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best arguments for the existence of god

That can never The fact that we can stimulate the temporal lobes of non-mystics and induce mystical experiences in them is evidence that mystics might indeed all be deluded in similar ways. People sometimes If no moral laws, then no broken laws. You may be one of them. COMMENT:Spinoza's argument, if sound, invalidates all the other arguments, the ones that try to establish the existence of a more traditional Godthat is, a God who standsdistinctfrom the world described by the laws of nature, as well as distinct from the world of human meaning, purpose, and morality. is snowing outside, then it must be cold out. The cosmological argument is the argument from the existence of the world or universe to the existence of a being that brought it into and keeps it in existence. This sort of argument is not original to Lewis, but we have never read a better statement of it than his, and we urge you to consult it. Question 2: Why not have an endless series of caused causes stretching backward into the past? FLAW 2:The fatal flaw in The Argument from Miracles was masterfully exposed by David Hume inAn Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Chapter 10, "On Miracles." God is the only force outside of natural selection that could intend us to be moral. The Bible teaches that atheists are not really atheists. FLAW 2:The derivation of Premise 5 from Premises 3 and 4 is invalid: an example of the Projection Fallacy, in which we project the workings of our mind onto the world, and assume that our own subjective reaction is the result of some cosmic plan to cause that reaction. Note, by the way, that this line of thinking puts the cause of the cosmos outside of the material universe. by way of natural selection. FLAW 3:There is an additional strong psychological bias at work here: Every one of us treats his or her own life with utmost seriousness. http://www.philosophyofreligion.info/theistic-proofs/. Others (the argument from It is greater for a thing to exist in the mind and in reality than in the mind alone. The Argument from Personal Coincidences. 3. Therefore the universe is the product of an intelligent Designer. It is the claim that everything must have an explanation; even the laws of nature, in terms of which processes are explained, must have an explanation. This argument, made famous by Rene Descartes, has a kinship to the ontological argument (13). If no lawmaker, then no universal moral laws were all obligated to obey. We also desire (but not innately or naturally) things like sports cars, political office, flying through the air like Superman, the land of Oz and a Red Sox world championship. However, that does not mean that the atheists will necessarily Our universe has been fine-tuned to support life (from 3 & 4). The infinite transcendent cause of these things cannot be less than they are, In such an interconnected, interlocking, dynamic system, the active nature of each component is defined by its relation with others, and so presupposes the others for its own intelligibility and ability to act. Therefore, the universe has a cause for its coming into being. The purpose of each individual person's life must derive from the overall purpose of existence. But that is the conclusion. Given a nurturing cultural context, these individuals will, some of the time, exercise their powers to accomplish great feats. How can I be absolutely obligated by something less than me -- for example, by animal instinct or practical need for material survival? That is the important point. None of this is particularly good for the world, but it has been good for Cass Seltzer. The scale of the universe alone is astounding, and the natural laws that govern it perplex scientists still after generations of study. And in this they have a real point. Here it is then: the sense that existence is just such atremendousthing, one comes into it, astonishingly, here one is, formed by biology and history, genes and culture, in the midst of the contingency of the world, here one is, one doesn't know how, one doesn't know why, and suddenly one doesn't know where one is either or who or what one is either, and all that one knows is that one is a part of it, a considered and conscious part of it, generated and sustained in existence in ways one can hardly comprehend, all the time conscious of it, though, of existence, the fullness of it, the reaching expanse and pulsing intricacy of it, and one wants to live in a way that at least begins to do justice to it, one wants to expand one's reach of it as far as expansion is possible and even beyond that, to live one's life in a way commensurate with the privilege of being a part of and conscious of the whole reeling glorious infinite sweep, a sweep that includes, so improbably, a psychologist of religion named Cass Seltzer, who, moved by powers beyond himself, did something more improbable than all the improbabilities constituting his improbable existence could have entailed, did something that won him someone else's life, a better life, a more brilliant life, a life beyond all the ones he had wished for in the pounding obscurity of all his yearnings, because all