building a 3d game with libgdx pdf

Chapter 4, Preparing Visuals, will walk us through the basics of how to use Blender and go step by step through how to create a representative model for our game. LibGDX is a Java cross-platform game development framework that released its first version in 2009. Later on, we will import those models. You can also figure this out by just playing the animation. Here we share with you the best software development books to read. The possibilities are as follows: Facebook: This app sends scores, shares games, and so on. However, game design can take up to months or years of polishing on its own. Style and approach Format: Paperback. kandi ratings - Low support, No Bugs, No Vulnerabilities. When software updates are available, you might need to reindex and load everything again, which means using gradlew clean too. He joined forces with a graphic designer and a musician to peruse more professional tasks and updates on their work that led him to meet a team of developers who called themselves Deeep Games. First Name. Now, to actually use the widget, we need a few modifications on the PlayerSystem.class: public class PlayerSystem extends EntitySystem implements EntityListener, InputProcessor { private void updateMovement(float delta) { if ( == Application.ApplicationType.Android) { deltaX = -ControllerWidget.getWatchVector().x * 1.5f; [ 199 ] Spicing Up the Game deltaY = ControllerWidget.getWatchVector().y * 1.5f; } else { deltaX = -Gdx.input.getDeltaX() * 0.5f; deltaY = -Gdx.input.getDeltaY() * 0.5f; } tmp.set(0, 0, 0); camera.rotate(camera.up, deltaX); tmp.set(camera.direction).crs(camera.up).nor(); camera.direction.rotate(tmp, deltaY); tmp.set(0, 0, 0); characterComponent.characterDirection.set(-1, 0, 0).rot(modelComponent.instance.transform).nor(); characterComponent.walkDirection.set(0, 0, 0); if ( == Application.ApplicationType.Android) { if (ControllerWidget.getMovementVector().y > 0) characterComponent.walkDirection.add(camera.direction); if (ControllerWidget.getMovementVector().y < 0) characterComponent.walkDirection.sub(camera.direction); if (ControllerWidget.getMovementVector().x < 0) tmp.set(camera.direction).crs(camera.up).scl(-1); if (ControllerWidget.getMovementVector().x > 0) tmp.set(camera.direction).crs(camera.up); characterComponent.walkDirection.add(tmp); characterComponent.walkDirection.scl(10f * delta); characterComponent.characterController.setWalkDirection (characterComponent.walkDirection); } else { if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.W)) characterComponent.walkDirection.add(camera.direction); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.S)) characterComponent.walkDirection.sub(camera.direction); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A)) tmp.set(camera.direction).crs(camera.up).scl(-1); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.D)) tmp.set(camera.direction).crs(camera.up); characterComponent.walkDirection.add(tmp); characterComponent.walkDirection.scl(10f * delta); characterComponent.characterController .setWalkDirection(characterComponent.walkDirection); } ghost.set(0, 0, 0, 0); translation.set(0, 0, 0); translation = new Vector3(); characterComponent.ghostObject.getWorldTransform(ghost); //TODO export this ghost.getTranslation(translation); modelComponent.instance.transform.set(translation.x, [ 200 ] Spicing Up the Game translation.y, translation.z, camera.direction.x, camera.direction.y, camera.direction.z, 0); camera.position.set(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); camera.update(true); dome.getComponent(ModelComponent.class) .instance.transform.setToTranslation(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.SPACE)) { // TODO change this back to 25 characterComponent.characterController.setJumpSpeed(25); characterComponent.characterController.jump(); } if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) fire(); } } The changes are on updateMovement() and they are small ones, but to avoid confusion, we'll leave the whole method pasted for you. Now, for the other actors, we will also change the alpha color; but for the action, we will use a class called SequenceAction that gives us the option to add multiple animations and play them in a sequence. LibGDX is a hugely popular open source, cross-platform, Java-based game development framework built for the demands of cross-platform game development. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX 1785288415, 9781785288418. Kefetmek iin hemen tklaynz! Learn how to build an exciting 3D game with LibGDX from scratchAbout This BookImplement an exhaustive list of features that LibGDX unleashes to build your 3D game.Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms.Gain a clear understanding of the physics behind LibGDX and libraries like OpenGL and WebGL that make up LibGDX.Who This Book Is ForIf you . If you come across any illegal copies of our works in any form on the Internet, please provide us with the location address or website name immediately so that we can pursue a remedy. Improving the spawn function With the arena and the enemy models in place, we should adjust our spawn method to give a less clunky feeling. Basically, the idea was to use a Ray class, just like shooting in the PlayerSystem, which would be thrown a few moments before the enemy attack animation finishes (just when the claw is touching the player) and check whether the player is in front of it and close enough, then make the player take damage. A basic knowledge of LibGDX and Java programming is appreciated. Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Now we can update our rotation function, although it also translates: instance.transform.setFromEulerAngles(0, 0, position.y, position.z); rotation).trn(position.x, Now, we can set our cube to a rotation, and translate it! You can publish your own PDF file online for free in a few minutes! [ 201 ] Spicing Up the Game Now, run it on mobile and see what it looks like: Summary In this chapter, you learned how to improve your app's performance and do basic polishing with publishing and making the game prettier for the public in mind. Learn how to build an exciting 3D game with LibGDX from scratch About This Book Implement an exhaustive list of features that LibGDX unleashes to build your 3D game. With them, he took a step up and also learned project and product management. Do you need instant solutions to your IT questions? Then, open the file, as shown in the following code: public class EntityFactory { public static RenderSystem renderSystem; public static Entity createEnemy(BulletSystem bulletSystem, float x, float y, float z) { if (enemyModel == null) { Material material = enemyModelComponent.instance.materials.get(0); BlendingAttribute blendingAttribute; material.set(blendingAttribute = new BlendingAttribute(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); enemyModelComponent.blendingAttribute = blendingAttribute; } ((BlendingAttribute) enemyModelComponent.instance.materials.get(0) .get(BlendingAttribute.Type)).opacity = 1; entity.add(new DieParticleComponent(renderSystem.particleSystem)); return entity; } [ 181 ] Spicing Up the Game } This class adds a RenderSystem static field now. Some could be admired of you. We'll also need a texture that represents the rounded particle. Item: Format: Qty/Users: Unit Price: Subtotal: USD Extras or polishing stage: We will make it look professional, polish the artwork, and take care of polishing details such as adding an About section and splash screens. started back in 2011 with Java game development and native Android development. It's time to convert to G3DJ again and copy the files into the Assets folder. Reader feedback is important for us as it helps us develop titles that you will really get the most out of. Then then make it stop. Implement 3D models along with textures and animations into your games Creating a 3D camera is just as easy as creating a 2D camera. Improve the appearance o, LibGDX is a Java-based framework developed with a heavy emphasis on performance, and includes cross-platform support out. Downloading the color images of this book We also provide you with a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. If you are looking for an optimum solution, Building a 3D Game with LibGDX is for you! Test it on a mobile phone and see for yourself. [ 164 ] Starting to Look Like an Actual Game To save this data, let's create a new class called public class EnemyAnimations { public static final String id = "MilkShape3D Skele|DefaultAction"; private final float duration = 26; public static final float offsetDeath2 = 22.6f; public static final float durationDeath2 = 3.4f; public static final float offsetRun1 = 6f; public static final float durationRun1 = 1.6f; public static final float offsetAttack1 = 10f; public static final float durationAttack1 = 3.32f; } Animation ID, full duration, durations, and offsets of a few of the animations that we want to use. LibGDX comes, as you can see, with a lot of very useful tools that you should use for some time and explore them. Splash screen The splash screen is also referred to as a boot screen, boot skin, or welcome screena screen that gives information about the developer and publisher, most likely does the actual loading of the app and can do some other things, such as starting the immersion of players to the game's ambience. [ 159 ] Starting to Look Like an Actual Game Let's convert and then change createEnemy() from public static Entity createEnemy(BulletSystem bulletSystem, float x, float y, float z) { Entity entity = new Entity(); ModelLoader modelLoader = new G3dModelLoader(new JsonReader()); ModelData modelData = modelLoader.loadModelData(Gdx.files.internal ("data/monster.g3dj")); if (enemyModel == null) { enemyModel = new Model(modelData, new TextureProvider.FileTextureProvider()); for (Node node : enemyModel.nodes) node.scale.scl(0.0025f); enemyModel.calculateTransforms(); } ModelComponent modelComponent = new ModelComponent(enemyModel, x, y, z); entity.add(modelComponent); CharacterComponent characterComponent = new CharacterComponent(); characterComponent.ghostObject = new btPairCachingGhostObject(); characterComponent.ghostObject.setWorldTransform (modelComponent.instance.transform); characterComponent.ghostShape = new btCapsuleShape(2f, 