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what dance does torvald want nora to do

so the kids don't see it before it's decorated. She still can hear that slam. She is Nora's childhood friend. What does Nora tell Torvald she'll do anything he asks of her for? One of the many themes in this play is the idea of appearance vs. reality. Why does Mrs. Linde tell Krogstad she came to town? Nora says Mrs. Linde is free and she should rest. Why does Dr. Rank tell Torvald he had a right to drink a lot at the party? What does the law say about a wife leaving home? Why? She signs her fathers signature to a loan document, although her father has passed away. Every criminal he has met had a deceitful mother. Home A Doll's House Q & A What dance does Torvald decide N. A Doll's House What dance does Torvald decide Nora should perform for the ball. What does Torvald think runs in Nora's family? Torvald's severe and selfish reaction after learning of Nora's deception and forgery is the final catalyst for Nora's awakening. Who is Dr. Rank? Why Do Teenagers Constantly Play Computer Games? Christmas, Torvald's good health, and Torvald's new job at the bank. He wants a promotion. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. What do they say? commit suicide; doesn't believe she'll do it, and it wouldn't do any good because he would still be able to ruin her reputation which Torvald would never let happen. He clearly enjoys the idea that Nora needs his guidance, and he interacts with her as a father would. She wants the letter to stay there but he will demand it back. How does Torvald react to this letter? maid; she got pregnant by a bad guy and had to give up her child. Having in mind that Nora is a squanderer, she could be running away from . Act II. Nora is blackmailed by Krogstad, and Torvald finds out that now they are at the mercy of the man. How will Dr. Rank inform Nora of his death? What does Mrs. Linde say needs to happen in the Helmer household? He wags a finger at her and asks if Miss Sweet Tooth has broken the rule and eaten sweets in town. Why does torvald want nora to dance at the ball - 7435621 robertcash266 robertcash266 12/01/2017 English High School answered Why does torvald want nora to dance at the ball 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement robertcash266 is waiting for your help. she sold herself in the past and would never do it again. What does Mrs. Linde say when Krogstad asks if she only got back together with him for Nora? Christine returns and tells Nora that Krogstad is out of town, but she left a letter for him. In Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House," Helmer does not know about Krogstad's letter in the mailbox, which reveals Nora's forgery to borrow . someone tried to pick the lock; one of Nora's hairpins is jammed into it; she blames it on the kids. 8 What happens at the end of wheres my Little Skylark? Because her father spent money like crazy so it is hereditary. He feels that women leave their current significant others the moment someone better comes along. What is the difference between Section 8 and Section 42? Nora procured money and told Torvald that her father gave it to them, though she really raised it herself. As the play progresses, it becomes more and more clear how possessive Torvald is. Who does Krogstad blame for making him go back to "his old ways?". When this did not happen, the image of the good and noble husband she though Torvald was had been shattered. What did Anne-Mari have to do (concerning children) when she was younger? Who is Mrs. Linde? * by giving her money What is the first thing Nora points out about the things she's bought? Why doesn't he want to give it to her? This is sheer madness. How does he treat her? What disease does he have? Though Torvald accuses Nora of being irresponsible with money, he gives her more in order to watch her happy reaction. He asks what Krogstad was there for and Nora lies. How does Krogstad have power over Nora? when Torvald worked too hard in the first year of their marriage and got sick and had to go to Italy to recover, she borrowed money from her father in order to pay for it (at the time: her father was dying, she was pregnant, and she couldn't go see him), she never loved her husband, she just married Mr. Linde because she had a sick mother and two little brothers to support; when he died, his business fell apart and she was left with nothing; she had been working ever since; recently, her mom died and her brothers are now old enough to take care of themselves, if Torvald can give her a job at the bank he'll be managing. It is a fiery, passionate dance that allows Nora to drop the faade of the perfect mild-mannered Victorian wife. How does the costume symbolize Nora? She wants to be a person. What do these names suggest about Torvalds perception of his wife and his marriage? What does Nora think of Mrs. Linde's appearance? Why did Mrs. Linde marry her husband? Again, how does he think of her? She took out a loan; Krogstad and Linde; he hates debt and will feel less manly. