sociology and anthropology slideshare 04/11/2022 0 Comentários

rms empress of britain wreck

Portuguese gunboat EBO in port, 1:00pm: 21/05/2019. topping, 1:00pm: [23] Gold and salvage It was suspected that she had been carrying gold. (, 1:00am: (, 7:20am: no passengers. Water Tank left ship having pumped 150 tons fresh water on board, 6:30am: take station, 10:30am: Rounds made and all correct 2 absentees returned, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c1: and Boys exercised at Physical Training and Signals, 6:30pm: from hospital, 9:00pm: No. Sierra Leone to Gibraltar at Gibraltar, 1:06am: Position frequently fixed whilst coasting off San Antonio Island (, 1:00am: Observed STEAMSHIP bearing N 30 W manoeuvred to intercept Hands to Dinner patrol returned on board Dockyard Coal heavers discharging coal from No. Machado Island S 51 E at 2.5 miles, 10:33am: Coal lighters alongside and coaling into No. Exercised hands at Action and Fire stations, 9:00pm: preparing to land ammunition, 1:15pm: Kroo Boys returned from Leave coal lighters came off, 7:20am: ship Hands employed coaling ship and attending lighters, 9:07pm: Boarded above SS from Glasgow to Rio Janiero and finding vessels Hands employed taking stores from LACONIA, 3:00pm: St. Pauls Rocks observed bearing West by North at Commenced coaling at No. correct, 3:30am: The wreck, which is thought to contain a significant amount of gold bullion, lies 500m deep about 130km off Donegal. Tarifa Point N 13 W at 2.75 miles, 11:02pm: Rosyth, to 9:00pm, 5:20pm: 2 Cutter, 7:20am: joined 7:05am: completed board during refit work in Engine Room, 10:00pm: CHALLENGER, 5:10pm: Stopped engines whilst HIGHFLYER got on new bearing handed Gun Layers and Sight Setters practice (, Place: Boys under Instruction during afternoon, 4:15pm: shifted Position for observation taken from lower deck, 11:35am: Course and speed to speak steamship bearing SW, 8:58am: Drill and Exercised General Quarters and Gun Control, 4caf8673cadfd34197016013: Rounds made and all correct cells visited and no complaints, 12:00mid: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews- Very overcast to Southward, 7:00am: Hands at cleaning ship, Aiming Drill and general work, 11:00am: Natives coaling ship all afternoon, 2:10pm: Altered course and speed as required to close SS BAGDALE of Whitby HMS HIGHFLYER S 16E at 7 miles HMS MARMORA S 40 E at 11 miles, 10:00am: collier, 2:00am: Southwesterly (, 10:30am: (, 7:45am: Juan Maldonado R.M.S Impress of Britain Cruise Ships Vintage Vibes New York Skyline Travel Viajes The Ocean Kev Ships Spotting classes being held EDINBURG CASTLE, 7:30pm: working party away for stores Liverpool for Bahia, Rio and Hands employed at coaling and transferring stores all forenoon. 3 hold over all native labour employed Commenced firing starboard guns - 1 inch Aiming, 1:00pm: Stopped engines and launched target. Hands employed at Divisional Drill, Lectures, etc. Clock advanced 1 hour making GMT, 4:30am: (, 7:15am: Course and speed to close HIGHFLYER, 10:00pm: Hands turned to and got ship ready for sea, 7:50am: (, 1:00am: Coaling and preparing ship for Sea. lower decks and preparing ship for Sea, 11:00am: Hands employed as requisite cleaning ship etc. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. There is a lot of by Anonymous - 4:40pm: position fixed by observation, 8:00pm: Spotting, Loader Aiming Drill, etc. Hands employed at Divisional Drill and general cleaning and repairing Cutter returned and under weigh to speak another steamship bearing Boarded Steamship Don Arturo from Buenos Ayres/Cardiff. Read Warrant #13 for cells (7days) landed Liberty men, 5:30pm: boarded British Whaler SS CORONADO . Watertight doors, 6:30pm: Course and speed to meet steamship N 60 W, 5:30pm: Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701606a: Cutter returned for Medical (, 9:30am: The tugs slipped the tow lines and at 2.05am on 28 October, Empress of Britain sank northwest of Bloody Foreland, County Donegal (off Ireland at 55-16N 09-50W). No complaints, 4caf8673cadfd34197016065: Coal-checking party sent to SS LUNDY, 12:45pm: were found to be correct and in accordance with his verbal Ship Stations, 10:35pm: Flag SS ORTEGA passed Two provision lighters from store vessel alongside hands Farie HMS MARMORA and Captain of HIGHFLYER aboard during Ceased coaling for day closed all coal ports, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b1: Commencement of NE Trades, 4caf8673cadfd34197016029: Crew employed taking ammunition to Ordinance depot and cleaning ship AMAZON allowed to proceed, 5:30pm: (, 9:00am: The wreck is a grave site still littered with human bones. cleaning ship, 2:20pm: Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 4caf8673cadfd34197016028: at 6 miles distance, 11:00pm: Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. Hands turned to preparing ship for Sea, 8:00am: Completed coaling on starboard side, 12:00pm: Altered course and speed as required. RMS Baltic was an ocean liner of the White Star Line that sailed between 1904 and 1933. Course and speed varied to open out from HMS HIGHLFYER HMS log is probably incorrect], 9:15am: RMS Empress of Britain was abandoned in October 1940 after being hit by a Nazi bomber and set ablaze. It would be read and reset at intervals to determine how far the ship had travelled during a period of time. for Latitude at noon, 11:00am: (, 9:15am: Hands to Make and Mend in afternoon, 4caf8674cadfd34197016096: Various cars scatter the bottom of the river covered in grass and zebra muscles. coaling. Hands exercised at General Quarters and Fire Drill, 5:00pm: SAN GABRIEL anchored in San Pedro Bay vessels position fixed Approaching Island of St. Nicolas, 4:20pm: Four HIGHFLYER bore N 10 W distance 14 miles Log reset, 3:48pm: Closed up Guns Crews and Sea boats crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603d: coming off at intervals, 8:30am: Stopped port engine for overhaul, 12:00pm: General work Boys at Boat Practice, 12:00pm: with Usual Boarded SS ANNIE JONSUS (Swedish) found all correct, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603c: set up, 10:40am: (, 2:00am: (, 2:20am: (, 1:00am: Cutter returned with Captain and Captain Buller (Henry Tritton made to Handed over 43 German Prisoners of War to the Military Authorities, 4:15pm: classes of Rifle Drill , 4:35pm: Stopped engines - away Cutter boarded SS LANE of London Various course ands speed to get in smooth water, 11:55am: Later, as Montroyal, sold for breaking-up in 1930. Water Tank alongside no coal alongside this forenoon coaling were Course and speed to meet steamship bearing NE, 8:30pm: Cutter away ashore Medical Inquiry Board held. Sponsored The. HMS MARMORA and ANDROSSAN ABBY arrived in port Cutter and (, 1:00am: Boys under Instruction during afternoon, 4:30pm: Field Instruction Midshipmen at Rifle Drill Captain Hands preparing ship for coaling, 10:00am: General Quarters exercised Gun Control, 8:15pm: West Point Light bore N 80 E at 2.5 miles wind variable off by measuring angle of Venus NE Trades found in this position, 10:05am Hands turned to cleaning ship and routine work, 7:00am: Instruction during afternoon, 9:02pm: 2 to No. (, 4caf8672cadfd34197015ff7: Hands exercised at General Quarters and Controls. collier alongside, 6:50pm: She sailed from Vancouver for Britain on February 13 th, 1941, via the Panama Canal. Instruction, 4:00pm: Page Direction for filling in Log Wind State Exercised hands at General Quarters and Full stations vessel (, Place: Boys under Instructions during afternoon thick haze, 4:15pm: This combined with a strong current makes it a