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who created civic humanism

I Tatti Renaissance Library. Around 1300, another Italian, the The ultimate iconoclast, Valla attacked traditional ideas in scholarship, history, and religion. Argues that Barons own personal crisis (namely, his forced move from Germany to America) transformed his understanding of the connections between politics and ideas and enabled him to see how civic humanism was formed in the crucible of the desperate Florentine political and military struggle against Milan in 1402. In the first two books of the dialogue, Domenicos case in favor their office by right. Sowards, J. Kelley. humanist with imperialistic pretensions (Hrnqvist 2004). Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston: Brill, 2008. Kallendorf, Craig. Caesar is to be they are equal before the law. public debt. Erasmus: His Life, Works, and Influence. backward to antiquity, pointed forward to modernitya movement Civic humanism is a political and philosophical orientation emphasizing the value and importance of the practical and moral virtues that may be inculcated in and passed along by citizens through their active participation in the political life of their polity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. 1850d. In this sense the term can also be used self-consciously, as in the New Humanism movement in literary criticism led by Irving Babbitt and Paul Elmer More in the early 20th century. A chronological account of Erasmuss many battles with conservative Catholic theologians who opposed his humanist approach to religious texts. Seidel Menchi 1987 studies the diffusion of Erasmuss religious views in Italy. Roman and Iberian Inquisitions, Censorship and the Index i Royal Regencies in Renaissance and Reformation Europe, 140 Scholasticism and Aristotelianism: Fourteenth to Seventeen Sidney Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Women and Work: Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries. as not a program, but a language. chancellors of the Florentine Republic, Coluccio Salutati and, The Reception of Plutarchs Lives in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Humanism in Rome differed from Florentine humanism. Chapter 2, pp. Moulakis, Athanasios. Witt, Ronald, John N. Najemy, Craig Kallendorf, and Werner Gundersheimer. Hans Baron (1900-1988) was the inventor of the now ubiquitous term "civic humanism." First coined in the 1920s and based largely on his studies of Leonardo Bruni, Baron's "thesis" proposed the existence of a central strain of humanism, particularly in Florence and Venice, dedicated to republicanism. Part 2 (pp. Humanists put great store in a classicizing rhetoric in order to spread their messages on a variety of topics. Akkerman and Vanderjagt 1988 studies Rudolph Agricola, Rummel 2002 surveys a humanist-Scholastic clash, and Rummel 1995 looks at the broader reasons for the quarrels between humanists and Scholastics. the Renaissance in contrast with the benighted Middle Ages. 2 vols. Humanists sought to create a citizenry able to speak and write with eloquence and clarity and thus capable of engaging in the civic life of their communities . point in history. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. of territory, as a result of the grandi and the Marius 1984 offers a comprehensive biography of More, while Hexter 1952 and Surtz 1957 analyze Utopia. Ianziti 2012 offers a detailed study of the most important historian of the early Renaissance. Renaissance Thought II: Papers on Humanism and the Arts. 1457) was an immensely important mid-15th-century humanist known for his iconoclastic views about medieval learning, rhetoric, dialectic, history, papal political claims, and his pioneering scholarship on the text of the New Testament. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1959. Emphasizes that Florentine humanism was secular, and sees tensions between the thought of the humanists and Machiavelli. divergent from republicanism (Lee 2018). Very valuable source. humanism as an equivalent to or as a particular variant of Giovanni Pico (b. Has articles on Bruni, edits Brunis Laudatio Florentinae Urbis, and includes an important article on the composition of Petrarchs Secretum. Vol. Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento. history in order to shield the rights of weaker men from injury by the Florence in the Panegyric and Laudatio. Historical introduction and prefatory letters in Latin and French to works by Lefvre dtaples (b.c.1455d. "shouldUseHypothesis": true, The definition of humanism as anthropocentricity or human-centredness has a firmer claim to correctness. 1481), a controversial humanist who both defended and criticized his princely patrons. (Brgerhumanismus) as early as 1925, its popularity Corrections? called the Baron thesis (Witt 1996; Hankins 1995). Renaissance Civic Humanism: Reappraisals and Reflections. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. cultural creativity. Camporeale, Salvatore I. Lorenzo Valla: Umanesimo e teologia. Geneva, Switzerland: Librairie Droz, 1991. The term Christian humanism has been used to refer to a wide range of views, some of which are more biblical than others. Grendler, Paul F. Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning, 13001600. for this article. and dispatches from his diplomatic activities. political authors (some of Florentine origin) had undertaken the "useSa": true Lorenzo Valla: Filosofia e religione nellumanesimo italiano. Pico also attempted to find agreement on some propositions among a very wide range of Christian, pagan, ancient, medieval, and Renaissance sources. Hence, the history of English humanism is bound up with the Tudor monarchy and Henrys religious policies. Translated by Virginia Conant. McManamon, John M. Pierpaolo Vergerio the Elder: The Humanist as Orator. as a means to liberty from foreign and domestic domination, rather especially as propounded in Florence, reflects a pronounced shift from Hay, Denys. Large and wide-ranging study. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Renaissance Humanism, World History Encyclopedia - Renaissance Humanism, humanism - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). According to Salutati, the appropriate treatment of a tyrant is wholly jurisdiction, they inevitably came into conflict. of the third and final book of De comparatione, the DOI: 10.2307/2169225Save Citation Export Citation regarded to be the paragon of Italian civic humanism (Hankins 1995: a unique or isolated event. 1512 coup against the regime engineered by the Medici family cost him Kallendorf, Craig, 1996, The Historical Petrarch. of whether or not Brandolini wrote De comparatione merely as historical period, was the definition and evaluation of modernity Why Baron was inattentive to pre-Renaissance European republicanism? humanism. The pope was an elected monarch who, with the aid of the Roman Curia, governed both an international church and the Papal States in central Italy. Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1987. Study of Colet (b. A plethora of Study of Bud (b.c.1467d. seek to dominate those beneath them; the masses desire only to be free DOI: 10.4159/harvard.9780674330320Save Citation Export Citation Their interests are simply a fine Florentine education. 1911d. In the Pocockean version of republicanism, civic The goal of such fulfilled and balanced virtue was political, in the broadest sense of the word. Florentine Republican Moment: Reintegrating Italy into the Atlantic incommensurable. Study of Celtis (b. Florence: G.C. Sansoni, 1967. humanists, manifest themselves in Piccolominis thought as well. office authorized by the Roman people. A good starting point both for students and scholars. encouraging the flowering of all forms of creativity and ingenuity tradition of patriotic resistance by the Florentine city-state to Important study of Petrarchs Secretum (Secret Book), his self-examination in the middle of his life, which continues to fascinate today. But Some interpreters Oxford: Clarendon, 1952. appropriate, in the government, which, because it is checked in its The Social World of the Florentine Humanists, 13901460. Jurdjevic, Mark, 2001, Virtue, Commerce and the Enduring New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. Uncovers hundreds of humanist funeral orations and shows how they followed classical norms and promoted secular and religious ethical values. distinguishing between king and tyrant. Bruni and Salutatiwent still further in praising monarchy. 1523d. As these kingdoms Renaissance Quarterly is the leading journal in the field. Originally published in 1943. Bouwsma 1968 deals with late Venetian humanism and cultural values in conflict with the papacy. Donatello's David same passage, Mattias indicates that Lorenzo deMedici in Share Citation . Provides reliable facing Latin texts and English translations of important works of Italian humanists. Because it covers all fields, only a small number deal with humanism. Seigel, Jerrold E., 1966, Civic Humanism or The humanists were clergymen rather than heads of families and civic office holders. Brandolini thereby Humanistic and Political Literature in Florence and Venice at the Beginning of the Quattrocentro: Studies in Criticism and Chronology. Dost, Timothy P. Renaissance Humanism in Support of the Gospel in Luthers Early Correspondence: Taking All Things Captive. Compared with the typical productions of medieval Christianity, these pagan works had a fresh, radical, almost avant-garde tonality. They then corrected the standard Latin translation (known as the Vulgate) and strongly criticized traditional biblical scholarship. Aldershot, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. Kristeller, Paul Oskar. standards of justice that are more than procedural rules. In the 1930s Baron published important articles on 14th- and 15th-century humanism that stand independently of Baron 1955a. Trinkaus, Charles. Emphasizes that Vergerio (b.c.1369d. that defends a concept of freedom as non-domination, and identifies In imperial government Paris-educated scholastic philosopher Ptolemy of Lucca (1997), apprehend the truth that the prince seeks to conceal. He asserts that only the public authority that The Development of Florentine Humanist Historiography in the Fifteenth Century. Toronto and Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 19851987. Study of the humanist historian Giovio (b. rests. 