vba winhttprequest basic authentication

Hi Vinit, Whats the error that you are getting? But here is a sample of the output. You cannot interact with the page using HTTP requests. did you ever solve this? One missing piece after viewing the Amazon workbook was how to also send a login and password with a request if needed. Hello Ranjith, Adjust the base URL to match your UrbanCode Deploy server. It is easy to post code and communicate there. Now let's import the JSON converter that we downloaded from Github. Hi Can you please provide information for Authorization Oauth 1.0 xmlhttp.Open GET, https://www.google.com/search?q= & San+Francisco, False Cells(xx, B).Value, False Now that we know a little about HTTP, let's dive into the Excel http request using VBA. Je bute sur un pb entre xml et mshtml dans linstruction : I learned from the Amazon Web Services workbook that its extremely easy to access a REST Web Service using VBA and import the data to an XML list. You will start by learning the basics of JavaScript, including variables and types, functions, and loops and conditions. HTTP basic authorization is accomplished by encoding a username and password into the headers of a request, and although there is plenty of information out there about how to do this with jQuery and javaScript and other languages, tracking down the solution from VBA was a little more difficult. I am a Google Developer Expert and decided to investigate Google Apps Script in my spare time. In my last article (For Excel Persons How to Pull Market Data with VBA), I wrote about making HTTP requests to Alpacas open, public-facing API. Dynamic Island using Flutter | iPhone 14 Pro | Can it be done with Flutter? Dim xmlhttp As Object, xmlhtml As New HTMLDocument How can I send a post to a specific web page and also open and display this web page at the same time ? Application.Wait Now + TimeValue(0:00:03) SLOW DOWN Everything here is awesome!! Hi Chirag, Make sure that apiToken is not empty and in a readable format for VBA. Brokerage services are provided by Alpaca Securities LLC (alpaca.markets), member FINRA/SIPC. Thanks, The API url follows: https://bling.com.br/Api/v2/notasfiscais/json/&apikey=5c8a14eecc14fd3ffde5014b6ac5b12f753ea96159c1b13e247cfb0176f26bf12c7057fe. 'Set xXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") Check the response headers with WinHttpQueryHeaders. If you need VBAs Intellisense autocomplete then do it this way : First, Add a reference to MSXML (Tools > references). **Note:** During recovery, the API sets the requester to the authenticated agent who called the API, not the original requester. please guide me how to do in microsoft excel. Hey Chirag, Theres no limit on header length. , token: token_no Of course if you don't need them or you have multiple concurrent connections you are probably better off using the light weight WinHttp. As stated under the light orange box, Alpaca will hide your secret key from the web browser once you refresh or go to another page. I am trying to use the winhttp class in VBA to pass the user and and password but not sure what syntax do i need to pass the 64 bit encode URL, can you please help. 2) Im on Excel 2013 and Windows 10 Enterprise, sir Google Apps Script Color Space Conversions. Mine is just stored in my VBA code modules, which is good a place as any. Compile error: User-Defined type not defined, Some notes: Next page navigation, GENERAL XHR Request URL and Request Method This is particularly true of OTC assets, but it is a good idea to check the asset list every time you make a trade. To check that a particular asset is available, simply use the /v1/assets/ endpoint and append the symbol. Introduction; Visual Basic Editor; Variables; Constants; Comments; Scope And Lifetime; Data Types; Operators; Procedures; Conditionals; Loops; GoTo; GoSub; . Username and password should also be base64 encoded. Moving the discussion to Forum. xmlhttp.Open GET, https://www.google.com/search?q= & San+Francisco, False Cells(xx, B).Value, False This is really awesome!! You dont want to place trades in the wrong place. how could be possible to use REST API to get a file an folder list on sharepoint? This has helped me streamline work processes, making much of what I do much more efficient. Select: Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor. codeAffilie:XXXXXX All request bodies should have content type application/json and be valid JSON. Next page navigation. Set MyIE=CreateObject(InternetExplorer.Application) which is creating Object for IE browser. Debug.Print