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aesthetics an introduction to the philosophy of art pdf

We can look at sophisticated subjectivism and relativism as near variants of each other. If the antiessentialist view of artistic value is correct, this may even be an artistic defect, but it is not an aesthetic defect. For example, although Collingwoods theory of art (1938) is usually classified as an expression of emotion theory, his understanding of expression makes it look like cognition. This part of the chapter returns to the discussion of environmental aesthetics that began our examination of the aesthetic, since the works of architecture should be considered artificial environments within larger, partly artificial, partly natural ones. Levinsons proposal appears to be especially designed to apply to those cases of the aesthetic experience of art, like those of painting just mentioned above, that the object-directed sensuous pleasure view is too thin to account for. . The Representation: Fiction 179 guiding attitude is imagining that rather than believing that. One feature, or rather a family of related features, has attracted a number of theorists. Whatever attitude is expressed, it can result from an exploration of issues that is fresh, subtle, and vivid or stale, hackneyed, and dull. Architecture was one of the five central, undisputed fine arts at the time. On a Kantian conception of disinterestedness, what we value in this fashion is at the same time not valued for its beneficial consequences, and so is not valued for something further it brings us. For example, we can group people into those who have distinct tastes or sensibilities. Make-Believe The make-believe view claims that, like fictional representations, depictions are props in make-believe, but props of a distinctive kind. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Sometimes, intentions are relatively transparent. The works discussed so far are good examples of this. These properties play a causal role in perceiving the colors and shapes of objects, and my perceiving the color and shapes of objects is causally implicated in my perceiving the elegance and gracefulness of an object. An object is aesthetically fine (excellent, beautiful) if an ideal observer of the object would experience it with a high degree of satisfaction (will have an experience highly valued for its own sake) based on the relevant type of apprehension (perception, imaginative awareness) of more basic properties of the object (such as its form, qualities or meanings).10 An object has a specific-value property if an ideal observer will react with satisfaction (dissatisfaction) in virtue of apprehending features f1-fn, where the features identify the descriptive content of the specific-value property. My claim is that new trends in epistemology characterized primarily by dethroning of knowledge as the chief epistemic goal give support to the view according to which literature is cognitively valuable initiated centuries ago by Aristotle. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Art is a practice, and complex practices typically are valuable in multiple and evolving ways.10 To begin with a different practice, suppose one was trying to understand religious value. Apparent, Implied, and Postulated Authors. Philosophy and Literature 11:25871. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature. British Journal of Aesthetics 36:20722. Here we want to know what its artistic value consists of, the degree of value it has, and so forth. . Yet this is clearly done in quite different ways in different art forms. Nonexistence property: A defining property of seeing-in such that if we see an object that has property F in something, it does not follow that there exists something that is F that I am seeing. For example, bad works of architecture can be highly expressive (just of qualities we deplore). Alternatively, it might make us particularly receptive to such experiences, but then it is an aid to, not an object of, those experiences. Aesthetic evaluation often mentions aesthetic properties in identifying and accounting for this ability. Many paintings also present fictional representations. An influential treatment of aesthetic properties in a sophisticated subjectivist vein. What I will call the make-believe view offers an alternative answer. 5. Perhaps we can define a fictional picture as one that depicts nothing that actually exists. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. It is the norm regarding any philosophical project. There is no reason to suppose that the man-shaped piece of clay wouldnt survive a change in shape. It also contains an alternative account of realized intention beyond those considered here. It is not clear to me that this explains much. There are so many potential examples here that it would be rash to feel certain that this kind of inverted interaction never happens. The epistemology of fictionthe ontology of fictional worlds and the question of fictional truthswill be introduced. Works and Worlds of Art. The landscape model directs us to appreciate views or vistas. Expression 5. 1997. 