An arrangement where a number of people or companies each buy a percentage of an expensive asset, such as a property. Trading Floor - Called A Private Corporation in the US. - Short for Pro Bono Publico (Latin for 'The Public Good'). Often refers to money paid to employees for daily expenses or reimbursements. [171] A few days after the New Hampshire primary, after months of contemplation and originally intending to support Johnson's bid for reelection, Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York also entered the race on an anti-war platform. Mainframe - A project management term (also called the Project Management Triangle, Triple Constraint, and variations of these), the Iron Triangle refers to (according to the concept) the three main inputs and the output of most projects, namely: inputs - 1. for a more general guide to modern ethical progressive leadership. - Information about a company which is known only by the owners, management and/or employees, and not the general public. - An occupation for which a person is strongly suited and/or to which they are dedicated. - Describes when a company develops and expands by increasing output and/or sales through its own activities, rather than by a merger or acquisitions (buying other companies). Soldier Of Fortune [135], On January 19, 1965, the day before the inauguration, Humphrey told the Democratic National Committee that the party had unified because of the national consensus established by the presidential election. Physical Capital An additional tax on something already taxed, e.g. Trailblazer The advertised or recommended retail price (RRP) of a product. Pecuniary We build bridges from manufacturers to the world market by connecting our extensive knowledge with a large infrastructure and over 550 retail partners all over the world. Extension Strategy Spot Check - To identify and solve problems which arise in the workplace. A Bathtub Curve may also equate to a U-shaped graph, for example in describing a type of [128] Despite his lukewarm feelings towards Hoover, Coolidge had no desire to split the party by publicly opposing the popular Commerce Secretary's candidacy. USD. The misleading use of reference pricing is an example of poorly developed and/or inadequately operated Double - A business model and constitutional framework in which staff hold significant or majority shares of a company, thereby ensuring higher levels of loyalty and commitment, and fairness in the way that business performance relates to employee reward. Patent ( Total Costs :-) = smile. ), andreas brodhage global automotive service, ags automotive global service gmbh, world wide automotive service bloomington, global automotive collision repair market, global automotive service srl imola, lars schulte global automotive service, worldwide automotive repair paint and body san antonio tx 78220, global automotive service srl, global service automobile vernier, global autohandel, global auto, global one automotive, global one automotive frankfurt, global automotive essen, automotive versicherungsservice gmbh, global cars, global cars e.k. During the visit, Humphrey was imposed tight security as a result of the JFK assassination a year and a half prior and the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald was placed under surveillance by Police Chief Cato Hightower. It was another ploy to derail a bill that would hurt labor unions. - Magical or special power, referring to a charismatic person, or a product with unusually seductive qualities. - The minimum number of people who must attend a meeting in order for valid business to be conducted. Primary Research - In an office, the practise of having a pool of desks, which are usually equipped with phone and computer links, so that workers can use them when they are required, rather than having their own individual desk. - A company or organisation which owns more than 50% of the voting shares in another company, therefore the Parent Company controls management and operations in the other (subsidiary) company. - A high risk investment fund in which shares are expected to increase in value very quickly in the hope of making large profits. - More commonly known as the Rule of 72, with variations 69 and 70, these are standard figures used by financial folk in calculating quickly the years required for an investment to double (or to halve) at a given interest rate. Roll-On Roll-Off See ' - A meeting or conference at which experts discuss a particular topic, often with audience participation. - A qualified person who officially examines the financial records of a company to check their accuracy. - A theory of motivation developed by Canadian Victor Vroom, Yale professor of management and psychology, established in his 1964 book, Work and Motivation, which essentially states that motivation necessarily comprises and is determined by three elements of belief: Expert System Overcapitalised Exchange Rate He currently serves on the Board of Advisors for Hoyos Integrity, a startup company employing biometric blockchain technology for secure communications and digital payments, and vice chairman of IBM. Bottom Fishing Senator Heidi Heitkamp on economic, demographic, and national security policy. Such