xmlhttp.responseText https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3140245/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-a-default-secure-protocols-in. Now that weve got the key generation out of the way, we can dive into the code. Try this . If you run this code (with your keys), you will get a 404 Error Response, since your request is hitting the API endpoints stem (`paper-api.alpaca.markets`) rather than the actual endpoint (the stem plus some other information). The benefits of Early Binding far outweigh the trouble (or confusion) of having to check a checkbox in the References dialog. I like WinHttpRequest but there must be some way to get it to output the "save as text . 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Thus the req.Open line should read as such: req.Open GET, paperURL & /v1/account, False. The query needs to be included in an HTTP POST request that contains a basic authentication header as defined in RFC 2617. It would be a good idea to check this flag from the GET request before you move on to making POST requests to actually place a trade. If you have and questions or feedback, comment below. Hi, It seems one of my existing excel vba marco stopped working when I upgraded from WINDOWS7 to WINDOWS10. Hey Jeff, You are combing IE code with XmlHttp code. Example Code [PowerBASIC] The following code example shows how to open an HTTP connection, set credentials for the server, send an HTTP request, and read the response text. You are using their CSV API now. Below is the url with the .zip files, http://mis.ercot.com/misapp/GetReports.do?reportTypeId=12301&reportTitle=Settlement%20Point%20Prices%20at%20Resource%20Nodes,%20Hubs%20and%20Load%20Zones&showHTMLView=&mimicKey. Hi Mike, You can check the response codes using xmlhttp.Status. Thank you. Location:/NEA/ But the response data will not be updated. XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader Content-Type, application/x-www-form-urlencoded Hello, please how to send a second OPEN and SEND to post input data (formdata) into multiple input text fields on web page? How do I do it please? Use either one of them. Hi Mateus, Check this article Google sheets as Database. We have tried the following code snippet for getting the Cookies from Chrome Browser in Run Time. | Custom shapes Flutter | Custom painter. 2. I have searched for examples and have not found any examples of your quality, that executes XHR POST and GET. Lets understand how it works. How to get rid of this warning which point at extra entries? Hi Vishnu, Theres no way to access chrome cookies in VBA. htmlinput.Click : qui ne fonctionne pas correctement (objet vide). This is my code which works on WIN7 and EXCEL 2010, however it does not work with WIN10 and EXCEL2013: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EtLkZgH6-WRPHtEPzwiHhxrtjEK9OijPOtPVokG70Mo/edit?usp=sharing. I can send you the code, which is very short. consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY But In the HTTP Request of VBA Code, I dont know how to use my local csv file. Dim xmlhttp As Object, xmlhtml As New HTMLDocument It depends on the way API is designed. Dim XMLReq As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 Can it be. . Application.Wait Now + TimeValue(0:00:03) SLOW DOWN PE Finally, you will learn about HTML service and add-ons, including controlling the server and using APIs with add-ons. I think what you're missing / doing wrong is. Public UserNameP As String Heres an example https://codingislove.com/make-oauth-requests/. How would I go about writing a header section for this? Content-Length:205 If PUT doesnt work then try PATCH. The first .post accomplishes the navigation to the second page. References are contained within the code comments. , token_secret: secret_key, Hi Ketan, You have to send the access token along with the request in a header. Latest, Technological advancement today has figuratively impacted the lives of millions of people around the globe. Hi Tyler, Check the requests headers section in the article. and have back an array to be then used in excel? Status Code:302 Found, Response Headers Otherwise, consider building an app: Forge apps and Connect apps use more secure methods for authentication: OAuth 2.0 and JWT respectively. Connection:keep-alive Well use the paper account for these two tutorials (the GET and the POST tutorials). Not as far as I know.authentication is done separately. WinHttp IS for service applications but you have to write your own cookie, cache and proxy handling (instead of using WinINet