1980. All of these are possible meanings of there is a fly in your suit. So take your pick, because there is no basis for choice. Furthermore, it is often only after we have experienced this interaction that those low-level features take on a characteristic appearance. BACHARACH-2018-The_Journal_of_Aesthetics_and_Art_Criticism.pdf, Muroji: Rearranging Art and History at a Japanese Buddhist Temple by fowler, sherry d. Daitokuji: The Visual Cultures of a Zen Monastery by levine, gregory pa, THE NATURE OF FICTIONAL TESTIMONY AND ITS ROLE IN REACHING, FULFILLING AND PROMOTING OUR EPISTEMIC AIMS AND VALUES, The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics (Introduction), Japanese Aesthetics, in Newsletter of the ASA vol 33, no. 11. That I experience something one way is consistent with your experiencing it differently. I begin by examining some of the claims made within the constructivist view. Doesnt this mean that the works flawed moral perspective makes it aesthetically better? These are two different things: one can experience (hear) music as expressive when it is not, and one can experience (hear) music as expressive of one state when it is expressive of another. Oxford: Oxford University Press. So for a work to depict something that is F, it is not enough that someone can see something that is F in the work. Consider the experiences involved in doing a difficult crossword puzzle. Rather, it is to do this by pointing to something in the work that is not obvious, or at least by pointing to a nonobvious way the work could be taken. What needs to be added is that there is a real loss in exchanging one valuable experience for another. Allen Carlson provided very useful feedback on chapter 2. There will, of course, always be objective features of an object that produce this impression, but these are not uniform across objects. In particular, these definitions, like Dickies definitions, distinguish an understanding of what art is from a conception of the value of art. A grain of truth contained in this argument is that it is false that conceptions of art are uniform across individuals. Kants Aesthetic Theory. 2005. This usage is common but some philosophers argue that the usage conflates two different distinctions: intrinsic/extrinsic value and valuable for its own sake/valuable for the sake of something else (Korsgaard 1996, 24974). One is requiring that ones inference adequately takes into account everything relevant to identifying the poems expressive properties, whether it be in the text or part of the historical background. The imaginary Green Henry has both an ethical defect and an aesthetic defect. 2003. The second premise is that such efforts that persist in a species are usually accompanied by evolutionary advantagesadvantages the efforts are a means to. Hence, even this broadened conception of the valuable experience of the work can be construed as maintaining the line between different evaluative perspectives. Yet he also says, An artwork may be beautiful because of its grace, or balance or power or vivid colors (23). If you believed there was some meaning that you were missing, what you needed at this point was an interpretation of the work in question. Different people can make the same utterance, that is, say the same thing. While it is recognized in these writings that a painting or sculpture can be beautiful, they are not the 1 2 Chapter One clearest examples of beauty or the most beautiful things. Musical Work as Eternal Types. British Journal of Aesthetics, 40: 42440. So the suggestion not only seems to solve the problem but seems apt. So applied, Levinsons account says that a poem, or a passage of a poem, expresses an emotion just in case a properly backgrounded reader makes such an apt and unforced inference. 7. Do you imagine seeing fish or muscles? What is surprising is that the narrator positively gloats over Judge Pyncheons death, taking no end of pleasure in mocking his newly immobile state. Several conceptions are coherent, lucid, and they capture what is sometimes meant, or might be meant, when people speak of this experience. Fiction is sometimes identified with a type of discourse. English Poetry: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed. Levinsons current official view about these is that they are higher order ways of appearing.6 This complex idea needs explanation. It exhibits or makes manifest the property. objects can stimulate our imagination and understanding in a way that creates the pleasure of free play when one considers their form and seeks in it the possible coherences mentioned above in connection with music. To adequately account for expression in music and poetry their differences cannot be ignored. 1997. The Nature of Mass Art 4. This is because there are not only an enormous variety of views to which one can attend, but there are different ways of looking at views. What has been said about the relevant class of macro-consequence applies even more straightforwardly to the ethical value of artworks based on the moral attitudes they express, the way they explore ethically significant issues, and the micro-consequences they can have on their audience. We can say that ways of appearing are directly perceived, as a result of the interaction of dispositional properties of an object, the environment in which it is perceived, and the sensory equipment of the perceiver. We dont imagine ourselves hearing about Anna taking a lover; we simply imagine Anna taking a lover or someone telling of Anna taking a lover, but not telling us. This does not mean that we have to reject the make-believe view outright. Cameron, Ross. Hence such definitions are not extensionally adequate. 