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unctad digital divide

This is also reflected by the growing literature on digitalization and E-commerce. It is easy to assume that access to the digital economy is ubiquitous, and that online shopping is the natural evolution of commerce. And the climbing use of mobile payments and banking are likely to bring growth to m-commerce, provided there is an enabling regulatory environment. It looks at how a digitally enabled world is working for some, but not all equally. It provides a checklist of the essential ingredients for SME success in cross-border e-commerce, by examining enabling factors at the firm level, immediate business environment level and national policy level. This suggests that the digital divide may be narrowing slowly, with more widespread access to mobile phones and Internet use among developing countries. Broadband access to the Internet enables the adoption of applications that have beneficial impacts on business productivity, and because of the fast-changing technology it is important for developing countries to catch up, the report says. This event will take place in Geneva and online from 25 to 29 April 2022. This situation has significant development implications that cannot be ignored. A chief obstacle is lower rates of access to broadband Internet service, which allows forms of rapid communication, e-finance and e-banking that greatly increase business productivity and efficiency, the Information Economy Report 2007-2008 (1) notes. Keywords: Digital economy E-commerce "M-commerce," the buying and selling of goods and services using wireless handheld devices, is expanding. Moreover, this rapid pace of digital tethering is occurring even as half the worlds population remains unconnected from the Internet. UNCTAD is responsible for the substantive servicing of the Commission. International bandwidth use is geographically concentrated along two main routes: North America Europe and North America China. African and South Asian countries need `catching-up policies; Latin America and the transition economies need `keeping-up policies. Creative economy offers countries path to development, says new UNCTAD report Sound policy can't be made without relevant information, and according to UNCTAD statistics only 4% of the world's least . 4 September 2019: The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released a report finding that "concerted global efforts are required" to better distribute gains from the digital economy and minimize the digital divide. However, it has also exposed the wide chasm between the connected and the unconnected, revealing just how far behind many are on digital uptake. UNCTAD is working with countries to measure this through surveys. Women and e-commerce in Southeast Asia IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Women and E-commerce in Southeast Asia About IFC International Finance Corporation, (IFC)a member of the Other benefits include using artificial intelligence to help find a cure and a significant shift to e-commerce, benefitting small and big businesses alike. One important finding is that major gains have been made in access to mobile telephones and the Internet, measured by the degree of equality of the distribution of mobile phones and Internet users across countries. The United Nations Science & Technology Commission for Development reaffirmed the importance of collective actions in promoting & supporting effective use of science, technology & innovation to address global challenges, e.g. An inclusive DE requires persistent efforts and innovative mea-sures to address non-digital complementary factors (analog complements) and to over-come deep-rooted contributors to the digital divide (Hanna, 2017; World Bank, 2016). Otherwise we risk deepening yet another gap in the gender digital divide." - @SahleWorkZewde President of #Ethiopia at #AfricaInvestmentForum. By 2022, the share of global digital advertising spending by five major digital platforms Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Tencent is expected to exceed 73%, up from 50% in 2015. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released a global review of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on e-commerce and digital trade, which finds that greater efforts are critical to reduce inequalities in e-trade readiness among countries. The study found that use of ICT by Thai enterprises is associated with significantly higher sales per employee. African and South Asian countries need `catching-up policies; Latin America and the transition economies need `keeping-up policies. RT @AfDB_Group: "We must accelerate women's digital literacy as a matter of urgency given the enormous potential of e-commerce + digital finance. Still, while programs and summits can offer the worlds developing and least-developed countries a place to start in their push for greater connectivity, more support is needed if we are ever to close the digital divide. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft were the top acquirers of AI startups between 2016 and 2020. The global crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us further into a digital world, and changes in behaviour are likely to have lasting effects when the economy starts to pick up. A lack of data on how companies operate in the digital economy prevents many developing countries from preparing for the new economic era, a senior UNCTAD official says ahead of a global gathering on e-commerce at the United Nations' European headquarters in Geneva. If left unaddressed, the yawning gap between under-connected and hyper-digitalized countries will widen, exacerbating existing inequalities. summarized in the print, broadcast or electronic. Table: Top 10 economies, mobile phone, Internet, broadband, 2002-2006Source: UNCTAD calculations based on the ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database, 2007. Most developing countries remain far behind industrialized nations in availability, use of information and communication technology. Also, the average mobile broadband speed is about three times higher in developed countries than in LDCs. In this new configuration, developing countries risk becoming mere providers of raw data to global digital platforms, while having to pay for the digital intelligence obtained from their data, the report warns. is a small, women-owned and BIPOC-led ESG strategy + communications firm that supports organizations in building resilient and inclusive strategies that put people . The digital economy has contributed to nearly 60 per cent of China's GDP growth in 2016, . Juan's expertise covers several industries including energy, climate, digital economy, media, payments, and industrial and consumer goods. Unfortunately, only 1% of all funding provided by Aid for Trade an initiative by World Trade Organization members to help developing countries improve their trading infrastructure is currently being allocated to ICT solutions. The United Nations offers a natural platform to advance this agenda with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. UNCTAD proposes the formation of a new United Nations coordinating body, with a focus on, and with the skills for, assessing and developing comprehensive global digital and data governance. Measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic have seen more businesses and governments move their operations and services online to limit physical interaction to contain the spread of COVID-19. A global digital divide furthermore persists with repercussions on the creative economy's ability to be truly inclusive, especially for developing countries, least developed countries, and small island developing states, that still need to benefit from the digital dimension of the creative economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has markedly increased internet traffic, as many activities have moved online. These include mounting security and privacy concerns, according to UNCTAD. The contents of this press release and the related Report must not be quoted or. The education gap may also expand in developing countries, compounding inequalities, said Sirimanne. She said the world should pay adequate attention to the current divides that characterize the global digital economy not only between countries, but also between states and enterprises. Countries with economies in transition had the highest compound annual growth rate in Internet penetration between 2002 and 2006. . UNCTAD REPORT: WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IS STILL BROAD. Spotlight Session "Addressing the Vacuum in Multilateral Governance of Digital Technology to Close the Digital Divide and Support LNOB" . For use of information media - Not an official record, UNCTAD REPORT: WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IS STILL BROAD, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. Yet, while digitalisation offers immense potential, it also poses challenges to people and businesses, and not everyone has harnessed the potential of digital opportunities. But the data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances and divides, said UNCTADs director of technology and logistics, Shamika N. Sirimanne. Our new project will provide training to policymakers in 38 SIDS on: - Legal aspects of e-commerce; - Digital identity and digital authentication; and - Data collection and statistics for the digital economy. according to unctad (2021b, 11), the u.s. imported $318 billion worth of digitally delivered services in 2020. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD Concerns were raised about a digital divide . Ms Viridiana Garcia-Quiles (Programme Management Officer, UNCTAD) highlighted three elements to set the scene: 1) There is a need to increase the participation of female entrepreneurs in the digital space. How to fit technology to. Digital divides exist between. But e-commerce is only one facet of the evolving digital economy. The main policy takeaway from the analysis is that much more attention should be given to bridging existing and emerging digital divides to allow more countries to take advantage of digitalization. More developing countries are exploring e-commerce and other digital solutions that can help build local resilience to future shocks, she said. U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T A Commitment to Inclusive Trade UNCTAD promotes the equitable participation of developing The analysis used in the UNCTAD-Thai study can be applied in other developing countries provided that the necessary data and information are available, the report notes. The indices show considerable inequality between countries in terms of ICT infrastructure, which is a key factor limiting access to ICT. According to the analysis, the coronavirus crisis has accelerated the uptake of digital solutions, tools, and services, speeding up the global transition towards a digital economy. The coronavirus pandemics ability to show fractures can, hopefully, be turned into an opportunity, said Ms. Sirimanne. Among the forms of ICT, mobile phones are most widely used in developing countries. UNCTAD's ICT policy section chief, Trbjorn Fredriksson, sits down with Amy Shelver to discuss a new UNCTAD report which looks at how a digitally enabled wor. With the increasing number of mobile devices and internet-connected devices, data traffic by mobile broadband is expected to account for almost one third of the total data volume in 2026, the report states. Four major platforms (Alibaba, Amazon, Google and Microsoft) accounted for 67% of global cloud infrastructure services revenues in the last quarter of 2020. UNCTAD e-commerce estimates reveal implications of digital divide on developing and transition economies during COVID-19 27 Apr 2020 According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development's (UNCTAD) recent estimates, e-commerce sales amounted to USD$25.6 trillion globally in 2018, up 8% from 2017. Open the form in the online editor. For example, an enterprise can use ICT to manage its supply chain. The Thai example confirms the hypothesis that enterprises in developing countries can benefit as much as businesses in developed countries from the use of ICT, the report says. Based on a request by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD in Summer 2006, the Director General of SDC agreed to extend the UN-secondment of Mr. Geiger as Special Adviser to the UN CSTD for the period december 2006 to november 2009. . Some of the obstacles are logistical. 