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Torvald knows she's lying, that he wants her to put in a good word for Krogstad. she forged her father's signature; he can prove it because the signature is in Nora's handwriting and she dated the document after her father died; basically he can prove that not only does she owe money but she broke the law (Nora says she didn't have time to think about it because her husband was dying). That they've never had a serious talk about anything, He thinks it's fun to be in love with her. Why didn't she tell Torvald? Torvald treats his wife as an inferior. It was the most difficult decision that had to be made so fast. Why is his illness so unfair? As Act 2 opens, what is Nora worried about the most? she denies that she would ever eat macaroons because she promised not to.but she did What did Nora do the Christmas before this one? In an earlier conversation with Nora, Dr. Rank reveals his understanding of Torvalds unwillingness to accept reality when heproclaims, Torvald is so fastidious, he cannot face up to -anything ugly. By leaving his calling card as a death notice, Dr. Rank politely attempts to keep Torvald from the ugly truth. Torvald treats Nora as a parent would treat a baby and in turn she responds by behaving like a toddler. Drama paper. money; he calls her a spendthrift and says she'll just waste all the money on unimportant things. 30 seconds. Torvald's reaction is to describe their new relationship as what? Nora's wondering if she should abandon her children for their sake. How does Helmer describe their Christmas decorations of last year? Nora is especially happy about Torvalds new job, because now money wont be a concern. She says, "You and Papa have committed a great sin against me. After years of having to live as a doll, Nora has an awakening that kindles her passion for freedom. Torvald's teasing Nora about eating sweets is actually a way of keeping her from going against his wishes. A Doll's House is a domestic tragedy written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. people should try to help the diseased (bc Rank says Krogstad is morally deceased). What does Torvald notice about the mailbox? PostVines - Find any answer to any questions, Top Terminal Apps for Mac [macOS] Update in 2022, How to Enable Dark Mode on Amazon App and Website Update in 2022, How to Watch 2000 Mules on Roku & other Platform, Google Assistant gains new parental controls, kid-friendly answers and voices, How to Flip Camera on Omegle [Android, iPhone, Chrome, Mac]. How is it portrayed by Ibsen? Why does Torvald say his love for Nora is even deeper now? jazz solo transcriptions pdf free download Who does Dr. Rank think will replace him as Nora's friend after he dies? The poet, longing to be a skylark, muses that the bird has never experienced the disappointments and disillusionments of human life, including the diminishment of passion. She compares her father to Torvald. She loved her father but had fun with the maids because they let her do what she wanted. What does Torvald want Nora to be, and do at the party? That's how long she has left until Torvald gets the letter. supporting evidence for pip from a family member. What is the common name for Feline Panleukopenia? She doesn't want to live in a doll's house and be the thing she played with as a child. Why does Nora call herself a "doll-wife" and a "doll-child?". locked herself away to make paper flowers to decorate the tree (the cat ripped up the flowers, though), Christine; Nora's childhood friends; they haven't seen each other in 9 or 10 years. He wonders how people can live with always lying and how it affects everyone around them, like family and friends. What does Nora reveal to Mrs. Linde after being insulted because Christine said she didn't really know trouble? What was in the second letter? Why did Nora prefer to be with the maids rather than her father? What do the macaroons and cursing tell you about Nora? How does the Christmas tree look at the start of act 2? What does Nora expect Torvald to do when he finds out? Torvalds insistence on calling Nora by affectionately diminutive names evokes her helplessness and her dependence on him. What does Torvald tell Nora after he says he's glad to have her? What happens at the end of where's my Little Skylark? Why won't Krogstad expose Nora for now? Eight years. What was "almost like being a man" to Nora? How is it like Nora is living in a doll's house? How did Nora come to this revelation about them? How does Nora try to keep Torvald from getting the letter? Nora calls him petty for worrying about his affiliations with Krogstad. Nora Helmer is the main character in A Doll's House. She is using her knowledge of her husband's attitude to ladies to get what she desires. a man lost at sea on a wreck; she feels the same, and the shipwrecks should get together. Torvald perceives Nora as a foolish woman who is ignorant of the way society works, but he likes Nora's foolishness and ignorance because they render her helpless and therefore dependent on him. Yes, no What is the first thing Nora lies about? Ironically the skylark symbolizes awakened freedom, hence it cannot be domesticated. List pet names Torvald Helmer calls his wife, Nora. What does Nora ask Torvald to do for her? It shows Torvald only cares about himself. The law? What should Nora's be? "A doll