sociology and anthropology slideshare 04/11/2022 0 Comentários

devexpress angular grid

city: 'Seoul', date: new Date('2013-06-10'), city: 'Los Angeles', country: 'Canada', }, { region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2014-09-03'), id: 10291, import { region: 'Europe', height: 440px; NgModule, Component, enableProdMode, ChangeDetectorRef, date: new Date('2013-05-19'), The grid improves the readability of chart data. country: 'South Africa', }, country: 'United States of America', 'esModule': true, date: new Date('2015-04-26'), country: 'Australia', 'rxjs': 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/dist/bundles/rxjs.umd.js', amount: 2760, city: 'Sydney', amount: 1940, amount: 1110, country: 'Brazil', region: 'North America', }, { }, { amount: 3775, amount: 1970, updateUrl: `${url}/UpdateOrder`, id: 10540, }, { BrowserModule, }, id: 10460, id: 10591, amount: 1380, }, 'rrule': 'npm:rrule@2.6.4/dist/es5/rrule.js', country: 'Spain', country: 'Australia', region: 'North America', date: new Date('2013-08-22'), date: new Date('2015-01-09'), country: 'Canada', }, { amount: 9510, city: 'Rio de Janeiro', region: 'Europe', country: 'United Kingdom', amount: number; region: 'Asia', 'devextreme/events/utils': { date: new Date('2013-07-03'), country: 'China', Jignesh Patel is a Senior Full Stack .Net Developer has extensive experience with designing and Hello Friends, In this article, we will learn how to save devexpress grid state in the angular application and how to use DexExtreme DataGrid in angular. amount: 9210, country: 'Republic of Korea', date: new Date('2013-03-18'), amount: 2970, city: 'Sydney', amount: 4560, region: 'Australia', date: new Date('2013-01-22'), grid region: 'North America', region: 'Australia', country: 'Canada', }, { System.import("app").catch(console.error.bind(console)); city: 'New York', region: 'South America', New Row Position date: new Date('2015-05-15'), margin-top: 20px; If you want to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question, submit an issue to this repo. defaultExtension: 'ts', amount: 1730, }, { We recommend that you use the official 'file-saver' package in your applications. city: 'London', date: new Date('2013-04-01'), id: 10860, city: 'Berlin', amount: 3765, date: new Date('2014-11-09'), Notes: 'Brett came to DevAv from Microsoft and has led our IT department since 2012.\r\n\r\nWhen he is not working hard for DevAV, he coaches Little League (he was a high school pitcher). city: 'Cairo', id: 10861, city: 'Sydney', country: 'Brazil', main: 'index', city: 'Edmonton', amount: 5190, country: 'Canada', region: 'Asia', country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-05-23'), region: 'North America', city: 'Seoul', 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/package.json', country: 'Germany', 'npm:@angular/common@12.2.16/*/package.json', [dataSource]="pivotGridDataSource" city: 'New York', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2013-11-15'), '@angular/common': 'npm:@angular/common@12.2.16', 'npm:@angular/*/package.json', region: 'North America', city: 'Moscow', }, { id: 10454, id: 10610, }, { region: 'North America', }, { }, { city: 'Asuncion', date: new Date('2015-04-13'), city: 'Berlin', country: 'Japan', country: 'United States of America', city: 'Denver', id: 10387, date: new Date('2013-10-24'), country: 'Australia', id: 10742, date: new Date('2013-06-06'), amount: 5200, amount: 1620, city: 'Beijing', }, { defaultExtension: 'js', region: 'Europe', city: 'Tokyo', date: new Date('2014-08-01'), region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2014-07-01'), amount: 5050, country: 'China', id: 10392, id: 10519, amount: 2400, date: new Date('2014-08-09'), city: 'Moscow', id: 10721, id: 10453, country: 'United States of America', return { }, { amount: 640, }, { }, { country: 'Canada', date: new Date('2013-11-04'), country: 'South Africa', country: 'Brazil', main: './index.js', '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic@12.2.16', DxSelectBoxModule, city: 'Edmonton', }, { 'devextreme/localization.js': { region: 'North America', amount: 840, date: new Date('2015-01-10'), date: new Date('2015-04-25'), region: 'Europe', }, { date: new Date('2013-08-25'), city: 'Cairo', amount: 1720, }, { amount: 3600, country: 'Paraguay', id: 10281, }, { id: 10314, , Drag & Drop for Hierarchical Data Structure. region: 'Europe', city: 'Beijing', region: 'Australia', country: 'Brazil', city: 'Vancouver', amount: 4525, region: 'Europe', country: 'Australia', amount: 4470, id: 10336, country: 'United States of America', }, { region: 'Africa', id: 10474, amount: 1100, }, { Copyright 2011-2022 Developer Express Inc. date: new Date('2013-10-18'), '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic@12.2.16', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2013-05-25'), country: 'United States of America', region: 'Africa', date: new Date('2015-05-21'), country: 'United States of America', id: 10366, amount: 390, amount: 4260, }, { 'inferno-hydrate': 'npm:inferno-hydrate@7.4.11/dist/inferno-hydrate.min.js', date: new Date('2015-01-20'), date: new Date('2015-03-21'), }, { DxChartComponent, region: 'Africa', country: 'Paraguay', amount: 1080, ', date: new Date('2014-03-21'), }, { styleUrls: ['app/app.component.css'], LastName: 'Peyton', }, { city: 'Seoul', city: 'London', city: 'Cairo', id: 10683, alternateDataFields: false, id: 10775, }, { enableProdMode(); amount: 7290, region: 'Africa', id: 10528, amount: 6060, }, { }, { }, { city: 'Buenos Aires', id: 10573, }, { }, { country: 'Canada', id: 10398, }, { date: new Date('2014-10-01'), country: 'Paraguay', amount: 1575, amount: 2890, region: 'North America', amount: 390, country: 'Canada', country: 'Canada', country: 'United States of America', 'inferno-dom': 'npm:inferno-dom/dist/inferno-dom.min.js', country: 'United Kingdom', 'tslib': 'npm:tslib@2.3.1/tslib.js', }, { region: 'North America', Navigate to the end of the dataset and insert a new row at the bottom. region: 'Asia', date: new Date('2013-06-10'), }, { region: 'Australia', amount: 1110, amount: 2100, amount: 1620, country: 'Republic of Korea', 'inferno-dom': 'npm:inferno-dom/dist/inferno-dom.min.js', amount: 4200, amount: 875, 'exceljs': { amount: 5340, id: 10803, amount: 7500, date: new Date('2014-07-12'), country: 'Argentina', city: 'Moscow', city: 'Rio de Janeiro', ID: 5, country: 'United States of America', region: 'North America', date: new Date('2014-05-14'), region: 'Africa', city: 'Moscow', amount: 3550, region: 'Australia', city: 'Edmonton', city: 'Sydney', }, { amount: 1760, region: 'Australia', amount: 1960, country: 'Canada', '@devextreme/runtime': 'npm:@devextreme/runtime@3.0.11', }, { amount: 1200, country: 'Australia', amount: 2280, Good Luck Olivia. id: 10254, city: 'Beijing', amount: 9300, country: 'South Africa', }, { date: Date; Feel free toshare demo-related thoughts here. } country: 'United States of America', city: 'Buenos Aires', }; }, amount: 4625, }, { }, { typescriptOptions: { id: 10796, amount: 975, amount: 4500, amount: 2060, region: 'Africa', id: 10635, import { Service, Employee } from './app.service'; id: 10421, city: 'Pretoria', region: 'North America', region: 'North America', city: 'Sydney', amount: 4530, To enable export in the DataGrid, reference or import the ExcelJS and FileSaver libraries. id: 10621, country: 'United States of America', date: new Date('2013-03-04'), id: 10568, }, { }, { id: 10842, }, { }; Settings for all grid lines in the Chart. country: 'Argentina', region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-02-20'), date: new Date('2014-09-16'), city: 'Los Angeles', date: new Date('2013-09-19'), region: 'Europe', city: 'Tokyo', }, { date: new Date('2013-06-12'), }, { country: 'Australia', date: new Date('2015-03-21'), amount: 760, [(value)]="newRowPosition" region: 'Africa', }, { }, { region: 'Asia', } city: 'Melbourne', ID: 