50 Global Intellectual Property Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Korea has developed one of the most dynamic intellectual property frameworks today. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, DIGITAL DIVIDE WIDE, BUT NARROWING SLOWLY, UNCTAD FINDS. This finding echoes the conclusions drawn in UNCTADs 2019 Digital Economy Report, which pointed out that the worlds top seven digital platforms already accounted for two-thirds of the value of digital platforms globally in 2017. The Digital Divide. It affects all generations - both rural and urban communities - and a wide variety of industries and sectors. The World Bank recently hosted an online event on bridging the digital gender divide in time of social distancing. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. In the first stages of the reform . UNCTAD says that global share of online retail sales climbed from 16 per cent in 2019 to 19 per cent in 2020, persisting in 2021. Lack of Internet access at home also limits connectivity, cramping, for example, the possibilities for students to be connected if schools are closed. The conversation brings up the importance of Digital Divide and Accessibility. Find out more: Digital Divide. DIODE Briefings 1. Moreover, by the end of the next decade, information and communication technology (ICT) will drive economic growth and power productivity gains. On the tiny South Pacific island of Tuvalu, for example, fewer than ten streets in the capital, Funafuti, are named, and only about 100 homes have a postal address. The diffusion of information and communication technology (ICT) in developing countries is growing, but except for East Asian nations that straddle the line between "developed" and "developing" status -- notably the Republic of Korea and Singapore -- such countries lag far behind the industrialized world in the application of ICT and its use by businesses, a new UNCTAD report says. The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.. Mobile phone subscribers have almost tripled in such nations over the last five years, and now make up some 58% of mobile subscribers. 3 for u.s. exports of digitally delivered services, we can estimate canada's market. Fourth, there is bi-way causality between some growth variables and digitisation variables. The analysis provides snapshots of how technology is being used as a critical tool in maintaining business and life continuity. Technology creates new alignments among individuals with access to the internet and those without access. Digitalization is allowing telemedicine, telework and online education to proliferate. Digital transformation can speed up the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Torbjrn Fredriksson, who leads UNCTADs e-commerce and digital economy branch says that the shortage of appropriate skill sets in governments can result in insufficient representation of technical and analytical expertise in legislative and regulatory framework development processes. But figures like these mask the fact that for many people in developing countries, the road to e-commerce is riddled with potholes. Innovation, production, and sales are all being transformed by technology platforms, data analytics, 3D printing, and the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). With billions of people still below the first rung of the digital ladder, the climb to prosperity is becoming more challenging than ever. Low broadband quality hampers the ability to use teleconferencing tools. As cross-border data flows become increasingly prominent in the digital economy, UNCTAD has called for a new approach to properly regulate them at the international level. However, economic or other resource gaps, differences in cultural tastes and preferences of different social classes are factors contributing to disparities in internet use. media before 6 February 2008, 19:00 GMT. A new international system to regulate data flows is needed so that associated benefits can be more equitably distributed, said Sirimanne. Elsewhere, billions of people lack bank accounts and credit cards, and in many developing countries, consumer-protection laws do not extend to goods purchased online. One initiative, eTrade for all, is aimed at making it easier for developing countries to source financial and technical assistance. The least developed countries (LDCs) are the most vulnerable to the human and economic consequences of the pandemic, and they also lag farthest behind in digital readiness. UNCTAD warns that the dominance of these platforms is leading to a concentration and consolidation of digital value, rather than reducing inequalities between and within countries, with. At the same time, the government adopted digital rights management software tools as a way to prevent digital theft through technical means. Several developing countries are taking active steps to expand Internet use through policies to improve ICT access and skills, regulatory reforms to increase competition and the availability of services at competitive prices, investments