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The Rice Thresher[135] is published every Wednesday and is ranked by Princeton Review as one of the top campus newspapers nationally for student readership. Most of USC's regular home games, especially the alternating games with rivals UCLA and Notre Dame, attract a capacity crowd. The bowl appearance came after Rice had a 14-game losing streak from 2004 to 2005 and went 110 in 2005. The stadium also played host to Amnesty International's Human Rights Now! Berkeley, Arizona Winter School 2003 on Number Theory and Logic, March 15-19, 2003, Tucson, Arizona, AMS Special Session on Algebraic Number Theory and K-Theory, March 14-16, 2003, Louisiana State University, Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie, March 9-15, 2003, Oberwolfach, Computational Aspects of algebraic curves and cryptography, March 3-7, 2003, Gainesville, Florida, Mini-courses in cryptography, March 3-7, 2003, Gainesville, Florida, Seminari de Teoria de Nombres Barcelona, February 3-7, 2003, Barcelona, The Langlands program and its applications, Jan 2-5, 2003, Far Hills Inn, via Montreal, Galois theory conference in honor of J. Thompson's 70th birthday, Nov 4-8, 2002, University of Florida, Ramification in Arithmetic and Geometry Conference, September 23-27, 2002 Institut Galile, Universit Paris 13, 6th Elliptic Curve Cryptography Workshop (ECC 2002) September 23-25, 2002, University of Essen, Modulformen, September 15-22, 2002, Oberwolfach, LMS/EPSRC short course in algebraic number theory, September 2-6, 2002, King's College, London, Audrey Terras' Birthday Conference and Party, August 23-25, 2002, San Diego, California, Elliptic Curves and HIgher DimeNsional Analogues, (ECHIDNA) 15-19 July 2002, University of Sydney, Conference on modular curves and modular abelian varieties (MCAV-2002), 15-18 July 2002, Barcelona, Analytic number theory summer course, July 10-19, 2002, Cetraro (Cosenza), ANTS V, 7-12 July 2002, University of Sydney, cole d't sur la conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer, 4-12 July 2002, Paris, Second Central European Conference on Cryptography, 4-6 July, 2002, Debrecen, Hungary, K-Theory of Number Fields: from theory to algorithms, 25-28 June 2002, Metz, France, XIII Rencontres Arithmtiques de Caen, June 20-22, 2002 (Iwasawa Theory of Number Fields and Elliptic Curves), Fonctorialit de Langlands: progrs rcents, 17-28 June 2002, CIRM, Luminy, Excursions in Computational Number Theory - Polynomials with Integer Coefficients, June 17-28, 2002, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, International Conference on Cryptography and Related Topics (YACC'02), June 3-7, Porquerolles Island, I.GE.SA Center, France, The 4th Panhellenic Conference on Algebra and Number Theory, May 30-June 2, 2002, University of Patras, Greece, Workshop on Zeta-Functions and Associated Riemann Hypotheses, May 29-June 1, 2002, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, Zeta functions of graphs and related topics, May 24-27, 2002, Wilmington, Canadian Number Theory Association - VII Meeting, May 19-25, 2002, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Illinois Number Theory Conference, May 17-18, 2002, Urbana, Illinois, L-functions and Automorphic forms, May 14-17, 2002, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Gomtrie d'Arakelov, 13-17 May 2002, CIRM, Luminy, International Conference on Arithmetic Geometry, May 6-10, 2002, Regensburg, Problmes Diophantine, 6-10 May 2002, CIRM, Luminy, Special Activity in Analytic Number Theory, January-June 2002, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany (Workshop 24-28 June 2002), The Sixth Pacific North West Number Theory Conference (PNWNT 2002) 20-21 April 2002, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 16th Annual Workshop on automorphic forms and related topics, UCLA March 28-28 2002, Thorie des nombres et applications, 14-18 January 2002, CIRM, Luminy, 2001 West Coast Number Theory Conference, Asilomar, 16-20 December 2001, Workshop on special values of Rankin L-series, 10-14 December 2001, MSRI, Berkeley, New Aspects of Analytic Number