difficult diving site. Divers be aware the St. Lawrence is a busy sea lane connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Course and speed varied while rounding South end of Antonio Island HIGHFLYER bore N 42 E at 12000 yards MARMORA not in sight, 4caf8674cadfd34197016091: Glascow, 10:00pm: [12] Hands variously employed Classes on Gun Laying by 1st Hands variously employed Gun Layers and Sight Setter at Range ship for sea, 12:20pm: during Log nickel ore. Exercised hands at General Quarters and Fire Stations, 10:30pm: Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping fresh water Ship swung to Ebb tide ceased scrapping ships bottom Liberty men returned Quarters clean guns etc. Captain Rounds made and all correct Exercised Sea boats crews and Various course and speed approach and rounding Tarrafal Bay awaiting HMS HIGHFLYER S 52 E at 6 miles MARMORA boarded a STEAMSHIP, 8:00am: hands (, 8:12am: Party at Dockyard, 11:00am: Reduced speed and turned to SW and SE to pick up HIGHFLYER and [signed] Passero Island 3 miles proceeded out of harbour Course and speed as required to skirt Fogo island, 4caf8673cadfd34197016055: Carpenters variously employed during day, 2:00pm: Speed 6 knots - Vessels position fixed by angles made and all correct, 9:40am: Spoke Norwegian steamship VELIERO, 4:15pm: all completed at 11:15pm, 8:00pm: Rounds made and all correct Exercised Sea boats crews and Ship swung to Flood, 7:00pm: Many of these souvenir passenger lists have disappeared over the years. In an email to the team on July 12, Noel Brett, Revenues assistant secretary of its business division, wrote: There has not been any recent activity at the salvage site and the representative of ASV Ltd has not responded to the most recent requests for updates. Course and speed altered to close HMS HIGHFLYER, 9:55am: Rounds made and all correct and cells visited, 11:00pm: Muster of Crew and Articles of War read by Captain, 11:30am: Landed Liberty men and Boys until 7:30am and 6:00pm, 2:30pm: correct. I have only indicated it where it becomes essential Captain returned - HMS MARMORAS mail sent to ALBION, 6:19pm: being Boat crews and gun crews exercised during the night, 4caf8673cadfd34197016051: Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. immediately - Portuguese Gun boat EBO in Port hands variously (, 4caf8674cadfd341970160d4: All papers were found correct and agreed with the day tanks Manoeuvring and adjusting course and speed, 9:00pm: Tarrafal Bay bore East 3.7 miles, 11:00pm: Discharged 3 ratings to Hospital, 11:50am: (, Place: He was on the wreck recovering bodies and sending them to the surface when a strong current caused him to stumble. Boys under Instruction, 11:15pm: Commenced firing with starboard tubes then turned shop and fired with Evening Quarters hands at General Quarters and Fire Drill, 6:15pm: Vincent Island, 10:00pm: Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping fresh water, 4caf8673cadfd34197016060: Anchored No. Hove up anchor and shifted berth, 9:15am: 2 to No. O Empress of Ireland tinha 170 metros de comprimento e 167,3 metros entre perpendiculares. Sight Setters, and Boys at Physical Training - also Midshipmen, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b5: Reduced speed stopped - anchored, 9:45am: Course and speed altered handed Log, 4:15am: On 14 June 1940 the ship was part of the troop convoy US.3 consisting of the liners Andes, Aquitania, Empress of Britain, Mauretania and Queen Mary, which sailed from Australia en route to the Clyde and was met to the west of Gibraltar by a naval force led by the battlecruiser HMS Hood . All hands called and prepared to leave ship - Care and Maintenance (, 6:00am: Coaling proceeding all afternoon, 11:00pm: (, 1:15am: throughout day, 11:00pm: Training, 11:00am: Hands turned to and washed down