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top theoretical computer scientists

Shamir became famous for his co-invention of one of the world's first public key cryptosytems, RSA (which bears his name: it's an acronym for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). We thought you might be curious to know the names of some of the brightest stars of this nascent but extremely exciting discipline. Bennett was born in New York City in 1943. He also helped redesign an early IBM computer while at Case, and made fundamental contributions to programmingwriting a program to help predict the scores of basketball players on his college team. Bennett is known for a number of seminal ideas in classical algorithmic information theory and physics, in addition to his more recent work in quantum computation. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. His name has become synonymous with the fundamentals of computer programming. Rabin has done path-breaking work in several different fields of applied mathematics and logic, but the two areas to which he has made the most-outstanding contributions are computational complexity theory and cryptography. Computational Complexity Theory, Cryptography. After leaving BBN, Solomon co-founded Logo Computer Systems, Inc., where she served as Vice President for Research and Development during the time when the company was designing the famous Apple Computer Company logo. Theoretical computer science covers a wide range of computer science and math in attempts to identify new ways to solve problems. It was there that he conceived the idea for Java, while working on a program to interface between a PERQ workstation and a VAX assembler owned by the company. He received his bachelors degree in mathematics in 1954 from the University of California, Berkeley, where he worked with the great Polish logician Alfred Tarski. Sketchpad is the ancestor of most later graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In essence, Yaos principle establishes an effective method for finding the lower bound on the performance of any given randomized algorithm. Brooks was born in Durham, North Carolina, in 1931. He received a master's degree in computer science from American University in Washington, D.C. in 1988 and an honorary Ph.D. from the University of Westminster, London in 2011. Working independently while still an undergraduate at UC-Berkeley, Ralph C. Merkle invented what have come to be known as Merkles puzzles, which were later understood to be an example of a public-key cryptosystem. There are other highly influential scholars who simply havent been cited and talked about as much in the last 10 years, whereas some new faces have been making a splash in the news, speaking events, and publishing, publishing, publishing. Thompson has also made a great many other contributions, such as popularizing regular expressions (a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern), inventing Thompsons construction algorithm (for converting regular expressions into nondeterministic finite automata, which greatly speeds up search pattern matching), and writing the software for Belle (the first chess computer to achieve competitiveness with master-level human players). More specifically, he has devised a new model of statistical inference known as Bayesian networks due to their fundamental reliance upon Bayess theorem. He is currently Ford Professor of Engineering with the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) at MIT. Goldwasser is also Co-Founder and Chief Scientist with Duality Technologies and Director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC-Berkeley. Finally, Bennett did important work on the representation of physical laws by means of cellular automata. He is best known as the co-author of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, which is the most popular textbook on the subject. Naturally, the web site provided an explanation to neophytes (basically, everyone else!) In this paper, the authors introduced the idea of time hierarchy classes (essentially, degrees of complexity based on the time required by a calculation of a given type), and proved what is now known as the time hierarchy theorem. In 1977, Hartmanis published another pioneering paper, this time in collaboration with Leonard Berman, introducing the still-unsolved BermanHartmanis conjecture that all NP-complete languages are polynomial-time isomorphic. Discover the history of influential computer scientists: Why Every College Student Should Learn Coding, Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing, Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Georgia Institute of Technology School of Computational Science & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Kristian Kersting, Technische Universitt Darmstadt, Barbara Liskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Gunther Schmidt, Universitt der Bundeswehr Mnchen, Manuela M. Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University. People who do research on theoretical computer science, including but not limited to algorithm design and analysis, computational complexity theory, and computability theory. Apple releases the iPad, the first tablet-sized personal computer. He is currently Thomas J. Watson, Sr. During his long and distinguished career, Kahn worked in academia (MIT), for private industry (Bell Labs, BBN Technologies), and for government (DARPA). Tarjan is currently James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University, as well as Chief Scientist at Intertrust Technologies Corporation. But for those old enough to remember Woodstock, this is historical change on steroids. Position in the ranking is based on a scientist's D-index (Discipline H-index), which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. Initially connecting a mere 20 computers, ARPANET was a prototype of what would eventually become known as the Internet. Apply to Researcher, Assistant Professor, Research Scientist and more! That same year, John von Neumann describes what later comes to be known as the von Neumann architecture, in which the program and data are both stored in the same space in memory; von Neumann architecture is a large advance beyond previous operating system architectures. Basically, Andrew built the hardware and Kathleen wrote the software. Help scientists and engineers solve complex computing problems. Later on, Feigenbaum developed a number of other expert systems, which were essentially refinements of DENDRALnotably MYCIN, which helped doctors