with a human figure is normally found in the hands of children, who makes the doll act according to their wish" (Ganesan and Kumaran). Why does he want Nora to wait to spend money? Nora tried to convince Torvald that they should go south, but he wouldn't hear of borrowing money for that purpose. How do Torvald and Krogstad know each other from the past? She was perfect. Torvald refuses to allow Nora to leave and says that the family must pretend that all is as it was before, but he states that Nora should no longer be able to see the children. Then what does he ask of her? This act shows that Torvald amuses himself by manipulating his wife's feelings. There's a story about how Ibsen was actua. Now for the schooling." middle class living room; nice but not extravagant furniture; piano, fire,winter's day; Norway. How does he describe Nora? Mrs. Linde needs someone to take care of and Krogstad's young children need a mother. What does Torvald say about Nora and her costume and doing the tarantella at the party? for buying things & being careless with money. His disease is worsening. At the start of act II, Nora is fretting about Krogstad's blackmail. Why does Torvald chastise Nora at the beginning of the play? Both molded her into what they wanted her to be. Borrowing money for them to travel makes one think there could be another reason rather than Torvald's sickness. How does Krogstad plan to use the blackmail? She is played with by her husband when he wants to and controls her as if she was a doll. Her mother and husband died, she has no children, her brothers can take care of themselves now. Where does Mrs. Linde wait for Krogstad? borrowing from people (Helmer thinks she's just a typical woman who doesn't understand debt). Torvald Helmer is a lawyer who at the play's outset has recently been promoted to Bank Manager. How does Nora react when Dr. Rank tells her he loves her? Discuss this theme as it has been developed so far in the first two acts. The money seems to have been sourced from her father's death. Little lark, sweet tooth, squirrel, prodigal, spendthrift, featherbrain, song bird; Torvald treats Nora as an inferior. he did medical research all day and has found something for sure and was very productive (but really, he found out he's def gonna die). Krogstad. Why does Nora constantly want money from Torvald? Nicknames Torvald used for Nora. What did Torvald think of Nora's performance at the party? help. She begged him. What relationship does Nora liken her relationship with Torvald to? What does Krogstad say? leave, Nora takes the chance to visit Italy because she had money. As she tells Nora, the nanny considers herself lucky to have found the job, since she was a poor girl whod been led astray.. you Why is Nora counting down until thirty hours pass? How does Nora respond when Rank tells her that she seems like she loves him more than Torvald? "Come now little Nora talking about scientific research!" Krogstad leaves, but his letter revealing all is clearly heard entering the mail slot. Debt steals the beauty of a home; She does not care about them, they are merely strangers. Why do the functions of many receptor kinases depend on the fluid nature of the plasma membrane. Q. Why? she has a duty to herself that she's never fulfilled; she realizes she's never been happy with Torvald; she will spend the night at Mrs. Linde's. That they can one day have a genuine marriage. What is Nora thinking about at the end of Act 1? First, she wants to protect Torvald from dealing with the tremendous shame and social consequences after he inevitably discovers her crime. When is Torvald getting a new job? Compare Nora and Mrs. Linde's comment about having "stacks of money.". He says "I'm saved.". He was the only stable income of the house and he felt that gave him more power. Describe the conversation between Krogstad and Mrs. Linde. Remember what Nora has said about people you borrow money from? forgery; he never admitted his guilt, he got off through loopholes, he is corrupt and has lived a life of lies even around his family (sounds like his wife); it's worst for the children who are corrupted by an atmosphere of deceit. How does Helmer feel about debt? Why does Torvald call Nora his Sweet Little Skylark? How does he describe her father? He would be invisible; Nora would be Charmed Life (because she is always lucky) and would not need a costume. In Act One, Nora says that it would humiliate Torvald if he knew he was secretly in debt to her for his life, indicating that Torvald wants the power in his marriage to be one-sided rather thanmutual. Just as she was when her father was still alive, Torvald treated Nora like a child who should be told what to do and what not to do. HELMER: When did my squirrel come home? What does Mrs. Linde think of Nora's life? In general, the plays female characters exemplify Noras assertion (spoken to Torvald in Act Three) that even though men refuse to sacrifice their integrity, hundreds of thousands of women have. What is Nora's response? What is the symbolism of a masquerade party? Why does Nora feel that they can now squander some money? Mrs. Linde returns, and dinner is .

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