sweet potato processing technology pdf

Sugars may be linked as mono-, di-, or triglycosides and may, in addition, be acylated with different organic acids. Liu, C., Wang, Z., Li, X., et al., 2008. 3.5.2 Effects of Sweet Potato Pectin on Bcap-37 Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation The inhibitory effects of three types of sweet potato pectins on Bcap37 cell proliferation occurred in concentration and time-dependent manners. Alcoholic liver disease includes alcoholic hepatitis, alcohol hepatic fibrosis, alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC), and slight ALD (Tuma et al., 2004). 4.3.3 Effects of Emulsion Particles on the Adsorption of Pectin Effects of the Pectin Concentration and Oil-Phase Volume Fraction on the Adsorption of Pectin to Emulsion Particles The pectin concentration and oil-phase volume fraction had significant effects on the adsorption of pectin to emulsion particles (Fig. Note: Me, methyl; Cy, cyanidin; Pn, peonidin; Caf, caffeic acid; So, sophoroside; PHB, hydroxybenzoic acid; Fer, ferulic acid; Glc, glucoside. As the pH value increased, the EAI first increased and then decreased, At pH 5.0, the EAI was its highest, at 28.96%, but was not significantly different (P , 0.05) from the value at pH 4.0. Thus, the free starch content of sweet potato granules is significantly decreased. The remains were than heated at 100 C for 2 h, and the preservation rate was determined again (Fig. The processing technology of the fermented sweet potato freeze-dried sugar-free food according to claim 1, which is characterized in that: in the step of packaging finished products, the finished potato chips are quickly placed into a packaging container for sealed storage. After the qualitative analysis of the aqueous extract by HPLC, the main components were found to be chlorogenic acids. Its changing from sweet potato to starch is a complex process.This process is not a chemical process, but a physical separation process.The production of sweet potato starch, is to separate the starch from protein, fiber and other substances. In recent years, the growth rate of the natural pigments in the international market was greater than 10%. Proper Amount of Sweet Potato Granules for Noodle Production If excessive sweet potato granules are added, the gluten content of noodles is insufficient, making the noodles less elastic, easy-to-break, and less resistant to cooking. Decreasing or increasing pH values contributed to the decline in the emulsifying ability and stability of pectin, which may be related to the electric charge associated with pectin in solution. Thus, the signal pathway mediated by the previous two substances was hindered. Health functions and utilization of purple sweet potato. Li et al. aqueous hydrochloric acid solution, and the resolved anthocyanins were washed with 70% aqueous ethanol. Figure 4.11 Effects of pectin (1.00 mg/mL) treatment times on Bcap-37 breast cancer cells. Acetate and butyrate are the major substrates for de novo lipogenesis in rat colonic epithelial cells. anz6[T~) z=0d6 After the intake of PSPAs, liver cell swelling was significantly alleviated, and the improving pathological effect was dosedependent. The invention aims to provide a processing technology of a fermented sweet potato freeze-dried sugar-free food, which has unique flavor, crisp mouthfeel, less nutrient loss and no sugar. The purified products of the chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves from the two cultivars (Yuzi No.7 and Ximeng No.1) were accurately weighed and then dissolved in 80% (v/v) methanol to prepare sample solutions (200 g/mL), which were then analyzed as described above. At present, in the qualitative and quantitative analyses of chlorogenic acids, thin-layer chromatography is mainly used for preliminary qualitative analyses. Compared with the control, the SOD and GST levels in the model group decreased. The most common acylating agents are cinnamic acids, frequently p-cinnamic or caffeic acid, but also ferulic and sinapic acids (Clifford, 2000). Freeze-dried and milled sweet potato samples were sent to the Quality Plant Product Laboratory (Department of Crop Science, University of Gottingen, Germany) for sugar analysis. The results are shown in Fig. 12 (7), 540550. Sowbhagya, H.B., Suma, P.F., Mahadevamma, S., Tharanathan, R.N., 2007. Anthocyanins: from plant to health. Sweet potato pulp contains at least 20%30% pectin. B 945, 6874. 0.05). linear viscoelastic strain range was determined to be between 0.3% and 3%. Biomed. Appl. The Philippines is an important sweet potato producer and consumer country, and sweet potato and sweet potato starch have contributed to the economic growth of the Philippines. Nutr 77 (6), 14341441. Harbourne, N., Jacquier, J.C., Morgan, D.J., et al., 2008. When the pH was 6, the lowest preservation rates of 68% and 57% occurred after 1 h and 2 h, respectively, while at pH . For Jishu No. Shi, Z.L., Lin, M., Francis, F.J.A., 1992. When the pectin concentration was 0.1%, the viscosity of the solution was 1.18 mP s. When the pectin concentration was increased to 2.0%, the viscosity of the solution reached 7.06 mP s, because as the number of the pectin molecules in solution increases, the interactions (hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions) between molecules are enhanced, as are the entanglements between molecules. Lee, S.C., Jeong, S.M., Kim, S.Y., et al., 2006. With increasing pH values, the anthocyanin preservation rate decreased significantly. J. Agric. After sweet potatoes are soaked in calcium solutions at different concentrations, the produced granules contain different free starch contents, with a variance of 6%. The absorbance of each well was measured by at 450 nm. Vanganeti, V.V., Shashidhar, V.V., Jarrod, G.G., 2010. 