Theory, November 26-30, 2001, RIMS, Kyoto, Fermat 400 years later - a conference, October 18-20, 2001, Toulouse and Beaumont de Lomagne, International Conference on Arithmetic Geometry, October 15-19, 2001, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea, Formes de Jacobi et applications, September 24-28, 2001, CIRM Luminy, Theory of the Riemann Zeta and Allied Functions, 16-22 September, 2001, Oberwolfach, LMS Workshop: Zeta Functions, Random Matrices and Quantum Chaos, September 13-14, 2001, HP Labs, Bristol, 15th Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Ostravice, September 3-8, 2001, Number Theory and Arithmetical Geometry: Arithmetic Aspects of Fundamental Groups, September 1-6, 2001, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, NSF-CBMS Regional Conference, August 8-12 2001, Orlando, Florida, Explicit Methods in Number Theory, 22-28 July, 2001, Oberwolfach, Modular forms and p-adic Hodge theory, Centre de Recerca Mtematica, Barcelona, July 18-28, 2001, Galois Modules in Arithmetic Geometry, July 9-13, 2001, Lille, XXII me Journes Arithmtiques, 2-6 July 2001, Lille, Special semester in arithmetic geometry, July-December 2001, Korean Institute for Advanced Study (KAIS), First Northern Conference on prime numbers, June 25-29, 2001, Lille, Algebraische Zahlentheorie, 24-30 June 2001, Oberwolfach, Gomtrie Algbrique et Applications Arithmtiques, June 18-22, 2001, Orsay, Two Hundred Years of Number Theory after Carl-Friedrich Gau's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, 17-23 June 2001, Oberwolfach, Arithmetic Geometry, 8-10 June, 2001, Liege, Riemann's zeta function, Spring meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society, June 7-9 2001, Neuchtel, 2001 Seaway Number Theory Conference, 25-26 May 2001, Carleton University, Workshop on Hodge theory, Galois theory, moduli and arithmetic geometry, May 21-24, 2001, Kyoto University, Workshop on L-functions and random matrices, May 14-18, 2001, American Institute of Mathematics, Sixth international conference on finite fields and applications, 21-25 May 2001, Oaxaca, Mexico, Illinois Number Theory Conference, 18-19 May 2001, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Fifth Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference, April 28, 2001, Redmond, Washington, Special session on modular forms, April 11, 2001, 53rd British Mathematical Colloquium, Glasgow (see abstracts), Conference on Automorphic Forms: Concepts, Techniques, Applications and Influence, April 4-7, 2001, IAS Princeton, 15th Annual Automorphic Forms workshop, 24-29 March 2001, American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), Palo Alto, CA, Richard Brauer Conference, March 22-24, 2001, University of Stuttgart, China-Japan Seminar: Refinements of number-theoretic methods, March 12-15, 2001, Graduate School of Advanced Technology, University of Kinki, Automorphic Forms, L-Functions and Number Theory, March 12-16 2001, Hebrew University, Seminaire de teoria de nombres, 29th January - 2nd February 2001, Barcelona, Journes des Formes Modulaires, 10-12 January 2001, Lille, Finite Fields: Theory and Applications, 7-13 January, 2001, Oberwolfach, Thorie Analytique des Nombres, December 7-9, 2000, Bordeaux, International Conference on Number Theory, Mehta Research Institute, Allahabad, November 26-29, 2000, Instructional Conference on Algebraic Number Theory (with special reference to Elliptic Curves) Mehta Research Institute, Allahabad, November 8-25, 2000, Continuous Representations of p-adic groups in Number Theory, October 30-November 4, 2000, Mnster, Analytic Number Theory - Expectations for the 21st Century, October 23-27, 2000, RIMS Kyoto, International Conference on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics in Honour of Srinivasa Ramanujan, October 2-6, 2000, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Number Theory and Arithmetical Geometry-Motives and Arithmetic, Euresco Conference, 22-27 September 2000, Obernai (near Strasbourg), Public Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, September 11-15, 2000, Warsaw, 3rd PanHellenic conference on algebra and number