jehoshaphat sermon notebook

1. looking at how people in the bible connected with God in prayer. 1 Kings 22:42-43, 1 Kings 22:4, 1 Kings 22:29-38, 2 Kings 3:1-7, 2 Kings 3:8-10, 2 Kings 3:11-12, 2 Kings 3:13-14, 2 Kings 3:15-18, 2 Kings 8:17-18, Romans 12:1-2 read more, Scripture: His only concern was inspiring faith in Gods ability to deliver his people. 2. "Could you please give my brother some brains? 1. In matters which we know God has at heart. All Rights Reserved. We wont balance our checkbooks because were afraid well be out of money! Toward that end, I request you use your full name when commenting. How Can We Give Thanks In All Circumstances? Let's learn from him! JEHOSHAPHAT (HE WHO PLEADS) Living to honor God is really about loving God and loving others, and Jehoshaphat excelled at doing just that most of the time. For me its different. But the next day he received a package. Jehoshaphat: Sunday School Lesson Introduction. If this content was helpful to you, please consider leaving your feedback in the comments section at the bottom, and sharing it with friends and family via email and social media, or both. The God we pray to wants to speak back to us, very often leading us specifically to the answer to the very prayer we may be praying. In his 3rd year, he sent out certain princes, priests, and Levites, to go through all the cities of Judah, teaching the people out of the Book of the Law. If thats you this morning, heres what you need to know: God wants you where He can use you. The droning of the engines had stopped. Notice what they did: When they were threatened, they prayed; when they prayed, they believed; because they believed they obeyed. You see, the first ingredient of effective prayer is desperation. In matters for which Christ's atonement stands pledged. We pray effectively when our prayer alerts us to the deception of our enemy. Ralph Borthwick took off from the Wycliffe base Yarinacocha Peru. We . The very heart of our duty to the lost is that we "go and tell.". A. So my question for you, my Christian brother or sister, is this: How can we wake up to our desperation? By the example of Jehoshaphats alliance with Ahaziah in the free market we see the folly of forming unholy alliances in business affairs. In fact, those are the situations in which He shines! 8 They have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your Name, saying, 9 If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us. 10 But now here are men from Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, whose territory you would not allow Israel to invade when they came from Egypt; so they turned away from them and did not destroy them. 1. V 3 says: And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 2 Chronicles 20:1-25, Denomination: Christ Covenant Church, The problem may not be gone, but you handed it off because the battle is not mine. Jehoshaphat was the king of Judah. How do you know when you are guilty? Curtains of water cascaded over the plane, leaking in around the canopy and panels of the fuselage. Your marriage is falling apart and you are afraid that your spouse is about to leave you. And God answered them. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.Prayer to the believer is the most powerful force on earth. Diane, 8. The battle is the Lord's. 3. Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah & Co Jehoshaphat enjoyed great ric, Scripture: After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another. The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching. Come on, Christian, admit it. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another. Compromise examined. From Gods perspective, however, its the kind of prayer that God honors. {{2Chronicles 20:1-4 Now it came about after this, that the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon, together with some of the Meunites, came to make war against Jehoshaphat. Still, it is precisely what Jehoshaphat did in 2 Chronicles 20:12. Nobody dared to invade Judah as long as he lived, (2 Chronicles 20:29-30). Thats right! As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Just about everyone does when things get bad enough. I really see this on airplanes. He had his shortcomings and failures, but overall God's estimation of Jehoshaphat was favorable. It was stern but not unkind. God gave him assurance, (2 Chronicles 20:14-15). They could see the coming moral decline and began to call on their people to pray. There are God confused them so much that they turned against their own and destroyed each other until nobody was left. Will you trust Jesus to set you free today? Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. Jehoshaphat, also called Josaphat, Hebrew Yehoshaphat, king (c. 873-c. 849 bc) of Judah during the reigns in Israel of Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram, with whom he maintained close political and economic alliances. He walked in God's ways - "The Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David. As a result, he is reigning well. Three kings reached out to Elisha for help, but Jehoshaphat was compromising, God intervened miraculously. What kind of leader admits in front of his people, "I'm scared, folks, because we're helpless against our enemy!" That's not good politics! Today you and I may not be at war with human enemy forces but often we find ourselves at war with enemies such as ill health, fear, grief, and poor finances. One time, three countries planned to fight against Judah. This mighty, powerful, anonymous threat was closer to Jerusalem than Raleigh is to us. Independent/Bible, Prayer of Jehoshaphat He was the son of Asa, another good king of Judah, and he "sought the God of his father, and walked in His commandments" (2 Chronicles 17:4). I want you to know this morning that while FDRs advice may have made political sense, it is the opposite of what we must do if we are to pray effectively. Look at v 10: And now, here are the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seirwhom You would not let Israel invade when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them and did not destroy them 11 here they are, rewarding us by coming to throw us out of Your possession which You have given us to inherit. Now I know that part of the reason we may be praying is because the problem is much bigger than we can handle and I know we may feel absolutely powerless to overcome this problem or deal with that issue. When God saved us, He commanded us to tell others what He has done for us, and what He can do for them, Mark 16:15. Our lives are pretty good. Vv 1-2 read: It happened after this that the people of Moab with the people of Ammon, and others with them besides the Ammonites, came to battle against Jehoshaphat. The prophet went on to give some very specific instructions: 1. 22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. Its plan B but not plan A. 4 So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord. This is where we so often miss out on effective prayer. Now thats dependence! God will help you, but His help begins with you acknowledging Who He is and what He did for you. He often moves on our hearts to become the answer to the very prayer we are praying to Him. Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful." 21 After consulting. He said that the only thing to fear was what? Effective prayer requires our obedience. He Ran to. Fear itself. Now that sounds good until you start thinking about what that meant. He basically followed in the ways of his father Asa, who was generally a good king most of his reign. I dont drink, so I do the only thing I can do. 2 Chronicles 20:1-4, 2 Chronicles 20:5-6, 2 Chronicles 20:7-9, 2 Kings 23:4-7, 2 Chronicles 6:24-25, 2 Chronicles 6:34-35, 2 Chronicles 20:10-12, 2 Chronicles 20:13, 2 Chronicles 20:14-17, 2 Chronicles 20:18 They are not needed in heaven either. The moment Jehoshaphat concluded the prayer God spoke. The unstable person panics, BUT Jehoshaphat prayed! Its the foot soldiers who execute the assault as planned. He may not show us the complete answer, or how to completely handle the problem, but He will reveal to us the next step we should take. Christians, we are at war with an enemy who takes no prisoners and gives no quarter and we will begin to pray effectively when we realize that the threat is powerful. Now, folks, that would take some faith. a. Then Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the LORD, in front of the new courtyard and said, "O LORD, God of our fathers, are You not the God who is in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? To prove evil associations will do you no good. God wants us to obey and in our obedience He will often show up to answer our prayers. You might say, Yes, Rusty, I do depend and I do believe when I pray but, still, nothing is happening. Well, theirs is one more element to effective prayer. James 1:5-6 (NKJV) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God . You see, your situation, every single circumstance of it is a part of His plan in your life. And that really is the issue for you if youre here today without the Lord. You might yell from your pews, but we are often guilty of stealing Gods glory to ourselves. What you will do during the crisis This is your chance to prove what you have. Previous kings had sought the help of foreign gods such as Baal.. The history of Jehoshaphat is written not only in the Book of Chronicles, but in the Book of Kings : and it is well to be quite clear as to the difference between those two books ; or at least between Samuel and Kings on the one hand and Chronicles on the other. They didn't have to fight. read more, Scripture: And thats why, so often, my praying is ineffective. Thats right! Satan takes no breaks and he gives none. A great example of victory through prayer and fasting is the life of Jehoshaphat. the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever. 22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. At once, he thought of something. To be far-sighted means you cant see clearly up Of course, the church hired a lawyer who went to court and argued that they were not in any way responsible for this tavern owners misfortune. In it was a gold coin -- worth ten times the silver coin. That is why he sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on a cross. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. 25 When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoil, they found much among them, including goods, gar-ments and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. 7 Ways To Correct A Team Member In A Healthy Way, 3 Things To Do When Youre Stuck In A Sermon Prep And Writing Rut. Or you may be here and youre discouraged. He immediately called a nationwide prayer and fast and cried out to God, (2 Chronicles 20:3-11). Well, I should say, effective prayer is one of the most demanding things you will ever do. Aim: To highlight the dangers of an unequal yoke in business Sermon Notes: The Wealthy Shunammite Woman's Faith, Sermon: Faithfulness is the Key to God's Blessings, New Year Sermon: An old Challenge for a New Year, Fathers Day Sermon: Qualities of a Godly Father. How the prayer of Jehoshaphat and the unity of the people of Judah defeated the enemy and never lifted a hand. The coward hides away in his room pretending.. And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, "Inquire first for the word of the LORD.". 4 The peoplecame from every town in Judah to seek him. He wasnt concerned about inspiring confidence in his leadership. . I pray, but I dont depend. II. Were saved, were spiritually fat and happy. Jehoshaphat prayed a prayer which moved the heart of God and had the equivalent effect of a nuclear bomb on an invading army. See, along with the desperate and the discouraged, we have pray-ers in this room today who are disabled, and they really need to listen too. Jehoshaphat prayed a prayer which moved the heart of God and had the equivalent effect of a nuclear bomb on an invading army. Constable: The peace that existed between Israel and Judah (v. 44) gained strength through the marriage of Jehoshaphat's son, Jehoram, and Ahab's daughter, Athaliah (2 Kings 11). Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. Insincere prayer (like the prayer the Pharisee prayed) that lacks transparency indicates pride. . God often tests us in matters of his glory. Jehoshaphat prayed a prayer which moved the heart of God and had the equivalent effect of a nuclear bomb on an invading army. Prayer must be a rapid response no matter how big the crisis may appear to be. Now when Jehoshaphat learned a great army has come against him (2 Chronicles 20:1-2), he immediately realized three things. Baptist. Scripture: Try. Which can be reassuring to you today if you came to church desperate. JEHOSHAPHAT'S POWERFUL PRAYERS 2 Chron. In the year 2012 Barrack Obama quoted from the gospel of Luke chapter 12 verse 48 to justify the decision to raise taxes saying, From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. [source: Business Insider]. Five Tremendous Lessons from Jehoshaphat by Dr. Sandra Kennedy 7,448 views Sep 5, 2019 135 Dislike Share Save Sandra Kennedy 22.3K subscribers National TV Program 463 Five Lessons: 1. Intro: So Jehoshaphat led his people to God, the place of hope. THE PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS KING AVAILS MUCH God in return acknowledged Jehoshaphats interests and Jehoshaphat lived, reigned, and died in peace. The joint forces of the invaders are no match for God almightyC. With a mighty roar the engines screamed to life. According to these passages, Jehoshaphat ascended the throne at the age of thirty-five and reigned for twenty-five years. It should not be the last resort. They say what wed like to say -- but never would! More on that later but in the meantime lets consider what happened next. The king admonishes them to believe God. Well, maybe its because desperate times call for desperate prayer, and that may describe you this morning.

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