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openwrt dhcpv6 prefix delegation

Hello all, I recently managed to get IPv6 from my ISP, so I could drop HE tunnel. I noticed that in the config snipet that my ISP sent me there was no mtu=1492 in the wan interface. 1 will enable IPCP6 negotiation but nothing else, you'll need to manually configure a DHCPv6 interface then. Does this mean that the configuration should reference the dynamically created "wan_6" interface as opposed to "wan6" shown above? In May 2018, the OpenWrt forum suffered a total data loss. I only add IPv6 assignment hint to my interfaces. Not sure if this was some defense measure from the ISP, //edit You may also want to look at using dnsmasq for your RAs / dhcpv6 oprions etc instead of radvd + dhcp6s. Too much confidence I guess and I got carried away from other operating systems. If yes, maybe there is a problem with the firewall and the firewall rules are not correctly applied at boot. Did you disable/modify the default dhcpv6 firewall rule? Maybe it broke something that went unnoticed. Very strange but it's been stable for a while now and I had zero success before the firewall changes. Make sure you have a big terminal window then it's a simple expression to filter the output to leave DHCPv6 over PPPoE. Since you are using dhcp for wan and dhcpv6 for wan6 the default configuration will work out of the box. NAT66 and IPv6 masquerading. The key is to set dhcpv6-pd prefix-only so we only request an prefix via dhcpv6 and get our ipv6-address for eth0 via slaac WORKING CONFIG TO REQUEST AN /62 via IPv6-PD on Edgerouter-X on v1.10 The engineer from my ISP asked me how's the troubleshooting going and he showed me his test raspberry running OpenWrt and connecting properly with almost defaults. Path of script which is executed when a reply is received, Specifies whether a prefix should be added on this interface. It also provides initial support for the new ath79 target, the. But how can an MTU issue break delegation and not everything else also? So this is why input rules for the wan zones are needed. the ppp daemon gets launched with mtu 1492, odhcpd is a daemon for serving and relaying IP management protocols to configure clients and downstream routers. Moreover the only hit is from bogon_6 which doesn't contain the prefix of my provider or any link local addresses. On the OPNsense WAN interface it has a static IPv4 and does DHCPv6 with prefix delegation. For prefix delegation to work downstream, there should be several /64 prefixes available (at least two, so that the Openwrt router would keep one for itself and its WAN side (=modem side) and assign the other for its LAN). PPPOE for the IPv4 wan, SLAAC on IPv6 wan, and DHCPv6 for prefix delegation. And with what have you bridged the eth1.2 ? Did you enable/modify the default dhcpv6 firewall rule? save. When the Openwrt router gets assigned a only single /64, there is nothing to delegate further for its own LAN side. The odhcp6c command line looks fine to me. So, say your isp gave you this for your prefix def: 2001:db8:face:dad0::/60, your first subnet you can give to an interface is 2001:db8:face:dad0::/64, then 2001:db8:face:dad1::/64, then 2001:db8:face:dad2::/64, etc. //edit I suggest to do a reset of the device to defaults and start from scratch. IPv6 with Hurricane Electric. I just configured the wan and default input to ACCEPT. And it was my wrong to use it without checking first documentation or the "ip link". Then they will end up with wan6 and wan_6, which I don't think is a good idea. prefix ::/56 infinity; So the first thing I would do is use a custom dhcp6c config using the above example. Firewall gets started (default policy set to DROP, network is not up/configured yet). I have made it work, with a few workarounds. Or do you have to set option ipv6 '1' instead of 'auto' in the interface wan section? I also removed both the "546-to-547" and "547-to-546" supplemental firewall rules mentioned in the OpenWrt IPv6 article and things still work fine. If you do not agree leave the website. The OPNsense LAN interface is split up using 802.1Q VLAN tags for different trust groups, e.g. Strange, banip doesn't whitelist any upstream ipv6 addresses. 