examples of content analysis research topics

Web. The Dilemma of Nuclear Energy in Space. 2nd edition. Available from: [10 January 2012]. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change. Retrieved June 17, 2015 from http://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Nuclear-Power/6-Things-to-do-with-Nuclear-Waste-None-of-them-Ideal.html. One firm which faces these challenges is Caribou Coffee, although the second largest coffee house chain in the U.S. it is an underdog when compared to Starbucks, with just over 400 stores across 18 states in the U.S. and 203 stores in 10 international countries, many of which are franchises (Caribou Coffee, 2016). MIT Sloan Management Review, 55 (1), 25-32. Like many other movies of their kind, Marc Rocco's Murder in the First and Ted Demme's Blow depict crime and social deviance using conflict theory. Additional external factors. To this end, this paper provides an analysis of the obesity problem in the United States compared to Thailand where obesity is not as great a problem, but where the prevalence of obesity is still on the rise. Kubrin's analysis excludes music produced after 2000 as she notes that 2000 marks a turning point in rap music industry "whereby production values more clearly addressed commercial competition, pushing cultural production and reproduction aside" (Kubrin, 367). Content management: A prerequisite to marketing and sales effectiveness. As a result of increasingly sedentary lifestyles and poor nutritional choices, an increasing number of consumers are gaining weight and obesity has reached epidemic levels in many countries. eference List 7 Data analysis, presentation and discussion of findings References The Research Topic/Title Most ZOU degree programmes require students to undertake research and submit a research project report within a period of 12 months. The NETS standards also require the teachers to model digital age work and learning to showcase their skills as innovative professionals in technology., International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The researcher is in a position to identify these words or phrases from newspapers, interviews, videos, or audios to determine some meaning or relationship. Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. Howard Schultz on Global Reach and Local Relevance at Starbucks - An Interview with the CEO. This scientific method of study and research is used in business, medicine, and education in order to find solutions that may improve health, solve scientific problems or develop new technology. Against Women in Rap Music, 1987-1993." In addition, the researcher can clearly focus his research and know in advance what type of ideas, behaviors or attitudes he wants to find in the text. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 19(4), 533-547. (n.d.). (2008). Additional Assumption in Sensitivity Analysis Congressional Digest, 86(7), 203-213. 45. Content analysis has been defined . The intent of this analysis is to discuss the key industry drivers that are creating opportunities and threats for Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX), in addition to, Oral Presentation Analysis Conclusions and ecommendations (2010). Considering your audience and their interests. Does the Middle East Need U.S. Aid? You need to decide: The medium (e.g., newspapers, speeches, or websites) and genre (e.g., opinion pieces, political campaign speeches, or marketing copy) Business process management as an on-demand capability -- Interview with Ismael Ghalimi of Intalio. Other concerns include outside life events that may interrupt the focus of the subjects. orks Cited God created the world in just six days, and rested on the seventh, but scholars have not rested at all over the millennia in their investigation of its account in the historical record, particularly Genesis 1:1-25. One of the NETS standards is that teachers are supposed to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Nuclear energy is defined as energy in the nucleus or core of an atom, which is primarily a small unit that contributes to all matter in the universe (Josephson, 2000, p.2). Content analysis has been used in criminology to study a wide variety of topics, ranging from how newspapers discuss community policing (Mastrofski & Ritti, 1999) to how television newscasts cover crime (Chermak, 1994). Once the coding is consistent in the previous step, it is important toapply the coding process to the data. Dr. Daphne Deporres PH-D Committee Member Before starting data preparation, the researcher needs to know the answers to the following questions: The answers to these questions depend on the objectives of the research. MacCormack, A., Murray, F., & Wagner, E. (2013). Caribou Coffee, (2016), Home Page, retrieved http://www.cariboucoffee.com. Kubrin examines the motivating, Introduction Table 1: Top Financial Institutions Content analysis is a research method used to identify patterns in recorded communication. USA: Portfolio. Marketing Proposal *Not Affiliated, Sponsored or Endorsed by any University. What is the true key to happiness? Assumption Use In The Financial Plan & Strauss, A.L. Fox2 Technologies. (2008). The Fredericksburg Campaign. Exhibits The vision statement of Toyota is: Relational qualities is exploring