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chesapeake bay impact crater location

In this huge new reservoir, pore spaces are filled with briny water that is 1.5 times saltier than normal seawater. "Distribution, Origin, and Resource-Management Implications of Ground-Water Salinity Along the Western Margin of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure in Eastern Virginia." The rubble bed, which we now realize is an impact breccia, fills the crater and forms a thin halo around it, called an ejecta blanket. Located beneath the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay running from underneath the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula (near present-day Cape Charles, Virginia), across the Bay to Norfolk, Virginia, the roughly circular crater is twice the size of Rhode Island (2,500 sq mi [6,400 sq km]) and nearly as deep as the Grand Canyon (0.8 mi [1.3 km] deep). C, Chou I-M (2009) Evolution of crystalline target rocks and impactites in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, ICDP-USGS Eyreville B coreGeological Society of America Special Papers, Volume 458, p. 277-316, doi:10.1130/2009.2458(14), http://specialpapers.gsapubs.org/content/458/277.abstract, Horton, J. W., Jr., D. S. Powars, and G. S. Gohn, eds. However, numerical modeling techniques by Collins et al. The gravelly sand and crystalline block section forms an approximately 26 m thick interval that includes an amphibolite block and boulders of cataclastic gneiss and suevite. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1688-A-K, 2005b, p. 453., Johnson G. H., Kruse S. E., Vaughn A. W., Lucey J. K., Hobbs C. H. III, Powars D. S. (1998) Postimpact deformation associated with the late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure in southeastern Virginia: Geology, Volume 26, No. Eons ago, a comet or asteroid slammed into the Chesapeake area. All rights reserved. Youd think, then, that the combined blast of Popigai and Chesapeake would have had a similarly huge effect, and around 35 million years ago there were indeed some radical changes going on. (abstract), European Science Foundation: Impact Programme,ESF-IMPACT Workshop, 9th, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 23.. The entire bolide event, from initial impact to the termination of breccia deposition, lasted only a few hours or days. The world's sixth largest impact crater was created about 35 million years ago when a two to three mile wide asteroid or comet splashed into a shallow sea and shattered Earth's crust. 697-700.. According to Johnson, the space debris created a crater about 56 miles across and 1.2 miles deep (90 kilometers across, 1.9 kilometers deep) when it slammed into the ocean, through several hundred feet of ocean water and a couple thousand feet of sediments, near the present-day mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Debris shot up and everything within 600 miles was killed. The Chesapeake Bay watershed drains into five major rivers including the Susquehanna Potomac Rappahannock York and James which provide more than 90 percent of the Bay's fresh water. The middle gravelly sand (below the amphibolite block) is finer-grained, contains more abundant clay minerals, and displays more variable chemical compositions than upper gravelly sand (above the block). http://www.sciencemag.org/content/320/5884/1740, Gohn S. G., Koeberl C., Miller K. G., Reimold W. U. Stishovite is unstable above about 300-600C, whereas coesite is stable up to about 1100C, suggesting that the quartz grains studied here were quenched at relatively high postshock temperatures exceeding the stability range of stishovite, but within the stability range facilitating preservation of coesite. United States, Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center, Powars and Bruce (1999) showed that the Chesapeake Bay region of southeastern Virginia was the site of an asteroid or comet impact during the late Eocene, approximately 35 million years ago (Fig. (2006) Confirmation of a meteoritic component in impact-melt rocks of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA - Evidence from osmium isotopic and PGE systematics, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Volume 41, issue 6, pp. 4590, doi: 10.1016/S0037-0738(96)00048-6, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0037073896000486, Poag C. W., Koeberl C., Reimold W. U. Single crystal (UTh)/He dating has been undertaken on 21 detrital zircon grains extracted from a core sample from Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) site 1073, which is located ~390km northeast of the center of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure. On the basis of its unusual characteristics and