theory, September 1-3, 2000, Anogia, Crete, Lehmer Conference, 24-26 August 2000, Berkeley, MSRI Program in Algorithmic Number Theory, August-December 2000, MSRI Berkeley, California, School on Automorphic Forms on GL(n), 31 July - 18 August 2000, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Oberwolfach, July 30-August 5, 2000, Curves and Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields and Their Applications, July 29-August 4, 2000, Anogia, Crete, Greece, LMS Durham Symposium on Computational Number Theory, July 24-August 3, 2000, Durham University, Number Theory Colloquium Debrecen, 3-7 July 2000, The 3rd Polish and Czech Conference on Number Theory, 12-16 June, 2000, Ostravice, 2000 Graduate School for Number Theory, June 26-July 21, 2000, Kent State University, Workshop on Algorithmic Number Theory (WANT2000), 15-17 May 2000, Tokyo Metropolitan University, La deuxime Journe Metz Strasbourg Freiburg, 5th May 2000, Clay Mathematics Institute Workshop on Recent Trends in Analytic Number Theory, April 12-15, 2000, IAS Princeton, LATIN'2000, April 10-14, 2000, Punta del Este, Uruguay, Diophantische Approximationen, Oberwolfach, April 9-15, 2000, Special Session on Number Theory, Algorithms, and Cryptography, AMS Regional Meeting at Notre Dame South Bend, Indiana, USA April 8-9, 2000, 2000 Illinois Graduate Number Theory Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 25-26, 2000, Workshop Analytische Zahlentheorie, 3-7 April 2000, Goslar, Deutschland, The 6th Annual Midwest Algebraic Number Theory Day, April 1st, 2000, Ohio State University, Topics in the Arithmetic of Function Fields, Arizona Winter School 2000, 11-15 March 2000, Tuscon, Formes Automorphes: Aspects Analytiques et Arithmtiques, 31 Jan - 4 Feb 2000, IRMA, Strasbourg, Number Theory Day 2000, 21st January 2000, University of Witswatersrand, Ergodic Theory, Geometric Rigidity and Number Theory, 5 January to 7 July 2000, Newton Centre, Cambridge UK, Conference on Number Theory and Spectral Theory, 3-4 December 1999, Aarhus, Analytic Number Theory and Related Areas, November 29- December 3, 1999, RIMS Kyoto, Workshop on Cryptography and Computational Number Theory (CCNT'99), 22-26 November 1999, NUS, Singapore, Model theory and number theory workshop, November 13-14, 1999, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Midwest Arithmetical Geometry in Cryptography Workshop, Nov 5-7, 1999, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Relations with Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry, Workshop on Hilbert's 10th problem, University of Gent, November 2-5, 1999, Arithmtique, Automates et Systmes Dynamiques, CIRM Luminy, November 2-5 1999, Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, September 13-18, 1999, Venice, Higher local fields: class field theory and applications, Mnster, August 29-September 5, 1999, Computational Number Theory Workshop, Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference, Oxford 26-28 July, 1999, Journes Arithmtiques XXI, 12-16 July 1999, Rome, Explicit Methods in Number Theory, July 4-10, 1999, Oberwolfach, Algebraische Zahlentheorie, June 27-July 3, 1999, Oberwolfach, Number Theory & Arithmetical Geometry, Obernai (near Strasbourg), June 25-30, 1999, Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry, June 20-July 10, 1999, IAS/PARK CITY Mathematics Institute, Park City, The Sixth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA '99), Winnipeg, June 20-24, 1999, Special month in Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Approximation, June 12-July 11, 1999, Pisa, The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography, The Fields Institute, Toronto, June 12-17, 1999, Diximes rencontres arithmtiques de Caen, June 10-11, 1999, Caen, South East Regional Meeting On Numbers, April 17-18, 1999, University of South Carolina, Number Theory Workshop, Leiden 1999, 15-16 April 1999, Luminy conference on Ramification Theory, April 1999, 1999 Seaway Number Theory Conference, March 27-28, 1999, Penn State University, Number Theory Sessions at the AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, March 18-21, 1999, A