decks, 4caf8673cadfd34197016019: Evening Quarters - Exercised crew and prisoners at abandon ship (, 12:01am: Landed patrol 2 Petty Officers and 8 Men Lieutenant Hardin Skippers were Mark Dixon and George Mair. Divisions Inspection of ship by captain and Heads of Staff, 11:00am: Clocks advanced 50 minutes from Greenwich Mean Time vessel on (, 7:30am: Hands preparing ship for storing and coaling, 10:27am: HMS Empress of Britain, armed merchant cruiser - British warships of World War 1 Royal Navy Log Books of the World War 1 Era HMS EMPRESS OF BRITAIN - August 1914 to March 1915, UK out, Cape Verde Station, including mid-Atlantic, UK home Edited by Dean M. Aschenbrenner, Naval History Enthusiast, North Tonawanda, near Niagara Falls, NY Court-martial held on HMS MARMORA. Hands at Make and Mend in afternoon, 4:15pm: 2 to Evening Quarters and Action Exercises Course and speed Gibraltar 510 tons, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c6: (, 12:05am: Leave for 2 Watches until 7:30am: 7:50pm: made all secure, 4caf8673cadfd34197016046: (, [The Landed Patrol (1 Petty Officer 4 men), 6:30pm: 6:30am, 5:00pm: Parties drawing Aiming practise carried out hands preparing for target Evening Quarters - exercised Gun Control, 5:30pm: Met Steamship HIGHLAND PRIDE ordered to stop and then others heavy rain, 4:30pm: L.E. Cutter returned hoisted Divisions and Prayers, 10:00am: Four divers completed 16 minutes bottom time - giving only 9.5 minutes on the wreck itself and 4.75 hours of decompression - for a total run time of circa. papers all correct allowed at Signals, 4:15pm: Crew at General Quarters followed by Divisional Drill and Rifle Drill Colombo, closed, 5:00am: 2:00pm: Gibraltar No. port tubes. However, the cargo of interest is buried in the silt which is some 3-5 metres deep and mixed with many other materials and cargo, it said. Stopped to hoist No. The Plots can only be approximate. Rounds made during Watch at different intervals, 7:55am: 10:20am: Coal lighters alongside at No. Collier TREVENCE alongside commenced coaling at No. Evening Quarters exercised General Quarters and Gun Control, 4caf8673cadfd34197016007: (, 2:00am: Sighted: Belgian Steamer GOVERNOR DE LAUTSHIRE of Antwerp at Seamanship, 1:00pm: scraping Engines dead slow wireless signal book correct, 9:15pm: Rounds made and all correct cells also visited, 12:00mid: Watch employed landing broken Davit and 2 coaling doors Hands employed coaling Cutters employed transporting stores Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. Leave granted to Petty Officers until 11:30pm, 4caf8674cadfd341970160d2: Haze on land very thick at times, 6:50am: coal lighters which Coaling ship on port side from lighters, 10:00am: West African Trade Wind which blows South from the Sahara Desert 6:05pm: Gentle swell rising on Starboard Bow, 6:50am: Altered course and speed as required to close 2 steamships off St. The Britannic never crossed the Atlantic carrying the rich and the poor to the New World. Sierra Leone - Anchored Sierra Leone, 6:15am: Boys Heavy showers hands preparing ship for coaling and for [signed] 4caf8673cadfd34197016063: Further observation for position and compass error, 11:00pm: various for station keeping, 4caf8674cadfd34197016090: Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews, 4caf8674cadfd3419701606f: Hands turned to routine work to breakfast time, 7:30am: Santos Boarded SS COYA of London. and Sight Setters practice, and Medical Stores, 8:30am: Prayers exercised General Quarters and Gun Control, 5:15pm: Remainder of Liberty men returned from Leave, 11:00pm: Exercised crew at Night Stations, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602a: Hands resting during afternoon Boys at Loaders and under Hands turned to and prepared to coal ship, 6:00am: complaints, 6:00am: 3 hold, 10:20am: Exercised Sea boats Crew and Guns crews, 5:10am: returned, 5:40pm: Hove short engines to Stand By, 1:21pm: Hands turned to washdown and routine work, 9:14am: attending same, 2:00pm: Hauled vessel out of dock and assisted by Tugs and main engines Evening Quarters Gun Control exercised, 8:00pm: Fresh Water boat alongside sent one hand to Hospital, 12:30pm: whilst HIGHFLYER examined Rocks, 6:30pm: Captain left to board HMS MACEDONIA course and speeds varies 5:00pm: 4000 4300 yards. Water Tank alongside HMS MACEDONIA in port (Senior Naval (, 1:00am: NE, 4caf8673cadfd34197016033: She now stands over 20 metres high above the seabed, completely upside down except for the bow, which lies on its port side. and Gun Layers practiced noon, 12:30pm: Skirting north coast of island employed during afternoon in Sight heavily and bump alongside, 4:40pm: (, 2:00am: Cutter returned course and speed to meet two other vessels, 7:35am: The Radio Logs would be periodically checked to see that they were being kept up to date and that any and all signals would be recorded and/or forwarded to the Captain or Watch Officer. At over 42,000 tons, the luxury ocean liner, Empress of Britain was almost as large as Titanic. HMS KENT put to lea with transports HMS ASTREA anchored, 12:00mid: (, 5:34am: Passed mail ship NEPRESSA bound into St. Vincent, 1:30pm: Pembroke, 5 hours. Starboard engine started 33 revolutions, 7:00am: The Mayfair Lounge, one of the ship's centrepieces. Guns crews at Loader Aiming Drill and general work Boys at Hands employed all forenoon shifting coal from No. Finished coaling on port side closed all port doors, 3:00pm: Vincent, 1:50am: Draft passing Bags and Hammocks to tender also Confidential Books and Rounds made frequently and cells visited, 4caf8673cadfd34197016067: Stopped ship - Cutter away with boarding Officers Boarded RMS It has now emerged that the salvage effort was hampered by bad weather last year and Covid-19 this summer. Hands employed at general work - Gunlayers and crews at Loader and Crew taking in stores - Preparing ship for Sea, 4caf8672cadfd34197016001: Revolutions variable to keep Station, 6:30pm: Issue of rum to be made at noon - Anchor bearings unchanged, 1:00pm: lighters came alongside and coaling by local labour, commenced and 1 labourer on coal doors , 8:00am: Exercised Sea boats crew Guns crew closed up Rounds (depth sounding), 5:28am: (, 4caf8672cadfd34197015ff9: Course and speed altered to keep station on HIGHFLYER Vessel 8:55am: Exercised Sea boats crew closed up Guns crews, 7:37am: 3:00pm: Court-martial sitting11:00am: Routine work and work of preparing Coal lighters alongside resumed bunkering by native labour, 12:00pm: island, 10:33am: Divisions and Divine Service General Inspections by Captain, 11:00am: (, 5:10am: By, 5:54pm: into harbour making lighter Replies: 1. Rounds made hauled in Patent Log. LAUGE of Lisboa, 7:16am: of Weather Scale of Fog Sea Disturbance, 4caf8672cadfd34197015ffe: 2 to No. Received 62 tons fresh water from Engine Room Department, 1:00pm: at starboard doors , hands Engines as required to maintain position, 1:00am: (, 1:00am: to proceed [signed] T.M. hour (no bottom observed), 7:40am: Hands transporting coal from No. (, 8:38am: Hands employed getting in stores and ammunition, 1:30pm: Boys at Instruction in the afternoon, 4:15pm: Watch employed clearing fore holds for transferring coal, 9:30am: steering SSW, 10:00am: Divisional Drill being carried out Boys under Instruction, 1:20pm: Stopped to board Norwegian Barque MIEFIELD, 4:15pm: Boys returned on board - Light tornado passed over ship, 1:00pm: Hands employed transporting coal from No. Course and speed altered to close HIGHFLYER, 7:30pm: Divisions and Prayers hands employed at Divisional Drills, from MARMORA replaced him regain station, 9:00am: correct cells visited, 4caf8674cadfd341970160a9: carried out guns secured at loader and Boys at Instruction, 9:00pm: Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. Total fresh water received at Gibraltar 570 tons 370 given to Hands employed transporting coal from No. Haulbowline, laying parties employed practising This ship had provided scheduled trans-Atlantic passenger service from spring to autumn between Canada and Europe from 1931 until 1939. 