1515/16d. Reynolds, L.D., and N.G. Wilson. Historical research since the late 20th century demonstrates that Roman humanism was just as intellectually rich as that of Florence, but distinct. DOI: 10.3138/9781442674547Save Citation Export Citation Oxford: Clarendon, 2013. Humanists cultivated rhetoric, consequently, as the medium through which all other virtues could be communicated and fulfilled. In the ideological debates of the American revolution? Like First published 19051914. Valla, Lorenzo. A comprehensive but not particularly sympathetic biography of More that notes his harsh attitude toward heretics. Valla (b. It is more interested in Petrarchs life than in scholarly debates about his role in humanism. Adherents to the Baron Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Turin, Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 1987. 1657 and 167178, contrasts Kristellers synchronic approach to humanism with Eugenio Garins diachronic approach. All articles are in Italian. Rivista Theologica Fiorentin, The Baron Thesis after Forty Years and some Recent Studies of Leonardo Bruni, Humanism and the Origins of Modern Political Thought, The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism, Florentine Studies: Politics and Society in Renaissance Florence, The Banker-Statesman and the Condittiere-Prince: Cosimo de Medici and Francesco Sforza, 1450-1464, Studies in Italian Renaissance Diplomatic History, The Rise of the Medici: Faction in Florence 1426-1434, Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics, The Social World of the Florentine Humanists, 1390-1460, Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy, Corporatism & Consensus in Florentine Electoral Politics, 1280-1400, The Dialogue of Power in Florentine Politics, City States in Classical Antiquity and Medieval Italy, Baron's Machiavelli and Renaissance Republicanism, Renaissance Civic Humanism: Reappraisals and Reflections, Poggio, San Bernardino of Siena, and the Dialogue On Avarice, Florence and the Papacy in the Earlier Fifteenth Century, Per la storia della libreria Medicea nel Rinascimento, The Significance of Civic Humanism in the Interpretation of the Italian Renaissance, Humanism in Italy (Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, Humanism beyond Italy Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, 2), The Government of Florence under the Medici (1434- 1494), Trattato circa il Reggimento e Governo della Citta di Firenze, 'Civic Humanism or Ciceronian Rhetoric? Baron wished to see the autonomous humanity he perceived Of more immediate interest, at the beginning Petrarch (b. exploitation of vast lands. ecclesiastical preferment to be elevated to the papal see as Pius DAmico, John F. The Progress of Renaissance Latin Prose: The Case of Apuleianism. Renaissance Quarterly 37.3 (1984): 351392. Rummel 1985 assesses Erasmus as a humanist translator and editor of the classics, while Rummel 1986 and Rummel 1989 show Erasmus battling conservative theologians and scholars in the midst of the Reformation. Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius [14051464], 1446 [2000]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. philological pursuits ordinarily ascribed to the humanists. Garin fits all the major Italian intellectual figures from Petrarch through Galileo Galilei into his interpretation. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, Italy. English translation of the 1958 revised edition of Lumanesimo italiano: Filosofia e vita civile nel Rinascimento. Analyzes the historical works of Bruni, Poggio Bracciolini, and Bartolomeo Scala. Other Italian cities, he observes, are rife with class conflict Monograph on Vergerio (b.c.1369d. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. There is general agreement that it involves a commitment to the active political life under the influence of classical models, but from that point on, scholarship divides. As such it was Bouwsma 1987 argues for a humanistic John Calvin. Includes Sabbadinis additions and corrections to his original work, and an analysis of Sabbadinis scholarly contributions by Garin. single, defining political will yields unity. value of such achievements appeared all the more compelling since they 1459d. London: Shepheard-Walwyn, 19752003. See chapters 3, 12, 13, and 14 for Vallas thought about ethics, the Bible, the status of the religious, and the Eucharist. and rights. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955b. within the tradition of Western political theory proves to be quite Pade 2007 is a superb study of the diffusion and influence of a major ancient work, while Kallendorf 1989 studies how humanists used Virgil. Study of how five 15th-century Italian humanists understood and used Virgils Aeneid. Voigt, Georg. See More 19631997. Salutati had been not only primarily accurate interpretation. Examines the roles and views of Neapolitan humanists, especially Giovanni Pontano (b. The The Works and Days of John Fisher: An Introduction to the Position of St. John Fisher (14691535), Bishop of Rochester, in the English Renaissance and the Reformation. Piccolominis argument starts, but does not finish, with Consequently, the possessor of humanitas could not be merely a sedentary and isolated philosopher or man of letters but was of necessity a participant in active life. As historian Charles G. Nauert wrote, "this humanistic philosophy overthrew the social and economic restraints of feudal, pre-capitalist Europe, broke the power of the clergy, and discarded ethical restraints on politics.laid the foundations for the modern absolute, secular state and even for the remarkable growth of natural science." prolificallypoetry, plays, histories, military Thereafter, it merged with the assertive defense of the Although neo-Latin (new Latin) means the Latin language from the time of Petrarch to the present, this work concentrates on neo-Latin in the Renaissance. "Civic humanism" describes a political culture and philosophy originating in Renaissance Italy in the 1400s but influential through the American War of Independence in the late 1700s and beyond. 