2f); characterComponent.ghostObject.setCollisionShape (characterComponent.ghostShape); characterComponent.ghostObject.setCollisionFlags (btCollisionObject.CollisionFlags.CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT); characterComponent.characterController = new btKinematicCharacterController (characterComponent.ghostObject, characterComponent.ghostShape, .35f); characterComponent.ghostObject.userData = entity; entity.add(characterComponent); bulletSystem.collisionWorld.addCollisionObject (entity.getComponent(CharacterComponent.class).ghostObject, (short) btBroadphaseProxy.CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, (short) (btBroadphaseProxy.CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter)); bulletSystem.collisionWorld.addAction(entity.getComponent(CharacterComponen t.class).characterController); entity.add(new EnemyComponent(EnemyComponent.STATE.HUNTING)); entity.add(new StatusComponent()); return entity; } [ 160 ] Starting to Look Like an Actual Game Everything is normal, until we see the for loop that scales the nodes of the model (this is because we know that the model is much bigger than we need it to be) and then calculates the transforms. To send us general feedback, simply email [emailprotected], and mention the book's title in the subject of your message. Vi er E-mrket. Select the version that best suits your operating system platform, which will either be 32-bit or 64-bit. Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms. Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms. Who This Book Is For The new load() method takes a label array and starts using the .NET API: first, it instantiates a Net.HttpRequest method, setting the http method Get, and on the next line, setting the URL to our leaderboards plus the request of the first five scores. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX - Kindle edition by Giuseppe, Sebastian Di, Krhlmann, Andreas, Rijnswou. public void create() { ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(); Material mat = new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.BLUE)); model = modelBuilder.createBox(5, 5, 5, mat, VertexAttributes.Usage.Position | VertexAttributes.Usage.Normal); instance = new ModelInstance(model); } We use a ModelBuilder class to create a box. Chapter 5, Starting to Look Like an Actual Game, will help you prepare and import the model created in the previous chapter as well as from other sources. A service called dreamlo ( lets us have a leaderboard in the cloud and in order to connect to it, we have specific and simple classes brought by LibGDX's awesomeness. They're slightly more mathematical. This book will teach readers how the LibGDX framework uses its 3D rendering API with the OpenGL wrapper, in combination with Bullet Physics, 3D Particles, and Shaders to develop and deploy a game application to different platforms. Then set their color to transparent and instantiate the vectors. Enter the game's main class name (ours is Core), set the destination path to your preferred directory, and point out the Android SDK directory location. UNLIMITED FREE ACCESS TO THE WORLD'S BEST IDEAS. It depends on how you want to use it. [ 166 ] Starting to Look Like an Actual Game Let's update the updates: public class StatusSystem extends EntitySystem { @Override public void update(float delta) { for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) { Entity entity = entities.get(i); entity.getComponent(StatusComponent.class).update(delta); if (entity.getComponent(StatusComponent.class) .aliveStateTime >= 3.4f) gameWorld.remove(entity); } } } There are some small changes to update(), where we changed the iterator, because it was creating an iterable object on every frame, changing to for block, updating the StatusComponet, and changing the if block to read the aliveStateTime variable. We'll start from the higher structure and go deeper. Books By Language. Attack system An attack system is one aspect that can be of great benefit to include. Then run the app and see how it works. The constructor takes the ParticleSystem that is used to get the batches for ParticleEffectLoader. Now, we are almost ready to draw our first cube but there are two things missing. The filename has to be pre-particle.png. Sebastian Di Giuseppe, Andreas Kruhlmann, Elmar van Rijnswou. He now works as a full-time project and product manager and you can see him hang out on the Indie Game Developers' Facebook group posting updates on prototypes, ideas, or recruiting for future projects. We have two options, model our own or get them from the Internet (either buy them or get them for free). Don't worry, it's pretty simple. The idea is the same as shooting, but it needs a different calculation as we will do it from the enemy's perspective. Last Name. If you run it now, what will happen for this model in particular, is that it's alive but it's rotated. Chapter 7, Final Words, will demonstrate deploying games on various platforms and some basic troubleshooting. They can come in different formats and sizes, with or without animations, and with one or more animations. As a start, by interfacing on platform-specific code we can find implementations of the following: AdMob (Android): Checkout AdSense (HTML): Available at iAds (iPhone): Located at Social networks We can always add a bit of networking for people to connect and share. Our next step is to put everything together to build a basic 3D game with Shapes, including basic gameplay mechanics and basic UI. There's a bunch of markets and communities where we can share our work and deploy LibGDX, such as Steam, Play Store, App Store, forums, and communities. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX by Elmar van Rijnswou, Andreas Krhlmann, Sebastin Di Giuseppe Paperback $30.99 Ship This Item Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores Instant Purchase Choose Expedited Shipping at checkout for delivery by Thursday, November 3 Reserve Now, Pay in Store Overview We may want to add something similar to a SkyDome that represents where we are. Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms. In the next chapter, we'll implement some audio in our game. Implement 3D models with animations, bones (rigs), and textures. Advanced Search. Next you will go through Modeling, Rigging, and Animation in Blender. We will then pass that instance to PlayerSystem because we need the dome to follow the player, to be centered on the player, or else it will look weird. Contribute to PacktPublishing/Building-a-3D-Game-with-LibGDX development by creating an account on GitHub. We need to set the opacity field to 1 for every new creation of the enemy because we are reusing the last model instance created for it, and we want to make a fade-out effect on the model: Now, public class ModelComponent extends Component { public BlendingAttribute blendingAttribute; public void update(float delta) { if (blendingAttribute != null) blendingAttribute.opacity = blendingAttribute.opacity delta / 3; } } Add a global BlendingAttribute field and an update method that will reduce the opacity field when the enemy is not alive. Game design Game design is arguably one of the most important aspects of a game. If you are a game developer or enthusiasts who want to build 3D games with LibGDX, then this book is for you. LibGDX is a hugely popular open source, cross-platform, Java-based game development framework built for the demands of c. Importing the model, finally! What this book covers Chapter 1, Setting Up Your Development Environment, will cover everything we need to install in order to have a workflow. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. We also have a TXT file that comes with the model and contains the keyframe numbers of animations called animationslist.txt. Then export the Armature and Mesh to FBX. All these steps come with the amount of iterations that you need to improve them. Iterations are what we skipped the most in this book, and they are vital in game design. Some individuals could be laughing when checking out you reviewing Building A 3D Game With LibGDX, By Sebastian Di Giuseppe, Andreas Kruhlmann, Elmar Van Rijnswou in your leisure. Taken directly from https://li in May 2016, you have: Loading screen and loading feature An important feature is to show the player the app hasn't frozen. Then we will pass the material in the constructor, and the fifth argument are attributes for the specific box we will create. They are simpler than billboards but more efficient. We will continue where we left off in Chapter 1, Setting Up Your Development Environment, with an empty project. If you run it on a mid-high end device now, it works really well after it loads the enemy model, of course. And finally, we will get to export to a desired platform along with troubleshooting usual problems. Gain a clear understanding of the physics behind LibGDX and libraries like OpenGL and WebGL that make up LibGDX. Values higher than 100 confuse the player and with a lower field of vision, the player is bound to see less. a/2eAddendum.pdf. List Price: $29.99. Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.Learn how to build an exciting 3D game with LibGDX from scratch About This Book * Implement an exhaustive list . These attributes are passed down to openGL on which LibGDX is built. Load Blender up. Select the book for which you're looking to download the code files. Keep in mind that the running directory will be the in Android project's asset folder. Following is what you need for this book: Spring Sale on now: up to 75% off RRP! For that, we will need two more class members: public ModelBatch modelBatch; public Environment environment; [ 16 ] An Extra Dimension And they are to be initialized, just like the other class members: public void create() { . modelBatch = new ModelBatch(); environment = new Environment(); environment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1f)); environment.add(new DirectionalLight().set(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1f, -0.8f, -0.2f)); } Here, we add two lights: an ambient light, which lights up everything that is being drawn (a general light source for the environment), and a directional light, which has a direction (most similar to a sun type of source). Permissive License, Build not available. The first argument of the rotate function is the axis to rotate on. Summary In this chapter, we went over the process of preparing to deploy our app, run from the terminal using Gradle, troubleshoot common problems, and whatever areas we have left in the game. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. [ 185 ] Spicing Up the Game Mobile performance At this point, we have the game working on the desktop; in general, it should work fine on most operating system and hardware as we are not using a lot of resources. The second argument is the number of rotations. The directional light's constructor is followed by a direction. Learn how to build an exciting 3D game with LibGDX from scratchImplement an exhaustive list of features that LibGDX unleashes to build your 3D game.Write, test, and debug your application on your desktop and deploy them on multiple platforms.Gain a clear. Some basic knowledge of LibGDX and Java programming is required. The initialization of a PerspectiveCamera class looks like this: float FoV = 67; PerspectiveCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera(FoV,,; The first argument, field of vision, describes the angle the first-person camera can see. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX PDF eBook Free Download ~ Language English File size 273 MB File format PDF Building a 3D Game with LibGDX Book Description LibGDX is a hugely popular open source crossplatform Javabased game development framework built for the demands of crossplatform game development This book will teach readers how the LibGDX . This will be done in the create method as shown below: public void create() { cam = new PerspectiveCamera(67,,; cam.position.set(10f, 10f, 10f); cam.lookAt(0,0,0); cam.near = 1f; cam.far = 300f; cam.update(); } In the preceding code snippet, we are setting the position of the camera and looking toward a point set at 0, 0, 0. [3] Preface Once the file is downloaded, please make sure that you unzip or extract the folder using the latest version of: WinRAR / 7-Zip for Windows Zipeg / iZip / UnRarX for Mac 7-Zip / PeaZip for Linux The code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at ishing/Building-a-3D-Game-with-LibGDX. The last one described in this book is the scaling a model. We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at A step by step guide on building a 3D game with LibGDX and implementing an exhaustive list of features that you would wish to incorporate into your 3D game. And there you go, 26.0. [ 212 ] Final Words Ads Ads are no less important for developers to know how to implement. We can compile many topics in iOS, Android, Desktop, and HTML, such as 2D drawing and 3D models, and we can create games or applications that may use intensive graphics rendering. Learn basic 3D mechanics Bullet Physics API, Scene2D and implementing 3D shapes Load and managing game assets Implement 3D models with animations, bones (rigs), and textures. public Model model; public ModelInstance instance; [ 15 ] An Extra Dimension Add these class members. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics: Camera techniques Workflow LibGDX's 3D rendering API Math Camera techniques The goal of this book is to successfully create a shooter game, as stated earlier. We will take the one SkyDome that is in the LibGDX tests, but you can model your own if you want and add your own charm. You may want to consider deploying to several platforms at the same time. LibGDX luckily contains all the required functions and methods for this. Let's extend our previous example and make our box grow and shrink over time. [ 204 ] Final Words To deploy, we will use gradlew desktop:dist in the terminal. This book will teach readers how the LibGDX framework uses its 3D rendering API with the OpenGL wrapper, in combination with Bullet Physics, 3D Particles, and Shaders to develop and deploy a game application to different platforms. Running the desktop app To run the desktop app we have to change the default configuration and add the desktop launcher: 1. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. In loadLevel() method, add a new entity to the engine. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. (eBook pdf) - bei Additionally, you will need to be a Twitter developer to implement it. Elmar van. eBook details. Therefore, we will change the movement function to contain some user input handling: private void movement() { instance.transform.getTranslation(position); if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.W)){; } if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.D)){; } if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A)){; } if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.S)){; } instance.transform.setTranslation(position); } The rewritten movement function retrieves our position, updates it based on the keys that are pressed, and sets the translation of our model instance. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning. In the next chapter, we'll take the plunge to it and learn about LibGDX's 3D rendering API, perspective camera, 3D workflow, and more. Once your errata are verified, your submission will be accepted and the errata will be uploaded to our website or added to any list of existing errata under the Errata section of that title. There's also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. And that is it! Paperback. You will then go through LibGDX's 3D rendering API main features and talk about the camera used for 3D. Also, thanks to Oliver Mendoza for helping synthesize an easy and representative 3D model development along with its other areas. Adding our own static arena Creating our model Importing to our game and getting the collision bounds Enemy models! Translated to Run-01: Offset = 150 x 26 / 650 = 6f. This creates an unsigned APK file in the android/build/outputs/apk folder, which can be used on Android devices that have the installation from unknown sources enabled. What we need to do next is split this animation's keyframes to tell the AnimationController class where to start the animation and where to finish. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX, ISBN 1785288415, ISBN-13 9781785288418, Brand New, Free shipping<br><br> The camera width and height are known from 2D cameras, the field of vision is new. Followed by which you will build a basic 3D game with Shapes, including Basic gameplay mechanics and Basic UI. Values up to 100 are used for first-person shooters. We will add some movement to it in our next subsection! For example, Chapter02. Lucky for us setFromEulerAngles returns a Matrix4 type, so we can chain and call another function from it, for example, a function that translates the matrix. The book will then talk about refining mechanics, new input . For simplicity reasons, we will use a simple one that you can get from our asset folder ( in the repository. Free PDF Building a 3D Game with LibGDX, by Sebastian Di Giuseppe, Andreas Kruhlmann, Elmar van Rijnswou. In the menu, select File->User Preferences. It also depends on how you want to use it. You can upgrade to the eBook version at and as a print book customer, you are entitled to a discount on the eBook copy. [ 163 ] Starting to Look Like an Actual Game Next, let's open the TXT file and start calculating how long those animations take in the float. Copyright 2022 EBIN.PUB. It also comes with an OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 wrapper interface, which is the one that lets us perform 3D development. som e-bog p engelsk til markedets laveste pris og f den straks p mail. We know the duration of the full animation of the model is 26.0 float, the number of frames for all the animations is 650 frames. We can fix that by adding analog sticks to the screens, as usual for a lot of games. Building a 3D Game with LibGDX. It lets you go as low-level as you want to and gives you direct access to all kinds of areas of development. Now, let's open the Settings class: public class Settings { public static boolean Paused; public static boolean soundEnabled = true; public final static String file = ".spaceglad"; private static final String leaderURL = " -UGzK1i7mXmmxA"; private static final String request5 = "/pipe/5"; public static void load(final Label[] leaderboardItems) { Net.HttpRequest requestBests = new Net.HttpRequest(Net.HttpMethods.GET); requestBests.setUrl(leaderURL + request5);, new Net.HttpResponseListener() { @Override public void handleHttpResponse(Net.HttpResponse httpResponse) { System.out.println(httpResponse); String string = new String(httpResponse.getResultAsString()); String scores[] = string.split("\n"); if (scores.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { String score[] = scores[i].split("\\|"); if (i == 0) leaderboardItems[i].setText(String.valueOf (Integer.valueOf(score[score.length - 1]) + 1) + ")" + score[0] + ": " + score[1]); else leaderboardItems[i] = new Label(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf (score[score.length - 1]) + 1) + ")" + score[0] + ": " + score[1],; } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t); } [ 194 ] Spicing Up the Game @Override public void cancelled() { System.out.println("Cancel"); } }); } public static void load() { try { FileHandle filehandle = Gdx.files.external(file); String[] strings = filehandle.readString().split("\n"); soundEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(strings[0]); } catch (Throwable e) { } } public static void save() { try { FileHandle filehandle = Gdx.files.external(file); filehandle.writeString(Boolean.toString(soundEnabled) + "\n", false); } catch (Throwable e) { } } public static void sendScore(int score) { Net.HttpRequest request = new Net.HttpRequest("GET"); request.setUrl(" PLfBGtHgG02wU0lSzVNrPAG0uQf3J3-UGzK1i7mXmmxA/add/" + "SpaceGladiator" + "/" + score);, new Net.HttpResponseListener() { @Override public void handleHttpResponse(Net.HttpResponse httpResponse) { } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { } @Override public void cancelled() { } }); } } [ 195 ] Spicing Up the Game We now have a new string called leaderUrl that has our leaderboards URL in, and another string called request5 that adds to the URL occasionally (read dreamlo's leaderboard description).

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