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mindfulness scholarly articles

African Americans who were told in advance that blacks perform more poorly on exams than whites, women who were told that they perform more poorly than men, and white men who were told that they usually do worse than Asians, all had lower scores on an examination than control groups who were not confronted with a stigma of inferiority (Fischer et al. There are also marked increases in suicide rates among Hispanics, especially among adolescents and young adults. There is a link between dehydration and blood pressure. Example dissertation #3: The Use of Mindfulness Meditation to Increase the Efficacy of Mirror Visual Feedback for Reducing Phantom Limb Pain in Amputees A literature review is a survey of scholarly knowledge on a topic. Limited scientific evidence also indicates that the presence of stereotype threat in the encounter of a minority patient with a provider may adversely affect the quality of interaction with the provider and patient adherence to medical recommendations (Aronson et al. All 360 cases must include the perspective of a patient, family member, or caregiver. The study analyzed the stereotypes held by white adults who work or volunteer with children across the U.S., examining their reported views towards adults, teenagers, and children from a range of racial and ethnic backgrounds (blacks, Hispanics, whites, Native Americans, Asians, and Arab Americans). Educational Administration Quarterly 40.1: 79110. The review included 78 trials employing a variety of intervention approaches (Hodder et al., 2019). We encourage authors to reflect on their experience of health care and especially value contributions that convey personal and professional encounters with a sense of immediacy and realism. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016. To see examples of recent articles that would fit under Innovations in Practice (formerly called Innovations), please see: Focus is on a practical, evidence-based approach to a common presentation in primary care (clinic or emergency department). Vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium are known to reduce blood pressure. An important early study analyzed longitudinal data from 779 black adults in the National Study of Black Americans (NSBA) (Brown et al. Other conditions linked to race and ethnicity can also play a role in shaping the mental health of disadvantaged populations, and we need to understand these stressors in their full complexity. 2005, Ren, Amick and Williams 1999, Williams et al. OR 1999. , Being Black and Feeling Blue: The Mental Health Consequences of Racial Discrimination, Brown Tony N., Sellers Sherrill L. and Gomez John P. Preparation of this paper was supported in part by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01 MD009719. , Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa, Williams David R. and Mohammed Selina A. , Transmitting Trauma: A Systematic Review of Vicarious Racism and Child Health, Hicken Margaret T., Lee Hedwig, Ailshire Jennifer, Burgard Sarah A. and Williams David R. , The Impact of Racism on Clinician Cognition, Behavior, and Clinical Decision Making, Vega William A. and Rumbaut Ruben G. In the national MIDUS study, church attendance buffered the adverse effect of discrimination on negative affect among African-Americans but not among Whites (Bierman 2006). Rural African Americans Socioeconomic StatusRelated Risk and Competence in Preadolescence and Psychological Adjustment and Allostatic Load at Age 19, Brody Gene H., Lei Man-Kit, Chae David H., Yu Tianyi, Kogan Steven M. and Beach Steven R. H. How much water should you be drinking? There are also frequent media reports of incidents of police violence directed towards black, Latino, and Native American communities, and there is emerging evidence that the steady drumbeat and reminders of these police shootings can be chronic stressors that adversely affect the mental health of the larger community. Some of the strongest levels of negative stereotyping by white adults working with children were reported towards teenagers, with black and Native American teens being almost ten times as likely to be viewed as lazy as white adults. It explores the nature and foundations of mindfulness, its mechanisms of actions, and its use across cultures. By whom is it delivered? A study of 714 black adolescents, ages 1012 at baseline, interviewed three times over five years, found that the negative effects of discrimination on depressive symptoms was reduced among those adolescents who had had high levels of support from their parents and friends (Brody et al. Our guide with examples, video, - A national but non-representative survey of 2,000 Kindergarten through grade 12 teachers documented that more than a half of them indicated that since the Trump presidential campaign had begun, there had been an increase among some of their students in using slurs, name-calling, and saying bigoted and hostile things about immigrants, minorities, and Muslims, and many students in these targeted groups were afraid and worried about potential negative effects on their families after the election (Costello 2016). They can help you make the right decision. Compare the previously published, original material to that in the manuscript you are submitting to the CMAJ, If you are the author of the original article and hold copyright, please ensure that you have. I have been an MSW for 30 years and a licensed clinician and social work scholar for over 25 years. The website from University of Virginia provides sample teaching portfolios from a variety of disciplines. Negative stereotyping by whites were most pronounced towards adults, but were seen even towards young children. Subscribe to LINK, AACSB's weekly newsletter! Recent studies have documented that residing in communities with high levels of racial prejudice is associated with an elevated risk of mortality, especially for racial minorities who reside in those communities (Chae et al. 2014), and waist circumference and BMI among black women (Hicken, Lee and Hing 2018). 