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geographical indications examples world

The mithraeum represented the cave to which Mithras carried and then killed the bull; and where stone vaulting could not be afforded, the effect would be imitated with lath and plaster. [27] Recent research into usage wear and acoustics of stone artefacts has revealed a possible new class of prehistoric musical instrument, known as lithophones. [p], In their basic form, mithraea were entirely different from the temples and shrines of other cults. Such instrument pairs also included bullroarers, slit drums, shell trumpets, and skin drums. European Union - 2022/10/27 Draft Commission Implementing Decision on the nonapproval of certain active substances for use in biocidal products in accordance with Regulation EU No 5282012 of the European Parliament and of the Council In Thistlethwaite, Nicholas & Webber, Geoffrey (Eds. What are geographical indications with examples? Early musical instruments were made from "found objects" such as shells and plant parts. [25] Xylophones originated in the mainland and archipelago of Southeast Asia, eventually spreading to Africa, the Americas, and Europe. He described these rites as a diabolical counterfeit of the baptism and chrismation of Christians. Mithraic temples are common in the empire; although unevenly distributed, with considerable numbers found in Rome, Ostia, Numidia, Dalmatia, Britain and along the Rhine/Danube frontier, while being somewhat less common in Greece, Egypt, and Syria. [49] A clay statuette indicates the use of drums, and examination of the Indus script has also revealed representations of vertical arched harps identical in design to those depicted in Sumerian artifacts. Organized by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, the WIPO ADR Young group offers a networking and training forum for young professionals interested in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options for IP disputes, such as mediation and arbitration. Filing a notice of intention to defend, 4. origin. Examples of geographical indications from the United States include: FLORIDA for oranges; IDAHO for potatoes; and WASHINGTON STATE for apples. [141] Clauss tends to agree. [4] However, some archaeologists and ethnomusicologists dispute the flute's status as a musical instrument. [n][49] The walls of mithraea were commonly whitewashed, and where this survives it tends to carry extensive repositories of graffiti; and these, together with inscriptions on Mithraic monuments, form the main source for Mithraic texts.[50]. You will also be able to explain the importance of the GI sector within the EU market. Filing Process (excluding filing of applications for registration), Part 3 Filing Requirements for a Trade Mark Application, 3. Grounds for rejection and the presumption of registrability, 5. A protocol was signed by Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kurt Waldheim and Director General of WIPO rpd Bogsch, on 21 January 1975, with the Agreement starting on 17 December 1974.[26]. [28], The event takes place in a cavern, into which Mithras has carried the bull, after having hunted it, ridden it and overwhelmed its strength. They are commonly located close to springs or streams; fresh water appears to have been required for some Mithraic rituals, and a basin is often incorporated into the structure. Artifacts made from durable materials, or constructed using durable methods, have been found to survive. However, most historians believe that determining a specific time of musical instrument invention is impossible, as many early musical instruments were made from animal skins, bone, wood, and other non-durable materials. Sometimes Victoria, Luna, Sol, and Saturn also seem to play a role. Principles of classification and finding the correct class for specific items, Annex A1 - History of the classification system, Annex A3 - Registered words which are not acceptable in specifications of goods and services, Annex A4 - Searching the NICE classification, Annex A5 - Using the Trade Marks Classification Search, Annex A6 - Cross search classes - pre-June 2000, Annex A7 - Cross search classes - June 2000 to December 2001, Annex A8 - Cross search classes from 1 January 2002, Annex A9 - Cross search classes from November 2005, Annex A10 - Cross search classes from March 2007, Annex A11 - Cross search classes from January 2012, Annex A12 - Cross search classes from January 2015, Part 15 General Provision for Extensions of Time, 2. He is shown as emerging from a rock, already in his youth, with a dagger in one hand and a torch in the other. [142], The WIPO Academy is the training arm of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), it was established in 1998. The IP Resources Hub offers practical tips on how to use various intellectual property rights. Although the exact identity of the lion-headed figure is debated by scholars, it is largely agreed that the god is associated with time and seasonal change.