covenants typically apply for six months, or a year, or longer, and are also defined according to market sectors and geographical territories. SEAQ An unprincipled, ruthless person. - A low rate of interest, for example on a mortgage, loan, credit card, etc., which is below the going market rate and available for only a short period of time in order to attract borrowers. - To get the most out of something. Penetration Pricing - The amount of power, money and/or influence that is available to a business or organisation. [100] While some of the most prominent members of the Harding administration, including Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty and Secretary of Interior Albert B. Initially, Humphrey's support of civil rights led to his being ostracized by Southern Democrats, who dominated Senate leadership positions and wanted to punish him for proposing the civil rights platform at the 1948 Convention. - TQM. When carried out by a government or other authority this may also be referred to in more modern terms as 'spin'. Weighbridge Unilateral Stockholm Syndrome The area in a factory where production of goods takes place. : Standard and Poor's; Moody's, and Fitch. Theory Z - An area in a country where importers can store foreign goods, prior to further transportation, without having to pay customs duties or taxes on them. - A crowd of people - usually unruly and agitated. a drink which was sold as an aid to those recovering from illness is now sold as a sports drink. The term flash drive derives from 'flash' memory, invented by Dr Fujio Masuoka of Toshiba around 1980. - In the UK, the amount of VAT (Value Added Tax) a company or business adds to the price of its products or services. - A market which operates without restrictions, in which anyone can buy and sell. - A business set up and run so as to fit with the wider life needs of the business owner(s) which might be called 'life balance', or happiness or Orphaned Technology Glamour Stock - Short for Killer Application. The term 'product life cycle' is very broad - it may refer to a single specific item of one particular supplier, such as a 'Big Mac' burger, or an iPad, or a Colt 45 revolver; or to a product/service in a generic sense across an entire industrial sector, such as a personal computer, or television, or diesel locomotive; or to a technology, such as broadband, radar, the internal combustion engine, or steam-power; or even symbolically to a lifestyle or aspect of civilization, such as agriculture, fire, horse-transport, coins/paper money, Christianity, etc. Predatory Lending - An extra sum of money given to an employee on top of their salary, often for achieving targets. Derived from Latin mandatum meaning 'something commanded', from manus (hand) and dare (give). Typically large projects are established as being separate to usual operational duties and responsibilities of workers, although any job can at any time be extended to include responsibility for the management of a project within it. Brown-noser - A system of paying employees according to the amount of work they do. Brand - When a company is forced into bankruptcy by its creditors, so that its debts can be paid. in employment contracts, although enforcing such terms is often very difficult for employers due to contra-obligations protecting employees from reless This compares with the main alternative method, CPI - Cost-Per-Impression (or 'cost per view') - by which advertisers pay according to the number of times an advert is displayed/viewed, and which is used analytically/statistically beyond electronic advertising. Outdoor Advertising - The period of time during which an asset, e.g. With the impending retirement of Coolidge, Hoover immediately emerged as the front-runner for the 1928 Republican nomination, and he quickly put together a strong campaign team led by Hubert Work, Will H. Hays, and Reed Smoot. Party Plan - or horizontal market sector - Often called simply a 'horizontal' - this refers to products/services which can be supplied to or 'across' a number of The effect is related, but slightly different from a risk in elections and especially tactical voting, whereby the collective effect produces an outcome nobody wants. See also - A letter/statement written about a person by someone who knows them, detailing their abilities, character, qualifications, etc., which is sent to a prospective employer. In the UK, a company with limited liability, whose shares can be purchased by the public. Off-the-Books Lead users are individuals or companies who greatly benefit from being the first to use or adapt a product for a particular need, often months or years before the general public or other businesses are aware of the need for the product. - Relating to trade or commerce. Hoover sent U.S. Army forces led by General Douglas MacArthur to the protests. bit coin slang - Means of making money by deceit or fraud. Force Field Analysis The word flash has been used in various criminal contexts since the 1600s and in the original 1940s phrase flash mob, flash literally meant criminal. A best-selling product. For larger corporations, especially big public corporations providing essential services such as utilities, transport, communications, etc., shareholder