its stratigraphic equivalent to a layer of impact ejecta at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 612. It provides an accessible analog for studying impact processes in layered and wet targets on volatile-rich planets. With sea level this low, the major east coast rivers had to cut narrow valleys across the region all the way to the shelf edge. Model mixing calculations between chondritic and crustal components suggest that most impact-melt rocks include a bulk meteoritic component of 0.01-0.1% by mass. ISBN-10: 3540404414; ISBN-13: 978-3540404415; doi: 10.1017/S0016756805260430. In Edwards, L. E., Horton, J. W., Jr., and Gohn, G. S., 2004, ICDP-USGS Workshop on Deep Drilling in the Central Crater of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Virginia, USA, September 22-24, 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1016, CD-ROM.. The Chesapeake Bay impact structure is a ca. Other significant evidence: breccias, impact melts, detailed morphology and mapping, platinum group element enrichment, associated tektites, magnetic and gravity anomalies, detailed petrology and petrography. The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program and the U.S. Geological Survey drilled a 1,766-m-deep test hole near the center of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure in 2005 and 2006. The structure and geometry of the crater were determined by seismic profiling from ships in the bay. Griscom D. L. (2002) Is Washington DC built on ejecta deposits of the upper-Eocene Chesapeake Bay Crater? pp. Most researchers now agree it wiped out the dinosaurs and many other forms of life. Last July a team of Canadian and Russian scientists announced that they had determined when the meteorite hit: 35.7 million years ago, give or take 200,000 years. How is the Chesapeake Bay crater hidden? The edge of the inner crater is at ~17 km radius and slopes. The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater. Location: Quebec, Canada. Touch for directions. Today, the lake Acraman a dry lake of 20 km diameter marks the location of . https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2002AM/finalprogram/abstract_41490.htm, Deutsch A., Koeberl C. (2006) Establishing the Link Between the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure and the North American Tektite Strewn Field: The Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidence. 2004), isamong the Earths largest and, at 35 Ma age, one of the best preserved impactstructures known on Earth. . Located beneath the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay running from underneath the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula (near present-day Cape Charles, Virginia), across the Bay to Norfolk, Virginia, the roughly circular crater is twice the size of Rhode Island (2,500 sq mi [6,400 sq km]) and nearly as deep as the Grand Canyon (0.8 mi [1.3 km] deep). 417420. ==Source== Adapted from North America topography map taken from NASA website. Specs: This impact crater formed what is now Lake Manicouagan. (2009) Pre-impact tectonothermal evolution of the crystalline basement-derived rocks in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure. (If links to articles don't work, don't give up. Lee S. R., Horton Jr. J. W., Walker R. J. The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater By Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program and the U.S. Geological Survey drilled a 1,766-m-deep test hole near the center of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure in 2005 and 2006. Some of the faults appear to completely breach the confining unit over the saltwater reservoir. This is an area twice the size of Rhode Island, and nearly as deep as the Grand Canyon. The Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, is the largest impact crater in the United States. Meteoritics & Planetary Science24 March 2016. The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater : An Educational Investigation for Students into the Planetary Impact Process and its Environmental Consequences. Its location on a passive continental margin has preventedpost-impact tectonic disturbance. Meteor helped form bay. Crater Name Location Latitude Longitude Diameter (km) Age (Ma) Exposed Drilled Targed Rock** Bolid Type*** Chesapeake Bay: Virginia, U.S.A. N 37 17' W 76 1' . Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Volume 25, p. A-378., Pusz A. E., Miller K. G., Wright J. D., Katz M. E., Cramer B. S., and Kent D. V. (2009) Stable isotopic response to late Eocene extraterrestrial impactsGeological Society of America Special Papers, Volume 452, p. 83-95, doi:10.1130/2009.2452(06), http://specialpapers.gsapubs.org/content/452/83.abstract, Riddle P. C., Vaughn A. W, Lucey J. K., Kruse S. E., Johnson G. H., Hobbs C. H. (1996) Geophysical studies of near-surface deformation associated with the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, southeastern Virginia (abstract). The present freshwater aquifers lie above a deep salty brine, remnants of 100- to 145-million-year-old Early Cretaceous North Atlantic seawater, making the entire lower Chesapeake Bay area susceptible to groundwater contamination. and the North American tektite strewn field: The Sr-Nd isotopic evidence This event was the first step in creating the Chesapeake Bay. Impacts this size are so rare that the timing was almost certainly no coincidence; perhaps a pair of gravitationally bound asteroids happened to cross Earths path. B., Daniels D. L., and Shah A. K. (2009) Gravity investigations of the Chesapeake Bay impact structureGeological Society of America Special Papers, Volume 458, p. 181-193, doi:10.1130/2009.2458(09), http://specialpapers.gsapubs.org/content/458/181.abstract, Poag C. W. (1996) Structural outer rim of Chesapeake Bay impact crater - Seismic and borehole evidence. The Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure is the largest crater in the US and sixth in the world, according to Yorktown, Virginia's website, but visitors won't be able to see it. Photographed By Bernard Fisher, April 20, 2013. The Chesapeake Bay impact crater. (abstract). 1 Metastable preservation of coesite and stishovite requires rapid cooling prior to amorphization. Did You Know? Confirmation of a meteoritic component in impact-melt rocks of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA Evidence from osmium isotopic and PGE systematics GPX; KML; LOC; UTM (WGS84 Datum) 18S E 409271 N 4124971: Decimal Degrees: 37.26690000, -76.02326667: Degrees and Decimal Minutes: (2004) The Chesapeake Bay Crater: Geology and Geophysics of a Late Eocene Submarine Impact Structure, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004. Journal Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 323, Issues 1-3, pp. Drilling wasdone into the crater moat, but close to the central uplift, to obtain as thickand as undisturbed a post-impact sequence of impactites and post-impactsediment as possible. Impact crater/structure; Confidence: Confirmed: Diameter: 53 miles (85 km) Depth: 0.81 miles (1.3 km) Impactor . In these samples, as much as 70% of the total Os may be of meteoritic origin. http://geology.gsapubs.org/content/33/5/417.short, Shah A. K., Daniels D. L., Kontny A., and Brozena J. The entire circular crater is about 53 miles in diameter and almost a mile deep. A brief introduction to the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater. Coesite commonly occurs in plastically deformed quartz grains within domains that appear brown (toasted) in transmitted light and rarely within quartz of spheroidal texture. 235255. The deep crater, 24mi (38km) across, is surrounded by a flat-floored terrace-like ring trough with an outer edge of collapsed blocks forming ring faults. Geologists have confirmed that the crater is buried about 1500 feet below the Eastern Shore Peninsula. Algae, crustaceans, and mollusks were going extinct in large numbers, while primitive whales were replaced by modern groups. 469-479. Griscom D.L. (2012) In plain sight: the Chesapeake Bay crater ejecta blanket, Solid Earth Discuss., Volume 4, pp. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Volume 25, p. A-378. The resolution of our seismic profiles allows us to trace the faults to within 10 m of the bay floor. The coords. Evidence of the crater comes from two sources: (1) cores drilled by the USGS and the Virginia State Water Control Board (fig. Powars and T.S. The Chesapeake Bay Crater : Geology and Geophysics of a Late Eocene Submarine Impact Structure. 726, doi:10.1016/S0022-3093(03)00304-1. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022309303003041, Horton, J. W., Jr., J. N. Aleinikoff, M. J. Kunk, G. S. Gohn, L. E. Edwards, J. M. Self-Trail, D. S. Powars, and G. S. Izett. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. That's enough breccia to cover all of Virginia and Maryland with a layer 30 m thick. The watershed is larger than most U.S. states totaling 64 000 square miles or 96 percent of the size of New England. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. In The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville core holes, edited by Gohn G. S., Koeberl C., Miller K. G., and Reimold W. U. GSA Special Paper 458. (UTh/He) dates for zircon crystals from this sediment range from 33.490.94 to 305.18.6Ma (2), implying crystaltocrystal variability in the degree of impactrelated resetting of (UTh)/He systematics and a range of different possible sources. A 1.3km thick rubble bed of impact breccia fills the crater and forms a thin ejecta blanket around it. A1). Author: Levine, Arlene S. Published: March 10, 2008. The Chesapeake Bay impact crater was created 35 million years ago when a large asteroid hit the eastern shore of what we call today north America. 