1 will enable IPCP6 negotiation but nothing else, you'll need to manually configure a DHCPv6 interface then. I think tcpdump 'sees' traffic before iptables, at least for inbound traffic. SLAAC works fine, wan6 or wan_6 interface (option ipv6 in pppoe-wan 1 or auto, tried them both) has a correct IPv6 and can see it works with pings etc. Like I said, I never clicked on those options on initial setup that I can recall (I had to search pretty deeply to find them in order to disable them). Hi! Self-registration in the wiki has been disabled. If not, what is blocking it? In OpenWRT's gui "LuCI" the delegated IPv6 Prefix provided by the ISP is diplayed in the status page in overview. Here are config snippets that may be helpful: Thanks for the tip on adding 'tcpdump'. I currently have DHCPv6 working perfectly like this on my openwrt router, but when trying to test on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016, it seems I can only create DHCPv6 scopes with a /64 prefix delegation. Tracing packets was easy once tcpdump was installed. This example requests a /56 sized prefix and DNS servers on wan and configures two /64 subnets out of the prefix on lan and loopback. So if you set 1492 as MTU, eth0 MTU will be 1492 and "option ipv6 1" under wan, so to configure wan6 manually. However OpenWrt should reply with a request, instead it sends again solicit, server sends advertise and this continues indefinitely. Any ideas what is happening? It tries to follow the RFC 6204. requirements for IPv6 home routers. With prefix delegation, a delegating router (the BNG) delegates IPv6 prefixes to a requesting router (the CPE). I have configured wan and wan6 as interfaces in banip. This website uses cookies. This will set the assigned subnet of the /60. And then configure all the settings in the interface wan6 section. This requires a solicitation (UDP src 546 to dst 547) and a response (UDP src 547 to dst 546). Using LEDE Ive sent details of my config to my ISP and they are investigating their end. If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. The following firewall rules allow this to work: I reworked the option ipv6 section of the wiki a few days ago. Multiple configurations exist but for my ISP using a fiber connection with an IPv4 PPPoE connection encapsulating DHCPv6 advertisement/solicitation this was required. The loopback interface gets the first subnet assigned, lan the second. I followed various advice given in https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/ipv6/start and other pages including adding new ip6tables rules for DHCPv6 UDP port 546/547, but I can't get the br-wan6 interface to go live and acquire an IPv6 IP. Well, I had a packet capture which shows blocked ports beforehand and DHCPv6 enabled over PPPoE afterwards, after enabling those two rules. Not sure if this was some defense measure from the ISP. I understand there are default wan6 firewall rules. I have a Linksys router running OpenWRT 18.06.5, and am getting an IP address and a prefix delegation from my ISP (Comcast). Yes it is enabled and I have tried to loosen it up without any result. I have PPPoE as well. and launches the ppp daemon with the mtu specified. I was anyway using the defaults for the firewall, so if it didn't work for me it wouldn't work for anyone else. report. Here is what I see on the WAN interface that relates to ICMPv6/DHCPv6: That is not correct. Other than the usual PPPoE negotiation and some failed DHCPv6 requests on the LAN side there's nothing. IPv6 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Configuration ISP Customer Routers C1 C2 Hosts Verification ISP Customers C1 C2 The prefix delegation feature lets a DHCP server assign prefixes chosen from a global pool to DHCP clients. But when there are no hits for your isp prefixes or link locals, banip can also be ruled out. Is there a valid reason to bridge the wan interface? Do you have banip, bcp38 or similar packages installed? Maybe I missed some update. With this release the OpenWrt project brings all supported targets back to a single common kernel version and further refines and broadens existing device support. Remember to redact passwords, MAC addresses and any public IP addresses you may have, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, IPv6 trouble with DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation, https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/ipv6/start. I have a support ticket with my ISP open already. That applies to ingress traffic. Been fighting this for a while now. The /etc/config/dhcp6c file controls the WIDE-DHCPv6 client package wide-dhcpv6-client configuration. 11 comments. You can use DHCPv6 prefix delegation to automate the delegation of IPv6 prefixes to the CPE. OpenWrt 19.07.0 first release candidate Installing and Using OpenWrt I already have "option ipv6 '1'" in the wan interface inside /etc/config/network. 