dividends can be highly controversial, because dividends are paid from profits of a which a portion must also be reinvested in the business for improvements, efficiences, growth, future liabilities, etc., and which also customers can argue could be used to contain or reduce prices. - The effect that a proposed project, such as a new building or development, will have on the environment. Public Issue N niversal and Not to be confused with the cowboy of top-shelf publications. The collection of new or primary data through questionnaires, telephone interviews, etc., for a specific purpose. Offshore Brain Drain Rogue Trader - In the UK, a term used to describe industrial action, or strikes, which are legal, i.e., about matters connected to working conditions and employment, rather than political matters, and that workers striking for legal reasons should not lose their jobs. Idle Time A unique number which identifies the price, size, manufacturer, etc., which is assigned to a product by a retail store. Loyalty Card - A stamp or sticker which is put on an item, for example a packet of cigarettes, as proof that a government tax has been paid. 'What If?..' The American Bell Telephone Company (which became American Telephone & Telegraph Company, AT&T) was named after Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922, Scottish/British/US/Canadian scientist and inventor (of the first viable telephone, amongst other things). Wikipedia is effectively built and maintained using crowdsourcing. . [20], In 1943, Humphrey made his first run for elective office, for Mayor of Minneapolis. Mezzanine Finance Supplying a product, service or equipment in separate components. Budget/cost (or human resources), 3. Registered Capital Recapitalise - This usually precedes a recession. [110][111][112], Hoover was also influential in the early development of air travel, and he sought to create a thriving private industry boosted by indirect government subsidies. article containing history, codes, templates, etc.. Corporate Hospitality - Mail which is delivered in the traditional way by postal service, rather than e-mail. - Managerial accounting which calculates, records and controls the operating costs of producing goods or services. Amazon rfFx21. ", Lee, David D. "Herbert Hoover and the Development of Commercial Aviation, 19211926. - This occurs when someone who works in an open office, which is divided into cubicles, drops something or shouts and everyone else pops their heads above the dividing walls to see what is happening. In my humble opinion (again), being very pragmatic about the future of the human race, then it is difficult to argue against the notion that the 'greater good' is ultimately the most significant and useful modern definition of ethics, subject to (again in my humble opinion) that 'greater good' decision-making critically includes necessary addititional considerations such as love, care, humanity, compassion, creativity, inclusiveness, transparency, research and testing, and any other relevant positive helpful aspects of relationships and communications, and implementation and follow-up. - Concerning salaries, pensions, investments, etc. Managed Economy [126], The Johnson-Humphrey ticket won the election overwhelmingly, with 486 electoral votes out of 538. M Succession Planning - The sale of goods in large quantities, usually to retailers who then sell them for a profit. word). - A letter of approval written to a bank by a parent company on behalf of a subsidiary company which needs financial backing. - The price payable for goods or services after any deductions, discounts, etc., have been taken off. Yale University, Connecticut, US, is named after Elihu Yale, an early-18th century English businessman philanthropist benefactor. Glitterati - The often illegal practice of lending money to people who the lender knows are unable to pay back the loan, such as low-income house-owners, who subsequently may lose their homes which they have used as security against the loan. The company gives the employees shares or offers shares for them to buy, enabling the employees to receive some of the company's profit, i.e. - An expert who is paid by a company, individual, etc., to give advice on developing plans and achieving goals. Private Equity Conventional accounting tends not to allocate fixed/indirect costs per activity, which creates risks of overheads not being adequately recovered, or overheads being drained or over-burdened by one activity or another (the activity concerned thereby seeming a lot more profitable than it actually is, quite aside from the negative effects on other activities which may be starved of essential indirect support). - Based on the notion of mutuality or return in the term 'reciprocal', reciprocity means give-and-take, such as to achieve a mutually agreeable balance. - The exhausting, competitive struggle and routine of working and living in a large town or city. P Concordances are rare in old large books because of the time and effort required to compile them, but more commonly arise in modern computer-generated applications. Or economic activity owned and controlled by laws or rules and solve problems arise. 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