plant population examples 04/11/2022 0 Comentários

to be successful in opposition crossword clue

Don't be confused as if they care about you. disgusting development. How they have made themselves, a TRILLION dollar juggernaut, the underdog feel good story is a masterclass. A footnote in Microsoft's submission to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has let slip the reason behind Call of Duty's absence from the Xbox Game Pass library: Sony and The idea behind this practice already used by Microsoft is to eliminate competition, understand to take Sony from the market or swallow it. Buying multiplatform developers to keep products off the competition is so clearly not increasing choice, but in this age, some people are so unbeliebably blind they swallow all this, and you can see the usual ms apologists in here talking absolute bunk again.Such a shame people are so dumb. Hi! Most Xbox exclusives and many non exclusives have it and is making Xbox money, even when the service runs on PlayStation. Their tweets are unbearable and cringe. @The_Moose some indie developers have said that the money they receive for going to gamepass pretty much covers the cost of making the game so they are essentially breaking even before selling a single game. Kind of like watching two rich dudes argue about who has the better yacht. So in all actuality its more like PlayStation vs [Xbox + PC]. A federal judge blocks Penguin Random House's bid to acquire Simon & Schuster, saying the DOJ demonstrated that the merger might substantially harm competition The government's case blocked the merger of two of the United States' largest publishers and reflected a more aggressive approach to curbing consolidation. @Thenewguy I doubt Sony would share the money made from subscriptions with them & Xbox players would just see how much better playstation exclusives are than their own consoles don't see why they'd want that lol. Everyone can see what Microsoft is after. They need to get rid of him like MS did with Don Mattrick. It sounds like the majority of people here don't like paying 70 for games either as there's a lot of comments taking issue with the fact that cod will likely be on gamepass. Yisus. Its not like this was a hostile takeover of AB, they wanted to be aquired and Xbox was the one that made an offer they wanted. Chances are if it was on PlayStation & Nintendo the games would only be playable via streaming with a small catalog if any to be downloadable on the hardware. And if you put gp on Playstation you have 3 times that at once. Like there is no comparison. Activision is not my concern, it's the high quality studios they are grabbing with worst case scenarios of losing ones like Sega and Square. They bought theirs. I've said it so many times having gamepass on playstation or Nintendo would literally only benefit Microsoft financially if Sony offers to put ps plus on the Xbox do you think Microsoft would want that lol. I love how they're choosing words in this one. And Nintendo Online while you're at it. It is also the most populated subnational entity in North America and the 34th most populous in the world. Best we set you off to school first, if you think that's a worry. Was that a close partnership??? Xbox's deal is complete even though it doesn't seem like it. No added bonuses for PS owners? I want an agressive approach from the competition to wake Sony up from their classic 'market leader' complacency. Appear weak when you're strong, appear strong when you're weak. Besides a car sim, xbox really hasn't been pushing the bar in games, and it doesn't look it will change, even with starfield, which doesn't look anything impressive. Common sense is to buy the games I like. MS are losing the quality war so are doing what they do best, buying up all the Devs it can in order to strangle the competition. Don't confuse Xbox and Microsoft, they are two distinct beasts @thefourfoldroot1 they don't have a platform yet. Weird not to think that way. Having Game Pass on PlayStation would mean Xbox will have to leave the console business and just become the new SEGA with streaming. But a version that was just the Xbox first party games? Plenty of places list the scores of all the games, if your really THAT into games. If Microsoft wasn't there would we be paying $80 for PS5 games or $600 for the PS5? I just don't give a crap for the mediocrity they release as games. And even if I didn't I wouldn't feel the need to go around trashing the opposite box's games to make me feel justified in the box I have. These 2 having fun on the playground. "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is now a law @CapGod the worst was their E3 when Sarah Bond showed on stage a heart symbol with her fingers followed by crossing her arms in the air like an X, lol. They just want your money. Good for you. A good place to begin is to look back at that 24-48 hour period to see what occurred.. Microsoft is the opposite. At least on PlayStation when I buy a game I actually put the time in to complete it. I think everyone is missing the point of Microsoft pushing gamepass onto Sony consoles. When he's not practising combos, he's usually getting lost in the latest 100-hour RPG, or, y'know, replaying The Witcher 3. And buy all the IP. And no hope so far with Sony who responds to MS acquisitions by purchasing two live service studios. @xx_PharsydeChemist_x thats literally the only reason Id want it on PS but I also like that MS finally got an exclusive dev that Id actually want an Xbox for, @Old-Red seriously I went with the PS++ sub and now I have gamer ADD. Weve seen that Gamepass players typically dont buy games, so why would Sony ever want Gamepass on their system? Omnivore Give no choice like amping up game prices and console prices, no choice. @Somebody Agreed. It must be paying them well enough, and well as making Xbox money, otherwise no one would be interested in entering their games on to the service @Keyblade-Dan Pathetic comment. Then games that are sold on the PlayStation store and in brick and morter stores, Sony, like MS, get 30% of the sales but when it's on gamepass who is getting that profit? Im sure Sony would have no problem with GP on PlayStation as long as they got the money for all Microtransactions and discounted purchases, along with a cut of the subscription fee. As for AAA games it all depends, if the Devs are under MS umbrella then they pretty much get subsidised on losses which in turn minimises risk, leading to stagnation of ideas, why bother working hard or innovating if you're going to get paid regardless? of the evidence - Evidence that is of greater weight or more convincing than the evidence that is offered in opposition to it. As a gamer I'm totally open to the idea. 