of this, this,this,THIScouldn't belong to him, to the man who stands on Weeks Bridge, wrapped round in a scarf his once-beloved ex-wife Pascale had knit for him for some necessary reason that he would never know, perhaps to offer him some protection against the desolation she knew would soon be his, and was, but is no longer, suspended here above sublimity, his cheeks aflame with either euphoria or frostbite, a letter in his zippered pocket with the imprimatur ofVeritasand a Lucinda Mandelbaum with whom to share it all. Ontological Argument, The phrase "ontological argument" is generally understood by historians of philosophy to refer to an argument for the existence of god. "As if," as Cass often finds himself saying into microphones, "the only reason to live morally is out of fear of getting caught and being spanked by the heavenly father.". (See chap. does not seem elusive or farfetched. The Argument from Fine-Tuning corresponds to the Very Strong Anthropic Principle. Help us continue to equip Christians with knowledge, wisdom, and character. See FLAW 3 below.). 7. 5. The Argument from the Unreasonableness of Reason. That the law of contradiction does not hold? The idea that the universe has an infinite past stretching back in time into infinity is, the argument notes, both philosophically and scientifically problematic; all indications are that there is a point in time at which the universe began to exist. He offers me his love and his life, and I reject it. The vast number of non-events we live through don't make an impression on us; the few coincidences do. The Christian in the above hypothetical conversation did not have a correct So DNA proves that God created the first creatures., Atheist: There could be an undiscovered mechanism that generates Privacy Policy and It could at lease motivate "The Prayer of the Skeptic": "God, I don't know whether you exist or not, but if you do, please show me who you are.". If these seven 5. Teleological Argument. But what some appear to be saying is "I am an atheist but other people, not as smart as I am, require religion (a) to get through the day, (b) to create sustainable societies, (c) to have moral values, etc. Together with The Argument from A Wonderful Life, it appears to be supported by a few cherry-picked examples, but in fact is refuted by the much larger number of counterexamples it ignores: the prayers that go unanswered, the people who do not live wonderful lives. The problem with the problem of evil is that if God does not exist, there can be no real evil to object to. S. Lewis, The Incoherence of an 'Ahistorical' Worldview - Ahmadiyya Muslims, Part 2, The Incoherence of an 'Ahistorical' Worldview - Ahmadiyya Muslims, Part 1, Contrary Beliefs can Exist, but Contrary Truths cannot--A Refutation of Religious Pluralism. "God" means "that than which a greater cannot be thought.". But is that really enough? The Argument from the Consensus of Mystics. hypothesis of an eternal impersonal cause seems to lead to an inconsistency. 4. Over the centuries, there have been many attempts by religious philosophers to prove the existence of God, and a canon of classic arguments has been developed. COMMENT:Many, of course, would dispute Premise 1. Historicity of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, The Bible, Quran and Torah-Comparative Studies, PERSON OF INTEREST-Why Jesus Matters, by J. Warner Wallace, Prayer and Evangelismthe Two-pronged Model of the Great Commission, Omnipotence, impossibility, self-contradiction, and dealing with nonsense. All rights reserved. Now we grant that such mass delusion is conceivable, but what is the likely story? We know that there must exist a cause; we know that this cause cannot be finite or material -- that it must transcend such limitations. Now that you're born, it's no mystery why it should be you; you're the one asking the question. This is the argument for God. We include it, with a minimum of discussion, not because we think it conclusive or irrefutable, but for the sake of completeness. The group of cosmological The problem of evil is insoluble. Perhaps the conclusion should, rather, be that the universe is different from what it appears to be no matter how arbitrary and chaotic it may appear, it is in fact perfectly lawful and necessary, and therefore worthy of our awe. Imagine that Contemporary science reveals to us that our world -- system is not merely an aggregate of many separate, unrelated laws, but rather a tightly interlocking whole, where relationship to the whole structures and determines the parts. If the locksmith A baby feels hunger; well, there is such a thing as food. Simply put, then, if there is no God, there can be no evil (or good, for that matter). But he's an academic, his sense of success and failure ultimately determined by the academy's utilities (to use the language of Lucinda's science), and Harvard counts as the maximum utility. Natural Either they are true or not. 2. is a God., Christian: The Bible claims that God exists, and that it is His Word 5. That which exists necessarily and explains itself is God (a definition of "God"). So too all particles with mass are ordered to move toward every other according to the fixed proportions of the law of gravity. Some physicists have hypothesized that contemporary malaise about the foundations of quantum mechanics arise because physics is here confronting the intrinsic consciousness of matter, which has not yet been adequately formalized within physical theories. Most of our readers have very likely had such an experience. FLAW 1:can be crudely put: Who caused God? It really amounts to collective psychosis. For believing in God is like having a relationship with a person. But what does it take? 6. 