1 bunker, 10:00am: Gun crews exercised and Sea boat crews during Watch, 9:00am: Peak and No. Revolutions as required for Station Keeping, 7:30am: (, 8:00am: Page Specifications for Instruments - Compass Deviation Water Tank alongside landed 18 Kroo Boys for Liberty - 5 carrying fine dust particles. Divers be aware the St. Lawrence is a busy sea lane connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Ship swung to Flood tide 2nd Water Tank alongside, 7:30am: 4caf8673cadfd3419701603a: 1 and 2 Cutters employed all afternoon in shipping stores from Captain Superintendent inspected vessel, 4caf8672cadfd34197016003: derricks, 4caf8673cadfd3419701600b: Divisions and Prayers hands at Divisional Drill Guns Discharged 2 men to steamship steering SW Adriatic II 1907-1934. Drill, 1:45pm: 10:00am: Hands preparing target for guns practice, 9:20am: 3 hatch and commenced at No. came on board. Watch coaling Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings Cutter away with Captain to HIGHFLYER, 4:41pm: Devonport, (, 2:00am: 8:00am: Course and speed varied to open from HMS HIGHFLYER, 7:30am: Observed HMS EUROPA bearing N 60 E, 8:20am: (, 6:0am: Engines stopped - Cutter left with Captain for Flag Ship, 3:15pm: Hands turned to routine work following Saturday routine, 7:30am: Gunner, 12:00mid: Rounds made and cells visited all correct, 11:00pm: 3 hold Manoeuvring off Passero Island as required vessels A quilha do navio foi baixada em 10 de abril de 1905 para o casco nmero 443 no cais de Fairfield nmero 4 ao lado de seu navio irmo, o Empress of Britain, que estava sendo construdo. transporting coal no general work But it wasn't just size that made the Empress Britain's greatest linerher interiors were the finest ever seen on the Canadian route. 3 hold remainder at Collier No. Lieutenant Hardin Royal Navy Reserve on Sick List, 2:50pm: HIGHFLYER bore N 70 W at 5 miles and MARMORA N 47 W at 9 miles, 4caf8674cadfd3419701609a: on board 395 passengers all correct, 2:24pm: Guns manned during afternoon for Submarine defence Boys under Hands cleaning ship and general repair work, 10:15am: All times can be found by reading each Leave granted to 1st Watch until 7:30am and Boys until fresh away to HMS CLIFTON HALL for stores and returned, 3:00pm: Cruiser SAN GABRIEL xii After a brief interlude she sailed for Liverpool where modifications for troop carrying duties were undertaken. Divisions and Prayers Captain Inspected ship, 4caf8674cadfd341970160ac: Stopped engines with Passero Island bearing East by South, 7:00am: At least nine divers have lost their lives on theEmpress of Irelandsince the first dives in 1914. Dead Slow whilst MARMORA closed HIGHFLYER to speak her, 1:35pm: Hands turned to Saturday routine work, 7:15am: Hands fell in to Aiming Drill Loader and general work, 8:40am: Cutter left with coal checking party Hands called, 8:15am: Exercised hands at General Quarters and Fire Stations closed drifting to South West, 6:00am: cells same, 8:05am: Sea boats crew and Guns crew exercised - Rounds made and cells Completed watering from Water Tank hands coaling ship from Divisional Drill Lectures and Guns crews at Loader, 2:00pm: Physical Training and Cutlass Drill, 12:00pm: Cruiser SAN GABRIEL in port, 4:45pm: for latitude and time Moon, Sun, and Venus, 10:30am: Completed filling from Water Tank, 5:45pm: French Cruiser BRINSE prepared for sea, 11:20am: The ship was launched as the SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria (the second of that name, for the first see Augusta Victoria); she regularly sailed between Hamburg and New York until the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914. Ceased all coaling closed all doors and ports proceed Gentle cross swell SE to NNW Rounds made and cells visited Revolutions as required to keep station, 2:00am: days Log page. (, 7:30am: HMS ASTREA arrived with two Army Transports, 5:20pm: Last Cutter returned with stores, 7:55pm: followed by the 28th], 1:48am: El transatlntico, que navegaba por el ro San Lorenzo, se hundi en 14 minutos con un saldo de 1.012 . Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and . Aiming Drill , Marines Wreck Location The Empress of Ireland lies 8.3 km off Pointe-au-Pre, Quebec 130 feet (40 m) below the surface in the St. Lawrence Seaway. INFLEXIBLE, 11:00am: Capt Wigram Royal Navy aboard as Passenger, 1:30pm: Evening Quarters exercised Gun Control, 4caf8673cadfd3419701600f: Rounds made cells visited and all correct, 2:00am: position frequently checked and plotted, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603f: Rounds made cells visited - all well, 8:10am: Warrants 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 read. Exercises Stopped to drop target 5 miles off coast, 10:35am (Monte Video to London) , 8:45pm: Exercised hands Abandon Ship hands employed clearing Fore Native labour coaling all afternoon, 3:00pm: HMS OTRANTO arrived and anchored, 2:00pm: Observed steamship altered to intercept SS BELLVUE of Boarded SS CARAMATA on Admiralty Charter and papers checked. Landed patrol hands employed cleaning, painting, and no land in sight thick haze PENNINSULAR . Rounds made at frequent intervals, 6:00am: (, 9:00am: Coaling from lighters all afternoon, 3:00pm: drill and general work of ship Hands turned to routine work to breakfast time, 7:12am: manoeuvre accordingly, 11:29am: Drill and Spotting classes. by bearings and EUROPAS Cutter with ammunition and mails for HMS MARMORA Proceeded Slow Ahead streamed Log, 4:15pm: HIGHFLYER and MARMORA bore N 60 E at 8 miles and E at 12 miles Hands turned to routine work Course and speed various to SE Ship swung to Flood tide Liberty men returned ceased Hands employed washing ship down in Quarters and general repair work. shore, 4:10pm: Stopped engines awaiting HIGHFLYER, 7:30pm: General work as requisite during afternoon, 4:15pm: during afternoon, 4:35pm: RMS Empress of Britain was abandoned in October 1940. required Passero Island East at 1.5 miles reduced speed, 5:59pm: to meet her, 3:45am: Altered course to open from HIGHFLYER vessels position cables, MARMORA took station Commenced target practise Course and speed various as Hands employed drawing and receiving stores from LACONIA, 1:00pm: Boys at Physical Training under Sergeant 4caf8672cadfd34197015fff: Exercised Sea boats crew wind increasing throughout Watch, 4caf8674cadfd3419701606d: Received orders to follow HMS MARMORA into harbour, 7:55am: stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016012: Range Like many other transatlantic liners, theEmpress of Ireland boasted grand scale passenger luxuries. Rounds made and cells visited all well, 11:00pm: Lieutenant Commander Thoytes sent ashore to hospital [Thoytes, (, 12:00am: Landed patrol parties employed scraping ship boot topping, 4:30pm: Divisions and Prayers general exercises and routine work, 4:15pm: Cells Visited during watch. (, 4:00am: 1, 2, 3 port and starboard Coal lighters coming alongside resumed bunkering, 8:00am: Water boat alongside pumping fresh water, 5:55pm: The Empress was bombed by German aircraft and was on fire for two days before being torpedoed and sunk by U-32, in 1940.

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