'Sony is denying gamers a choice' but keeping established franchises off of PlayStation by buying up publishers somehow ISN'T denying gamers a choice? The three year deal for cod on PlayStation is fine, after which it will be renegotiated and more than likely extended for a further three years. And then in few years they'll say something like oh well we did offer GamePass on PS. Every week on here people are begging Sony to buy Capcom, Konami, Square etc. Operation Jubilee or the Dieppe Raid (19 August 1942) was an Allied amphibious attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe in northern France, during the Second World War.Over 6,050 infantry, predominantly Canadian, supported by a regiment of tanks, were put ashore from a naval force operating under protection of Royal Air Force (RAF) fighters.. The best evidence of what I've said above is the very few and lackluster titles Xbox have as flagship products. we need to know if nintendo will allow ps plus or gamepass on their devices ? Monopolies aren't good long term for the consumer or the industry going forward. Of course they don't, why would Sony want that? I barely have commented on these threads about this topic or have given any clues about being upset. Console War 2 just in time for peak Cold War 2. I've got over a hundred games from ps plus and I've probably only played about ten of them to the end over the past 10 years. @AdamNovice they are going to be MS 1st party studios, of course MS is going to be in charge on how they are distributed. Lol at some of the ridiculous fanboy comments .for all of us who own both consoles let's just hope this goes through quick so we get to play more games for cheaper. 785. Why are you even reading it if that isn't to your taste. "Chosen to block" rather than just rejected the offer.Can this AB acquisition thing be over already? You have deluted thoughts my friend. The reason for the malaise is GP. Granted, a successful game might bring a lot of attention, but games (even small ones) still found success prior to Game Pass, and could just as easily do so now. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Breaking News, data & opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. I almost died from cringe. We should all just want strong competition, and we cant have that if MS buy the most popular gaming franchises and lock it behind their own subscription (again, selling full price on a console is a different and soon to be niche market). When will people learn that having both consoles does not mean you are not biased towards one. He's tbe main reason I won't support Playstation anymore. PlayStation would instantly become an unprofitable business and the consoles would no longer be made to run the service anyway. . It seems like Microsoft is getting a little perturbed at how long this deal has taken to go through. Hate the pretending. It's exhausting and we all know it's going through anyway. No company, no matter how big, will subsidise a loss-making branch of its company to the tune of billions. Lets stop the silly fanboy stuff. @__jamiie But most don't want Sony making that kind of acquisition either. @Juanalf Yeah, if I think all subscription services will go up by insane amounts and that it will hurt the media, then no, I won't subscribe. Undoubtedly, Microsoft are funding the ABK acquisition, but they are doing so because they have crunched the numbers and believe they can turn a profit. It's not like they need to prove the game to people to sell it. In reality how many games can you play at one time? sell your Xbox and blacklist them if they start to overcharge. Even if they are staggered releases Microsoft would stand to lose even more Xbox customers from this, which would be disastrous to their business. @neitan Yes Game pass was created to grow quickly before the competition jumped in meaning Amazon,Apple and Google why Sony think they are a part of that group and insert themselves into that role is beyond me. Everyone wants to pay 70 for new releases on their playstation and would always want ownership for their games*, *Unless of course they buy their games digitally, in which case they're actually just leasing a non transferable license, Sony isn't really concerned, they're just playing the game correctly. You say it's bad for the industry, based on what @The_Moose? @Fiendish-Beaver Right, but like I mentioned in my post, what O/S (operating system) are all those PC's running on? The war news has gone from bad to worse for Vladimir Putin over the past two weeks. Xbox exclusive or not is completely irrelevant at this point. Gamepass on PlayStation would be nice, I could have everything on a single console, I actually don't even get why Xbox would want this they would literally stop selling consoles altogether. In this case, Sony would be hammered with royalty fees they would have to pay out to Microsoft. @__jamiie Sony has never bought a developer that is valued at the same price of their ENTIRE company. !Sadly I doubt Sony will be able to stop itbut to keep pushing the ridiculous narrative that a Microsoft backed XB division is the underdog is laughable! You are correct, @Somebody. Because why even make quality games if it's free with a subscription service anyway. "Oh but Sony have built such good relationships with so many developers. @Fiendish-Beaver It surmises that adding hit properties like Call of Duty to Game Pass wouldn't tip the scales in its favour. I hope any single company doesnt get approval to do this, but it isnt looking good currently. @Somebody Starfield isn't out yet so the jury is very much out on its success and I don't know what Redfall is. It's just weird to imagine. By making it exclusive to their subscription service, Sony would finally complyhowever that also looks like a monoply. its just denying Microsoft more revenue. With hundreds of PS4 games to choose from for so cheap secondhand I don't see the appeal. Neither one of them give a [emailprotected]*t about you. As for the monopoly bit, I'm afraid that is exceptionally wide of the mark. This feels like the old days of Nintendo and Sega going after each other. 