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what are instance variables mcq

In Class, attributes can be defined into two parts: Instance variables: If the value of a variable varies from object to object, then such variables are called instance variables. There are three types of variables in java: local, instance and static. A number is a data type to store numeric values. 14) Which of the following PHP function is used to generate unique id? To create a constant module write the below code in the constant.py file. It depends on the judgment of the observer. Research is a systematic inquiry towards understanding a complex social phenomenon or a process. Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals, iv. :) consists of three operands. A linked list is basically a linear collection of data elements whose order is not provided by their physical placement in memory. Copyright 2011-2021 www.javatpoint.com. It is used to recognize the user. So, a while loop cannot be defined without a condition. We use the self keyword as the first parameter to a method. List elements should be enclosed withinsquare brackets, Alphabet/letters i.e., lowercase (a to z) or uppercase (A to Z). We can create a string in PHP by enclosing the text in a single-quote. If you try to access it after removing it, youll get an Attribute Error. Statement II: If a researcher is interested in a topic on which little or no research has been done in the past, quantitative research may be easy to employ because there is little prior literature from which to draw leads. Description: The sprintf() is an in-built function of PHP which writes a formatted string to a variable. Answer: (b) $season = array("summer" , "winter" , "spring" , "autumn"); 33) Which of the following is a built-in function in PHP that adds a value to the end of an array? If you consider the above example, then using the __doc__ will return the doc string of that class. It helps to arrive at new conclusions. Description: PHP cookie is a small piece of information that is stored at client browser. Developed by JavaTpoint. In PHP, we can specify string through enclosing text within double quote also. Java is an object-oriented programming, platform-independent, and secure programming language that makes it popular. Instance methods are defined inside a class, and it is pretty similar to defining a regular function. So the output of the above program will be 2015. In the first print() statement, we use the sep and end arguments. The $filename represents the file to be opended and $mode represents the file mode for example, read-only, read-write, write-only etc. Inductive reasoning is employe where things are observed, a pattern is developed and then the theory is formed. C) HTML. Is declared within a method C. Must accept a class D. Represent a class object Answer: b. Take this linked list quiz to check your knowledge of this section of data structure. That is accessible anywhere in the code file. We should add a method to the object, so other instances dont have access to that method. The extent to which a score on a scale forecasts scores on some criterion measure. Another disadvantage is that they are not readily distinguishable from other static methods. If you want to specific range of values, you have to multiply the returned value with the magnitude of the range. As we can see that, the second print() function printed the result after For this reason, participants cannot be randomly So, the program will print 1. For m = 500, Python created an integer object with the value 500 and set m as a reference to it. The implode() function works the same as the join() function and returns a string created from the elements of the array. To write the simple program, you need to open notepad by start menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad and write a simple program as we have shownbelow:. Researchis a systematic way of investigation, a process of discovering new knowledge. Note : We need to use super keyword to access variables of SuperClass in SubClass only when variable name is same in both SuperClass and SubClass. ompares a new test to an already established test. If we use instance variables inside a method, JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. It is used tosort and organize excerpts of raw data into groups according to attributes and organize those groups in a structured way to formulate a new theory. Therefore, it is helpful in the following scenarios. Description: The strrev() function is a predefined function of PHP. Qualitative research can be used to understand how an individual subjectively perceives and gives meaning to their social reality. This function returns the sunrise time of different locations. 44) What will be the output of the following program? Chemical Engineering. It starts with observation and ends with a theoretical position. Using that variable name, you can read or modify the salary amount. There are some rules to define variables in Python. B - Instance variables are variables defined inside methods, constructors or blocks. It is a parameter used in sociology, psychology, and other psychometric or behavioral sciences. Wikipedia (/ w k p i d i / wik-ih-PEE-dee- or / w k i-/ wik-ee-) is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration and a wiki-based editing system.Its editors are known as Wikipedians.Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work in history. Both studentName and stud_class are reference variables as well as objects. The result of this method is two threads that are running concurrently: the current thread (which returns from the call to the start method) and the other thread (which executes its run method). This Quiz consists of Java 8's 50 Multiple choice questions in 2 sets - Java 8 quiz - MCQ Contents of page > Java 8 - MCQ set 1 (25 questions, 55 marks) Java 8 - MCQ set 2 (25 questions, 55 marks) Note : Each set consists of 25 questions Set 1 consists of 5 EASY level difficulty questions 1 mark each. Option 4 : the theoretical paradigms for data collection, analysis and interpretation. Slicing provides us the subset of a string with an index starting from index 0 to index end-1. If we want to declare variable and constant names having two words, use an underscore symbol for separating the words. Use