3. If you use the auto in ipv6 option in wan interface, then wan_6 is created automatically and you cannot configure it. I did not set anything up myself in this regard. If your . Do the settings from wan6 also apply to wan_6? 14941 root 1028 S odhcp6c -s /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script -Ntry -P0 -t120 pppoe-wan. Do you have any other (alias) interfaces configured for eth0? The problem seems to be with DHCPv6. Full IPv6 connectivity from router and lan. It uses the first /64 from this /60 for the directly connected LAN network (wired and Wi-Fi). The valid options of this section are listed blow. For v4 as well, the reply is not coming from the same address it was sent to. What I was trying to say was when are the (wan) zone rules are applied? Basic Properties Temporarily, i.e for about a minute, I can see in ifstatus that wan6 has the PD, but valid timer is less than a minute and soon is vanished. The WAN (br-wan) and WAN6 (br-wan6) interfaces are set up out of the box by default, primarily to allow DHCP and DHCPv6, respectively. In which configuration stanza? Here is what I see on the WAN interface that relates to ICMPv6/DHCPv6: But first explain why the wan interfaces are bridged and we'll get to the dhcp6. All defined options of this section are listed below. The setup should be quite simple. Any idea how to troubleshoot further? Filter IPv6 incoming traffic. Or create a new interface wan_6 section and use the same options/settings as wan6 does? I did not set anything up myself in this regard. hide. Did the engineer mention which version of openwrt he was using? Hi, I removed the wan6 interface but wan_6 is behaving the same as wan6 was: Looks like no address is being allocated. No, he didn't mention the version, however I guess that he used the latest. Regardless of that the pppoe interface still has the mtu set. Maybe there is a problem with netifd/ubus (or something else) where the reporting/handling of prefix delegation is bugged. Maybe OpenWRT will fallback to a different prefix length but I'm also not sure about this one. Now all is well. Yes, change 1 to auto - they have different meanings. But I'm not sure about this. So there must have been something blocking the DHCPv6 packets in the firewall due to the bridge interface? This website uses cookies. If there are still problems you can post the following for troubleshooting. I installed tcpdump and captured the output when restarting the wan6 interfaces (ifdown wan6; ifup wan6): Found the problem. My config since the second post is this one: Maybe the auto spawned wan_6 interface doesn't enable delegation by default. I have banip, but it is auto-adding the link local IP of my ISP in the white list. His testing router (tp-link, not OpenWrt) successfully concluded the DHCPv6 sequence, while mine is stuck in the first 2 steps. I'd say it was even worse, as I noticed that with 'reqaddress force' I don't even get an address on the wan. Now, what happens when someone changes the default input policy to drop/reject? Doesn't matter. This is usually a user error. Behavior remains the same, Solicit and Advertise only. I've got a PPPoE connection, with native IPv6. Weird, cause the IPv4 worked for years with this setting, and it is something I automatically configure in pppoe interfaces. The problem seems to be with DHCPv6. In wan zone input is dropped/rejected, so you do need specific allow rules for the DHCPv4/v6, ICMPv6 and other flows. Perhaps it is an interface name thing - your "ipv6 option auto"==wan_6 compared to my "ipv6 option 1" == wan6. My ISP doesn't delegate an IPv6 prefix and I get a default /64 with my IPv6 addresses from my provider's CPE/Router. Here is the interface config, again--out of the box plus my own IP assignments: I just manually unchecked "Bridge interfaces" in all of the interfaces, which seems to have gotten rid of the br-lan and br-wan interfaces, but still no change on the DHCPv6 side. Thanks, I have added the firewall rules shown above as those seemed to be the crucial part which was missing for a dynamic DHCPv6 PPP-based connection. However, I think I was getting DHCPv6 responses with ''option ipv6 1'' and ''option proto dhcpv6'' on wan6. If you use 1 then you manually need to create wan6 interface and add all these options there. Are there different means of allocating ipv6 addresses besides DHCPv6? So I rebooted the device. Here are some configuration examples for some ISPs. Even though the tcpdump log shows the dhcpv6 response from the server, I think tcpdump 'sees' traffic before iptables, at least for inbound traffic. So 60 should work