1996. . Aesthetic Experience and the Definition of Art. British Journal of Aesthetics 19:16776. See the next section below, An Alternative Kantian Account, for an exposition of Kants distinction between free and dependent beauty. We hear emotion in music when the music presents an emotion characteristic in appearance to us, namely, when we hear the music as possessing a crosscategorial likeness (Budd 1995, 136) to either the human expression of emotion or the experience of an emotion. Interpreting Art and Literature. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48:20514. Art makes more demands on the intellect but offers deeper satisfactions. To see this, consider first an example outside the arts. The seeing-in intuition is that whenever one sees what a picture depicts, one is engaged in seeing-in and to bring this about is the central (but not the only) proper function of depictions. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature. Concepts would at least have to be prototypes +. At the end of this book, in chapter 13, we will return to the topic of environmental aesthetics by examining the way we appreciate certain artificial environments: buildings and their surrounding sites. . We also raised another pair of questions we have not yet answered about a possible asymmetry between appreciation from the perspective of aesthetic experience and from the perspective of aesthetic properties. Some items have natural meanings in the sense of causal connections of human significance (as in blossoms indicating fruit). If the invigoration of consciousness is part of the value of the experience of a work, therapeutic value is not excluded from artistic value. But, the commentator goes on, Bach had absolutely no intention of making it melancholy and 216 Chapter Ten somber. I read it as expressing a different view, which makes all aesthetic properties response-dependent based on the idea that impressions occur in people rather than objects. Crawford, D. W. 1974. This implication is that the range of evidence of intention compatible with publicity is limited to consulting the work. The third reason is that it gives works of art a greater autonomy from the creative artist since, according to HI, the actual intentions of artists play no direct role in fixing their meaning. Earth, bricks, and scraps of cloth are materials of now famous recent works. 1997. By employing one of these conceptions, we could finally say something informative about aesthetic properties. An objection of more substance to the view that paintings are physical objects is that such works have properties, intentional properties, that physical objects cannot have (Margolis 1995). The problem of the statue and the lump of clay is an example. A lump of iron is a physical object. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Contra Hypothetical Persona in Music. In Emotion and the Arts, eds. It is sometimes supposed that the earliest definitions of art are to be found in the writings of ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Perhaps there is a way to suitably weaken these premises. Another case would be one when an attitude is unintentionally expressed in a work more through ineptitude or carelessness than a deep, though subconscious, commitment. Is there an objective answer about its aesthetic value? Summary In this chapter, we turned from a focus on the aesthetic experience of appreciators to the (purported) aesthetic properties of objects. It is also true, though this was not made explicit above, that when there is no properly realized intention to fix meaning, it is plausible that this is accomplished by convention and context directly. All these works are props that authorize certain imaginings and hence meet our first condition. However, it is not the typical example envisioned by those who put forward a version of the affective response argument. Consider taste in food. 2005. They were purportedly selected for their lack of aesthetic interest. He creates nothing new simply by pointing to a structure. It might seem more plausible that the landscape model really does distort. The same is true of the smooth gray stone discussed earlier. Artworks can take up an ethically important subject matter without expressing an attitude about it. The family resemblance view claims that the concept of art is formed by a network of similarities. But it neednt be. Words like photography, music, and painting can be used to refer either to a medium or to an art form, and according to my distinction, they are being used to refer to different things depending on which is meant. Stecker, Robert. Irreplaceability would seem to be guaranteed if at least part of the value of an artwork is unique to that work. However, Henrys journey in this new world does not look like a success. We can ask later how the most viable theory can be extended across the arts. . It may be true that when we look at the resembling features within a literal family, we may find no one exhibited likeness that they all have in common. The critique of Batesons interpretation, it might be claimed, relies on an account of when an interpretation is correct or what evidence shows that an interpretation is correct. Some claim that musical and literary works just are these context-independent, abstract structures (Goodman and Elgin 1988, 4965; Kivy 1993, 3594; Dodd 2000, 2007). This claim could be true even if there are a plurality of other artistically valuable properties, even if nonartworks share in the possession of these properties, and even if all these valuable properties can be understood in instrumentalist terms. Further Reading Bender, John. Wordsworth may be imagining someone who utters the poem including the line just quoted. 