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interviews with people who met hitler

We must uproot the canker of Marxism. I have a long list of questions already, but I know you will have some good questions for me to ask him. These Men Worked With Hitler. Ronen Israelski's father, a Holocaust survivor, met Hitler in the year 1934. Both have an ancient culture. People Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Showing one featured edition. He met all these characters. But he is determined not to permit Bolshevism to take root in Germany.". Parliamentary majorities fluctuate with the mood of the moment. We make the mistake of applying arithmetic and the mechanics of the economic world to the living state. "Eva Braun's head was resting on Hitler's shoulder, she was wearing a chiffon dress, she was dead but there was no sign of violence on her body, she died of poison. We must decapitate both. Our German workers, Hitler said, have two souls. Sending the Luftwaffe to fight England and then stopping is an error that is commonly known. On April 30 Hitler committed suicide, along with Eva Braun, whom he had just married. His dark hair betrays some alpine ancestor. You see some of the younger staff members,you see some of the older staff members. I was hoping to get some input as to what to ask this man. He was apparently a little sympathetic to the Third Reich, and wrote of the concentration camps: "We want a greater Germany uniting all German tribes. We have lunched and dine together, especially in the early years of his tireless campaign to save Germany. . All Germany, including Bavaria, is condemned to intensive industrialism by the smallness of our territory. She was not allowed to speak up not disclose anything within the doors to the public, in the year 2017 she in an interview discussed her experience and life. We are not Internationalists. It centers around Hitler interviewing various people, such as his generals and other political leaders. Traudl Junge - Hitler's secretary, whose memoirs provided the inspiration for the Oscar-nominated film Downfall, and who gave numerous interviews to journalists and historians - died in 2002. Recently, I've noticed an interesting trend - a handful of mediums and sitters bringing through celebrities, historical figures and infamous people from the past and present for the purpose of an afterlife interview. I had the opportunity to make a primetime PBS television documentary special on Adolph Hitler. VIERECK: Mussolini said the same to me. The Baltic is necessarily a German lake. It gives you a better sense of the physical dynamic of what was going on in the bunker. [Asked, "What would you do with the Jew? The interview appears here as it was republished in Liberty magazine in July 1932. This took me by surprise; I had always thought that mediums could only make a connection with spirits who have an emotional connection The issue that confronts us is one between Jew and Aryan. Hamsun's meeting with Adolf Hitler October 13, 2014 A controversial meeting between Norwegian author and Nobel laureate Knut Hamsun and Adolf Hitler in June 1943 is the subject of a new book published in Norway this autumn. Our constructive forces are checked by the tyranny of numbers. Alfons Heck recalls how he became a high-ranking member of the Hitler Youth. We wish to purge ourselves from the Jews not because they are Jews, but because they are a disturbing influence. Kaltenborn went over with the . Hilyer . A few details stood out to me from the interviews. Whoever states anything to the contrary is lying deliberately for some purpose. He talks about the importance of peer pressure and propaganda to Hitler's ability to recruit eight million German children to participate in the "war effort." Last Updated: April 11, 2022. There was a time when we could have shared the world with England. of the Nazi Party from 1940-1945, discusses the events and people in Hitler's bunker during the . Adolf Hitler drained his cup as if it contained not tea but the lifeblood of Bolshevism. Incidentally, no deed of violence against Jews is on record in Bavaria. I met Hitler not in his headquarters, the Brown House in Munich, but in a private home - the dwelling of a former admiral of the German Navy. There was a time when we could have shared world dominion with England. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows - at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example - as many as traffic allows. From RareHistoricalPhotos: Although Adolf Hitler claimed the Germans were of a superior Aryan race of white, tall, blonde hair, blue eyed individuals, he himself was of modest height, blue-eyed, and brown-haired. Surely cognizant of the dangers of the U.S. entering the war now that his armies had swept through the Low Countries and into Paris, he encouraged the Americans not to get involved in another European conflict, as they had in 1917-18: At no time has Germany had any territorial or political interest in the American Continent, Hitler declared. But our salvation can start in the smallest corner. Constant interviews. King George took pics with Hitler. They tried to eliminate all trace of him, or at least make his body unusable for propaganda purposes. This is no less true of the individual. We dont know if it came back, or was just thrown out by them eventually. Aisha (@aishamusic) March 8, 2021 Mistake #3: We think that the people we meet are as easy to read as the actors on Friends. yet she has a secret story in her past. I'm furious and want to fly to Hitler. While the world might not yet have grasped the full extent of Hitlers madness, he was without question a force to be reckoned with at least in Europe. The collection was given by the Musmanno family to Duquesne in 1980. We spoke with White about the interviews. 0 Ratings 3 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; Unmasked: two confidential interviews with Hitler in 1931. The camera's bird's view shows us Berlin, the city long recovered but still haunted by the memory of a man and a regime that shook the core of who we are. For what it's worth, his claim later in the interview to have have been descended from U.S. Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles appears not to have been the case. In an August 1932 piece, von Wiegand would write: I have known Hitler for 10 or 11 years. "In my scheme of the German state, there will be no room for the alien, no use for the wastrel, for the usurer or speculator, or anyone incapable of productive work.". Moral and physical health are synonymous." Openly it was declared and printed in London that national socialism must be destroyed, that Germany must be able to be broken up, utterly disarmed and made powerless. Eisenhower compared the erectile dysfunction treatment pills actual situation and herbal remedies for penile enlargement combat capabilities of the young men sent high rise male enhancement pills to him. Ten million free Germans, ready to perish so that their country may live, are more potent than 50 million whose will power is paralyzed and whose race consciousness is infected by aliens. Hitler himself is not a purely Germanic type. Hyderabad (/ h a d r b d / HY-dr--bad; Telugu: [adarabad], Urdu: [dabad]) is the capital and largest city of the Indian state of Telangana and the de jure capital of Andhra Pradesh. He must have a roof over his head before he can indulge in more ambitious plans. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. The two would meet again periodically over the years as Hitler consolidated his power. Melissa Wiley The physical papers in the collection were mostly processed by the mid-to-early 2000s. We are like a consumptive, who does not realize that he is doomed unless he expels the microbes from his lungs. Cookie Policy While the Musmanno collection, comprising 1,000 linear feet of photographs, papers and artifacts,came to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh several yearsafter the judge'sdeath, the recordings remained inaccessible until the mid-2000s, around the time that Thomas White, Duquesne'sarchivist and curator of special collections, began working at the school. Some of it he sent to California to be stored in a Hollywood facility at a film company, and nobody knows what happened to it. It was like: What was that like to have met these people, when you didn't know how all this would turn . No one, not even the Jews, can deny our honesty of purpose. As 60 photos. These musings came after von Wiegand began the column by quoting an unnamed American magazine writer who had recently met Hitler for the first time appraising the Austrians startling insignificance. While von Wiegand could not quite get a feel for Hitlers full potential or the scope of his intentions he felt confident enough to disagree with his colleagues assessment. We are not internationalists. Copies of the taped interviews and transcripts are available for viewing at Duquesne's Gumberg Library, and digitized versions of the transcripts are availableonline. Hitler, who was calm throughout, would ask and then answer his own questions but with a loud voice. We might have called ourselves the Liberty Party. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. He described their encounter in a large chateau that had been requisitioned as the headquarters for a German division commander: With portraits of Belgian and French beauties of days that will never return looking down at us, we sat in the drawing room.. The interview was conducted in 1948 by American judge, Michael Musmanno. It involves how Hitler lost World War II. Germany has been living in a veritable blizzard of national, moral, and economic catastrophes. a transcript, be it an interview in a newspaper, something. Europe for Europeans.. Who discovered the recordings and how did they come to Duquesne? And that, I am convinced, will not be done by me but by their own people.. At one point, I didnt know which canisters they were or which batch of film they were a part of. To us state and race are one. The body politic must be sound if the soul is to be healthy. In their own words, they will tell you what happened to the Fhrer of Germany.". They also feel inadequate and are hypersensitive to rejection. Catch the premiere ofSmithsonian Channel's "The Day Hitler Died"on Monday, November 16, at 8 p.m.ET/PT. Both are an ancient people. Communism is not Socialism. [Even if he is born in Germany, because] birth in itself is no sufficient qualification for citizenship. Nothing. "It does not matter," Hitler, thoroughly aroused, retorted, "how many square miles the enemy may occupy if the national spirit is aroused. Interview with Hitler's pilot in WBU archives. Decent Jews will realize that it is necessary for us to protect the integrity of our race. ", "Unlike some German militarists, you do not favor an alliance with Soviet Russia?". He may even look upon an alliance with Bolshevism as his last card, if he is in danger of losing the game. Our Socialism is national. His "answers" to WCBC talk-show host Ogre Winfield's questions are mostly based upon an extensive and careful reading of his writings and speeches from 1921-1945, as well a Musmanno and several other interviewers conducted personal interviews with Hitler's secretaries, his dentist, many of the top Reich generals, and other persons who knew of or about Hitler, or was near Hitler in the days leading up to his suicide. Marxism is not Socialism. 2022 Smithsonian Magazine Today he could no longer pass unrecognized through the obscurest hamlet in Germany. An interview with Eva Boros, a Holocaust survivor, conducted by Kay Roth. Instead, he raged about not being permitted to build an empire of his own: I have asked nothing of England beyond that Germany should be considered and treated as an equal, that England would protect the German coast if Germany became involved in war and that I be given German colonies and I will get them! Unmasked: two confidential interviews with Hitler in 1931 by Richard Breiting. Melissa Wiley writes and manages special projects for This little flame was sort of lit in my imagination. Also, as you said, the fact that he poisoned his dog, and the meticulous way he went about ending his life is interestingthe fact that he didnt want to go out and fight; he just wanted to end it in the bunker. Thompson spent well over a decade agitating against the Nazis in print and on the radio, warning Americans of the threat of fascism years before the official U.S. entry into World War II. "The political combinations upon which a united front depend," Hitler remarked to me, "are too unstable. His appearance contrasts strangely with the aggressiveness of his opinions. On June 14, 1940, the day German forces entered Paris to begin more than four years of occupation, an interview with the man responsible for that travesty appeared on dozens of front pages across the United States. The real German Fascisti are the national socialists and their Mussolini is Adolph Hitler, a man of the people, a private soldier during the war, a carpenter by trade, a magnetic speaker, having also exceptional organizing genius. Parody created using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang)Discord: In his defense, though, he may have been brought up thinking that he was related to the Civil War hero There are very few people in this world whom I regret not having met. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. Our Socialism is national. She has to keep it a secret that she worked for Hitler and she . People with avoidant personality disorder (APD) have a lifelong pattern of extreme shyness. Hitler can best be described as a malignant narcissist as this can be the best psychological explanations of why he did the things he did. But then after that you got into the interviews, and we realized that theywere the ones that he arranged to have done. Hitler wasn't a monster or a superman. We must decapitate both.". | Elizabeth Kalhammer is now a 92 year old woman. "Economic imperialism, like military imperialism, depends upon power. There actually were more of them that are lost still. And that, let me say, holds good not only for North America but equally so for South America., From there, Hitler launched into his ultimate thesis, a reciprocal Monroe Doctrine of sorts that boiled down to this, in his words: Therefore I say, America for Americans. We contend against the forces of disaster and degeneration. Terms of Use The cords on Hitler's forehead stood out threateningly. Privacy Statement Eventually, the idea was made, with the familys permission, to send the films off for preservation and to have copies madethat was around 2007. I thought this edited interview of Adolf Hitler by George Sylvester Viereck that took place in 1923 was so wonderful to read that I wanted to post it