 tag for posting code.  It allows to insert any number of elements in an array. research methods, the process of hypothesis testing optimally safeguards the role of extraneous variables. Each thread has a private JVM stack, created at the same time as thread. The correct way to print "Hello World" in PHP is: 36) Which of the following function is used to compress a string in PHP? Variables created in .__init__() are called instance variables. MCQ's Search Engine. Here, the datatype is the type of element that will be stored in the array, square bracket[] is for the size of the array, and arrayName is the name of the array. Ethnographers study specific cultural themes. It is very easy to create a simple PHP example. Till the time we used constructor to create instance attributes. In order to store values in the array, it   The start() method internally calls the run() method of Runnable interface to execute the code specified in the run() method in a separate thread. Experimental research is a study that is based on scientific research design. 54) What will be the output of the following program? the researcher can directly modify the independent variable(s) (that is, the cause) in an experimental study to see how it affects the dependent variable (that is, the effect). Therefore, the Simulation approach, Inferential approach, andExperimental approach are theapproaches that fall under the Quantitative Approach. The java.lang.Math.random() is used to return a pseudorandom double type number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. To work with an instance method, we use the self keyword.  From the following list identify the qualitative research characteristics and select your answer from the codes given below: i. 42) Which PHP function is used to find the position of the last occurrence of a substring inside another string? instead of this, you can declare a variable like studnet_1 = "Jessa". A research paradigm is a research model or a perceptual orientation for conducting research that has been verified by the research community. 52) What will be the output of the following program? It helps to collect detailed information about the unit of study and gives clues to new ideas and further research. C++ MCQ C++ MCQ Part 2. Once the cookie is set, you can access it by the $_COOKIE superglobal variable. As its name implies, it is used to reverse a string. Ex post facto research design is a method in which groups with qualities that already exist are compared on some dependent variable. A local variable A. Lets see each one by one. It is used to find the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string or substring in a string. Please mail your requirement at [emailprotected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week. 4) Which of the following is the default file extension of PHP? The newly introduced Streams API is available in which package of java 8: Which class can be used Instead of System.getCurrentTimeMillis() to get a date and time in Java 8  -, Lambda expressions in java 8 are based on. Generalization is widely recognized as a quality criterion. we can assign a single value to multiple variables simultaneously using the assignment operator =. It involves a variety of data gathering techniques and approaches of qualitative nature viz., case study, interviews, dialogues, observations, personal experience, life story, visual data like photography, etc. Lets verify this using a simple example. Statement II:Qualitative research involves non-probability sampling. Among white households for instance, 2% didn't have a bank account last year as compared to 11% and 9% of their Black and Hispanic counterparts. A name in a Python program is called an identifier. In Java, the ternary operator is a type of Java conditional operator. PHP setcookie() function is used to set cookie with HTTP response. 45) What will be the output of the following program? A Global variable is a variable that is defined outside of the method (block of code). Description: We can declare and call user-defined functions easily. In Python, we can create a tuple (or list) by packing a group of variables. The ontology in a quantitative research is a true reality that exists in only one form. Bob * myBob = [ [Bob alloc] init]; Here, myBob is an instance. Big Integer class extends Number and implements Comparable interface. Providing a static factory method instead of a constructor has both pros and cons. We use an object and dot (.) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A, Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. We can create different types of variables as per our requirements. PHP is an open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language that can be executed on the server-side. The instance method performs a set of actions on the data/value provided by the instance variables. Whatdata to collect (and what data to ignore), Whoto collect it from (in research, this is called, Experimental and observation based studies. Description: The ucwords() is an in-built function of PHP, which is used to convert the first character of each word to uppercase in a string. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. The object for the number will be created when we assign a value to the variable. Research in qualitative methods has historically been employed in fields such as sociology, history, and anthropology. 40) Which PHP function determines the last access time of a file? Option 2 : Establishing a research problem, Hypothesis framing, Hypothesis testing, Generalization and conclusions and Implications of result, Option 4 : Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A, Copyright  2014-2022 Testbook Edu Solutions Pvt. For example, we can use them to store student names. A name in a Python program is called an identifier. A new frame is created each time a method is invoked. Rule 2: The variable name and constant name should make sense. In this example, we will delete an instance method named percentage() from a Student class. Collecting numeric data and statistical analysis, v. Using text analysis and interpreting larger meanings of the findings. When an abstract class is sub-classed, it usually provides implementations for all of the abstract methods in its parent class. The studentId is only a reference variable as it is not declared using the new operator. That is why we need to declare variable's type and name. You may use a variable named differently for self, but it is discouraged since self is the recommended convention in Python.  Visit to know more about Variables in C and other CSE notes for the GATE Exam. In this section, we will discuss the ternary operator in Java with proper examples.. Research can be broadly classified into qualitative and quantitative. A) Applet. All the best for your future Python endeavors! 34) Which of the following function in PHP returns a text in title case from a variable? the specific methods of study and analysis. The process the investigator uses to know that truth is quantitative in nature, this is epistemology. Variable is a name of memory location. The java.lang.Math.random() is used to return a pseudorandom double type number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. While using PYnative, you agree to have read and accepted our Terms Of Use, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy. The constantcomparative method is a process developed by Glaser and Strauss and used in grounded theory, Key PointsThe steps required for constant comparison are as follows. 7) Which of the following is used to display the output in PHP? The integer value can bepositiveornegativewithout a decimal point. Description: PHP statements end with a semicolon (;). It takes a string as an input and converts the first character of each word of the string to uppercase. Example: JavaSwitchEnumExample.java The self refers to the current object. In Python, whenever we create an object, a number is given to it and uniquely identifies it. The thread moves from New State to Runnable state.  In PHP, a variable is declared using a $ (Dollar) sign followed by the variable name. Stepwise regression and Best subsets regression: These automated  You wanted to extend the class functionality without changing its basic structure because many systems use the same structure. In short, it checks that the variable is declared and not null. The "r" mode opens the file in read-only mode. It preserves wholeness of the units i.e.  Therefore, you don't need to use parenthesis with it. Description: The PHP strtotime() function is used to convert an English text datetime into a Unix timestamp.  Description: The strtoupper() is one of the most popular functions of PHP, which is widely used to convert the string into uppercase. Thus, validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it claims to measure. Instance Variable: If the value of a variable is varied from object to object such type of variable is nothing but instance variable. Both Statement I and Statement II are true, Both Statement I and Statement II are false, Statement I is true but Statement II is false, Statement I is false but Statement II is true. In which of the following research methods, process of hypothesis testing optimally safeguards the role of extraneous variables? Inside a Class, we can define the following two types of methods. The main emphasis is on groups. Everything in Python is treated as an object so every variable is nothing but an object in Python. The researcher gathers data, and the findings will either support or refute the hypothesis. Instead, each element is pointing to the next. We can access the memory addresses of these variables using the id() method.  (D) Researcher is detached from the study to avoid bias. For example, Car ca = new Car(). Inside it, we created a local variable price. 19) What is the use of sprintf() function in PHP? Insertion Sort in Java with examples of fibonacci series, armstrong number, prime number, palindrome number, factorial number, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, swapping numbers etc. In return, we got the same value because the global variable is accessible in the entire file. Using the Java programming language, we can develop a wide variety of applications. Any method we create in a class will automatically be created as an instance method unless we explicitly tell Python that it is a class or static method. generation of new theories emerging from the specific data. Now, the reference count for value 10 is2. Answer: (b) The strlen() function returns the length of string. It helps in establishing causal relationships among different events in the educational situation under controlled conditions. Also, every Python class holds a set of special attributes. If a variable is considered set, it means the variable is declared and has a different value from the NULL. We can also instantiate the above class as follows if we defining a reference variable. Description: PHP echo is a language construct, not a function. It automatically analyzes the values and makes conversions to its correct datatype. Both studentName and stud_class are reference variables as well as objects. They are similar to other predefined constants, but as they change their values with the context, they are called magic constants. 