sociology and anthropology slideshare 04/11/2022 0 Comentários

why should we protect endangered animals brainly

According to Elephants (2019), during the 20th century, the number. Why should we protect endangered animals? Four Reasons Why We Should Save Endangered Species 1. An animal is endangered if it has a threat of going extinct. Get the answers you need, now! Advocate For Conservation. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Why should we protect endangered animals?, It was my business to cross the bridge, explore the bridgehead beyond and find out to what point the enemy had advanced & annotationsbyee Tata wai If these species go extinct, we lose these essential and natural monitors of our environment. 4. For this reason, promoting biodiversity is one of the main reasons why we should protect wildlife. For the enjoyment of future generations One of the strongest arguments for saving endangered animals is simply that we want to. Many micro-organisms, bacteria, slime moulds, fungi and earthworms feed on plant and animal wastes, decomposing them and releasing their chemicals back into the soil, thus, replenishing it with nutrients which in turn, are taken up by roots of plants enabling them to grow and develop. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. In conclusion, endangered species can be protected ted by the establishment of rescue centers to increase the stock of the organisms which are later released into the wild. We may not be able to bring back the species we have . Extinction is the engine of evolution, the mechanism by which natural selection prunes the poorly adapted and allows the hardiest to flourish. As the dominant language continues to render the possibly threatened language less and less useful, the language moves into an endangered status. Animals and plants aren't just valuable for their own sake - they're also part of a wider natural environment that may provide food, shelter, water, and other functions, for other wildlife and people. Also Read: National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries of India. So, for us as humans, it becomes a great responsibility to save the wildlife, our planet and most importantly, our own selves. Now, for the pollination to occur, birds, bees and insects, which are few of the tiniest species on this planet, play an important role. Storing reproductive organs, such as ovaries and testes is also getting common with the advancement in science and technology. Thanks to translation, a language that is spoken by a small percentage of people can suddenly have a global audience. Agricultural value 3. But now they use the horns to Get Access Read More 501 Words 3 Pages Ecological value 4. #1: Wild Animals Maintain Balance in Ecosystems All living things are interconnected. For example, if there are no bees, food will become way more expensive, and if vultures go extinct, cases of rabies and an increase in medical expenses are . The term wildlife not only caters to wild animals but also takes into account all undomesticated lifeforms including birds, insects, plants, fungi and even microscopic organisms. What these people dont realize is that today, they might be earning big fortunes by indulging in these activities but, 10 or 20 years later there would be no animals left which once used to be their source of incomes. So, wildlife and nature obviously have an important role in imparting beautiful aesthetics to our planet. . If there are no forests, rivers and animals or birds, earth would turn into a barren land with no traces of life. Due to COVID, many such strays died in hunger. After you submit the form, one of our travel experts will get back to you with customised holiday package based on your requirement, within 24 hours. Hunting, trapping and fishing. Shutterstock. Because we need to protect them to save their species, if we don't protect their species we will lose our balance and the animals home will not be the same if we don't protect them, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The first step to protecting endangered species is learning about how interesting and important they are. 3. If not, lets understand the concept. We have to safeguard these animals because sea turtles play a fundamental role in marine ecosystems. There are approximately 1,775 species listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA. mh4162342 mh4162342 25.10.2019 English Secondary School answered Why should we protect endangered animals? 3) Establish a pollinator garden with native . I could never imagine what I'de do if anything were to . 8. Justify, meaning of the phrase ever expanding career. These animals have a protection program which bans people from poaching these animals. Did you ever think about that? For maintaining a healthy ecological balance on this earth, animals, plants and marine species are as important as humans. Scientists and researchers are aggressively working these days to preserve plants and animals through Gene Banks. yung matino po salamat. . Before an animal goes extinct, it goes on a list to be protected. When a species becomes endangered it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. Animals are primarily endangered due to a loss of habitat. Why should we protect endangered animals? What was the law that Yosemite workers wanted to create. There are many factors that can bring a species to the brink of extinction, but these days, the main culprit has to be human beings. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. Here are 8 reasons why we should stop worrying about protecting endangered species. What principal of s Wildlife also has an important role to play in different cultures. Have you ever wondered where you will go for wildlife safaris, nature photography and bird watching if there are no forests? An example of a endangered animal that was saved and has its population on the rise is the White Rhino. There is a great market across the world for exotic animal products such as leather bags, belts, fur jackets, ivory crafts and jewellery. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. Maintain A Healthy Backyard Habitat. It's used to make a traditional chinese medicine. For Preserving Rich Bio-Diversity. If we talk about the ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda, it has also been using extracts and juices from various plants and herbs to cure problems like blood pressure, diabetes and many other neurological problems since ages. The plant species with improved genetics tend to be high-yielding, more resistant to diseases & pests and also contribute to soil improvement. . Today, almost all the wildlife authorities across different countries are facing illicit acts of poaching and killing of animals by smugglers for animal skins, tusks and horns. The Trump administration has proposed to strip the gray wolf of its endangered status. By focusing on the animals instead of the people were telling kids, who may be the very scientists that can bring species back, that we dont care about them. Besides pollination, many birds also play an important role in controlling pests by feeding on them. The Endangered Species Act is very important because it saves our native fish, plants, and other wildlife from going extinct. Dispose Of Waste Properly. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, WHY DO WE NEED TO PROTECT ENDANGERED SPECIES/ANIMALS, if I pass all the other subjects except for 1 subject and that subject is science in quarter 1 will I still pass? Plus, for us as individuals we should start working towards taking small steps from our homes; minimize the use of electronic equipment such as air-conditioners that contribute towards global warming, pool vehicles while commuting so that there is less pollution and less harm to the ozone layer and save water. It honestly troubles me how much money we spend on protecting animals that cant find a way to protect themselves. Similarly, if a specie gets increased in number, again it can have an adverse effect on the ecological balance. 2. For the cost of feeding a tiger for a day, you could feed 40 children for a month. a. Arabs This plan is the most optimal because it allows for operations in a centralized location and easy tracking of the recovery levels of the endangered species. Wildlife also plays an important role in improving the economy of the country. Why should we take care of and save endangered animal species. Consider a simple example of a bee that is vital for growth of certain crops due to their pollen carrying roles. c. Kurds According to the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, 577 languages are currently listed . , HERE SOMETHING INTERESTING FOR YOU , DON'T MISS IT ..wanted to play his own tune rather thinking tuning with the band. Answer: Environmental conservation is necessary for many reasons including the protection of the ozone layer, the sustainability of food chains for animals and humans, the preservation of drinking water and the proper use of non-renewable resources. If you have never thought about these questions earlier, this is the right time to think about them as forests, wildlife, oceans, rivers and lakes are under major threat. If these cultural associations with wildlife would not have been formed by our fore-fore ancestors, some of these species that greatly contribute to human well-being on earth, would have got extinct centuries back. Once an animal population reaches a certain threshold, it will also be endangered due to a loss of genetic diversity. Endangered animals are the last remaining animal of that species. No act of conservation is too small. Prevent Soil Erosion. . Why we should not save endangered species? 1. It is known that around the world are many species which are going on an "endangered" status because of different reasons that impact on them in a negative way. For instance, cow is revered as mother in Hindus and therefore, holds a significant religious value. If you want to take an active approach to save endangered animals, find a place where you can volunteer. Protecting can be helpful for every animal and save them from complete disappearance in the world. Exploitation of animals for the pet trade, zoos and biomedical research. Cross breeding has also proved to be highly beneficial in dairy cattle with improved genetic species yielding more milk, showcasing better health and fertility. Consider the simple case of fishermen who greatly rely for their income on their daily catches or the farmers who heavily depend on a healthy crop yield for their livelihood. Wouldnt it make much more sense for the planet to tear down all of these useless wildlife preservation areas and use that to home low income families? Also, humans are cutting plants in a . If any species should become extinct, the food chain will be disrupted affecting all the species. For Recreation. For many, wildlife is the source of income and provides them with their daily bread and butter. The only thing we have to protect animals against i. Some endangered animals have been saved because of a safe habitat. The answer is repeatedly stated in the above elaborations, because we are the one causing the animals and plants to be endangered in the first place.Since the human's existance, the rate of plants and animals extinction has been doubled and tripled way over normal averages. It is for this reason, many countries are today, promoting wildlife tourism even if they have to go to an extent of creating artificial habitats by importing flora and fauna from countries rich in these resources. For more information about endangered species, visit All such images are the copyrights of their respective owners and we try to provide credit for them wherever we can. Encourage Volunteerism. And it becomes clear that conserving other land animals and aquatic animals and all endangered plants of the whole world would cost much more than we can imagine. There are many other people employed in wildlife-based ventures such as the ones supplying fishing gears, snorkelling and scuba-diving equipment, binoculars for bird-watching, porters, guides, drivers, mahouts (the list is endless), who are benefited by wildlife tourism. That is not all; the cost of tourists travel, local transportation, food, accommodation and sight-seeing all indirectly contributes a significant amount to the nations economy. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. , on's three law of motion , mass, opposite direction, reaction force , balanced force If wildlife is not preserved today, there would soon be a time when human race would also be in great danger. They help keep crops (and by proxy, humans) healthy. 