along with the two previous articles. Visit 60 Minutes on CBS News: Watch the most successful TV broadcast in history, offering investigative reports, interviews, feature segments, episodes and profiles. Asked to elucidate his program further, he said: We believe in the ancient adage of "a healthy mind in a healthy body." The cyanide was substituted with salt." "What are you going to do now, that you're alive?" "I'll kill six million more Jews and also five Inuits." "Five Inuits? Downfall and real-life footage Hitler Interviews is a series of parodies originally created by Hitler Rants Parodies, but also made by several other Untergangers. "Chancellor Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest of the many great men I have ever met," declared David Lloyd George in an interview with the News-Chronicle. To us state and race are one.". Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Many of these people were interviewed [by others]later in their livesin the '50s, '60s or even '70s. One thing, it is true, is going to be destroyed. 1,716,370 views Jul 7, 2009 This documentary was made in 1988. Right after Hitler took power, there were attacks on Americans who failed to give the Hitler salute. "Bolshevism," the chief of the Brown Shirts, the Fascists of Germany, continued, gazing at me balefully, "is our greatest menace. He met Goebbels. We would treat the off-spring of mixed marriages according to their desert. It. Healthy men recognize the value of personality. Following theexpirationof a contract betweenthe Musmanno family and the producers of Witnesses of Doom: The Lost Interviews,which aired on German television,Finestripe Productions in Scotland teamed up with Smithsonian Channel to produce a documentary for the rest of the world to see. That was part of his strategy - to be known only to his friends so that, in the hour of crisis, he could appear here, there, and everywhere without detection. To quote the Fhrer himself, he wanted to transform German boys into a "violently, active, dominating brutal youth.". A glorious spring lies over Germany. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Hitler emphasized again and again that it was England that had declared war on Germany on ridiculous, stupid pretexts but denied any desire to break up the British Empire. Our people have not learned to think in terms of world power and world trade. Now, we can stretch our cramped limbs only towards the East. | Elizabeth Kalhammer is now a 92 year old woman. Day and night. What can the present government do? "Mussolini," I interjected, "said the same to me." He was of German descent, but had grown up in the United States. "Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Wells was an avowed socialist and one of the left's most influential authors. amazon relay early access. Thefootage has been described as lost to history, butstarting in the early 2000s the films came back up into conversation. Marxism and Germanism, like German and Jew, are antipodes. They render almost impossible a clearly defined policy. Met Arabs. But I'm letting the matter mature. Kill Bolshevism in Germany and you restore seventy million people to power. . Musmanno originally had around six hours of footage. Manage My Data Princess Michael's dad was in Hitler's army & she slurs black people. For two years following World War II, Musmanno tracked down members of Hitler's staff, including his secretary and the leader of the Nazi Youth, among others, in an effort to prove the Fhrers death. How the American Continent shapes and leads its life is no concern of mine, and of no interest to Germany. Kill Bolshevism in Germany and you restore 70 million people to power. And reinforcing that last bit was the reason von Wiegand had been summoned to the chateau. | READ MORE. That is the title of my documentary. The body politic must be sound if the soul is to be healthy. They constitute no problem. In LIFE's opinion the President's speech contained an annihilating answer to Adolf Hitler's "honeyed words." This answer is printed immediately following the interview.ED.) 206 Pages / 500 Illustrations The following "interview", though obviously a fictional event, accurately portrays what the ghost of Adolf Hitler would say in his defense if he could be interviewed today. Command Sgt. Hitler beamed. Register through the Presidential Primary Sources Project. The Nazi party began recruiting and educating kids in 1922 with the establishiment of the Hitler Youth Hitler Jugand, in German. We chose to call ourselves National Socialists. He first met Hitler in 1921 and interviewed him in November 1922, famously describing him as the "German Mussolini." The real German Fascisti are the national socialists and their Mussolini is Adolph Hitler, a man of the people, a private soldier during the war, a carpenter by trade, a magnetic speaker, having also exceptional organizing genius.

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