374. Different content, but same situation. The current U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, who is the most dispositionally interventionist among Obamas senior advisers, had argued early for arming Syrias rebels. I actually think putting Gamepass on PlayStation would be a good move, provided, of course, that it was a special version of Gamepass. Now I accept that they will likely have had a bucket load of money thrown at them in advance, but I highly doubt that it even touches the sides as to what they will eventually make. It's not silly at all I think. @__jamiie They aren't Nintendo. Screw childish console war fanboy BS what they want and are trying to do is bad for everyone and I'm sick of people acting like this awful company with more money than god and have used similar monopolistic tactics to take over other industries are some sort of plucky underdog it's a joke. Thank you! Ceres is as important as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or any of the other planets. At least when Sony & Nintendo acquire studios, at least they acquire studios they already had a close working relationship with AND/OR primarily made games only for Sony & Nintendo, OR in the case of Haven Studios & Savage Games, haven't made any games at all, thus acquiring them isn't taking away games from other platforms. Sony are the ones who decided that 70/$70 would be the standard for PS5 games. Conveniently they don't provide that "choice". Of course Sony doesnt want game pass on Playstation. @neitan "Today the GP can be wonderful for players, but in the long run it can only end well for Microsoft", I care about savings now not savings 10-20 years from now, what a silly comment . They aren't Nintendo. In this case, the Team in Green's argument essentially boils down to saying that Sony doesn't need Game Pass because it's already the market leader through PS Plus. And many, many market commentators, including Push, have said the same. I don't know but Jim has shown us if he feels comfortable enough he will raise the price of everything he can get away with. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. When Xbox was making peanuts, Microsoft were barely involved, which is why Sony was able to make the huge gains that it has in the console market. Bought Bungie away from Apple to get Halo, and literally gave away consoles and lost money in their games business for a decade until they got equal footing. Such games as Plague Tale 2 though can still get a lot of money via Sony purchases though. They don't have in-house developers. Apple made a deal with the devil when Microsoft offered the same type of deal with Office when facing monopoly issues in the 90s. What do you make of all this bickering between Sony and Microsoft? What next ? The game will still be available to buy on the PlayStation, PC and on the Xbox. @Keyblade-Dan Sony are the ones who told people to work harder to afford a PS3. I think gamepass and subscriptions like it are great for indie devs. They are one of the wealthiest and largest corporations in the world. With Composite Mars in the 1st house, you can have more energy and drive together than you do apart. I agree with MS - They have a method to bring their games to Playstation and its Sony that are BLOCKING MS from delivering their games their way How can they complain about not having MS made games when they block them. First of all the games that have heavy monetization. The numbers released the other day showed that Game Pass accounted for only 18% of total Xbox revenue. Unless you're being sarcastic, what games are MS "crushing"? Hey you want to pay 60 for this game or sign up on our competitor's service and get it for basically free? Cod will remain on a Sony machine for the foreseeable future. They seem like they complaining just as much as Jim Ryan has lately. Today the GP can be wonderful for players, but in the long run it can only end well for Microsoft never for players. O Centro Universitrio Brasileiro (UNIBRA) desde o seu incio surgiu com uma proposta de inovao, no s na estrutura, mas em toda a experincia universitria dos estudantes. It annoys me how they keep trying to compare the Acti and Bethesda deals to Sony buying studios like Housemarque, Haven, and Bluepoint this year too. Now you might argue that Game Pass is better because of the Day One exclusives, but Sony's is in its infancy (Game Pass was not great for the first couple of years), and that also ignores the fact that Nintendo do not rely on the same games as the others, and Sony will be putting blockbusters on theirs, just not Day one @__jamiie Bungie are to remain 3rd party. They literally only care about their bottom line and the sooner people see through that the better. Yes, they make a lot of money, but nobody wants to earn less. Microsoft have helped push the industry forward. MS will go as far as the regulators will let them in buying all of the big franchises they can to have an effective monopoly on gaming subscription services. Just like how Nintendo don't want it on the switch either. Watch people try to attack Sony over it and big up MS. Gamepass on PS would suck, it would offer less then what Plus offers as no way would MS port over the likes of Halo, Gears and Forza. I just don't get the issue. They want as many people as possible in their gamepass ecosystem. It's not an Xbox only service apart from when it has Xbox exclusive games added. That's right, not just PlayStation studios. Definitely more to the story here that we aren't seeing though. I don't believe in paying 70 for games in much the same way Sony don't actually believe in generations. @Mikey856 that is your opinion. It's the truth. I can't see why either group of FANBOYS would be upset if their precious games that their beloved corporations have PAID for are available elsewhere if they are also getting access to all the games from the other too. Pass would n't tip the scales in its favour them if they start to overcharge why would ever. 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