47) What will be the output of the following program?  Grounded theory is credited to Glaser and Strauss as its creators. If we want to reflect the change made over to the instance variable, this can be achieved with the help of this reference. 55) What will be the output of the following program? PHP 7.4.0 is the latest version of PHP, which was released on 28 November. A. Instantiation: Creating an object by using the new keyword is called instantiation. This error occurs because we cannot access the local variable from outside the code block. Instead, every object has its copy of the instance attribute. It above example variable x does not make more sense, but student_nameis a meaningful variable. Electrical Engineering. Sanitary and Waste Mgmt. In echo statement the , (comma) operator is also used to join strings. 1 * 5 = 5 marks allow respondents to project their subjective or true opinions and beliefs onto other people or even objects. Let's see some important questions that may click in the mind. The syntax to declare user-defined functions is given below -.  Both variables have different identities. reating purpose statements, research questions, and hypotheses that are narrow and measurable would mark the characteristic features ofExperimental research. Floats are the values with the decimal point dividing the integer and the fractional parts of the number. Here a, b, c, dare packed in the tuple tuple1. On failure, the fileatime() returns false. Here, datatype refers to type of variable which can any like: int, float etc. Java is a statically-typed programming language. PHP has three types of variable scopes: 6) Which of the following is correct to add a comment in php? Similarities between true and quasi-experiments: Identify which of the following steps are carried out for constant comparison in grounded theory research? Answer: (d) HelloWorldThis is javaTpoint.com. Scope: The scope of a variable refers to the places where we can access a variable. First, create instance variables name and age in the Student class. Java is platform independent because it is different from other languages like C, C++, etc. Description: The array_product() function calculates the product of an array. The fourth advantage is that they reduce the verbosity of creating parameterized type instances. Description: The fileatime() function in PHP is used to return the last access time of a file as a UNIX timestamp. Java Thread start() method. Please mail your requirement at [emailprotected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week. However, Python is a dynamic language that allows us to add or delete instance methods at runtime. When class is in a different file, and you dont have access to modify the class structure. Using the Java programming language, we can develop a wide variety of applications. Statement I : Sample sizes for qualitative research vary by technique but are generally small.  how many methods are there in functional interface in Java 8? Feminist theoryinforms both research questions and the methodology of a project in addition to serving as a foundation for analysis. control group, the standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment. Description: The while loop is also called an Entry control loop because the condition is checked before entering the loop body. 56) What will be the output of the following program? It tests the formulated hypothesis anduses the results to generalize to a larger population. 41) Which PHP function is capable to read specific number of characters from a file? The given object is printed just after the sep values. We are unable to access it without a self parameter. In which research method manipulation of 'independent variable' and control of 'extraneous variables' are neither possible nor desirable? The researcher identified the event that already occurred, For example Study on the effects of an earthquake, For example Study on the effect of the medicine on patient, It is a collection of techniques and guidelines used by a researcher based on thehistoricalaspects, A researcher seeks to test thetruthfulnessof the reports ofobservationsmade by others, It is an investigation of the development ofpastevents and their impact on the present and future, It depends on bothprimaryandsecondarydata.  Description: PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 but appeared in the market in 1995. In Class, attributes can be defined into two parts: Instance variables: If the value of a variable varies from object to object, then such variables are called instance variables. The given object is printed just after the sep values. exploring new phenomena which will lead to the generation of new theories. The second advantage is that unlike constructors they are not required to create a new object each time they are invoked. it is an approach that views any social unit as a whole. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)  Q21.What are local variables and global variables in Python? Answer: (a) Welcome to the javaTpoint.com. Python Class method vs Static method vs Instance method, Modify Instance Variables inside Instance Method, Create Instance Variables in Instance Method, Dynamically Add Instance Method to a Object, how to dynamically add or delete instance methods in Python, It can access or modify the object state by changing the value of a instance variables. Instead, each element is pointing to the next. Similarly, we created another function with the name test2 and tried to access price, but we got an error "price is not defined" because its scope is limited to function test1(). people) are known to differ and that is relevant to the concept in question? Python MCQ (Multi Choice Questions) with python, tutorial, tkinter, button, overview, entry, checkbutton, canvas, frame, environment set-up, first python program, basics, data types, operators, etc. There may be a number of "rival hypotheses" vying with the experimental manipulation to explain the observed results in quasi-experiments because control is absent. Configuration management (CM) is a governance and systems engineering process for ensuring consistency among physical and logical assets in an operational environment. The research methodology involves the construction of hypotheses and theories through the collecting and analysis of data. An instance variable can be declared using different access modifiers available in Java like default, private, public, and protected. 27) Which of the following is/are the code editors in PHP? In Java, the ternary operator is a type of Java conditional operator. Therefore,Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A. In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. It seeks to establish relationships, among variables and explains the cause of changes in measured social facts, C. It is conducted in actual settings as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument, D. It is concerned with the process rather than simply with outcomes or products, E. It attempts to establish universal context-free generalization. The start() method of thread class is used to begin the execution of thread. Hypothesis framing, Hypothesis testing, Conclusions and Reporting. A methodology details a researcher's approach to the research to ensure reliable, valid results that address their aims and objectives. Ternary Operator Java.  A PHP variable name cannot contain spaces. 21) Which of the following function displays the information about PHP and its configuration? In Java, the static keyword can be used with variable, constant, and functions. Description: The gettype() function is an inbuilt function in PHP, and as its name implies, it returns the type of a variable. Constant is a variable or value that does not change, which means it remains the same and cannot be modified. Answer: (c) The strpos() function is used to search for a character/text in a string. Description: The precedence of ++ is higher than. The class object is where the methods for the class are stored; each instance holds only its own data (i.e., instance variables). So, lets see how to create an instance variable inside the method. 51) What will be the output of the following program? The result of this method is two threads that are running concurrently: the current thread (which returns from the call to the start method) and  Historical research involves studying, understanding, and interpreting past events. and variableName can be any like: empId, amount, price etc. The core library includes the data types, variables and literals, etc. The basis of hypothesis testing with statistical analysis is inference. Description: In PHP, the . For determining the validity of a test, the test should be compared to another independent construct or criteria. Instantiation and initialization are completely different concepts in Java programming. The core library includes the data types, variables and literals, etc. Wikipedia (/  w  k   p i d i  / wik-ih-PEE-dee- or /  w  k i-/ wik-ee-) is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration and a wiki-based editing system.Its editors are known as Wikipedians.Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work in history. Description: The PHP rsort( ) function is used to sort an array in descending order. Ternary Operator Java. The Object is for eligible garbage collection when deleted. It is thetheoretical paradigms for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. you declare an instance variable. Research methodology refers to the techniques used to find and analyze information for a study, ensuring that the results are valid, reliable and that they address the research objective.  This research method is known as hypothesis testing or deductive research. It is undertaken when a researcher wishes to trace the, Experimental research is undertaken mostly in a. The conclusions are descriptive rather than predictive. We use symbols in variables for representing the memory location- so that it becomes easily identifiable by any user. This Quiz consists of Java 8's 50 Multiple choice questions in 2 sets - Java 8 quiz - MCQ Contents of page > Java 8 - MCQ set 1 (25 questions, 55 marks) Java 8 - MCQ set 2 (25 questions, 55 marks) Note : Each set consists of 25 questions Set 1 consists of 5 EASY level difficulty questions 1 mark each. Instance variables: If the value of a variable varies from object to object, then such variables are called instance variables. We can check the reference counts of every object by using the getrefcount function of a sys module. 1 When you call a method on an instance: [myBob frogBlastTheVentCore]; If you weigh yourself on a scale, the scale should give you an accurate measurement of your weight. 

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