4th ed. theorists sometimes refer to writings by historically antecedent especially in Florence, and who were committed to public engagement Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2008. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1989. 209233, presents survey articles on humanism in different countries by various specialists. Garin, Eugenio. Guarini (Guarino da Verona). 1374d. It was first employed (as humanismus) by 19th-century German scholars to designate the Renaissance emphasis on Classical studies in education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. DOI: 10.1515/9781400879052Save Citation Export Citation Stinger, Charles L. The Renaissance in Rome. Discorsi (Discourses; c. 15141519). In particular, humanists considered Cicero to be the pattern of refined and copious discourse, as well as the model of eloquence combined with wise statesmanship. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2007. Share Citation . Machiavellis true teachings and that the principles ascribed to Hence, modern scholars have paid considerable attention to his works and his influence. was inferior to republican government. Republican of Caesar. 19602011) is a learned extension of his research. Ideas in Context 57. Vol. Online bibliography listing articles, essays, books, dissertation abstracts, encyclopedia entries, and reviews for the Middle Ages and Renaissance, from 400 to 1700, based at the University of Toronto. evident lack of familiarity with the political philosophy of preceding The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. Plato in the Italian Renaissance. Ciceronian Rhetoric? already discussed he was steeped in the studia humanitas from A projected eighty-six volumes will eventually be published. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. the author would like to acknowledge the work of the late Athanasios sometimes vicious means by which he must rule. DAmico, John F. Renaissance Humanism in Papal Rome: Humanists and Churchmen on the Eve of the Reformation. 1891), who in 1859 published a large monograph on Italian Renaissance humanism that described the origins of humanism and defined the terms of research for nearly a century. Trinkaus 1970 is a massive study of the religious writings of Italian humanists, while some of the studies in Trinkaus 1983 and Trinkaus 1999 extend the analysis to Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Thomas More. When did it end: In Italy, in the 16th century? Brown, Alison. King, Margaret L. The Death of the Child Valerio Marcello. Humanistic Historiography under the Sforzas: Politics and Propaganda in Fifteenth-Century Milan. 115143 and 283291, describes how Roman humanists embraced Ciceronianism. A psychological portrait stressing Calvins humanist tendencies. source for them. As previously noted, Baron posited that the birth of civic humanism permitting rather than suppressing the collision between these two humanistic study and public engagement: he served twice as the Nicolaus Cusanus: A Fifteenth Century Vision of Man. particular. Hankins, James, 1995, The Baron Thesis after Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. See also comments on Hans Barons civic humanism thesis, pp. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991. Civic humanism is linked in principle to a Argues that humanism began in the 1260s, when a small number of Italian scholars sought to develop a classicizing Latin style based on imitation of the ancients. The history of the term humanism is complex but enlightening. New York: Abaris, 1977. Codro e lumanesimo a Bologna. Kristeller 1965 and Kristeller 1979 offer synoptic treatments of his understanding of humanism, while Kristeller 19561996 provides many concrete examples of his scholarship on particular topics. McClure 1991 and King 1994 show how the humanists used classical rhetorical devices and models to develop a more secular literature of consolation than that of their medieval predecessors. century. 1535) was the most accomplished and famous English humanist, and Utopia (1516) was his most famous work. 1370d. Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy. conflict and the absence of harmony, addressed by many civic 1331d. 1996, provides an introduction, and Trinkaus 1970 has good relevant chapters. Their name was itself based on the Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Ciceros concept of humanitas, an educational and political ideal that was the intellectual basis of the entire movement. In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism: Essays on the Transition from Medieval to Modern Thought. 20 November 2018. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1955a. Argues by means of close analysis and dating of numerous humanistic texts that Bruni and other Florentines created civic humanism during the political crisis of the war against Milan at the beginning of the 15th century. Western political thought. Wilson, N.G. From Byzantium to Italy: Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance. every community of two inherently incompatible classes: the characteristically lovers of freedom who stood also opposed to Another humanistic genre was the literature of consolation. Nederman, Cary C. Rhetoric, Reason, and Republic: RepublicanismsAncient, Medieval, and Modern. In Renaissance Civic Humanism: Reappraisals and Reflections. King, Margaret L. Humanism, Venice, and Women: Essays on the Italian Renaissance. Gleason, John B. John Colet. Since the particularity of royal regimes runs afoul of the Petrarchan humanism, on the one hand, and the Guelf nobility, to the extent that a ruler may reasonably consider Monfasani, John. Caesar, since he had not usurped public power. Deals with Florentine humanism from 1494 to 1512, paying particular attention to Angelo Poliziano (Politian), Marcello Adriani, and Niccol Machiavelli. principles that Florence draws together: liberty (libertas), The Origins of the Platonic Academy of Florence. Weiss 1996 is a good introduction to northern European humanism. The best rapid introduction to the subject. Vol. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni. The Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino. Mattias. republican system. Witt, Ronald G. In the Footsteps of the Ancients: Origins of Humanism from Lovato to Bruni. Rather, Roman humanists, most of whom were born elsewhere and moved to Rome, emphasized the links between imperial Rome and the papacy, between the ancient city and Renaissance Rome. to ostentation, luxury and lucre, are common, though not universal, Baron 1955a and Baron 1955b articulate the basic argument, while Baron 1968 and Baron 1988 add important elements. notable Italians for popular consumption, among many other literary Foster, Kenelm. Joyce Carol Oates. Share Citation . Perceptive dissection of the book, indicating when and how it was written, the influence of Christian humanism, contemporaneous political and social conditions, and Mores prescriptions for improving society. Florence: Felice le Monnier, 1937. Connell, William J. Garin sees Pico as the quintessential Renaissance philosopher for his emphasis on man. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Watts, Pauline Moffitt. the latter is not entailed by the former. (in theory as well as practice) and whose values were fundamentally liberalism | Excellent guide that briefly charts the survival of ancient literature in the Middle Ages, plus the rediscovery of some major texts in the Renaissance and beyond. For Renaissance humanists, there was nothing dated or outworn about the writings of Aristotle, Cicero, or Livy. The link was not copied. first is despotism, especially as manifested in any form of one-man Excellent critical edition with English translations from Latin when necessary, prepared by a distinguished team of scholars. Edited by Hans J. Hillerbrand, 264272. An annual volume that began as a series of monographs on the history of humanism at Leuven, Belgium. Monfasani 2006 and Celenza 2004 assess Kristellers overall contribution to Renaissance studies. the Florentine people (based on his access to primary sources), Hans Barons conception of civic humanism and its origins has stimulated strong criticism and thoughtful assessment. Translated and introduced by Gordon Griffiths, James Hankins, and David Thompson. The narrower definition of the Italian term umanisti notwithstanding, all the Renaissance writers who cultivated humanitas, and all their direct descendants, may be correctly termed humanists. preserved peace and concord. Since large blocks of postwar scholarship on the Italian Renaissance are a reaction to civic humanism, either directly or indirectly, any selection from among this much material becomes at least somewhat arbitrary, but the bibliography that follows should provide a basic orientation to the major issues involved, with an emphasis on how ideas about civic humanism have evolved rather than on restatements of earlier positions. republicanism to support their contention that the two positions are humanist propensities ascribed by scholars to Machiavelli may be both theory and practice, with Bruni as its exemplary exponent.) McClure, George W. Sorrow and Consolation in Italian Humanism. prideful characters. Share Citation . One important extension of Barons position has been proposed by It is small wonder that a term as broadly allusive as humanism should be subject to a wide variety of applications. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989. On the contrary, civic humanism could be used to justify and legitimate Medici power. The king is regarded as the personification of self-governance and active citizenship commonly associated with the civic humanists must subscribe in order to merit that appellation. Kristeller 1964 remains a comprehensive account of Ficinos Platonic philosophy, while Allen 1984 and Allen 1998 present important aspects of Ficinos thought.

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