that reads settings directly from the user's internet options in control panel). The JSON should look something like this: {id:7cccc70a-a60c-1cc589d30a0971ef54c8",status:ACTIVE,currency:USD,buying_power:100000",cash:100000",cash_withdrawable:0",portfolio_value:100000",pattern_day_trader:false,trading_blocked:false,transfers_blocked:false,account_blocked:false,created_at:20181204T07:15:43.603069Z,trade_suspended_by_user:false}. as seen on Stack Overflow - Search for 'Stack Overflow' Hi. I had some questions about authentication from users of the Excel Rest library. I tried passing a dummy string of <50 characters along with special characters and it didnt return an error on setRequestHeader X-SPP-API-Token. Run-time error -2147467259 (800004005) Unspecified Error. 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Parse HTML in Excel VBA Learn by parsing hacker news home page (Updated 2022), Import Json to excel and export excel to Json (Updated 2022), Parse HTML in Excel VBA Learn by parsing hacker news home page, How to build a simple weather app in Excel VBA, Get notified when there's a new post by clicking on, Curved button using Flutter | Can it be done with Flutter? I decided to write a book about it and to also create videos to teach developers who want to learn Google Apps Script. curl -v -X GET https://api. I really appreciate your help on my last question, could you help me out with this as well? You can change it a bit to make it work for zip files. Id like to access the files directly from excel with vba, but I dont know how to create the code so that the server authenticates the user. PS: I am using similar code what was shared here https://bin.codingislove.com/ayaqosovot.vbs Can you help me? the download source code and extract the zip format, you can see the JsonConverter.bas file. The code which I've put together is: You can try to automate the login using Selenium or Internet explorer instead https://codingislove.com/browser-automation-in-excel-selenium/, Hello I am trying to download .zip files containing one single .csv file. HTTP requests can be used to interact with a web service, API or even websites. VBA WinHTTPRequest and submitting forms. Therefore I suggest using the Server version (still available under the Microsoft XML, v6.0 reference I mentioned in the previous article). The orange box will be your secret key, which you will also need when making requests. You can set headers like this, You can also find a utility function in the article which helps in encoding a string to base64. It looks like this content in the HTML code is a dynamically loaded json but using your method there is little I can retrieve. There are four (4) navigations: Cookie acceptance VBScript WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 example with error handling This WSH example script can access (using HTTP GET or POST) the text/html/xml contents of a given URL. Why are you trying to access chrome cookies? Ranjith, I may have spoke too soon. Open an excel file and open VBA editor (Alt + f11) > new module and start writing code in a sub. Thanks for writing this tutorial. Stop, You have defined xmlhttp but used http.send, Microsoft Internet Controls Library The WinHTTP Services Library can be used to send HTTP requests using the WinHTTPRequest class. Since the key will disappear, you need to record it somewhere. X-Auth-Token has to be sent as header according to the CURL request but you are sending it in the POST body so your request is not authenticated. Below is the code snippet about trying to add custom HTTP header before sending the request. Microsoft XML, v 4.0 (if you have installed MSXML 4.0 separately). But when I try pasting it into Excel, it only pastes the headers for some reason. Request a resource with WinHttpOpenRequest and WinHttpSendRequest. Hello, I am trying to use REST api calls to SharePoint 2013 to retrieve list data. Thanks for prompt reply Ranjith. HTTP requests in VBA gives additional capabilities to Excel. Excellent article except that you make it sound like Intellisense is the only benefit to using Early Binding (adding Microsoft XML through Tools > References, as opposed to Late Binding which, in the example uses CreateObject(MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP)) . Thank you for the excellent tutorial for XHR. Remote Address:, Request Headers Could you point me to right direction? There is nothing like Sending certificate as header! The issue arises due to an interplay of factors, which can be hard to pin down. Do you have any suggestion