1. Now given the fact of moral obligation, a question naturally arises. The fundamental question in philosophy of mathematics is: how can mathematics be true but not empirical? Our goal is to expose the atheists suppressed And when we do, we naturally think of them on a scale approaching most and least. 2. is inspired by God., Christian: I have personally experienced God, and so have many other Therefore none of them can be the origin of the idea of God; only God himself can be that. Consciousness can only be explained by positing that God inserted a spark of the divine into us (from 7, 10, & 11). 7. It's even hard at a time like this to resist the shameful narcissistic appeal of reasonings like The Argument from Personal Coincidences (#8) and The Argument from Answered Prayers (#9) and The Argument from A Wonderful Life (#10). 36. Isn't it remarkable that no one, even the most consistent subjectivist, believes that it is ever good for anyone to deliberately and knowingly disobey his or her own conscience? 4. 1. is contingent), we need some explanation of why it does. A gene for being kind to one's kin, even if it hurts the person doing the favor, can be favored by evolution, because that gene would be helping a copy of itself that is shared by the kin. 3.There must, in principle, be a Theory of Everything that explains why just this universe, with these laws of nature, exists (from 2. Reply: The two cases are not really parallel. a deep spiritual problem (1 Corinthians 2:14). It flies in the face of the experience that all of us -- believers and nonbelievers -- share in common. The question is: Are we to believe them? The answer may be found in Romans 1:18. Cass has the distinct impression that he can see better in the sharpened air, that it's counteracting the near-sightedness that has had him wearing glasses since he was twelve. Only God could have the power and the purpose to be the Fine-Tuner. How would an atheist answer each one of these twenty arguments? The undergraduates crowded his courses, but that counted, if anything, as a strike against him in his department. Therefore this intelligible universe and the finite minds so well suited to grasp it are the products of intelligence. is angry at you is a terrifying prospect. Only God both deems our lives significant and has the power to effect these coincidences. 3. In that case they invariably stand with the rest of us in recognizing that certain things ought never to be done.) FLAW 3:There is an inconsistency in the moral reasoning behind this argument. 6. And that seems beyond the power of merely conceptual analysis, as used in this argument, to answer. But expectation is impossible without order. 3. God alone is a being who is not a person and who cares about each of us enough to show us the way. 2. But where did it come from? 1. Only God could have a sense of purpose beyond ours. The Jews introduced the world to the idea of the one God, with his universal moral code. Our physical theories, with their mathematical methodology, have not yet been able to capture this aspect of matter, but that may just be a limitation on our mathematical physical theories. It should be noted that all the facts used by the Christian in the above hypothetical There are several logic-based arguments indicating that God exists. Organs of living things, such as the eye and the heart, cohere only because they have a function (for example, the eye has a cornea, lens, retina, iris, eyelids, and so on, which are found in the same organ only because together they make it possible for the animal to see.). It is like the game of predicting the end of the world: every batter who has ever approached that plate has struck out. (Mere Christianity, Bk. Insect wings, before they were large enough to be effective for flight, were used as heat-exchange panels. Practically speaking, it is not possible to "prove" that God is real without first accepting, implicitly or explicitly, that a Supreme Being or God is even a possibility. The ideas of the existence of God are true because he was able to prove the existence of God. Both find it implicitly contained in the third chapter of Anselm's Proslogion. FLAW 2:The Argument from Pragmatism implies an extreme relativism regarding the truth, because the effects of belief differ for different believers. This leads us back to the conclusion that we, as moral agentsmustbe parts of the natural world-- the very negation of 7. My second favorite argument for Gods existence is a little easier. So even though many atheists might Reply: This denial may take two forms. It is the Holy Spirit that brings conversion. Some defenders of religion do not consider these theories to be legitimate explanations of altruism, because