the relationship between the concepts. ( n.d). Retrieved from http://www.qualres.org/HomeCons-3824.html. This can be a tedious process. (2012). Practice Makes Perfect? Give More Take Less 2012, NAB. Propose ways a trainer can help each type of learner. (2013). Retrieved February 26, 2009 http://www.askart.com/askart/b/thomas_mickell_burnham/thomas_mickell_burnham.aspx, Thomas Mickell Burnham. Caoline WestehofPH-D Chai - Uses & Side Effects, What is Venlafaxine? Internet Content Filtering and Cipa Legislation. Buy college research paper or essay now! Follow the easy steps below to find good research paper topics. Human error and time constraints made this method impractical for large texts. Detroit Free Press. Check Sheet as a Component of Seven Basic Quality Tool. An Analysis of the iblical Creation Narrative of Genesis 1:1-25 and Egypt's Possible Influence on the Historical Record (2012). Assess the major reasons for use of drugs by sportsmen. Wired, Oct. 2003. One type of research that has played a major role in the Pew Research Center's work over time, particularly in our ongoing work focused on journalism and news, has been content analysis, a tool that allows us to look at the way messages change over time and vary across mediums and outlets. Was Romney Right on Video Comments?, from http://www.npr.org/2012/09/21/161545497/was-romney-right-on-video-comments, To understand what factors drive and influence the messages conveyed in gangsta rap lyrics, one must look to the environmental influences of the artist themselves. The Young Artist. Sampling validity refers to the verification and validation of the sample selected for analysis. The Detrimental Effect Of Reality TV On Our Society. The Design and Evaluation of Nuclear-waste Forms: Clues from Mineralogy. Content analysis can be applied to analyze any piece of content that is written or spoken. Noam Chomsky also uses term agenda-setting media. Experimental / Group Comparisons. This means students choose their own topics, research paradigm, research The value proposition for the proposed build-to-order tablet is predicated on giving customers control over the experience their devices deliver daily. Subsequently however, efforts from private entities and universities have helped develop the network infrastructure, as it exists today. In this context, a particular challenging problem that attracts much attention is human action recognition. Content Analysis - Science topic. & Lundman, B. Journal of Marketing Research 37.3 (2000). 5. "Soldiers Home" This type mass media is often held to higher standards of journalism because they can utilize more resources. Print. " "to the One Upstairs:" God as Boss Ethnography Research Types | What Is Ethnographic Research? Using content analysis, researchers can quantify and analyze the presence, meaning, and relationships of such specific words, themes, or concepts. If so, the researchers would choose a data set of advertisingperhaps the scripts for a series of television commercialsto analyze. Project Work Plan and Deliverables To simplify the content. In both frame and discourse analysis, researchers often take a two-step approach. Speech Evaluation Notes. The Fredericksburg Battle Optimizing Silicon Emulsion Stability. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. Given the threat posed by climate change, greater understanding of why nuclear is decreasing rather than increasing is the purpose of this proposed study. Organizational Research Methods, 10(1), 5-34. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(5), 517. - Effects & Types, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Definition, effects & Types, Trepanning: Tools, Specialties & Definition, What is Pseudoephedrine? Study -- Junior Seau's brain shows chronic brain damage found in other NFL football players. (2011). Green, P.E., Krieger, A.M. & Carroll, J.D. Define the content to be analyzed. Caroline Westerhof PH-D, Chair Based on Dr. DePorres' point on the use of the "factor" word, I suggest replacing the word "factor" with something like "sustainability aspects" or "sustainability considerations" Job Analysis. Case Study of the History of iblical Creation Narratives Content Analysis Thematic analysis Here is the PEST analysis of Harley Davidson to study what challenges it is facing in external environment. Nurse Education Today, 24, 105-112. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2004). Opportunities 2, pp. Introduction Weldon, J. Xiameter Case Analysis Economics of Nuclear Power and Climate Change Mitigation Policies. With the rapid development of the Internet, online data sources have gained importance. These findings are consistent with what one might expect from a case study analysis, which typically produces anecdotal evidence that can be scanned for generalized knowledge about the issue. Alternatively, scholars could search archived materials to compile content for analysis. 21-21. Additionally, fish and wildlife depend the basin's river and wetland habitats for breeding, feeding, and physical maturation. However, in the case of the inductive approach, the goal is to develop new theories. Cologon, K. (2013). Using Zeta Potential. Propose ways a trainer can help each, Here, interviews are predominant, with open ended questions forcing participants to express their perceptions and beliefs more thoroughly. Porter's Five Forces model analysis business opportunity "Start business provide music movies online internet" Journal of Quality Technology.38 (2). Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation with its main center of operations situated in Aichi, Japan. Assumption Use in the Financial Plan It is however globally known for heavy bikes that have engine displacement of 651+cc (Harley-Davidson Inc. 2013). These standards are also used as indicators for the teachers' performance (ISTE, 2008). Print. Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-level Nuclear Waste. This is an analysis of the e-commerce web site, www.pcclub.com.The analysis will examine the web site's content, functionality and appeal, (attractor). Erik Kramer is a man that has been surrounded by a major tragedy and has himself been majorly tragic. Examples Content analysis is a research method used to identify patterns in recorded communication. GOING CONCERN VALUE: Definition and All You Need To Know, Time Management Books: Top 11+ Best Management Books, CYBER RESILIENCE: Importance of Cyber Resilience, DIGITAL ASSETS MANAGEMENT: Why It Is Important to Have One, Estate Attorney; Everything You Need to Know, Net Fixed Assets: Definition, Formula, & Calculation. This aspect is greatly leveraged upon by Sport2Sport as different target populations share their experiences on company's Facebook page. The company has faced some setbacks due to the high level of completion within the coffee house market, closing some 80 stores in 2013, and a further 88 were converted to Peets Coffee and Tea (Leavitt, 2014; Leonard, 2013). However, cost effectiveness analysis is closely related to cost benefit analysis. According to Berelson (1952), it refers to a research approach that is meant for the systematic, objective, and quantitative explanation of the evident content of the communication Download full paper File format: .doc, available for editing GRAB THE BEST PAPER 91.8% of users find it useful Read Text Subject: Journalism & Communication Why are reliability and validity important for assessment? edesigning Product Lines with Conjoint Analysis: Topics, relationships, and tone intensities are analyzed to identify patterns, correlations, and inferences at multiple levels. Next, they code the data by categorizing certain words, phrases, or images according to specific rules and then examine how often that specific content was used and for what purpose. Provide examples of how this documentation benefits the study and explain how it does so. Report: Ex-Detroit Lions QB Kramer survives apparent suicide attempt. Qualitative Marketing Research Analysis Methods, Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners, Using Existing Statistics to Collect Social Research Data, Archival Research Data Analysis: Overview & Examples | How to Analyze Archival Data. Bargh, John and McKenna, Katelyn. Positive Impact of the Project Organizational Environment Starbucks Your email address will not be published. Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2013). The digital music market developed first, aided by peer-sharing sites such as Napster and Kazaa, and it is understandable that much of Apple's current focus through the iTunes store has been on selling digital music tracks and albums. However, the writer should not be held accountable for the conclusions and recommendations that, ) What are the strengths & weakness of the studies ? "iTunes revenue surges 84% in 2006." When conducting content analysis, the sociologist's goal was to draw conclusions about the human culture within which the content was grounded. These include crisp and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, content analysis, exploratory design and explanatory design. Because content analysis deals with text, numbers, comments, statistics, and many other measurable facts, it is used for forecasting, analyzing trends, and developing logical strategies. European Union. EMarketing Excellence. Correlations. Define content analysis and describe the steps involved in it, Describe content qualities and relational qualities, Explain the importance of content analysis. However, you might still find yourself in a circumstance when even using top-notch Content Analysis Research Proposals doesn't allow you get the job accomplished on time. In this step, you need to make inferences based on the generated codes and categories. Applied research is a methodology used to solve a specific, practical issue affecting an individual or group. History and psychology mix together to help us understand worlds that are entirely cut off from us. Questionnaires are appropriate for positions that are relatively simple, and with many employees. Results demonstrated no significant relationship between iron content impregnated ASG and iso electric point, which suggests that surface area properties impacts the relationship. Levely, M.R. A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis The company functions in segments of Motorcycles & elated Products and the Financial Services. (2000). To get a clear, in-depth meaning of the language. To produce valid results, content analysts should use multiple classifiers for each content category and confirm their data provides enough evidence for their conclusions. Field theory and experiment in social psychology: Concepts and methods. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. In addition, the director made efforts to expand beyond. . Results of the content analysis could yield strategical improvements for (1) how wildfire fighting officials communicate with business and home owners at the start of an uncontrolled burn and (2) how business and home owners prepare their property for wildfire season. Whereas many advertisements emphasize the strength of their visual images and restrict the ad copy to a, Management esearch in Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: Content Analysis Regional European Union. 2011, "Innovating Suppliers and Supply Chains," Supply Chain Europe, vol. Questions (383) Publications (129,710) Questions related to . Suggestions for Xiameter Product and Pricing Strategies Provide examples of how this documentation benefits the study and explain how it does so. According to the management theorist Michael Porter, "the model of pure competition implies that risk-adjusted rates of return should be constant across firms and industries. New York: G.P. There exist several data sources concerning Davis Health Care that one can utilize to aim at an aspect for improvement. Saltelli, A., Ratto, M., Andres, T., Campolongo, F., Cariboni, J., Gatelli, D. Saisana, M., and Tarantola, S., 2008, Global Sensitivity Analysis.The Primer, John Wiley & Sons. [Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member All the scholars would need to do is transcribe their conversation with the respondents so that they have text to analyze. EDUCATION Programme (2013). Content analysis is a type of research that focuses on the content and features in different forms of media. Dublin: Mercier Press. Print. While men are also affected by these stereotypes, it is women who are underrepresented, overly sexualized and portrayed in traditional gender roles that are not Developmental research studies assess changes over an extended period of time. Generalizability and Transferability. Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 2nd Edition Sage Publications 2001. This idea is, Elite Daily. Add the number of morphemes and divide by the number of utterances to compute MLU. MLU= Total number of morphemes/total number of utterances. esults and Discussion This paper will examine each of these individually, and seek to contrast them. Retrieved Janaury30, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_analysis, Featuring an Analysis of a Corporation Preference-based user rating correction process for interactive recommendation systems. AppCelera also offloads Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) processing to increase the performance of, A iTunes expansion in the digital video space seems to be a no-brainer from a business perspective. (1999). This esearch proposal seeks to look at some of the issues facing nuclear power, and how it can overcome these issues to increase share going forward. Hydrogeology Journal. Another vivid example is the Venezuela presidential elections, whereby US government channelled large amount of money to opposition parties so as to overthrow the re-elected president Hugo Chaves. In that respect, Vargas succeeds with his study. Retrieved 5 October 2015, from http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/homicide-murder-manslaughter-32637.html, USA Today. See a content analysis example to learn how this method of analysis is applied in social research. CBT Software-As-A-Service Economics. Well email you the instructions on how to reset it. (Netflix Investor Relations, 2013). Examples include: 2. This study aims to explore and describe the important factors in the successful cessation from smoking among college students in the East Coast. The communication might be between individuals, groups or any form of public communication. Assumption Use in the Financial Plan The Use of Control Charts in Health-Care and Public-Health Surveillance. Case Study Design Advantages & Disadvantages | Case Study Design Examples & Characteristics. Cost-benefit analysis is also an explicit or implicit method to assess the benefits and costs of a project. Implications for Israeli Security and Prosperity, from http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=9178, O'Toole, R. (2012). Retrieved from: https://www.bcgperspectives.com/content/videos/leadership_management_two_speed_economy_howard_schultz_global_reach_and_local_relevance/. Industry Drivers First, crime is shown to be a result of complex interactions between social class and psychological need. Strengths The CBA is used to analyze the expected benefits and costs. Komi, Social Psychology of Hate Groups A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis Retrieved on 23/5/12 from http://www.iste.org/welcome.aspx, Economic Analysis Content Analysis of the Social Psychology of Hate Groups Here, there are three types of coding: open coding, selective coding, and axial coding. And, like a spider web moving in the wind, the media can influence it. International Journal of Training & Development, 14(3), 239-249. Retrieved February 3, 2011 at http://www.kazaa.com/#, Porter's five forces. 2002. Economic perspectives on childhood obesity. Depression: An emotion not a disease . Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. As an example, researchers can evaluate language used within a news article to search for bias or partiality. iTunes video services will only grow more as Apple faces growing competition from online music and video providers. 2.2 Research Question Harley-Davidson Inc. (2013), Retrieved from: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/busi ness/companies/harleydavidson_inc/index.html, Financial Analysis 1.1 Introduction What we determined is that both financial institutions are using similar tools to target specific demographics of customers. Competition continues to accelerate as each of these competitors invest in research & development (R&D) to increase the performance and reliability of their individual services. The Review of Business Information Systems, 14(1), 27-37. MG William B. Franklin was at the helm of affairs of 46,897 soldiers from the Left Grand Division. Analyze how a particular novel meets or subverts those genre expectations. How does the problem persist through time? Criteria for Grading Assignments Marketing Proposal Australia 2010, Internet World Stats. The organization is quoted as an organization that is liberal and is always advocating. Lets say youre transcribing video and audio recordings onto paper. Fox2 Technologies: An Oral Presentation Analysis Baye, M. (2007). Common Core State Standards for Literacy in all subjects. Criteria for Grading Written Assignments The other learning. During relational content analysis, the investigator explores how two or more concepts relate to one another within each text sample. Bargh, John and McKenna, Katelyn. Anderson, P.M., Butcher, K.F. Iron hydroxide impregnated aluminosilicate-based geopolymers (Fe-ASG) is a novel water treatment media, Media (2003, May 5). Content Analysis Method And Examples | Columbia Public Health. Business Case: MidWest Financial Banks on Content Acceleration. According to the iTunes eb site, users already can download thousands of music videos and more than 350 television shows. 2. Journal of Digital Asset Management, 4(5), 252-259. The role of content analysis is to understand the context of observed human behavior, communication, or emotional response within a specific situation. Password recovery email has been sent to email@email.com, Don't waste time. Start with the evaluation of the sentence levels. So he leaves his friends and family to go overseas to fight for his country, as do the young men and women of todays armed forces. Understanding childhood obesity. We then compare the two with one another by looking at various marketing strategies that are used in a literature review and analyzing the findings with one another. Online conversations, social media comments, product reviews and customer feedback are collected from the most recent and updated links, making the data source more relevant. Information Management, 20(2), 32. Auty, S. 1995, "Using conjoint analysis in industrial marketing," Industrial Marketing Management, vol. (Anthony, David, Aidan.). Examine one of the author's works and analyze how that author's life influenced what they wrote (example: Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf, or Ernest Hemingway). (n.d.). A number of researchers think that qualitative and quantitative methodologies cannot be pooled because the assumptions fundamental to each tradition are so greatly different. FDDC. The company selected is Dar Almanthour for Fragrance. Sage Publications. You also find that the words "snow" and "sled" appear adjacent to each other 95% of the time that "snow" appears. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. 1 Aug. 2007. http://ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/comscore-iTunes-revenue-surges-84-in-2006-q1-to-q3/. Cultural discourses can comprise frames. Over the years, there has not been any fixed definition of inclusion, but different groups and organizations have provided their own definitions. Adolescent Depression. Evers, T. (2011). 1 Aug. 2007. http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/news/2003/10/60729. Research Ethics and Informed Consent. For example, they might want to consider how women are portrayed in advertising. [Article]. Getting Things, CONTENT ANALYSIS: Guide, Methods & Examples, Development of categories and coding scheme, Pre-testing the coding scheme on a sample, Assessing the consistency of the coding used, Making Inferences Based on Coding or Themes. These coding categories could be objective (e.g., age, gender, income) or conceptual (e.g., honest, cooperative, ambitious). Although it may seem untraditional not to focus on traditional advertising and marketing mediums, the paradigm shift in approach to marketing and advertisement has led this agency to effectively spend their marketing budget on online campaigns and maintenance of web-presence. The lack of adequate, accurate and reliable source of documentation is a common finding in an investigator site inspection. (2008). Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content-Analysis Interviews are also appropriate for jobs with few employees. The lack of adequate, accurate and reliable source of documentation is man... 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