3.4 EFFECTS OF SWEET POTATO PECTIN ON CANCER CELL SURVIVAL RATES As shown in Table 4.3, the medium was treated with 1.00 mg/mL sweet potato pectin for 48 h. The survival rates of the HT-29, SMMC7721, and Bcap-37 cancer cells were not different than those of the control group (without sweet potato pectin) (P , 0.05). Am. J. Food Chem. % When the radicals go cannot be fully eliminated by the human body, liver cells are damaged (Huang et al., 2009). J. Med. Thermal degradation of anthocyanins from purple potato (Cv. The correlation between early alcohol withdrawal severity and oxidative stress in patients with alcohol dependence. Med. Rumbaoa, R.G.O., Cornago, D.F., Geronimo, I.M., 2009. 6.6B shows a response surface plot of the effects of pH and the liquidsolid ratio, which were very significant (P , 0.01) on the anthocyanin yield (Table 6.6). The quality of . At different pH values, the value was not Figure 4.38 Effects of pH, and the NaCl and Ca21 concentrations on the adsorption of pectin by emulsion particles. Health l4 (3), 209218. Nutr. Research shows that the molecular mechanism responsible for chlorogenic acids adjusting cell survival and apoptosis involved the following: (1) Reducing the intensity of signal factors in the signal transduction pathway of cell growth and reproduction, thereby reducing the viability of cancer cells; (2) Improving the activity of quinone oxidoreductase-glutathione transferase and NAD(P)H, thereby opposing the induction of oxidants having carcinogenic effects Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato 363 on cell carcinogenesis; (3) Reducing the activity of oncogenic kinases like MAPK, thereby preventing the cancerization of cells; and (4) Stimulating the expression of cancer suppressor genes, like Nrf2, thereby inhibiting the growth of cancer cells (Granado-Serrano et al., 2007; Feng et al., 2005). When the pectin concentration was between 0.5% and 1.5%, the ESI increased significantly (P , 0.05), but when the concentration was between 1.5% and 4.0%, the ESI increased gradually, a eventually reaching 100%, and no significant differences existed between the different concentrations. Activity of hepatic SOD (U mg/g protein) 3 **## P , 0.01; P , 0.01; **## 2.4 * 1.8 *# 1.2 0.6 0 Control Model Low-dose group Middle-dose group High-dose group Figure 6.33 Effects of PSPAs on the SOD activity level. (2012) investigated the effects of extraction agent type, solidliquid ratio, extraction time, and temperature on the extraction of pigments from purple sweet potato, and determined the optimum conditions of purple sweet potato pigment were, 40% ethanol as the extraction solvent at a solidliquid ratio of 1/20 (g/mL) for 60 min at 30 C. Microwave Extraction The microwave extraction has a heating effect on the solvent and material. Eur. 304 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Figure 6.6 Response surface plots of the extraction parameters on anthocyanin yield. Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P . Thus, the migration rate was reduced by 50.37%. 218 Sweet Potato Processing Technology increase in the pectin concentration (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 mg/ml), significantly reduced the adhesive capabilities of cancer cells (P , 0.05). We cannot guarantee that every ebooks is available! 348 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Eom, S., Zhang, Y.W., Ogawa, M., et al., 2007. 57 (5), 11801184. Parnell, J.A., Reimer, R.A., 2010. Ku, C.S., Mun, S.P., 2008. Biochim. Technol. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of the purified chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves were carried out using an Agilent1200 series HPLC, which consisted of a Model G1322A degasser, a Model G1311A quat pump, a Model G1329A auto injector, a Model G1316 column oven and a Model C1315D diode array detector. 74 (1), 123126. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raspberry and blackberry cultivars. Role of pectin from cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in modulation of protein kinase C activity and regulation of glycogen metabolism in rats. Biol. Compared with the control, P , 0.05, P , 0.01; Compared with the model, #P , 0.05, ##P , 0.01. Kwon, Y.J., Kaul, R., Mattiasson, B., 1996. Yu, X., Zhao, F., Li, X., et al., 2009. The book provides a detailed and comprehensive account of physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato products, the nutritional components extracted . Comments and suggestions are most welcomed. Petrochem. The conclusions highlight . After 5 h, the retention rate of the antioxidant activity with the light treatment was 92.56%. 4.19), the migration rates of PMA only treated group and the 1 mg/mL thermal-modified pectin treatment group were 40.76% and 18.66%, respectively. In the anthocyanin middle-dose and high-dose groups, no pathological changes were observed, and the cellular morphology was close to that of the control group (Table 6.16). (2009) applied this method to separate bilberry anthocyanins, capsaicin, and red pigment. The process of storing raw sweet potatoes is as follows: Raw sweet potatoes that are not damaged, without scabs, and with intact skins should be selected for storage. 