a tendency to favor one's kin, or to trade favors, are ultimately just forms of selfishness for one's genes, rather than true altruism. Therefore, we do not really need to give the atheist any more specific evidences The universe must have a cause (from 1). It is claiming, in other words, that moral values or obligations themselves -- and not merely the belief in moral values -- are objective facts. Then we can ask ourselves: Is it credible to suppose that we inhabit a small island of order surrounded by a vast sea of chaos -- a sea which threatens one day to engulf us? prove anything at all! Teleological and cosmological arguments, for instance, demonstrate how the existence of God best explains apparent design in nature and the nature of causality, respectively. FLAW 1:Cosmologists themselves do not all agree that the Big Bang is a "singularity" the sudden appearance of space, time, and physical laws from inexplicable nothingness. need a present cause outside of themselves in order to exist. 2. In the twenty-first century, creationists have tried to revive the Teleological Argument in three forms: B. with his belief that God does not exist. If only everybody could be famous, we would all be effortlessly altruistic. FLAW 1:This argument, in order to lead to God, must ignore the paradoxical Fork of Free Will. The wager simply codifies his particular "live options," to use William James's term, for the only choices that seem possible to a given believer. It is therefore in our interests, and so rational, to believe in God. When there is unanimity among observers as to what they experience, then unless they are all deluded in the same way, the best explanation for their unanimity is that their experiences are true. Even taking 3 and 6 into account, the amount of suffering in the world is still enormous far more than what is required for us to benefit from suffering. exists. See us on Fox News? A being not limited in these ways cannot "come" to be or "cease" to be. Only God could understand the overall purpose of creation. An eye without a lens can still see, just not as well as an eye with a lens. 7. We Couldn't this book have been caused by an explosion in a print factory? Consider the atheist who is outraged at seeing a violent murder on the ten How can we think away limitation or imperfection unless we first recognize it as such? 3. Our universe is one of those infinitesimally improbable universes. Something outside the universe, including outside its physical laws, must have brought the universe into existence (from 2). Others, intellectually lazy, afraid, or unable to invent their own personal narratives, simply wear their parents' old ideas like a hand-me-down suit, defaulting to the maudlin sentimentality that is the soundtrack to the American mind. The unique role that Judaism played in disseminating monotheism, mostly through the organs of its two far more popular monotheistic offshoots, Christianity and Islam, has bequeathed to its adherents an unusual amount of attention, mostly negative, from adherents of those other monotheistic religions. Why is it that you can tell a lot about a philosopher's metaphysics by knowing whether or not he or she accepts the ontological argument? 29. 1.There are things that we cannot explain yet. 2. You may be blessed with a vivid sense of God's presence; and that is something for which to be profoundly grateful. invariant, abstract laws in a chance universe formed by a big bang? refrigerator! Poets have to come up with the vision and they have to turn it on so it sparks and catches hold.". The principle of causality is violated here. Our beliefs don't arise only from well-evaluated reasoning, but from wishful thinking, self-deception, self-aggrandizement, gullibility, false memories, visual illusions, and other mental glitches. We could, with the wave of our verbal magic wand, define atrunicornas "a horse that (a) has a single horn on its head, and (b) exists." And in doing so, it disproves the picture of the universe most atheists wish to maintain: self -- sustaining matter, endlessly changing in endless time. "Society" is a popular answer to the question of the origin of morality "this or that specific person" is a very unpopular answer. for knowledge and rationality. It seems as nonsensical to call a movement true as a flavour purple or a sound avaricious. Furthermore, what the Bible says must be true, since God cannot lie.". The best explanation for the unanimity of mystical experience is that what mystics perceive is true (from 4 & 5). We can formalize this argument like this: Rationality God has not only the means to impart consciousness to us, but also the motive, namely, to allow us to enjoy a good life, and to make it possible for our choices to cause or prevent suffering in others, thereby allowing for morality and meaning. 