1984. Some also refer to an evaluative reaction to this impression, while others dont. This approach also sometimes provides an essentialist conception of the value of art. One possible place to look for the set of original proto-systems would be the formation of the system of the fine arts in the eighteenth century with poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, and music (possibly confined to vocal music) being the paradigmatic proto-art forms. It is evaluating the wrong item, in this case, the approval, satisfaction, or valuing of the appreciator. To appreciate these things for their own sake as they emerge in the experience of an object is to have aesthetic experience. We began this section with the fear of the replaceability and dispensability of art as a motivation for locating artistic value in an experience uniquely provided by a work. Artworks are sad in some sense, but an intrinsic part of the problem is to better understand what this sense consists of. The word antelope is a type tokened by all inscriptions of antelope, including the two inscriptions found here. There are other considerations that suggest architecture is indeed an art form. One may not only imaginatively experience a fictional world of human beings, living under psychological, social, economic conditions in which certain values hold, but one also can then try out such conceptions in the real world. He is the author of Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value (1997), and Interpretation and Construction: Art, Speech and the Law (2003). The other is that one approach to the philosophy of artcontextualismworks better than its rivals in resolving issue after issue. So the purported distortion that results from adhering to the object model is due to its tendency to hide some aesthetically relevant properties from view while falsely suggesting the existence of others. Redness would be a response-dependent property if something is red just in case it causes a characteristic response (a type of sensation) in normal observers. This is so for several reasons. Whether or not we place positive value on the way of life or ideal expressed, we value the achievement of expressing it. It also may provide or suggest ways of accounting for certain features of depiction that the seeing-in account is silent about. To understand the destructiveness of jealousy one needs to experience jealousy or at least the imaginative equivalent. There are histories of architecture that in every way look like art histories. Definitions of Art. What is confusing is that both views seem to agree that Sally pities Anna in her imagination and doing this is similar in some ways and different in some ways from the standard case of pitying an actual person based on a belief that a particular person is suffering. Contains several essays defending moderate actual intentionalism. Depiction, Perception, and Imagination: A Response to Richard Wollheim. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60:2735. (Whether it actually does is another matter.) Consider the design for the 1995 Buick Skylark. Bruce Vermazen (1986) suggests that a work expresses a mental property if and only if the work is evidence that the imagined utterer possesses that mental property. Musical Meaning and Expression. It has also been claimed artworks vary quite significantly in the degree to which they are tied to a specific time or context (D. Davies 2004). An attempt to show that music can express complex emotion when conceived as the expression of a musical persona. However, the converse of this claim is certainly false. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The present proposal, due to its thoroughly art-oriented nature, doesnt explain why it must be so, thereby leaving it open that it might not be. Questions 1. We have experiences of the bad and the indifferent just as we have experiences of the aesthetically good. Further, unlike simple functionalist definitions, these definitions do not form the kernel of a larger, normatively aimed theory of art, but are compatible with many different theories. Further, this definition gives no indication of the complexity of the concept as it applies to a two-dimensional medium capable of depicting three dimensions. Pages 329 Is Architecture an Art? In Philosophy and Architecture, ed. Conceptions of the Aesthetic: Aesthetic Experience 55 Traditionally, it is considered to be, but now we are ready to turn to arguments to the contrary.6 One argument against the traditional view is this: if aesthetic experience is valuable for itself, it must be something of positive value, something that is good. Aesthetic Concepts. Philosophical Review 68: 42150. 305 306 Glossary Convention-constrained intentionalism: A version of moderate actual intentionalism that claims that intentions fix the meaning of a work when linguistic conventions leave an utterance ambiguous or indeterminate. The main reason, however, that the claim is false is that the fact that works are intended for public consumption in no way implies that the artist intends that her meaning-determining intentions not be consulted. Contextualism I now turn to the way the object of interpretation is conceived within the contextualist paradigm. First, it involves props. that chapters of the novel and scenes of the movie parallel parts of Homers Odyssey. Now what about the poems significant thoughts? Aesthetics and the Environment. Further this model allows us to engage with a great variety of views of nature from grand vistas to mundane agricultural scenes, from relatively permanent natural features to the most fleeting effects of light. 