fine. The DHCP client can then configure an IPv6 address on its LAN interface using the prefix it received. However there was no prefix available from what I could see in the packet capture. Yes, change 1 to auto - they have different meanings. Most home routers have 4 LAN ports, so that a /56 will be divided into /60s to be allocated to the first tier of routers (Router A, Router B, Router C). Pinging IPv6 hosts from the router works as expected. share. If no, maybe something else is hindering odhcp6c from receiving the advertise message or The WAN interfaces came bridged that way out of the box, in the default configuration. Something like "pppoes and ipv6" on the interface carrying the PPPoE connection, mine was eth0.2, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, PPPoE - IPv6 addressing and prefix delegation not working as docs indicate - SOLVED (firewall rules for DHCPv6). What prefix length does your isp provide? but because of the 8byte overhead of pppoe the actual mtu will be 1484. I only configured the pppoe on wan and wan6 was almost ready from factory config. Maybe you have to edit a script to enable it. My ISP basically told me the same. Did you set option ip6assign on your lan interface? Maybe OpenWRT will fallback to a different prefix length but I'm also not sure about this one. Are sure 60 will work? Extensions to DHCPv6 also enable prefix delegation, through which an ISP can automate the process of assigning prefixes to a customer for use within the customer's network. However, I think I was getting DHCPv6 responses with option ipv6 1 and option proto dhcpv6 on wan6. New replies are no longer allowed. I deleted the option and now everything is correct, eth0 1500 and pppoe-wan 1492. At least this is how I interpret it. My normal router is RSPro on 18.06.4, but since I tried too many variations I thought I test on a Carambola2 also 18.06.4 with clean install. LinkSys WRT32X with latest OpenWrt 19.07.5 r11257, Spectrum cable Internet. I ended up using "option ipv6 1" with a static wan6 interface. With my edgerouter x. I just use the wizard enable DHCPv6 with Prefix Delegation /60 and I would get IPv6 and just works..but with OPENWRT I can get IPv6..but it's not working..help please..thanks. They use ipv6 'auto' and then do the configuration on the wan6 interface. Topic: How to Configure DHCPv6 client with prefix delegation on a :: /64 link Normally it will be shown under "IPv6 WAN Status" in the "Network" section like. NAT64 for IPv6-only networks. So if try to ping google.com, it doesn't pick up the IPv4 DNS. Offtopic question. Does it work now? I will have a play once I am allowed to fiddle with the router. With tcpdump I can see solicit from OpenWrt and advertise from server. Regarding why it broke delegation and not something else, I have no idea. odhcp6c has a -v parameter to increase verbosity but I have no clue how to enable it via uci. I think the option mtu statement sets the MTU for physical interface The DHCP address on the PPPoE tunnel appears on wan instead of wan6 and nothing else happens, there isn't even a IPv6 route created. Does this also apply to dhcpv6 traffic? I'm assuming I've done something dumb. IPv6 extras. Sometimes delegation doesn't work, then it starts working again. When you send any egress traffic, the firewall is tracking the connection and allows the reply in. IPv6 on L2TP softwire. After looking https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/network6#downstream_configuration_for_lan-interfaces I tried to make couple changes to my /etc/config/network file to look like this Is there anyway to change that to hand out the correct prefix based on the vlans I have? However, machines inside the network are only setting up link-local IPv6 addresses, so the SLAAC doesn't seem to be doing its thing. Then reboot the device. There is also no 'tcpdump' on this build so I can't inspect the raw network traffic. The WAN(br-wan) and WAN6(br-wan) interfaces are part of the "wan" firewall zone which consists of "wan:" and "wan6:". Obtain IPv6 public network delegation in OpenWrt. CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, Specifies whether the DHCPv6 client should be started on boot, Enables additional debug information in the system log, Requests prefix delegation at the DHCPv6 server, Requests a permanent, non temporary address at the DHCPv6 server, Signalize a rapid commit two message exchange (, Request Network Information Service (NIS) server address (, Request Network Information Service (NIS) domain name (, Request Network Information Service V2 (NIS+) server address (, Request Network Information Service V2 (NIS+) domain name (, Request Broadcast and Multicast Control Service (BCMCS) address (, Request Broadcast and Multicast Control Service (BCMCS) domain name (. IPv6 multicast. Had IPv6 working great with DD-WRT on this device using DHCPv6 w/Prefix Delegation, prefix length /64, Radvd enabled. They are ACCEPT/REJECT, but should not matter, as interfaces are assigned in wan zone. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license:CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International. The Freebox is a popular Internet router delivered by French ISP Free to its customers. However I am getting the following odhcp6c error: daemon.err odhcp6c[21313]: Failed to send RS (Address . leave your radvd with default config. The original post can be found on the forum . When you search for odhcp6c in the luci process overview (or 'ps | grep odhcp6c' in terminal), what parameters/flags are applied to it? The RG then hands out other /64 in this /60 to dhcpv6 client requests on the LAN, one /64 for each unique IAID. But I think this is not the case, the rules are applied before the network is started. The WAN interfaces came bridged that way out of the box, in the default configuration. Are you using PPPoE or do you have a plain Ethernet hand-off? I also have a Mikrotik device with dhcpv6 client and I would like to setup my OpenWRT to delegate prefix (/48 I got from HE) to be splitted to /60 to that mikrotik. IPv6 with Hurricane Electric using LuCI. A typical default configuration consists of one dhcp6c section with common settings and one or more interface sections, usually covering the lan and loopback networks. Also you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy. This time I could see solicit, advertise, request and reply. But there is one issue, By setting the WAN6 as master, it relays the IPv6 DNS servers to the hosts on my LAN. Sorry that I overlooked this. Also you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy. What prefix length does your isp provide? I wasn't questioning that you need firewall rules. Self-registration in the wiki has been disabled. Using the basic algorithm: PD Address Space / Number of LAN Ports = block size per port. By default, all INPUT traffic is allowed (for every zone and can individually be overwritten per zone) The /etc/config/dhcp6c file controls the WIDE-DHCPv6 client package wide-dhcpv6-client configuration. The section of type dhcp6c named basic defines common client settings. WAN zone has default INPUT policy of DROP. This sections are named, the section name corresponds to the covered logical interface. Namely: But still if someone has any idea, I am all ears. Very clear and simple test. its the network.wan6.reqprefix='auto' in your text listing. Do you see anything of interest in logread after ifdown wan; ifup wan ? I have the same issue. Thanks for the tip on adding 'tcpdump'. The hint is hex from 0-F. If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Dhcpv6 client doesn't complete negotiation, no delegated prefix, Wireguard interface disappears when wan goes down, [Solved] DHCPv6 issue, no Prefix Delegation, https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/isp-configurations. Hmmnow my LAN DHCPv4 leases are no longer working. Because it is sent via multicast? wan/wan6 sends dhcp request but can't receive the response because the wan/wan6 zone input allow rules are not yet applied. It will work both for uplinks supporting DHCPv6 with Prefix Delegation and those that don't support DHCPv6-PD or DHCPv6 at all (SLAAC-only). Does delegation work when you restart the wan6 interface? I wonder why the wiki page recommends this setup? Had to re-enable the "br-lan" interface and combine eth0.1, wlan0, and wlan1 so that DHCP would work again. Maybe the auto spawned wan_6 interface doesn't enable delegation by default. Seems your issue is not with the configuration then, maybe an incompatibility between odhcp6c and your ISP? They suggest the fixed wan interface with a reqaddress: force setting but nothing much else. However when I run 'ifstatus wan' I see the IPv6 address associated to the wan interface and nothing appears on wan6. I'm also not sure how to configure the auto spawned wan_6 interface. This topic was automatically closed 10 days after the last reply. https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/isp-configurations. Maybe it is a problem with the latest version. The eth0 MTU was 1492 and pppoe-wan 1484. Is this correct.

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