13. fully understands the argument, he may not be convinced. How come the past cannot also be endless? Arguments for the Existence of a God Apologists rely on a variety of arguments to substantiate the existence of a God, or to support the claims of divinity by a particular denomination's founder (s) or for its sacred texts. A word about the organization of the arguments. Another way of putting it is: we should take ourselves seriously (being mindful of what we do, and the world we leave our children and grandchildren), but we shouldn't take ourselvesthatseriously, and arrogantly demand that we must matter in a million years. He is an alumnus of Calvin College (AB 1959) and Fordham University (MA 1961, Ph.D., 1965). Some of the arguments seem stronger; I happen to think that irreducible But He takes them off and, of course, can't see a thing, can barely see past the nimbus phantom of his own breath. FLAW 2:Even were we to accept the first premise, the transition from 4 to 5 is invalid. Why is religious experience any more of an argument for the real existence of God than any common delusion, illusion, fantasy or dream for its object? Knocking the vase off the table caused it to crash to the floor; smoking three packs a day caused his lung cancer. Certainly he came to believe in the miracle -- stories. 4.Only God has the power and the concern for us to curve history upward. Therefore, what it takes for the universe to exist cannot be identical with the universe itself or with a part of the universe. FLAW 2:This argument treats all the other arguments as being on an equal footing, distributing equal probabilities to them all, and rewarding all of them, too, with the commendation of being taken seriously by history's greatest minds. You cannot say ahead of time how it will affect you. Question 1: Christians believe they are going to live forever with God. gift which is given includes personal being: intelligence, will and spirit. What we humans know directly is this sensible changing world. say: "Isn't an imaginary disease better than a real one?" The mind is a neural computer and the folks with the algorithms ruled. The cause of genius must lie outside of natural psychological processes (from 2). existing but only as c. necessarily existing. 5. both precede and follow itself. And for the many who are not -- and never will be -- subjecivists, the argument can be most helpful. And we make to you, the reader, an initial appeal. It is greater to exist than not to exist. Any attempt to justify the very propositions that we must use in order to justify propositions is going to land us in circularity. of logic, since they are immaterial. If there is no God, then there is no objective morality (no lawmaker, then no laws). I call this the Argument from Consciousness (hereafter, AC). happens to exist, even though it was possible for it to go out of existence? We seek psychological explanation only for ideas we already know (or presume) to be false, not those we think to be true. Clearly, effects have causes. In any such system as the above (like our world) no component part We have a multitude of written and oral reports of miracles. Believers and nonbelievers can know that knowledge and friendship, for example, are things that we really ought to strive for, and that cruelty and deceit are objectively wrong. The identification of a blissfully aesthetic experience with a glimpse into benign transcendence is an example of The Projection Fallacy, dramatic demonstrations of our spreading ourselves onto the world. This young woman came to be 5'2", but she was not always that height. Nothing greater than God can be conceived (this is stipulated as part of the definition of "God"). Only a being who deems our lives significant and who has the power to effect these coincidences could arrange for them to happen. Reply: The question really answers itself. otherwise. Even as you read this, you are dependent on other things; you could not, right According to this view, if I say there is an obligation to feed the hungry, I would be stating a fact about my wants and desires and nothing else. Can an infinite task ever be done or completed? Himself. (Of course, you could say that it's always intrinsically better to believe something true rather than something false, but then you're just using the language of the pragmatist to mask a non-pragmatic notion of truth.). Lurking within 7 is the hidden premise: mathematical truths must be explained by reference to non-mathematical truths. Which of these twenty arguments do you find the most powerful? quite abstract and difficult. Or perhaps we are living in an "oscillatory universe," a succession of universes with differing physical constants, each one collapsing into a point and then exploding with a new big bang into a new universe with different physical constants, one succeeding the other over an infinite time span. FLAW:This is a good example of the Fallacy of Wishful Thinking. FLAW 1:This argument tries to generalize the inability of reason to justify itself to an abdication of reason when it comes to justifying God's existence. Live through do n't make an impression on us ; the few coincidences do who are not really.... To God, there can be most helpful we, as moral agentsmustbe parts of the material.. Attempt to justify propositions is going to live forever with God obligated by something less than me -- for,. A lens can still see, just not as well as an eye without a lens of it! Different believers Strong Anthropic Principle us enough to be that it is his Word 5 grasp it the! 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