819-833. Compaction of this breccia produced a subsidence differential, causing the land surface over the breccia to remain lower than the land surface over sediments outside the crater. The Chesapeake Bay Bolide: Modern Consequences of an Ancient Cataclysm USGS Coastal & Marine Geology Program, Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem History and Change USGS, The Chesapeake Bay: Geologic Product of Rising Sea Level - USGS Fact Sheet 102-98 USGS Coastal & Marine Geology Program, Earth Impact Database University of New Brunswick Department of Geology, National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationU.S. The physical position of three impact craters on the Continental Shelf - Chesapeake, Toms Canyon & Montagnais The Chesapeake impact structure is one of the best-preserved "wet-target" or marine impact craters, and the largest known impact crater in the U.S. 2), and (2) marine seismic-reflection profiles collected by Texaco, Inc., the USGS, and the National Geographic Society. The target region was on the marine continental shelf at the time of impact, and most of the region is still or again underwater today. The coesite likely developed by a mechanism of solid-state transformation from precursor quartz. 689-703. doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00985.x, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00985.x/abstract. Powars D. S., Poag C. W., Mixon R. B. An enormous megatsunami engulfed the land and possibly even reached the Blue Ridge Mountains. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp. The Barringer Crater is a 1.2 kilometer simple, bowl shaped crater formed about 50,000 years ago by an iron impactor about 30 meters across. Petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of deep gravelly sands in the Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure (2009) Megablocks and melt pockets in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure constrained by magnetic field measurements and properties of the Eyreville and Cape Charles cores. Crater-related ground subsidence also may play a role in the high rate of relative sea-level rise documented for the Chesapeake Bay region. It is three times larger than any other U.S. crater and is the sixth largest crater known on the planet. They could allow the salty water to flow upward and contaminate the freshwater supply. An asteroid or meteor collided with Earth in what is today the southern portion of the Chesapeake Bay. Even with erosion, it's considered one of the largest and best-preserved craters on Earth, with an estimated diameter of 62 miles (100 kilometers). (1993) The Chesapeake Bay impact crater; Stratigraphic and seismic evidence (abstract). (1993) The Chesapeake Bay impact crater; Stratigraphic and seismic evidence (abstract). The size of the crater is constrained in Plescia et al. The post-impact sediments of the Chickahominy formation have slightly higher TNdCHUR model ages of about 1.55 Ga, indicating a contribution of some older materials. The presence of this hypersaline aquifer has some practical implications for ground-water management in the lower bay region. higher than concentrations in basement gneiss, and together with the osmium isotopes indicate a substantial meteoritic component in some impact-melt rocks. Griscom D. L., Akiyoshi A., Homae T., Kondo K., Yamanaka C., Ueno T., Ikeya M., Affatigato M., Schue A. Until 1983 there was no evidence of a large impact crater buried beneath the lower part of the Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding peninsulas. We know that the bay is nowhere near 35 million years old. The basal gravelly sand (below the cataclasite boulder) has a lower SiO2 content, less K-feldspar, and more mica than the higher sands, and it contains more lithic clasts and melt particles that are probably reworked from the underlying suevite. [7], The continual slumping of the rubble within the crater has affected the flow of the rivers and shaped the Chesapeake Bay. On land, dense forests gave way to more open habitats, and early hoofed mammals and primates were supplanted by new forms. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 2010. This report documents the highly variable structure, stratigraphy, and buried topography of the outer rim of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater created by its impact and burial.

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