8, id: 10546, amount: 600, date: new Date('2013-11-11'), region: 'Australia', region: 'Europe', city: 'Buenos Aires', amount: 5660, }, { typescriptOptions: { City: 'Beaver', region: 'Australia', Notes: 'Greta has been DevAV\'s HR Manager since 2003. country: string; city: 'Seoul', id: 10396, }, { region: 'South America', }, { }, { amount: 4575, region: 'Europe', > city: 'New York', amount: 1280, 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/package.json', city: 'New York', city: 'Tokyo', region: 'Africa', country: 'United Kingdom', date: new Date('2014-12-18'), region: 'Asia', country: 'China', ', city: 'Seoul', date: new Date('2015-03-15'), region: 'North America', City: 'St. amount: 8670, country: 'United States of America', amount: 3340, city: 'Asuncion', amount: 3525, }, { city: 'Moscow', amount: 4050, date: new Date('2014-07-09'), }, { templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html', id: 10864, country: 'United States of America', date: new Date('2014-04-06'), amount: 2570, id: 10839, city: 'Beijing', date: new Date('2015-03-17'), city: 'Denver', import { DxDataGridModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; }, { id: 10612, }, { date: new Date('2014-03-08'), city: 'Pretoria', city: 'Berlin', id: 10276, city: 'Beijing', amount: 3980, }, { }, { amount: 2420, date: new Date('2015-02-13'), id: 10412, country: 'Australia', id: 10266, region: 'Europe', 'inferno-create-element': 'npm:inferno-create-element@7.4.11/dist/inferno-create-element.min.js', platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); ::ng-deep #pivotgrid { city: 'Tokyo', country: 'Japan', id: 10343, city: 'Denver', amount: 1450, country: 'Paraguay', mode="row" '@angular/core': 'npm:@angular/core@12.2.16', country: 'Spain', ID: number; id: 10484, id: 10525, }, { region: 'Europe', country: 'China', city: 'Vancouver', CRUD Operations - DevExtreme Data Grid: Angular Components by DevExpress Technical Demos Angular Data Grid CRUD Operations CRUD Operations Documentation This demo shows how to implement remote CRUD operations in the CustomStore. id: 10739, id: 10547, id: 10308, id: 10810, amount: 3800, 'jszip': 'npm:jszip@3.7.1/dist/jszip.min.js', amount: 3675, country: 'South Africa', country: 'Spain', amount: 1440, date: new Date('2013-01-03'), country: 'Republic of Korea', city: 'Moscow', country: 'Australia', }, { amount: 3050, country: 'Paraguay', id: 10470, 'rxjs': { }); 'luxon': 'npm:luxon@1.28.0/build/global/luxon.min.js', }, { city: 'Tokyo', import { Service } from './app.service'; country: 'Brazil', id: 10757, > region: 'Africa', id: 10638, amount: 1520, region: 'Australia', } amount: 2860, country: 'United States of America', country: 'Argentina', 'es6-object-assign': { amount: 5040, date: new Date('2015-04-07'), amount: 2380, }, { city: 'Los Angeles', Insert a new row at the bottom of the viewport. country: 'Argentina', region: 'North America', 'npm:rxjs@7.5.3/package.json', }, { country: 'Canada', store: service.getSales(), country: 'Spain', date: new Date('2013-01-10'), date: new Date('2014-10-18'), amount: 5940, country: 'Canada', region: 'North America', }, { amount: 3750, id: 10593, packages: { }, { }, { enabled to true. }, { Notes: 'As our ombudsman, Kent is on the front-lines solving customer problems and helping our partners address issues out in the field. amount: 3160, BirthDate: '1982/08/14', }, { country: 'Russian Federation', date: new Date('2013-01-13'), amount: 2725, country: 'United States of America', amount: 960, region: 'North America', }, { id: 10596, ID: 1, [allowAdding]="true" }, { }, { country: 'United States of America', id: 10428, } region: 'Europe', id: 10888, date: new Date('2013-11-13'), [allowSortingBySummary]="true" }, { }, region: 'Australia', id: 10834, city: 'London', city: 'Cairo', }, { } country: 'Egypt', city: 'Asuncion', LastName: 'Sims', date: new Date('2014-07-09'), id: 10561, }, { city: 'Moscow', id: 10402, city: 'Seoul', }, { id: 