rtk query mutation example

It generates another reducer to add to a redux store that may already have other reducers. Similar to our other mutations, we take some parameters and make a request to the server, with some data in the body of the request. Beratung und Planung; Neubau von Aufzgen; Modernisierung; Service und Wartung; Referenzen Event Loop + V8 Engine + libuv threadpool. The matchNotificationsReceived matcher function will return true if the current action matches either of those types. Enter RTK Query. On my api I have two mutations and strangely, one of them does trigger the refetch but the other doesn't and I have no clue why. If we inspect the API slice object, it includes an endpoints field, with one endpoint object inside for each endpoint we've defined. Previously, we had a normalized lookup table for all of our notifications, and the UI selected those as a single sorted array. We declared that the getPosts query endpoint provides a 'Post' tag, and that the addNewPost mutation endpoint invalidates that same 'Post' tag. Any useMutation hooks with the same fixedCacheKey string will share results between each other when any of the trigger functions are called. Another would be to store the entire response data in the cache, but have our components specify just a specific piece of that cached data that they need. If we click "Save Post" while editing, it returns us to the , but it's still showing the old data without the edits. All of the data fetching has been switched over to use RTKQ, and we've improved the user experience by adding optimistic updates and streaming updates. All videos are for educational purpose and use them wisely. features/notifications/notificationsSlice.js, features/notifications/NotificationsList.js. Both mutations make their networks calls and changes are reflected in the server. As we go through, we'll see how to use all the major features of RTK Query, as well as how to migrate existing uses of createAsyncThunk and createSlice over to use the RTK Query APIs. Clicking the "Refresh" button now triggers the mock Websocket server to push out another set of notifications. Like with onQueryStarted, the onCacheEntryAdded lifecycle handler receives the arg cache key as its first parameter, and an options object with the thunkApi values as the second parameter. In this video we will explore the Redux Toolkit RTK Query and Mutations in detail with example. fixedCacheKey option. // If any mutation is executed that `invalidate`s any of these tags, this query will re-run to be always up-to-date. React CRUD example with Redux Toolkit, RTK Query & REST API We will build RTK Query endpoints to make CRUD operations against a RESTful API server. RTK Query takes a more centralized approach to this and requires you to configure the invalidation behavior in your API service definition. javascript. In this section, we'll continue migrating our example app to use RTK Query for the other data types, and see how to use some of its advanced features to simplify the codebase and improve user experience. We can use selectFromResult to have read just a filtered list of posts from the cache. It's common for apps to make an initial request to fetch data from the server, and then open up a Websocket connection to receive additional updates over time. Typically, the usage pattern is: Our mock Websocket server file exposes a forceGenerateNotifications method to mimic pushing data out to the client. The query hooks also give us the ability to select pieces of the cached state by providing a selectFromResult option, and only re-render when the selected pieces change. We initially faked that feature by adding a "Refresh Notifications" button, and having it make an HTTP GET request for more notifications entries. We read the list of notifications from cache and the new metadata entries from the notificationsSlice, and continue displaying them the same way as before. If you're looking for help with Redux questions, come join the #redux channel in the Reactiflux server on Discord. /* Temporarily ignore adapter - we'll use this again shortly, const usersAdapter = createEntityAdapter(), const initialState = usersAdapter.getInitialState(), // Calling `someEndpoint.select(someArg)` generates a new selector that will return. Next, we need to handle updating the to let us edit an existing post. Fetching data and keeping cached data on the client-side. import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit . We could add a 'Post' tag to both the getPost query and the editPost mutation, but that would force all the other individual posts to be refetched as well. So, RTK Query canceled the timer and kept using the same cached data instead of fetching it from the server. In case we need a special treatment for an error of a specific endpoint, we can do it with onQueryStarted by catching the error on the queryFulfilled promise: Each endpoint provides a select function that returns a selector for its cached data from the store (this selector may receive a cache key as an argument, which is the same argument we would call the query hooks with). In the example from https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/examples#using-extrareducers a extraReducer in autSlice.ts that is called when the login mutation in services/auth.js is intially called with credentials of Type LoginRequest as its action.payload. We can provide a tag to the query endpoint (a simple string tag or a more complex object tag), and all resources from this query endpoint will receive the tag. Since result is being kept in the Redux store, we can't mutate it - we need to return a new object. This approach of updating client state right away is called an "optimistic update", and it's a common pattern in web apps. ENJOY 0:00:00 - Intro0:00:43 - Code Walkthrough0:01:35 - Understanding RTK Query Mutations0:02:38 - Create Mutation Endpoints0:07:26 - Mutation Hooks 0:08:08 - Add Operation with RTK query hook0:13:07 - RTK query refetch0:14:50 - Auto-fetching Providing and Invalidating tags0:19:05 - Update Operation with RTK query hook 0:20:17 - Delete Operation with RTK query hook 0:22:40 - Outro***React Roadmap for Developers in 2021***How to Learn React JS ? RTK Query provides an onCacheEntryAdded endpoint lifecycle handler that lets us implement "streaming updates" to cached data. If the query callback needs additional data to generate the URL, it should be written to take a single argument. This is deliberately more visible because our mock API server is set to have a 2-second delay before responding, but even if the response is faster, this still isn't a good user experience. Similarly, invalidatesTags can be a callback as well. // no-op in case `cacheEntryRemoved` resolves before `cacheDataLoaded`, // in which case `cacheDataLoaded` will throw, // cacheEntryRemoved will resolve when the cache subscription is no longer active, // perform cleanup steps once the `cacheEntryRemoved` promise resolves, // Hardcode a call to the mock server to simulate a server push scenario over websockets, // Dispatch an additional action so we can track "read" state, // Add client-side metadata for tracking new notifications, // Any notifications we've read are no longer new, '../features/notifications/notificationsSlice', // Trigger initial fetch of notifications and keep the websocket open to receive updates, a table that describes what will happen if certain general/specific tag combinations are invalidated, How to use tags with IDs to manage cache invalidation and refetching, How to work with the RTK Query cache outside of React, Techniques for manipulating response data, Implementing optimistic updates and streaming updates, The same primary query/mutation hook that we exported from the root API slice object, but named as, For query endpoints, an additional set of query hooks for scenarios like "lazy queries" or partial subscriptions, A fully normalized shared-across-queries cache is a, We don't have the time, resources, or interest in trying to solve that right now, In many cases, simply re-fetching data when it's invalidated works well and is easier to understand, At a minimum, RTKQ can help solve the general use case of "fetch some data", which is a big pain point for a lot of people, Keep original response in cache, read full result in component and derive values, Keep original response in cache, read derived result with, Transform response before storing in cache, Create a server-side data subscription like a Websocket, Endpoints can provide or invalidate cache tags based on results and arg cache keys, Endpoint objects include functions for initating requests, generating result selectors, and matching request action objects, Components can read an entire value and transform with. When we dispatch that action, the return value is a patchResult object. RTK Query CRUD example with React Hooks. For most users, the basic examples in the Queries and Mutations sections will cover the majority of your needs. Inside of there, we add a new "read/isNew" metadata entry that corresponds to each notification by ID, and store that inside of notificationsSlice. In Part 7: RTK Query Basics, we saw how to set up and use the RTK Query API to handle data fetching and caching in our application. Its most helpful when dealing with resources that have both query endpoints and mutation endpoints (e.g. If we want to fetch the list of users outside of React, we can dispatch the getUsers.initiate() thunk in our index file: This dispatch happens automatically inside the query hooks, but we can start it manually if needed. See useMutation for the hook signature and additional details. This should be a unique string shared between each mutation hook instance you wish to share results. Its important to know that createApi is just an abstraction level over RTKs createSlice(which in itself abstracts createReducer+createAction). - https://youtu.be/06yVj8pcO5cReact in One Project - https://youtu.be/0riHps91AzEReact Redux Toolkit Tutorial - https://youtu.be/EnIRyNT2PMILearn React Redux with Project - https://youtu.be/0W6i5LYKCSIWhat is Redux ? Our selectUserById selector currently has to loop over the cached array of users to find the right User object. They can handle any global state that is not server data. Copyright 20152022 Dan Abramov and the Redux documentation authors. Now click "Edit Post" inside the single post page. The onQueryStarted method can be used for optimistic updates. Ideally, yes. The last component that is reading from the old postsSlice is , which filters the list of posts based on the current user. Mutations can also invalidate cached data and force re-fetches. It's important to understand that RTK Query uses a "document cache" approach, not a "normalized cache". Thanks for reading through this tutorial, and we hope you enjoy building applications with Redux! In addition to cache tags, there are more methods for cache invalidation (for different use cases). Mutation endpoints are defined by returning an object inside the endpoints section of createApi, and defining the fields using the build.mutation() method. In this case, we'll call the field postsForUser, and we can destructure that new field from the hook result. We can use the builder.addMatcher() API inside of extraReducers to add a case reducer that runs whenever we match one of those two action types. The result object has a data field inside with the actual values we need, as well as some of the request metadata fields. At the moment, the only file that references the getUsers endpoint is our index file, which is dispatching the initiate thunk. You should also see how RTK Query can simplify the process of fetching and using cached data. The useMutation hook returns a tuple containing a "mutation trigger" function, as well as an object containing properties about the "mutation result". For the getPost example, we could have transformResponse: (responseData) => responseData.post, and it would cache just the actual Post object instead of the entire body of the response. When the number of subscribers goes to 0 and the cache lifetime timer expires, the cache entry will be removed, and cacheEntryRemoved will resolve. We'll start by defining a getUsers query endpoint in apiSlice.js, similar to our existing endpoints. -To add a new post to the database, make a POST request with the form data to the server. Diving into Javascript arrow functions, closures and callbacks, How to Animate a Tilt action using JavaScript, How does NodeJS work(Beginner to Advanced)? We've already added a mutation endpoint to save new Post entries to the server, and used that in our . // Include a field called `postsForUser` in the hook result object, // which will be a filtered list of posts, // In a real app, we'd probably need to base this on user ID somehow, // so that a user can't do the same reaction more than once. when any of the trigger functions are called. Config API Reference importBaseApiFrom -To retrieve all the posts from the database, make a GET request to the server. If Component A calls useGetPostQuery (42), that data will be fetched. The onQueryStarted handler receives two parameters. It needs to read the original Post entry from the store, use that to initialize the component state to edit the fields, and then send the updated changes to the server. Copyright 20152022 Dan Abramov and the Redux documentation authors. Nothing much changes when using RTK Query.

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