[42]. Scholars recognize HornbostelSachs as the only system that applies to any culture and, more importantly, provides the only possible classification for each instrument. The Basic Application or Basic Registration (Basic Trade Mark), 4. International Registrations that have Designated Australia, 4.2 Record of International Registrations, 4.3 Filing/Data Capture/Allocation of Australian Trade Mark Number, 4.13 Final Decision on Provisional Refusal Based on Examination, 4.16 Extension of Time to File Notice of Opposition to Protection, 4.19 Cessation or Limitation of Protection, 4.20 Cessation of Protection because of Non-Use, 4.21 Opposition to Cessation of Protection because of Non-Use, 4.23 Claim to Interest in, or Right in Respect of a Trade Mark, 4.24 Change in Ownership of an International Registration, 3. Spectrum IEEE, 34(2):1833, Dec 1997. cannot determine which instruments are more "primitive", "Brookhaven Lab Expert Helps Date Flute Thought to be Oldest Playable Musical Instrument", "A Possible New Class of Prehistoric Musical Instruments from New England: Portable Cylindrical Lithophones", "(PDF) Flint Tools as Portable Sound-Producing Objects in the Upper Palaeolithic Context: An Experimental Study", "Carnyx - Caledonians, Picts and Romans - Scotland's History", "The 14 most important synths in electronic music history and the musicians who use them", Music technology (electronic and digital), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Musical_instrument&oldid=1116426707, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 October 2022, at 14:20. Rather, the history of musical instruments in the area begins with the Indus Valley civilization that emerged around 3000 BC. Cultures eventually developed composition and performance of melodies for entertainment. 7. Have a look at our trailer for a brief introduction to this course: https://youtu.be/GADAgxTHjgE. 2. [69][70][71][72], The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center was established in 1994 as an international resource for alternatives to court litigation of intellectual property and technology disputes. [102] The cave is described as persei, which in this context is usually translated Persian. [v] The earliest dateable mithraeum outside Rome dates from 148CE. Classification procedures in examination, 5. 29.6. Process procedures for non payment or underpayment of the appropriate fee, 11. Amalgamation (Linking) of Trade Marks under the Trade Marks Amendment Act 2006, Part 9 Amendments and Changes to Name and Address, 2. [80], The monochord served as a precise measure of the notes of a musical scale, allowing more accurate musical arrangements. [78], European music between 800 and 1100 became more sophisticated, more frequently requiring instruments capable of polyphony. At the top right is Luna, with her crescent moon, who may be depicted driving a biga. Tubular drums, stick zithers (veena), short fiddles, double and triple flutes, coiled trumpets, and curved India horns emerged in this time period. Factors to be taken into account before deciding whether revocation of registration is reasonable, 4. [164] These include supporting indigenous and local community entrepreneurship in making strategic and effective use of intellectual property tools in their businesses; providing intellectual property advice on the documentation of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions; organizing hands-on training, mentoring and distance learning programs; and acting as a global reference of information resources on the intersection of IP and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as maintaining a repository of regional, national and community experiences. [43][44] Created in 1891, the Madrid System is now governed by the Madrid Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (1989). [123][128], Andre Schaeffner, a curator at the Muse de l'Homme, disagreed with the HornbostelSachs system and developed his own system in 1932. Sections of the Act NOT applying to certification trade marks, 4. The lyre is the only musical instrument that may have been invented in Europe until this period. To access graded assignments and to earn a Certificate, you will need to purchase the Certificate experience, during or after your audit. This is the supposed arrival of the cult in Italy as a result of Pompey the Great's defeat of the Cilician pirates, who practised 'strange sacrifices of their own and celebrated certain secret rites, amongst which those of Mithra continue to the present time, having been first instituted by them'. Really learned a lot. In 2000, WIPO's member states designated April 26 the day on which the WIPO Convention came into force in 1970 as World IP Day with the aim of increasing general understanding of IP.. University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Part 2: Asymmetric Information and Market Failures, Part 3: Asymmetric Information and Market Failures, Part 4: Asymmetric Information and Market Failures, Product Attributes and their Classification, Part 1: Asymmetric Information and Market Failures, Retailer Pricing Behaviour with Implication to Farmers Welfare, Segmentation, positioning, and brand personality, Part 2: Geographical Indications (GI): concept, relevance and protection, Part 1: Geographical Indications (GI): concept, relevance and protection, Part 2: Definitions and Types of Innovation, Part 1: Models and Diffusion of Innovation, Part 2: Models and Diffusion of Innovation, Part 3: Models and Diffusion of Innovation, Part 1: Drivers and Barriers of Innovation, Part 2: Drivers and Barriers of Innovation, Part 1: Definitions and Types of Innovation, Part 2: Definition of Corporate Social Responsibilities and the Corporate Social Performance Model, Part 1: Corporate Social Responsibilities in the Agro-food Sector, Part 2: Corporate Social Responsibilities in the Agro-food Sector, Part 1: Definition of Corporate Social Responsibilities and the Corporate Social Performance Model, Part 1: Contracts and the Incentive Problem, Part 2: Contracts and the Incentive Problem, Part 3: Contracts and the Incentive Problem, Part 1: Examples of Food Quality Standards, Part 2: Examples of Food Quality Standards, Vertical Coordination and Transaction Costs, Advance your career with graduate-level learning, Subtitles: French, Portuguese (European), Russian, English, Spanish. [130] Mulberry trees are held in high regard in China owing to their mythological significanceinstrument