conference in honour of Michael Rosen's 60th birthday, Brown University, March 5-7, 1999, Ganzzahlige quadratische Formen und Gitter, January 24-30, 1999, Oberwolfach, Orders in Arithmetic and Geometry, January 17-23, 1999, Oberwolfach, The 2nd KIAS Number Theory Conference, December 16-18, 1998, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Journes Arakelov de Lille, December 14-16, 1998, Modulformen, December 6-12, 1998, Oberwolfach, Coding theory, cryptography, and number theory conference, USNA 25-26 October 1998, Partitions and q-series, Penn State University, October 24-25, 1998, The George E. Andrews 60th Birthday Celebration, Penn State University, October 22-23, 1998, Analytic Number Theory Conference, October 19-23, 1998, RIMS Kyoto, Conference on the Riemann zeta function, September 20-25, 1998, ESI Wien, Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Thorie des Nombres, Caen, 15-17 Septembre 1998, The 2nd Elliptic Curve Cryptography Workshop ECC'98, University of Waterloo, September 14-16, 1998, Voronoi Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Space Tilings, September 7-14, 1998, Kiev, Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, ICM 1998 Satellite Conference, Essen, Germany, August 10-15, 1998, Galois representations in Arithmetic Geometry, July 19-25, 1998, Crete, Greece, ANTS III, June 21-25, 1998, Reed College, Oregon USA, Mini-Colloquium on Number Theory (in celebration of the 50th birthdays of Professors J. Schoiengeier and W. Ruppert), Universitt fr Bodenkultur Wien, June 19, 1998, The 2nd Polish and Czech Conference on Number Theory, 16-18 June, 1998, Cieszyn, International Conference on Integral Quadratic Forms and Lattices, June 15-19, 1998, Seoul National University, Class Field Theory Conference, June 3-12, 1998, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Neuvimes rencontres arithmtiques de Caen, Mthodes Analytiques en Thorie des Nombres, Mai 29-30 1998, Caen, Number Theory and Topology, a Conference in honour of Barry Mazur's 60th Birthday, May 27-30, 1998, Harvard, Continued Fractions: From Analytic Number Theory to Constructive Approximation, University of Missouri, May 20-23, 1998, Pacific North West Number Theory Meeting (PNWNT 98), Vancouver, May 2, 1998, Computational Results in Arithmetic Geometry, April 15-17, 1998, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge UK, Applications of Model Theory to Diophantine Geometry, March 16-20, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge UK, Workshop on Diophantine Geometry Related to the ABC Conjecture, March 14-18, 1998 University of Arizona, Tucson, Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie, March 8-14, 1998, Oberwolfach, Artin Reciprocity Celebration, March 3, 1998, Universiteit van Amsterdam, P-adic Aspects of the Theory of Automorphic Representations, February 15-20, 1998, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Arithmetical Geometry: Isaac Newton Institute, January-July 1998, Workshop on Enumeration and Zeta-Functions, Lille December 4-6, 1997, Fourth CANT Conference, December 3-5 1997, University of Sydney, Zeta Functions and Spectra, LMS Spitalfields Meeting, November 28, 1997, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge UK, Number Theory and its Applications, Nov. 10-14, 1997, RIMS, Number Theory and Arithmetical Geometry: Arithmetical Applications of Modular Forms, October 24-29, 1997, San Feliu de Guisols, Spain, Instructional Conference on Algebraic Independence, Luminy, September 29-October 3, 1997, Diophantine Geometry and Differential Equations, A meeting in honour of Peter Swinnerton-Dyer's 70th Birthday, September 22-23, Newton Institute, Cambridge UK, Journes Arithmtiques 20, Limoges, September 15-19, 1997. One of those women is Ashton, 14, who told Dove that she was told by a doctor that 'a fat kid is a dead adult'. Rice was a member of the Western Athletic Conference before joining Conference USA in 2005. Beer Bike is Rice's most prominent student event, and for younger alumni it serves as an unofficial reunion weekend on par with Homecoming.

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