in ICT infrastructure, and encouragement of production in the ICT sector. The digital divide encompasses the technical and financial ability to utilize available technology, along with access (or a lack of access) to the internet. Small companies, including those owned and operated by women, will be especially vulnerable to the changing business environment. The fast-paced shift towards digitalization is likely to strengthen the market positions of a few mega-digital platforms, the analysis finds. Digital platforms are also thriving as consumers seek entertainment, shopping opportunities and new ways of connecting during the crisis. The G20 is also planting its flag on this issue; in August, I joined G20 ministers in Argentina to discuss what can be done to spread the benefits of the digital transformation. Associate Director, ESG. A 10% increase in the share of employees using computers was associated with 3.5% higher labour productivity (compared with 1.8% in the case of Finnish firms). One of the biggest challenges countries face is establishing state-of-the-art digital architecture to enable digital divide flows and trade. Data and cross-border data flows, and . If left unaddressed, the yawning gap between under-connected and hyper-digitalized countries will widen, thereby exacerbating existing inequalities, she added. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 13% of the countrys population had broadband in 2016, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, spread the benefits of the digital transformation. Inequalities in digital readiness hamper the ability of large parts of the world to take advantage of technologies that help us cope with the coronavirus pandemic by staying at home, said UNCTADs technology and logistics director, Shamika Sirimanne. The sizes, profits, market values and dominant positions of the platforms have further strengthened during the pandemic as digitalization has accelerated. Recent estimates show that global internet protocol (IP) traffic a proxy for data flows will more than triple between 2017 and 2022, according to UNCTADsDigital Economy Report 2021released on 29 September. By 2030, the number of IoT-connected devices is expected to reach 125 billion, compared to 27 billion in 2017. New policies and regulations are needed to ensure a fair distribution of the gains from digital disruptions. As the digital economy grows, a data-related divide is compounding the digital divide.. Internet use and penetration continues to increase around the world, the report says, but developed countries still account for the majority of Internet users and have the highest penetration. A new analysis from UNCTAD maps the changing digital landscape since the last major global calamity, the 2008/09 financial crisis. The downside and the digital divide The fast-paced shift towards digitalization is likely to strengthen the market positions of a few mega-digital platforms, the analysis finds. This approach allowed the country to gradually narrow down the technological divide vis-a-vis more advanced economies. In the digital world, given the global digital divide, developing countries are latecomers to new technologies. To do so, they need a clear and coherent digital trade strategy, which rests on three pillars: (1) reliable and inclusive access to high quality digital infrastructure at competitive prices . According to the McKinsey Global Institute, almost all cross-border transactions had a digital component in 2016. UNCTAD assessment set to boost digital economy in Peru The eTrade readiness assessment underway in Peru will help accelerate digital transformation and e-commerce development efforts. Similarly, multilateral development banks are investing just 1% of their total spending on ICT projects, and only about 4% of this limited investment is being spent on policy development, work that is critical if digital economies are to be well regulated. Only 20% of people in least developed countries (LDCs) use the internet, and when they do, its typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached, the report says. The Report looks at existing governance approaches at national, regional and multilateral levels, with a bearing on data flows. Seven of the top 10 countries in terms of broadband penetration were in Europe, and two (Republic of Korea and Hong Kong, China) are exceptions among developing countries in terms of their level of ICT diffusion. That is why I believe more must be done to support poor countries as they strive to integrate into the digital economy. Simply put, the growth of e-commerce is not automatic, and the spread of its benefits is not guaranteed. There has been a leap in teleworking and online conferencing, amplifying the demand for online conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams, Skype, Ciscos Webex and Zoom, the analysis says. Gains in mobile connectivity and Internet use among developing countries are not being matched by gains in other technologies, such as Internet hosts and personal computers (PCs). Coronavirus reveals need to bridge the digital divide, says UNCTAD. UNCTAD/GDS/2022/1 Sales No. However, wider adoption of ICT by developing country enterprises is still very limited: few firms have intranet or extranet, which are often the first steps towards the automated integration of business processes. AFP Alkesh Sharma Sep 05, 2019 Finally, there is evidence of a digital divide because digital economy at the global is dominated by developed economies, especially in E-commerce, which is a massive chunk of the global economy. At my organization, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, we are creating strategies to help developing countries leverage their assets and improve digital capabilities. The pandemic has highlighted and accentuated some potential risks and critical issues already present in