makers would hence use them to make zithers. Consensus solidifying about artifacts dated back to around 37,000 years old and later. In order to function as a GI, a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place. [33] The banquet scene features Mithras and Sol Invictus banqueting on the hide of the slaughtered bull. [6], Clauss states that inscriptions show Mithras as one of the cults listed on inscriptions by Roman senators who had not converted to Christianity, as part of the "pagan revival" among the elite in the second half of the 4th century. CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. "Mithras also found a place in the 'pagan revival' that occurred, particularly in the western empire, in the latter half of the 4thcenturyCE. Modern histories have replaced such mythology with anthropological speculation, occasionally informed by archeological evidence. [172], Ernest Renan suggested in 1882 that, under different circumstances, Mithraism might have risen to the prominence of modern-day Christianity. Find out how young inventors, creators and entrepreneurs can use intellectual property (IP) rights to achieve their goals, generate income, create jobs, tackle local and global challenges and support community and national development. Composers also began designing pieces of music for specific instruments. Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. [38], Unlike Mesopotamia and Egypt, professional musicians did not exist in Israel between 2000 and 1000 BC. The deferment process where the applicant has requested deferment, 5. [193] It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, the WIPO, the World Bank, and UNESCO.[194]. [53], It is doubtful whether Mithraism had a monolithic and internally consistent doctrine. [90], Global protection system treaties govern WIPO's services, ensuring that one international registration or filing will have effect in any of the relevant signatory States. The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was adopted in 1883 and was one of the first intellectual property treaties. Geographical indications serve the same functions as trademarks, because like trademarks they are: 1) For example, a system based on instrument use would fail if a culture invented a new use for the same instrument. Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment. [62][63][64], The Lisbon System includes the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration of 1958 ('the Lisbon Agreement') and, its latest revision, the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications of 2015 ('the Geneva Act') form the Lisbon System. Before we turn to the Danube, however, there is one early event (rather than geographical location) which should perhaps be mentioned briefly in passing. [74][75][76], The WIPO Hague System[77] for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides an international mechanism for securing protection of up to 100 designs[77][78] in multiple countries or regions, through a single international application, filed in one language and using one currency (Swiss francs). On the figure from the Ostia Antica Mithraeum (left, CIMRM312), the four wings carry the symbols of the four seasons, and a thunderbolt is engraved on his chest. Merkelbach (1984: pp. [105] The 4thcentury commentary on Vergil by Servius says that Pompey settled some of these pirates in Calabria in southern Italy. A person who plays a musical instrument is known as an instrumentalist or instrumental musician. [6], Archaeological evidence of musical instruments was discovered in excavations at the Royal Cemetery in the Sumerian city of Ur. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WIPO has "external offices" around the world, including in Algiers (Algeria); Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Beijing (China), Tokyo (Japan); Abuja (Nigeria); Moscow (Russia); and Singapore (Singapore). "John, the Lord Chamberlain", a 19992014 series of historical mystery novels, depicts a secret Mithraist community still active in Justinian's court (r. 527567), but there is no historical evidence for such a late survival of the religion. During the Classical and Romantic periods of music, lasting from roughly 1750 to 1900, many new musical instruments were developed. Registrability under section 41 of the Trade Marks Act 1995, 4. Background to definition of a trade mark, 5. [79] The Byzantine lyra, a bowed string instrument, is an ancestor of most European bowed instruments, including the violin. Perhaps all that can be hoped for is a theory which is in accordance with the evidence and commends itself by (mere) plausibility. Endorsements where the provisions of subsection 44(3) or 44(4) and/or reg 4.15A are applied, Annex A1 - Information sheet for trade mark applicants - Evidence of honest and concurrent, prior use or other circumstances, Part 29 Section 43 - Trade Marks likely to Deceive or Cause Confusion, 1. Practice regarding the signs prescribed under subsection 39(2) appearing in subreg 4.15, 5. He writes: "Archaeology indicates that Roman Mithraism had its epicenter in Rome the fully developed religion known as Mithraism seems to have begun in Rome and been carried to Syria by soldiers and merchants. [150], The religion and its followers faced persecution in the 4th century from Christianization, and Mithraism came to an end at some point between its last decade and the 5th century. The extant mithraea present us with actual physical remains of the architectural structures of the sacred spaces of the Mithraic cult. [92], Beginning in about 1400, the rate of development of musical instruments increased in earnest as compositions demanded more dynamic sounds.

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