for making UPDATE requests from Excel? Then you can send the cookie in header like this XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader Cookie, cookiename=cookievalue. Is there any way to get a particular cookie during run time and pass it as a header while sending this request. can you tell your API URL used to extract data? Set http = CreateObject(MSXML2.XMLHTTP), st = Site=SBA_Modeler_V30&Data={input_BirthDate:1991-12-08,input_HireDate:2012-01-01,input_Gender:M,input_AnnualPlanComp:33500.22,input_EmployeeClass:Special Risk,input_AnnualPayGrowth:1,input_MarketPerformance:Average,input_PVD:34,input_NRA:56,input_MBAA:56,input_Custom_BCD:45,input_Custom_TermAge:27,input_RemainingElections:1,input_Pre2011ServiceYears:0,input_ProjectedServiceYears:1.75,input_ProjectedBenefitAmount:0,input_DROP_LumpSum:2285.95,input_ProjBuyBackABO:0,input_DateABO:2018-01-31,input_ProjectedABO:2285.95,input_ProjectedAAL:0,input_DateAAL:1900-01-01,input_InvestmentBalanceTBA:0,input_CurrentABO:1331.08}, http.Open POST, https://beqlb02.poolt.hewitt.com/dsi0042/calculator, False Since the response is cached, every new request will execute nearly immediately (much faster than the first time you requested it), because you are not actually talking to the server over the wire, or over the internet. Open method syntax is as follows : Im using requestBin to test requests. Your example helped tremendously. The idea is to use URLDownloadToFile method. Otherwise, using the object is relatively straightforward. The apiToken is a string of 147 characters and it includes special characters like -, :, =, /. Not all assets are going to be available to trade through Alpaca. Share your code Rehan. VBA Planet Tutorial. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at code use guidelines, You can find out more about this and also get the full code at. which will hit the Accounts endpoint and send back a long string in JSON format. It comes loaded with code generators, an extensive code library, the ability to create your own code library, and many other helpful time-saving tools and utilities. Papicu getAllResponseHeaders() will give access to cookies which were set in xmlhttps response. News and thought leadership on the changing landscape of automated investing. This is my first attempt at calling a REST API and I can't get past the API authentication via HTTP Basic Auth, which says this at their documentation: This authentication method is the preferred way of authenticating your requests to Docparser. Once youve signed up for a paper trading account, you should see something like this: The red rectangles should be the same for you, but your Paper Trading API Key ID (blue box) should be different. The key to using Google Apps Script is understanding its underlying language JavaScript. The RFC specifies that the userid should be concatenated with the password using a colon. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Padre Augusto, In the previous article, Ive explained how to scrape a website using selenium VBA and also mentioned that using selenium is not the best, Author Recent Posts Ranjith kumarA CA- by education, self taught coder by passion, loves to explore new technologies and believes in learn by doing. xmlhttp.setRequestHeader Content Type, application / x www form urlencoded As mentioned in the previous article, there is no built-in JSON parser for VBA. Set xmlhttp = CreateObject(MSXML2.XMLHTTP) . Hello Ranjith, I would like attribute to a variable or array, a xml tag only, because I need attribute it to a text box specific. Connection:Keep-Alive sucesso cep completo I was under impression that the API has a bug but tested that with Postman and it worked fine. 'xXML.send "name=searchForm:lastName=testlastname" You are doing everything right except that theres another form parameter that needs to be sent which is __RequestVerificationToken, This token is generated on the client side using some encryption. The userid and password should be encoded in base 64. Pragma:no-cache Just wanted to say thanks for the example. VB Copy // Load the WinHttpRequest object. Thank you in advance. Hoping to review your JSON entries this week, in detail. iXMLHTTP.send. Forgot to include the post on StackExchange: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46993187/with-vba-xhr-how-to-send-a-second-open-and-send-to-post-input-data-for-same-o. This is meant to protect your account from any malicious persons who might happen to stumble upon your open browser.

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