several educational contexts: the widening of educational poverty, the increase in the digital and cultural divide and the expansion of learning loss and of the implicit and explicit early school leaving. Levels of digitalization may even influence whether countries are able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set by the international community for tackling challenges like hunger, disease, and climate change. Pacific Islands Forum joins UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative, How urban entrepreneurs can help build sustainable cities, UNCTAD assessment set to boost digital economy in Peru, Inequalities threaten wider divide as digital economy data flows surge, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. "As the digital economy grows, a data-related divide is compounding the digital divide." Developing countries in subordinate positions UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2021 The Digital Economy report 2021 provides a review of studies dealing with cross-border data flows and analyses the inequalities in the data-driven digital economy. The term digital divide, which describes a gap in access to and use of ICT, came into formal usage in the early 21st century [ 2 ], but its underlying issues had been studied previously in the late 20th century. It finds that computer and Internet promotion schemes usually fail despite active support, but mobile penetration in even the poorest countries is deepening organically. In China, the use of digital work applications from WeChat, Tencent and Ding took off at the end of January when lockdown measures started to take effect. Since the programs inception two years ago, nearly 30 global partners have been recruited, and an online platform has linked governments with organizations and donors to share resources, expertise, and knowledge. In 2002, Internet availability in developed countries was 10 times higher than in developing countries; in 2006, it was 6 times higher. This he says in turn hampers the ability of governments to identify opportunities that could be afforded by digital technologies and potential risks and threats that could emerge, as well as ways to regulate them. UNCTADs measurements of technological inequality are intended to help in formulating policies for narrowing the digital divide. Yet, studies specifically focusing on E-commerce policy are scarce compared with other areas . The Thai study is part of a broader global initiative, the UNCTAD XI Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development. Currently, entities that can extract or collect data are in a privileged position to appropriate most of the value. Until 2011, Juan Delgado was the first-ever Chief Economist of the Spanish antitrust agency where he provided economic and econometric advice in antitrust cases and mergers and participated in the discussion . Faster and more comprehensive communication enables firms to make more accurate production plans and sales forecasts in the short and long term. To illustrate the beneficial use of ICT by firms in developing countries, UNCTAD and the Thai National Statistical Office jointly conducted the first analysis in developing countries that assesses quantitatively the impact of ICT use on labour productivity in manufacturing by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper investigates information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) projects from around the world. By contrast, in most developed economies, well-functioning postal systems and strong legal frameworks mean that products can be purchased online and delivered without a second thought. This Report offers valuable insights and analyses, and I commend it to a wide global audience as we strive to close the digital divide and ensure that no one is left behind in the fast-evolving, data-driven digital economy. The use of ICT for business can greatly contribute to income generation and can increase the productivity of enterprises. UNCTADs measurements of technological inequality are intended to help in formulating policies for narrowing the digital divide. Digital Divide in Education Global internet bandwidth rose by 35% in 2020, compared with 26% the previous year, the report says. Variations in the intensity of computer use in Thailand were reflected in large productivity differentials between firms. The global crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us further into a digital world, says United Nations Conference on Trade And Development.. UNCTAD note stated that changes in behaviour are likely to have lasting effects when the economy starts to pick up. UNCTAD (2021)21 estimates that CBAM will reduce global carbon emissions by not more than 0.1% but will decrease global real income by $3.4 billion, . Only one in five people in LDCs use the Internet, and in most developing countries, well below 5% of the population currently buy goods or services online. To guard against new forms of inequality, the international community must do more to help developing countries close the connectivity gap. But not everyone is ready to embrace a more digitized existence. However not all technology companies are profiting and there are some serious consequences of the rush to online platforms. This thesis takes motivation in the digital divide between nations to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) investments on economic growth in poor and rich . However, it has also exposed the wide chasm between the connected and the unconnected, revealing just how far behind many are on digital uptake. According to the report, Amazon has invested some $10 billion in satellite broadband. "But the data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances and divides," said UNCTAD's director of technology and logistics, Shamika N. Sirimanne. 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