10 references If you have high blood pressure, the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high. Submissions should include a maximum of 10references formatted in the Vancouver style, and be no more than 1,400words (including references). The New Books Network is a podcast network featuring over 15,000 interviews with scholars, experts, and authors. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system.. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor.. To submit an obituary, please contact inmemoriam@cma.ca. The importance of water. 2018. However, when blacks and Latinos experience mental illness, their episodes tend to be are more severe, persist for longer periods of time, and are more debilitating than for any other race/ethnic group (Breslau et al. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system. Most of the studies were longitudinal and had been published after 2011. However, once depressed, both black groups were more likely than whites to be chronically or persistently depressed, have more severe symptoms, higher levels of impairment, and not receive treatment. American Psychological Assocation Presidential Task Force on Preventing Discrimination and Promoting Diversity 2012, Szkupinski Quiroga, Medina and Glick 2014, Novak, Geronimus and Martinez-Cardoso 2017, Odom, VernonFeagans and Investigators 2010, https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2015/impact-of-discrimination.pdf, https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2016/coping-with-change.PDF, https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/splc_the_trump_effect.pdf, https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/11/10/neo-nazi-andrew-anglin-cheers-anti-muslim-harassment-reports-attacks-mount. It is defined as a state of nonjudgmental, moment-to-moment awareness ( Kabat-Zinn, 1990, p.2 ), and has been studied across varied disciplines such as psychology, physiology, healthcare, neuroscience, the arts, and others. Relatedly, research also suggests that anti-immigrant policies and initiatives can trigger hostility toward immigrants that can lead to perceptions of vulnerability, fear, and psychological distress for both immigrants who are directly targeted and those who are not direct targets (Szkupinski Quiroga, Medina and Glick 2014). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Who is eligible? Contact editorial@cmaj.ca to discuss proposals. All published articles have been peer reviewed. Topics are varied and include, but are not limited to, CMAJ's four areas of focus mental health, health of vulnerable populations,health services and sepsis. It found that increases in racial discrimination were associated with conduct problems and depressive symptoms, with the association between discrimination and conduct problems stronger for boys but no gender difference evident for depressive symptoms. Reviews are structured around five to six clinical questions that are clearly answered in the text and by tables and visuals that help to present complex information. An official website of the United States government. There are ways to prevent and treat high blood pressure. Moreover, in models that counted the number of domains in which an individual scored high on stress, the study found a graded association between the number of stressors and an increase in depressive symptoms. 02475D (Sydney). Editorial contact: Prospective authors who have a well-developed idea and wish to discuss it before submission should contact Dr. Andreas Laupacis (andreas.laupacis@cmaj.ca). 2001. Along with helping to lower blood pressure, it can assist in lubricating the body, reducing the risk of conditions like kidney stones and urinary tract infections, and it can help improve brain function. 2006. The GALEN rhinosinusitis cohort: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps affects health-related quality of life. Learn more A review of research on this topic revealed that his election led to the rise of the Tea Party movement with its racist rhetoric, declining white support for the Democratic party, and increases in the belief among whites that racism no longer exists, that was combined with opposition to efforts to address racial inequities (Parker 2016). The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade Friday, holding that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion. These include hostility and stress in the current political environment, the complex relationships between mental health and physical health, the mental health consequences of climate change and other emerging environmental risks, identifying sources of psychological resilience, and understanding and confronting patterns of increased mental health risks. Differing Effects by Race, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation, Bor Jacob, Venkataramani Atheendar S., Williams David R. and Tsai Alexander C. A U-M faculty member since 1997, in the past 10 years Keane has published more than 30 articles, reviews, interviews and book chapters, as well as two books. The Good Brigade / Getty Images. If you have high blood pressure, the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system.. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor.. To submit an obituary, please contact inmemoriam@cma.ca. Analysis articles are not long commentaries. 2015, Lee et al. The Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries is home to the largest repository of materials on Cuba outside of the island and the most comprehensive collection of resources about Cuban exile history and the global Cuban diaspora experience. See examples on our, Length depends on the number of authors involved; two to four authors permitted, case description ( 250 words) providing information about the patient, their medical condition, management and outcomes, two to four perspectives of individuals involved in the case, either written ( 400 words each) or in audio or video ( 5 min each) format; one must be that of the patient, their family member or caregiver, 2,000 word limit; up to 25 references formatted in the Vancouver style, includes brief introduction (250 words mac) to indicate the direction of the article; must answer "Why should I read this article? To facilitate the process, send a fleshed out summary of what you plan to write. Drinking water salinity, Urinary macromineral excretions, and blood pressure in the southwest coastal population of Bangladesh. 4 authors, Emphasizes an area of controversy or difficulty in diagnosis, investigation or treatment of a condition, Highlights recent diagnostic and therapeutic innovations (e.g., devices, tools, rules, therapies), 1,400 words Journal Article from most Library databases: No DOI. An essential role of Open Access is the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and research data. 1997. , Effects of Self-Reported Racial Discrimination and Deprivation on Maori Health and Inequalities in New Zealand: Cross-Sectional Study, Hatzenbuehler Mark L., Bellatorre Anna, Lee Yeonjin, Finch Brian K., Muennig Peter and Fiscella Kevin However, there is broad agreement that social contextual factors that reflect exposure to chronic and acute stressors linked to the living and working conditions of these populations play a role in shaping their mental health risk (Pearlin et al. It found a dose-response relationship between the number of experiences of discrimination with the degree of deterioration in mental health over time, as measured by a scale of psychological distress. There was the possibility of shared response bias between self-reported measures of discrimination and self-reported measures of health in cross-sectional analyses. What drinks should I avoid with high blood pressure? , Perceived Discrimination and Health: A Meta-Analytic Review, Pearlin Leonard I., Menaghan Elizabeth G., Lieberman Morton A. and Mullan Joseph T. Yet the scholarly range and significance of Keanes work is far wider, spanning anthropology, history, philosophy, religious studies, social psychology and southeast Asian studies. , Mass Incarceration, Public Health, and Widening Inequality in the USA, Wildeman Christopher, Goldman Alyssa W. and Turney Kristin This journal publishes peer-reviewed papers that examine the latest research findings and best practices in mindfulness. There are ways to manage and/or prevent high blood pressure. Relevant stakeholders should be included in the guideline development group. News articles are written by professional journalists; ideas and news tips are welcome. All submitted guidelines submitted must adhere to the Guideline International Network (GIN) principles for managing competing interests in guidelines (fullCMAJ policy). Trial registration: Registry and number should be included for clinical trials and, if available, for other study types. Although clinical reviews don't require a rigorous systematic literature review, we expect that authors will base the review on a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the existing literature. Observational studies should follow the STROBE reporting guidelines. 2010. It starts with your lifestyle. 2009. 4 authors, Social analysis of the medical and health sciences; discussion of ongoing research particularly welcome, Narratives written by patients and health care practitioners commenting on their experience of illness or medicine; personal, professional encounters with a sense of immediacy and realism. Describe the intervention. There are a number of emerging mental risks that require more systematic attention in order to identify and effectively address current and future sources of stress and mental health challenges for populations of color. Religious involvement has reduced the negative effects of discrimination on health in two national studies. One national study of African Americans found that education was positively associated with experiences of racial discrimination and both John Henryism and discrimination were associated with the increased odds of major depression, but John Henryism did not moderate the relationship between discrimination and depression (Hudson et al. In prospective analyses using data from the NSBA, higher levels of religious involvement (church attendance, and seeking religious guidance in everyday life) reduced the positive association between racial discrimination and psychological distress (Ellison, Musick and Henderson 2008). Proposals for print and online supplements will be considered. Avoid the most common mistakes and prepare your manuscript for journal editors. With regards to defined psychiatric disorders, Hispanics (or Latinos),with the exception of Puerto Ricans, blacks, and Asians all have lower rates of lifetime and past year psychiatric disorders than whites (Miranda et al. ), Up to 3 authors, one of whom should be designated as the clinical guarantor, Each key sentence should be clear, short and specific, supported by one or two explanatory sentences and a reference, Who suffers from this condition? Interventions should be supported by recent guidelines, if available. We do not currently have a clear sense of either the determinants of the levels of mental health status for the major racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. or the patterning of the various indicators of mental health status for all of these minority populations. 