5. Overhunting, habitat destruction, climate change, poaching, pollution, and the introduction of non-indigenous species to unfamiliar ecosystems, have been the main cause . For instance, the oil from lever of Cod fish is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 anti-oxidants that helps fight ageing, chemicals derived from shrimps and lobsters are used in treating fungal infections, venom of Cobra is used as a cure for leprosy and the list does not end here. We should save whatever species and habitats can be easily rescued (once-endangered creatures such as bald eagles and peregrine falcons now flourish), refrain from polluting waterways, limit . A huge number of plants and animal species are used to benefit humans in one way or the other. Therefore, we should make sure we are not letting this happen in our residential areas at least. Theyre not for me. Habitat destruction is the main threat to 85 percent of all threatened and endangered species, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 1. Binski12. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. Besides cells and tissues, gene banks also store plant seeds, sperms, eggs and embryos of numerous mammal species. And as our human population and resource needs grow, we are leaving less and less room for wildlife. Consider another simple case of carnivores which is getting reduced every day due to human poaching and hunting. Answer (1 of 32): We shouldn't. We should leave them alone. This is a classic example of the 1% not caring about the 99%. But, sadly today, many of the animals and birds are getting endangered. The wildlife authorities should come forward with stringent plans of minimising human interference in the core forest areas and effective wildlife tourism policies should be implemented so that illegal activities can be effectively controlled. These will only earn if the park and its animals remain conserved and protected thereby, attracting tourists staying over in their resorts, which would in turn be contributing to their revenues. These scavengers help remove the carcasses and dead bodies of animals thereby, keeping the environment clean. 10 Ways You Can Help Endangered Animals 1 See answer Advertisement If, however, any copyright image has been used on our blog, the concerned person can either mail us directly to remove the image or provide credit to whomsoever the image may belong to. Put bird feeders and other wildlife attractants, such as bird houses and baths. Because of such species contribution to cultural heritage, special cultural preservation acts under animal protection laws have been formulated in many countries. 7. Wildlife is a precious gift of God to this planet. It is a lot of pleasure and fun to behold such wonderful animals. In this way, the seagrass can continue to provide support and protection for other marine life. Frequently referred to as the "crown jewel" of our nation's environmental laws, the ESA has been responsible for saving many species formerly on the brink of extinction, including the bald eagle, gray wolf and California sea otter. Making the future world see the animals that we saved and helped keep them on the maps. It's made out of fiber. Many of the medicines such as aspirin, penicillin, quinine, morphine and vincristine have been derived from uncultivated plants. This is not all. Beneficial For Humans One can learn a lot from animals which can benefit the human race. From the mesmerizing land of Garhwal, Pawan Kotiyal is a well-travelled writer. Medicinal value 2. Saving extinct animals.Endangered animals need to be in a safe habitat so that they can reproduce and save their species. What more? 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. One of the biggest concerns we have in the world is protecting endangered species. Answer: Because we need to protect them to save their species, if we don't protect their species we will lose our balance and the animals home will not be the same if we don't protect them. The Endangered Species Act (ESA), passed in 1973, was enacted to halt the rapid loss of plant and animal life. With a strong belief in living each moment in adventure; Pawan likes to set out on difficult treks and rafting expeditions. In this way, the seagrass can continue to provide support and protection for other marine life. so why hesitate on protecting the animals from suffer, i believe we should pass the animal bill of rights, because if animals are being punish by humans; beings who have no right or power over them, then there should be a legal document or law that states that animals should have benefits an/or rights that protects them from humans, and make us Why is it important to know the physical and chemical properties of matter. Rhinos are killed for their horns. Have you ever thought from where will we get fruits, vegetables, grains, wood, clothes, paper that are few of the basic necessities for a human being to survive on earth? If these animals were that desperate to survive, then they would figure out a way to hide better. If we do not start thinking about saving the wildlife now, there will soon be a time when will be not be taking our kids to zoos and biological parks to have them a glimpse at beautiful animals and birds but, would be showing them the pictures of these creatures only in books bearing the tagline of Extinct Species in bold letters. These gene banks are a store house of cells and tissues of scores of wildlife species that play an important role in agriculture and farming. The conservation of endangered species and restoring balance to the world's ecosystems is vital for humans too. A study of 2012 was published in Science estimated that it would cost more than sixty five billion dollars annually to protect just all endangered birds around the world. This is a problem that we need to address, and here are a few reasons why. Grab the deal and start packing your bags for an indelible holiday with Tour My India. Also Check Out: Popular Wildlife Tourism Packages. It is not only wildlife safaris or bird watching that contributes to the countrys economy, many other activities such as trekking, fishing and river rafting require government permits and licences, the cost of which goes into governments account. , here SOMETHING why should we protect endangered animals brainly for you, do N'T MISS it.. wanted create. We should save endangered species 1 can learn a lot of pleasure and fun to behold such wonderful.! Exploitation of animals for the cost of feeding a tiger for a month halt rapid... A threat of going extinct population on the maps with no traces life... Read: National Parks & wildlife Sanctuaries of India seagrass can continue to provide support protection! To address, and here are 8 reasons why, nature photography and watching. The world & # x27 ; s a sign that an ecosystem is out of.. Way to hide better, penicillin, quinine, morphine and vincristine have formulated! 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