19511952. 1996. So it is possible to conceive a depiction that does not represent a three-dimensional scene as long as we can distinguish surface and what we see in it. It also crowds out native species, but whether that in itself constitutes harm to the environment is debatable. . The Philosophy of Art The topic of Part II is the philosophy of art. For example, we read in James Joyces story, The Dead: He asked himself what is a woman standing on the stairs in the shadow, listening to distant music, a symbol of (Schwarz 1994, 48). This supports it being fictional that I pity her. How does one create a look that suggests speed? Classifying it as immoral in the first place implies an ethical evaluation. Art historical context relates a given work to the history of art. Could one go even further, and say that this house in particular and the subdivision in general is expressive of a wasteful, high consumption lifestyle and the contemporary American society that encourages such a way of life?2 These suggestions are not far-fetched, and in fact they have recently been raised with increasing frequency. To see this, consider an entirely different sort of identity: that of water and H2O. Let us wrap up the discussion of fictional reference by asking, whether appealing to it provides a plausible alternative to the make-believe view regarding the question: what is fiction? Further, merely hypothetical cases of such people are less likely to move us than the fictional characters we are engaged with. 1914. 2003. For our purposes, we can stipulate that the aesthetic refers in the first instance to experience valued (valuable) for its own sake that results from close attention to the sensuous features of an object or to an imaginary world it projects. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The most important proponent of this view are Davies and Kivy (1980). Philosophies of Arts. Beauty is a term of almost pure evaluation, with little descriptive content.5 This, however, is not generally the case with aesthetic terms, since some seem to make no evaluation at all. There is another related worry. That, however, seems wrong. This analysis leads to a very precise way of raising the question whether there really are aesthetic properties: do objects have or not have a steady disposition to produce the relevant reactions in ideally situated observers? There are at least two ways to respond to this (quite wonderful) sentence. There are canonical works of great architectural art and of important writings about architecture. It might seem like we have already given such an example in our discussion of the Iliad. 3. . In fact, the chapter will argue for something stronger, namely, that some artistically valuable properties are found only in some art forms but not in others, that none of these values are unique to art, that art is always extrinsically or instrumentally valuable, and there is no one kind of value that a work has as art. The third problem is most commonly supported by the claim that if the same structure is put forward by different artists in the same context at roughly the same time, the result will be that each artist produced one and the same artwork, not two different ones. Dickie (1989) replies that, ultimately, it is arbitrary whether a system is part of the art world or not, but such a claim seems to be an admission that the definition cannot be completed. The way one answers these questions bears, not only on ones conception of these objects, but on how we should conceive of interpretation as well. The first claim is that certain features of a work either will or ought to prevent a response that the work prescribes for its audience. But is it true? According to this view, actual intentions, not hypothetical ones, determine meaning, but they are only one of several contextual features that play a role in doing this. . 1998. Is it really true that all these things share this value in common, and if so, how should it be characterized? Many descriptions of music in terms of expressed emotion are good candidates, especially when the description gets more complexdespair mixed with resignationor involves a highly concept-bound emotion like hope, despair, or resignation. Providing an analytic 1992. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. On might take a similar interest in a toaster perused as a prospective purchase, but one is more likely to be interested in its true appearance. But they say so with a qualification: that the truth of such claims varies across different groups. W I L L I A M L. R O W E This explanation perhaps comes down to identifying the perspective (e.g., linear, orthogonal, oblique) in which the picture is made and the viewers tacit grasping of this perspective. The field has gradually become a huge lawn and fences have been erected separating the subdivision from the nature area. One feels a touch of pleasurable sadness in appreciating poignancy. On the other hand, the situation is quite different if we consider the same work in the context of Platos Athens. 2006. Hyman (2000) does employ objective outline shape (or occlusion shape as he calls it) along with two other objective features of picturesrelative occlusion size and aperture colorin an analysis of depiction, but the analysis does not invoke a resemblance between these feature of pictures and the analogous shape, size, and color of objects we see in the world. 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