57, 62856291. The regulation of thermal degradation in 50% ethanol storage solvent was similar to that in deionized water, 10% ethanol, and 20% ethanol, and the reaction rate constants of four storage solvents were not significantly different at 4 and 25 C. The reaction rate constant of 0 0 2 4 Time (h) 6 8 10 12 logc/c0 0.1 4C 0.2 25C 75C 0.3 100C 0.4 0.5 Figure 6.18 Relationship between the anthocyanin concentrations in 50% ethanol and time. It was hypothesized that RG-II may be related to the ability to chelate heavy metals. The Effects of pH on the Adsorption Rate of the AB-8 Resin The crude anthocyanin solutions (absorbance 5 0.465) were prepared, and each of them was adjusted to a different pH value (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0) using 1.0 mol/L HCl and 1.0 mol/L NaOH solutions. In addition, chlorogenic acids can inhibit the activities of tyrosinase and catalase, and scavenge reactive oxygen species in skin cells. The following sections described the preparations of bread, biscuits, noodles, and thick slurry-associated food with sweet potato granules. The factor of the highest influence on the beverages sensory appeal was the ratio of purple sweet potato paste to soy milk, followed by the amount of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, the amount of sugar, and the amount of citric acid. Ethanol is a widelychosen organic solvent because it is cheap and environmentally nontoxic Advantages: lower energy consumption, simple processes, and high-product yields Pretreatments of raw materials with cellulase and pectinase can break the plant cell wall and macromolecules, making the chlorogenic acids in cells more soluble Advantages: high product yield and high purity Supercritical fluid extraction When the extraction agent (usually CO2) is above the critical temperature and pressure, the solubility is enhanced and components with different polarities, boiling points and molecular weights can be successively extracted by the extraction agent Advantages: high purity High hydrostatic pressure extraction At room temperature with 100 to 1000 MPa hydrostatic pressure in the extraction system, the extraction solvent quickly penetrates to the interior of the cell, promoted by the pressure, and the pressure can also cause cell deformations and ruptures, resulting in intracellular chlorogenic acids dissolving Advantages: short extraction time Microwaveassisted extraction During microwaving the inner tissue of the plant is rapidly heated and broken, so that the chlorogenic acids in the tissue cells are fully expelled Advantages: simple, fast and efficient process, conserves energy and is environmentally conscious The mechanical effect of ultrasound is used to break the cell, and the chlorogenic acids can penetrate into the solution from the plant cell Advantages: short extraction time, high yield, simple process, large handling capacity, and easily realized industrial production Organic solvent extraction Enzymatic hydrolysis Ultrasonicassisted method Disadvantages: long production cycle and large amount of waste water Disadvantages: long extraction time, large solvent usage amount, and difficult to recycle Disadvantages: high cost, effect of the reaction system on enzyme activities and poor reproducibility Disadvantages: high technology and equipment costs, large operational energy consumption and low yields Disadvantages: expensive equipment, and inability to realize industrial production Disadvantages: expensive equipment Disadvantages: poor equipment stability inclusion, organic solvent, membrane separation, resin, and chromatography, and some methods cannot be widely used because of cumbersome processes, complex operations, poor separations, and purification effects. Lien et al. Yapo, B.M., Robert, C., Etienne, I., et al., 2007. J. 3.1 THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE THERMAL STABILITIES OF ANTHOCYANINS Using 15 25mL volumetric flasks, the samples were divided into five groups, and each group was run in triplicate. Thus, at present it is widely used in the qualitative and quantitative analyses of chlorogenic acids. In view of the limitations of the author's level and the rapid development of science and technology in sweet potato processing and comprehensive utilization, the contents of the book may inevitably contain some outdated information or omissions. In ice cream, pectin can prevent the reduction of flavor and pigment. (2006) suggested that purple potato flakes had antioxidant functions, such as radical scavenging activity and the inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation, and that they improved the antioxidant potential in rats by enhancing hepatic Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), Cu/Zn-SOD, and glutathione peroxidase mRNA expression. 1). As the pectin concentration increased (Fig. The elution was performed with the following linear gradient: 015 min: 20%65% B; 1515.1 min: 65%80% B; and 15.120 min: 80% B. Wan, P., Sheng, Z., Han, Q., et al., 2014. Shan, Q., Lu, J., Zheng, Y.L., et al., 2009. 52 (15), 48934898. Degradation kinetics and colour of anthocyanins in aqueous extracts of purple- and red-flesh potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). 0.05). 4.2 THE EFFECTS OF SWEET POTATO ANTHOCYANIN ON SUBACUTE ALCOHOLIC LIVER DAMAGE Normal cell metabolism generates ROS. SECTION 3: BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF CHLOROGENIC ACIDS FROM SWEET POTATOES Chlorogenic acids possess biological activities, such as those required for free radical-scavenging, antiinflammation, tumor-inhibition, liver-protection, blood-activation, and antihypertensivity, as well as 382 Sweet Potato Processing Technology in antibacteriocides and cholagogues. Absorbance of each well was measured by at 450 nm and catalase, and resolved. 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