2017b. For an online journal article with no DOI (other than those retrieved from a Librarydatabase), provide the direct URL for the article. She shows that structural conditions linked to racism lead to lower life expectancy for African Americans. elicit information, include patient in planning, respond with empathy) were rated as higher. , Parental Incarceration and Child Health in the United States, Williams David R., Lavizzo-Mourey Risa and Warren Rueben C. Educational Membership. Educational Membership. However, it is unclear how processes linked to John Henryism and blocked opportunity relate to each other and can combine to affect physical and mental health. Similarly, discrimination was inversely associated with positive mental health (e.g., resilience, self-worth, self-esteem) in 62% of the 108 associations examined. He is the author of over 400 scholarly papers and is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. , Perceived Discrimination among African American Adolescents and Allostatic Load: A Longitudinal Analysis with Buffering Effects, Brown-Iannuzzi Jazmin L., Adair Kathryn C., Payne B. Keith, Richman Laura Smart and Fredrickson Barbara L. Sporting Traditions, 33(2), 19-40. , None of Us Will Get out of Here Alive: The Intersection of Perceived Risk for Hiv, Risk Behaviors and Survival Expectations among African American Emerging Adults, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Ellison Christopher G., Musick Marc A. and Henderson Andrea K. The study found that those participants who had reported only one prior experience of discrimination had greater deterioration in mental health (1.93 points lower on a scale of psychological distress) than those who reported none. The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets, Paradies Yin and Cunningham Joan In addition, mothers discrimination in 2006 was associated with poorer maternal mental health and harsh parenting practices in 2008, and both of these factors were associated with child social and emotional development in 2012. 2016. Nairne and Wilkinson (2018) assert that "our relationship with ourselves is essential to how we each show up professionally" (p. 106). Also called 'secondary citation'. Offers the single scholarly source dedicated to mindfulness theory and multidisciplinary scholarly research, including assessment, prevention, treatment, consultation, training, and collaboration; Is supported by an editorial board that is composed of a highly qualified and experienced multidisciplinary team of experts in mindfulness; African American and Hispanic teens were between one and a half to two times more likely to be considered violence-prone and unintelligent than white adults and teens. 2005, Turner 2013, Vega and Rumbaut 1991). When the body is dehydrated, the heart must use more force and pump harder to distribute blood throughout the body. 2017. In 2014, he was ranked as one of the Worlds Most Influential Scientific Minds. These articles emphasize an area of controversy or difficulty in diagnosis, investigation or treatment of a condition and involve clinical reasoning. 2011. 360 cases highlight the different perspectives of two to four people involved in the same health care interaction. The SDGs as Necessary, Useful, and Beautiful. CMAJ Group's requirements are as follows: Research about humans, with focus on patients, diseases, populations and health services; topics relevant to the medical profession, Common presentations of important rare conditions; important unusual presentations of common problems, 1,500 words It strengthens the calming, rational prefrontal cortex and reduces activity in the instinctive, impulsive amygdala. Programs & Events. Healthcare is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on health care systems, industry, technology, policy, and regulation, and is published monthly online by MDPI. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, published four times a year, is an international scholarly journal with the primary mission of dissemination: to bridge the gap between clinical research and practice of cognitive and behavioral therapies.The journal is Intern Med J2018;48:62436. The span of the University of Miami Libraries Cuban Heritage Collection reinforces the Universitys hemispheric mission and commitment to a continuing relationship with its neighbors. Research has also documented that discrimination is associated with a broad range of disease states (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes) and preclinical indicators of disease (e.g., allostatic load, inflammation, shorter telomere length, BMI, incident obesity, coronary artery calcification, cortisol dysregulation, and oxidative stress) that are not assessed via self-report (Lewis, Cogburn and Williams 2015, Paradies et al. 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