isolate the bacterial pathogens for various infectious diseases. Everyone can benefit from learning coding. Upon graduating from Stanford, Liskov returned to Mitre Corporation, and it was there that she developed the first of the many pioneering projects for which she is well knownnamely, the Venus operating system, an early interactive timesharing system that was small and low-cost. Kahn was born in 1938, New York City, in 1938. Goldwasser was born in New York City in 1959. L. Berman and J. Hartmanis, On Isomorphisms and Density of NP and Other Complete Sets, SIAM Journal on Computing, 1977, 6: 305322. He holds two Ph.D.s, one in physics, conferred in 1972 by Harvard University, the other in computer science, conferred in 1975 by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is currently a Fellow with the Linux Foundation, which he created in 2000 to provide support to the worldwide Linux open source community. The father died in prison, and the rest of the family fled to Germany, where Hartmanis finished his secondary education and attended university, earning the German equivalent of a masters degree in physics in 1949 from the University of Marburg. He earned an S.B. Analysis of the ordering of tasks (logical clocks), Definition of a consistent global state (snapshot) of an asynchronous system (the Chandy-Lamport algorithm, in collaboration with K.M. Learn Theoretical Computer Science online with courses like Google Data Analytics and Google UX Design. Later, he developed the more-innovative parallel, shared-nothing, column-oriented type of DBMS, such as C-Store. Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code, Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology, Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method, List of important publications in computer science, List of Jewish American computer scientists, List of members of the National Academy of Sciences (computer and information sciences), CiteSeer list of the most cited authors in computer science,, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 20:51. Blum went to MIT and completed her Ph.D. there in 1968. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1963 from California Institute of Tchnology (CalTech). Patterson won the A.M. Turing Award in 2017. Their work may result in increased efficiencies, such as better networking technology, faster computing speeds, and improved information security. We could easily have included various figures from the nineteenth century (Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace) or even earlier (Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz). However, it is probably in pure mathematics that Scott has made his most fundamental and wide-ranging contribution, especially in topology and related areas, including the study of domain theory (which he initiated), continuous lattices, and category theory. IBMs revolutionary System/360 mainframe computer hits the market. Selected Books|FIND BOOKS BY SILVIO MICALI ON AMAZON, Operating systems/Processor design, RISC microprocessor, RAID storage system. Areas of Specialization: Cryptography, Algorithms, Computational Complexity Zvi Galil is a computer scientist and mathematician who is the former dean of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing. In the latter domain, he invented an efficient algorithm for context-free parsing that is still the asymptotically fastest one known. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science in 1966 from Stanford University. Daniele Dell'Erba. Selected Books|FIND BOOKS BY EDMUND M. CLARKE, JR. ON AMAZON, Math/Logic, Computational Complexity Theory, Proof complexity. Based on my own perspective, va Tardos and Manuel Blum are one of the most influential living theoretical computer scientists. She received her bachelor's and Ph.D. in Mathematics at Southampton. Hoare went on to devise influential sorting and selection algorithms (Quicksort and Quickselect), as well as the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), which controls interactions between concurrent processes. Merkle came up with his idea around 1974, but did not publish it until 1978. His biography has been translated into 27 different languages on wikipedia. With Stanford colleague Andrew Ng, Koller launched the online learning platform Coursera in 2012, serving as co-CEO with Ng and later as the company's president. And, of course, beyond these expected applications, there is also the sheer joy of discovery which lies at the heart of fundamental research in all of the natural sciences. He directed the first use of Logo, a programming language for the Apple II, and worked with Gerald Sussman to develop MIT's foundational computer science textbook, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, which was based on the premise that coding languages were merely a structured means of communicating with computers. He did his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1985, he wrote a pioneering paper[20] that laid out in some detail the requirements for a universal quantum computer (quantum Turing machine). Yao won the A.M. Turing Award in 2000. These can be downloaded below. Based on our ranking methodology, these individuals have significantly impacted the academic discipline of computer science within 2010-2020. Blum was born in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1938. Areas of Specialization: HTML, Invented World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee (also called "TimBL" or "TBL") is a Professorial Fellow of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). However, she soon began to develop, under Paperts guidance, her own modified version of LOGO, called TORTIS (Toddlers Own Recursive Turtle Interpreter System), designed to operate with a toy-like computer called Turtle. His dissertation advisor at the University of Utah was Ivan E. Sutherland (see below), often referred to as the Father of Computer Graphics. During his work as a researcher at Xeroxs Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) facility in the early 1970s, Kay led a team that extended ideas he had already introduced in his dissertation into the language SMALLTALK, which they used as the basis for communication between networked workstations. He is currently is Director of the Institute of Theoretical Nanoelectronics at the Peter Grnberg Institute in Jlich, a town in between Aachen and Cologne, in Germany, as well as University Professor of Theoretical Physics with the Institute for Quantum Information at the Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule (North Rhine-Westphalia Technical University) in Aachen (AKA RWTH Aachen University). Demaine's research at MIT focuses on fundamental theory in computation as well as applications of mathematics in computer science and artificial intelligence research. Playing catch-up, IBM launches its Personal Computer, running Microsofts MS-DOS operation system. Sutherland was born in Hastings, Nebraska, in 1938. 10. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1982; pp. Kay was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1940. Cybersecurity is an emerging field within the discipline of computer science. He is currently Paul and Marlene Borman Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API: University of Colorado System. Thompson won the A.M. Turing Award in 1983. After earning his bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1965 from Stanford University, he worked for two years at IBM. Professor of Computer Science Emeritus with the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. In 1999, Dean, who holds over 40 patents, was Project Manager for the development of the first one-gigahertz (1 GHz) microprocessor chip. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer sciences (EECS) from UC-Berkeley in 1976. She retired from IBM in 2002, but still holds the title of IBM Fellow Emerita. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science 279 The interdicplinary of Mathematics and Computer Science, Distinguisehed by its emphasis on mathemtical technique and rigour. She soon left Mitre to take up a faculty position at MIT, and it was there that she led the team that developed the CLU programming language, an important step on the road to a pure object-oriented language (OOL). These are the . She received her bachelor's degree from Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1985, and her Ph.D. from Stanford in 1993. In philosophy, Scott is noted for his contribution to Montague-Scott semantics (arrived at independently by the logician Richard Montague), which is an important extension of Kripke semantics for modal and tense logics. (Please note that no A.M. Turing Awards have been conferred on anyone working primarily on quantum computation, at least so far. As a result, she went to work for the Mitre Corporation, where she became interested in computers. While at CERN, Berners-Lee first conceived of the design for hypertext (HTML links), implementing an early prototype known as ENQUIRE. Their research was awarded the PODC Influential-Paper Award for 2001, the first of two for Lynch, who was recognized again by the organization in 2007. He has held teaching appointments at the University of California, San Diego and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Brazil. Areas of Specialization: Artificial Intelligence, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Gerald Jay Sussman is the Panasonic Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He won the A.M. Turing Award in 2002. She received her Ph.D. in applied mathematics in 1950 from the University of London. However, he remains actively engaged in perfecting the Oberon operating system and language, originally developed in 1988. Selected Books|FIND BOOKS BY CYNTHIA SOLOMON ON AMAZON, Computational Complexity theory, Automata theory, Algorithms, Game theory. Computational complexity theory, Programming languages, The Art of Computer Programming. He is currently Visiting Scientist with the Massee College of Engineering and Computer Science at Portland State University, where he co-founded the Asynchronous Research Center with his wife, Marly Roncken. He did graduate work on statistics and computer programming, first back at Oxford, then at Moscow State University, where he studied under the great mathematician and pioneer of computational complexity theory, Andrey N. Kolmogorov. In 1947, Booth traveled with her husband-to-be, Andrew, to Princeton University, where the pair collaborated briefly with John von Neumann, learning of his new architecture for computer operating systems (see the second timeline above, under 1945). Stearns, On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms [PDF], Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1965, 117: 285306. [W] Computer science is nothing, but the art of learning how to build an design programs that can execute and solve particular set of problems. He is currently University Professor Emeritus at Carnegie Mellon University. Holevo is best known for his work on the statistical foundations of quantum theory, in general, and quantum computation, in particular. Wirth was born in Winterthur, a town near Zurich, in Switzerland, in 1934. Best Online Bachelors in Computer Science Degree Programs, Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees, 25 Most Influential Books in Computer Science 20102020, Best Online Masters in Computer Science Degree Programs, Best Liberal Arts Colleges for Earning Computer Science Degrees 2022. Public-key cryptography, Asymmetric-key algorithms. Reddy won the A.M. Turing Award in 1994. Apple introduces the Macintosh, the first personal computer utilizing a graphic user interface (GUI) and sold with numerous pre-installed, software applications. Adleman was born in San Francisco, California, in 1945. Cerf was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1943. 11. Menu. In recent years, he has been working primarily on quantum information theory and its applications to physics, notably in the form of what he calls constructor theory. Constructor theory introduces counterfactual statements into fundamental physics in order to restate the laws of nature in terms of possible and impossible transformations (known as tasks). Working with coauthors Jeffrey Ullman and Alfred Aho, Hopcroft has also written several textbooks on algorithms, formal languages, and automata, which are classics in their field. Deutsch is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford, where he leads the Towards Constructor Theory group under the auspices of the Physics Departments Centre for Quantum Computation. Originally a physicist, Berners-Lee received a first-class Bachelor of Arts degree in physics at Queen's College, Oxford. He is currently IBM Professor of Engineering and Applied Mathematics in Computer Science at Cornell University. An efficient algorithm can then be used to exhaustively and automatically check whether the model satisfies the original specification, thus verifying that aspect of the complex system. 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