10788, country: 'Russian Federation', date: new Date('2013-11-14'), city: 'Buenos Aires', }, { }, { region: 'North America', date: new Date('2015-01-07'), BirthDate: '1972/09/11', country: 'Australia', this.editRowKey = key; city: 'London', 'npm:devextreme-angular@22.1.6/ui/*/package.json', city: 'London', amount: 5140, city: 'Beijing', region: 'North America', region: 'South America', amount: 2860, country: 'Republic of Korea', id: 10685, date: new Date('2013-03-19'), Then, if the emoteOperations.filtering option is enabled, this operation will be performed on . BirthDate: '1974/11/15', 'devexpress-diagram': 'npm:devexpress-diagram@2.1.65', region: 'Europe', templateUrl: 'app/app.component.html', city: 'Moscow', amount: 3120, }, { amount: 7920, region: 'Europe', date: new Date('2014-01-13'), packages: { amount: 3090, city: 'Edmonton', changes = []; Your email address will not be published. 'npm:devextreme-angular@22.1.6/*/package.json', amount: 2260, amount: 7275, region: 'Asia', region: 'Africa', city: 'Rio de Janeiro', Set export.enabled to true. id: 10423, // In real applications, you should not transpile code in the browser. amount: 1940, amount: 7975, date: new Date('2014-06-13'), To enable state storing, set stateStoring.enabled to true and specify the storageKey and type properties. text-align: center; } 'prettier/standalone': 'npm:prettier@2.7.1/standalone.js', region: 'Europe', country: 'Brazil', date: new Date('2015-03-17'), id: 10732, amount: 4300, amount: 1820, amount: 2075, date: new Date('2013-02-18'), city: 'Madrid', ], id: 10414, date: new Date('2014-11-02'), region: 'Europe', id: 10859, region: 'South America', id: 10695, country: 'Canada', \r\n\r\nOlivia was homecoming queen in high school. date: new Date('2013-12-02'), amount: 6040, Copyright 2011-2022 Developer Express Inc. region: 'Asia', country: 'Australia', id: 10282, amount: 4500, id: 10432, date: new Date('2015-04-10'), width: 120, amount: 1440, region: 'South America', amount: 1980, region: 'North America', amount: 2880, }, { date: new Date('2014-03-03'), loadUrl: `${url}/Orders`, id: 10817, }, { date: new Date('2014-09-09'), region: 'North America', amount: 2340, amount: 710, region: 'Asia', Documentation Declarative Configuration argumentAxis.minorGrid date: new Date('2013-06-17'), region: 'Asia', }, { id: 10877, city: 'Edmonton', region: 'South America', region: 'South America', date: new Date('2013-04-24'), amount: 3240, city: 'Seoul', id: 10552, country: 'United States of America', id: 10879, date: new Date('2013-06-06'), }, { import { saveAs } from 'file-saver-es'; city: 'Melbourne', id: 10627, region: 'South America', date: new Date('2014-08-09'), region: 'South America', dataField: 'city', amount: 2790, LastName: 'Stanwick', country: 'Japan', 'ts': 'npm:plugin-typescript@4.2.4/lib/plugin.js', }, { }) region: 'Africa', date: new Date('2013-09-13'), id: 10615, country: 'Australia', country: 'Canada', id: 10270, date: new Date('2013-08-23'), id: 10457, country: 'Spain', Please check the Validation demo where we demonstrated how the Phone mask looks like. }, { We are using the data grid with [remoteOperations]="true" in an angular app. }, { city: 'Pretoria', }, { city: 'Edmonton', region: 'Europe', country: 'United States of America', region: 'Asia', country: 'Canada', getEmployees() { }, region: 'North America', region: 'Europe', Maxim (DevExpress Support) 3 years ago Umesh, ], region: 'North America', id: 10725, amount: 610, date: new Date('2014-08-23'), DataGrid is exported as is to a single worksheet. amount: 1230, id: 10716, country: 'Australia', country: 'Germany', id: 10658, country: 'Brazil', FirstName: 'Cynthia', id: 10689, Position: 'HR Manager', }, { amount: 4830, }, { }, { Position: 'CEO', city: 'Seoul', }]; amount: 2260, country: 'Canada', }]; amount: 1460, country: 'Egypt', id: 10753, Prefix: 'Mr. DevExtreme Demo amount: 1215, defaultExtension: 'js',

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