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obesity and puberty in males

Association of adiposity genetic variants with menarche timing in 92,105 women of European descent. Covariates were categorized or kept continuous as shown in Table1. Herman-Giddens ME, Slora EJ, Wasserman RC. Sorensen K, Aksglaede L, Petersen JH, Juul A.. The characteristics of the 10 included studies are shown in the (Tables 1, ,2).2). Before Copyright 2022 Regents of the University of Michigan. Freedman DS, Khan LK, Serdula MK, Dietz WH, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS. To prevent the omission of relevant literature, a comprehensive and specific search strategy was used at the beginning of this study. The younger siblings BMI at 7years was comparable to the older siblings BMI: mean difference 0.0 (standard deviation: 1.9) kg/m2. Therefore, updating the extent of the association of childhood overweight/obesity with risk of early puberty in girls is necessary, which would help to add important data to the knowledge base. The higher prevalence of obesity among males compared to females in some Arab countries may be related to the difference in timing of puberty, muscular tissue, and dietary habits between. Almost all studies defined early puberty by menarche age, while Chen et al. In a longitudinal study from the United States, girls who had a higher body mass index (BMI) at 36 months were more likely to exhibit an earlier puberty relative to girls of normal weight (11). After subgroup analyses, the variables including study design [test for subgroup differences (TSD): 2= 7.56, p = 0.006], sample size (TSD: 2= 37.64, p < 0.001), follow-up duration (TSD: 2= 5.21, p = 0.02), definition of early puberty (TSD: 2= 49.26, p < 0.001), and confounders controlled (TSD: 2= 8.09, p = 0.004) were shown to be associated with the between-study heterogeneity. Silventoinen K, Haukka J, Dunkel L, Tynelius P, Rasmussen F. Genetics of pubertal timing and its associations with relative weight in childhood and adult height: the swedish young male twins study. An American Cancer Society study of 404,576 men demonstrated the link: being overweight increases a man's risk by 8%, being obese boosts risk by 20%, and being severely obese increases risk by 34%. These factors may include place of residence, socioeconomic status and genetic factors, which may be difficult to adjust for in a usual cohort study. To our knowledge, several potential mechanisms have been proposed to explain the relationships between childhood overweight/obesity and early puberty de Ridder et al. For example, when case-control studies are used to explore the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, lung cancer patients are likely to have recall bias on their past smoking dose and frequency due to the long incubation period of lung cancer. However, case-control studies divided subjects into groups according to whether they suffered from a specific disease or not, and analyzed the association between exposure and outcome through retrospective collection of exposure to a specific factor in the past in each group. Total obesity and central obesity from ages 4 to 7 raised the odds of early puberty compared with having a healthy weight. For girls, puberty can begin as early as eight years old, with most instances of early puberty linked to childhood obesity. For central obesity, which is a more reliable indicator of increased fat mass, the risk was 6.4 times higher. Some of the genes identified, such as MKRN3 and TAC3, have been previously linked to health conditions like precocious puberty, a genetic disorder that causes signs of puberty to appear before the age of 8, and infertility in humans. Considering that some studies included in this meta-analysis have not controlled for the key confounders of early puberty, such as race, birth weight and physical activity, it is possible that the increased risks found in this study partly due to differences in these risk factors of early puberty between overweight/obesity in childhood and the reference groups. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- Excess weight can delay or speed up puberty in young boys, depending on how many extra pounds they carry, a new study suggests. Body fat mass, body fat distribution, and pubertal development: a longitudinal study of physical and hormonal sexual maturation of girls, Role of obesity and leptin in the pubertal process and pubertal growth-a review, Leptin signaling and circuits in puberty and fertility. Examination of US puberty-timing data from 1940 to 1994 for secular trends: panel findings, Lessons from large population studies on timing and tempo of puberty (secular trends and relation to body size): the European trend. This sequence conforms to the law of natural development of causality, so it has a strong ability to test the etiology hypothesis. The ORs for the association reported by included studies ranged from 1.11 to 9.00. A comparison of the association in American boys versus girls. In the sibling-matched analysis, the patterns were similar for the 1700 brothers and sisters (Supplementary Table 3, available as Supplementary data at IJE online). The more fat we have, the more. Girls grow 2-8 inches taller, while boys grow 4-12 inches taller. Childhood BMI percentiles were derived,39 and children were then categorized as normal weight (BMI<85th percentile), overweight (85th BMI< 95th percentile) and obese (BMI 95th percentile). Rolland-Cachera MF, Deheeger M, Maillot M, Bellisle F.. As the puberty information was provided half-yearly, the pubertal milestones were right-, left- or interval-censored. For instance, among boys age 5 or 6, those with obesity had nearly 2.7 . Trajectories of growth among children who have coronary events as adults. Due to insufficient data in the included articles, the subgroup analysis of the associate between overweight/obesity and early puberty in boys only including geographic region, study design, sample size, and confounders controlled. Jochum F, Abdellatif M, Adel A, Alhammadi A, Alnemri A, Alohali E, AlSarraf K, Al Said K, Elzalabany M, Isa HMA, Kalyanasundaram S, Reheim NA, Saadah O. Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr. Of the observational studies included here, seven were cohort in design and three were case-control. In the cohort analysis, confounders were identified by use of a directed acyclic graph (Supplementary Figure 1, available as Supplementary data at IJE online).43 Potential confounders were highest educational class of parents, maternal smoking in first trimester, maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal age at menarche, parity, birthweight, childhood diet, childhood physical activity, and childhood sedentary behaviour. The growth spurt in boys is the peak of growth during adolescence. Since the 1970s, the percentage of U.S. children affected by early puberty and obesity has continued to grow at an alarming rate. Thus, the non-shared confounders were birth date (for adjustment of calendar time) and the same potential confounders as in the cohort analysis, except maternal age at menarche and highest educational class of parents, which were both shared by the sibling-pairs. Cohort analysis: monthly difference in timing of puberty across childhood weight groups and per 5kg/m, Sibling-matched analysis: monthly difference in timing of puberty per 5kg/m. And puberty may be starting earlier in boys as well. The .gov means its official. First, studies would be taken into account if they reported on overweight/obesity and early puberty and were published in English. Our fat cells make leptin. Secondly, substantial heterogeneity was found in this meta-analysis. A number of studies controlled for one or more confounding factors (13, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 31), such as parental education, race, height, whether the only child, family income, birth weight, breastfeeding, gestational age, and in-utero smoking. You may notice problems with As far as we know, this study is the most up-to-date and comprehensive meta-analysis evaluating the relationship between childhood overweight/obesity and early puberty in both boys and girls, which can supply helpful information to both parents and primary health care providers, and help to guide relevant policy and advocacy efforts. Children with high muscle mass, such as tall and athletic boys, are incorrectly classified as overweight/obesity based on their BMI, which can lead to false link between overweight/obesity in childhood and early puberty (38). The DNBC Biobank has been supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Lundbeck Foundation. Of course, every boy is different. In the interaction analysis, a central fat distribution did not further strengthen the associations between weight groups and pubertal timing (Supplementary Table 4, available as Supplementary data at IJE online). and transmitted securely. Obesity: According to 2000 growth charts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Earlier developers were girls who fulfilled at least two of the following three criteria: (1) highest tertile for estradiol, (2) tanner stage three for breast development; and (3) highest tertile for the PDS, Obesity: CDC cut-point for the 85th percentile of BMI (17.626 kg/m2), Maternal age at pregnancy, menarche, pre-pregnancy weight and BMI, height, pregnancy weight gain, prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, education, race/ethnicity and birth size, Obesity:BMI 95th percentile Overweight: >85th BMI <95th percentile at age 11.5, Tanner two development by ages 9.5 and 10.5 years, Obesity: The health-related criterion ( 30 % body fat), Obesity: The percentage of body fat using skinfold thickness: 25%, Breast stage II stage earlier than the median age(9.2 years)for that stage in China, Matched by height, school grade, Tanner stage, family economic status, Obesity: WHO Child Growth Standards BMI 2, Under 8 years for Tanner stage two or above for breast (B2) or pubic hair development (PH2), 10 years for menstruation in girls, and under 9 years for Tanner stage two or above for pubic hair or testicle development (T2) (testicular volume, TV 4 mL) in boys, Obesity/overweight: Chinese Working Group on Obesity, Quartiles of the decimal age of each Tanner stage (>P, Region, age, whether the only child, family economic status, parents' educational level. All rights reserved. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Puberty was considered precocious using a standard measure for boys: testicle growth (larger than 3 cubic centimeters, or about 0.19 cubic inches) before age 9. Adjusted mean age at attaining the pubertal milestones as spline functions of childhood BMI (body mass index). Precocious puberty reportedly occurred in 45 boys, or 9 percent. Colleen Williams Zhai L, Liu J, Zhao J, Liu J, Bai Y, Jia L, et al.. Association of obesity with onset of puberty and sex hormones in chinese girls: a 4year longitudinal study, Percent body fat and waist circumference from ages 5 to 9 predict early puberty in girls. Her next goal is to further analyze the blood brain barrier and its connection to neuronal plasticity. Early adiposity rebound in childhood and risk of Type 2 diabetes in adult life. meta-analysis, childhood, early puberty, puberty time, overweight, obesity, Prevalence of obesity and trends in body mass index among US children and adolescents, 19992010, Empirical changes in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Chinese students from 1985 to 2010 and corresponding preventive strategies, Prevalence and trends in obesity among China's children and adolescents, 19852010, Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 20112012, Bmi in childhood and its association with height gain, timing of puberty, and final height. Sandhu J, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cole TJ, Holly J, Davey Smith G.. It's an intensive three years! Childhood obesity is a growing and alarming problem, associated with several short-term and long-term metabolic and cardiovascular complications. De Leonibus C, Marcovecchio ML, Chiarelli F. Pediatr Rep. 2012 Dec 6;4(4):e35. Fernandez-Rhodes L, Demerath EW, Cousminer DL. Overweight/obesity in childhood is a global public health problem that is prevalent in both developing and developed countries (1, 2). This work was supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF 418300152) and the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University to NB. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101563. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features precocious puberty and childhood overweight and obesity are important public health problems that both had adverse effects, which including psychological symptom in childhood, short final height or reproductive dysfunction in adulthood, on children's physical and psychological development.the prevalence of precocious puberty and childhood Add the Michigan Medicine News Break oniTunes or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Elias hopes the work will be used as a database for other researchers who are interested in the genes underpinning leptin, puberty and fertility. Information on current status of the following pubertal milestones was collected: voice break (yes, no), first ejaculation (yes, no; if yes: year and month), menarche (yes, no; if yes: year and month), acne (yes, no), axillary hair (yes, no) and Tanner stages (1 to 5) for pubic hair development and breast development or genital development.40,41 Tanner stages were illustrated with line drawings assisted by a short description of each stage. Robust standard errors were employed to account for the use of weights and the clustering of siblings. It was often difficult to determine the time sequence of exposure and outcome, so its causal verification ability was weak. One remedy is the Mendelian randomization study design that exploits the random allocation of genes at conception to estimate causal effects by using randomized genetic variants as instruments for the exposure of interest.29 Findings from Mendelian randomization studies support a causal relation between childhood obesity and early menarche in girls.62,63 The sibling-matched design is another option for confounding control. Our results suggest that controlling the obesity epidemic in children could be useful in decreasing these risks.. Evidence points to the hormone leptin, which is produced by fat cells, as one of the likely culprits, says, Elias and her team have published a new study in the journal, How Stem Cells Grow into Structures That Could Aid Understanding of Infertility, New Insights on Sperm Production Lay Groundwork for Solving Male Infertility, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Harnessed to Reliably Create Embryo-like Structures. et al. For the boys, a tendency toward earlier pubertal timing related to childhood obesity was observed in the sibling-matched analysis, but the confidence intervals were wide. McCartney CR, Blank SK, Prendergast KA. This can be exploited in a sibling-matched design, which removes confounding by time-stable and shared factors.36. Cohort studies group subjects according to whether they are exposed to a particular study factor and observe whether a specific outcome occurs in each group after longitudinal observation. 12, 96 higher skin fold thickness and body fat Girls grow 2-8 inches (5-20 centimeters) taller, while boys grow 4-12 inches (10-30 centimeters) taller. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Tanner stage 2 (dashed line), Tanner stage 5 (solid line), voice break (dashed line), first ejaculation (solid line) and menarche (solid line). Obesity and sex steroid changes across puberty: evidence for marked hyperandrogenemia in pre- and early pubertal obese girls, Birth weight, early life weight gain and age at menarche: a systematic review of longitudinal studies, Link between body fat and the timing of puberty, Effects of obesity on human sexual development. Relevant studies were identified from PubMed, Web of Science, and EMBASE searches. This may bias the estimates if the assumption of normally distributed residuals is violated. Prevent the omission of relevant literature, a comprehensive and specific search strategy was used at the beginning of study! In children could be useful in decreasing these risks Dietz WH, Srinivasan SR, GS! Of relevant literature, a comprehensive and specific search strategy was used the! Barrier and its connection to neuronal plasticity its connection to neuronal plasticity and the Lundbeck.! Serdula MK, Dietz WH, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS obesity from ages 4 7. 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