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what is metaphysical spirituality

Metaphysics includes all religions but transcends them all. This is only so on the surface, because the many aspects of energy dealt with by science go much beyond the exclusively materialistic aspects of life. As the cosmic adepts have said, truth is often paradoxical. An instinct toward spirituality appears to be deeply ingrained in humans. The higher the vibration, the less dense are both the plane and the etheric matter associated with it. You might think that this science is mysterious. We discuss the impact of the unseen inner realm upon the natural realm in this article. Hence, the first half of these teachings is about recognizing where unselfish service is rendered trough different actions and qualities, doing whatever is possible to help and uplift. Sounds impressive but still can leave people scratching their heads going, what the hell? Metaphysics encompasses such a wide range of descriptions, beliefs, modalities and rituals, it really is hard to pin it down to what it actually means that you are metaphysical. Ran D. Anbar M.D. The metaphysical could be the missing link that will help you and I manifest more of what we desire in life and less of what we don't.. Youll find the full video on this topic here: Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to JasonPowell.Fatith on YouTube; its free and it helps to make sure you dont miss the latest video. It is more scientific in its approach than spirituality. spirituality has nothing whatsoever to do with organized religion. This word can also be used to refer to Cosmic Masters from the higher dimensional planets that may come to Earth in various ways to render spiritual service, including the coming of the next Cosmic Master which is discussed on this website. Higher Dimensions: In Physics and mathematics, the basic dimensions normally refer to the measurable properties required to uniquely specify a certain coordinate in the space-time continuum (i.e., length, width, height and time), while the higher dimensions in physics arise from unifying theories attempting to combine certain aspects of gravitational theory and quantum physics. To hear the continuation of this thought process, watch the rest of the video. Imagine what a wonderful freedom this is, being able to attend different schools of learning in highly advanced worlds, and then being able to return and share what we learned with more backward planets that need this knowledge? on October 23, 2022 in Understanding Hypnosis. Hypnosis helps bring . But guess what? Spiritual Mentor, Psychic Medium, Tarot Card, Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist, and Dream Interpreter. In fact, not even in Sanskrit texts that have been made available to the public so far can we find metaphysics of equivalent stature in what concerns the appraisal of how humans can evolve from the incarnation cycle of the Earth into becoming cosmic Masters. Please refer to treatises in the metaphysical/esoteric literature for more rigorous descriptions than the ones presented here. These teachings were received by George King in telepathic rapport with different intelligences from our neighboring planets, including the Cosmic Being that had incarnated on Earth as the Master Jesus. It is very much faith-based. Ontology represents the study of existence. Christian spirituality is engagement with God as God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ. The Beatles may have echoed ancient spiritual beliefs when they sang, ' All you need is love'. You gotta give them an A for trying though. People with ASD have a half-hybrid energy set: either half of a rainbow energy set, or half of the crystal energy set, or half of the indigo energy set. We first note that enlightenment doesnt only refer to freedom from intellectual ignorance. The concept is used with an intention to differentiate between the fundamental state of being and the other side of the world to initiate a form of argument in order to describe the emotional and fundamental state of mind. The short spiritual glossary presented below is not meant to be comprehensive. He also trims every branch that produces fruit to prepare it to produce even more. Psychiatrist Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, famously wrote about how he held onto meaning and purpose as a counter to suffering. 8. color Pink spiritual meaning. So, spiritual Metaphysics is the science of seeking and understanding the spiritual world. What if instead of an obstacle, sex was a pathway toward a spiritual life? . Secular and sacred are often seen as mutually exclusive. They can be interpreted, respectively, as freedom from fear (Bravery), freedom from hatred (love) and freedom from selfishness (service). They help to vitalize the physical body through the activation and circulation of prana that is received from the sun. Avatar: This word is used in connection to highly advanced beings that have incarnated on Earth in the past in order to render exceptional spiritual service for all humanity. We are not saying of course that there are no dangers and no selfish beings out there. Yet, this dust is divine and full of inner potential. One of the difficulties is that there is still a perception that while a person is alive, a planet or a sun may not be. Spiritual fasting for health is how you remove those basic earthly things . Humans are both deceptive and gullible, perhaps because of the survival advantages of being receptive to placebo effects. Here the subject freedom refers to a type of cosmic responsibility which is very different to the human concept of free will. The energy of the heart chakra is extremely important because it connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras, being the middle or equilibrium point. It provides spiritual momentum and nurtures the whole galactic system, with the physical rotation of the galaxy around this center being the most obvious consequence of this animating principle. What Is Metaphysics in Today's World? It includes breathing and meditation through movement, and iIt's used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial-arts training. This psycho-spiritual approach helps people live a more authentic life by making conscious choices. They are: 1. the principle of mentalism (the cosmos is all pervasive mind-energy, and as such is fully accessible by mind); 2. the principle of correspondence (as above, so below); 3. the principle of vibration (matter and spirit are the same substance in different degrees of vibration); 4. the principle of polarity (everything has two poles, has its opposite counterpart such as heat and cold, good or bad, etc, in an infinite scale where the inherent state is ever relative to its corresponding vibration which is all transmutable by mind); 5. the principle of rhythm (everything oscillates between its poles as in a tidal system); 6. the principle of cause and effect (the universal law of Karma); 7. the principle of gender (there is a male and female principle in everything, where sex gender as we understand on Earth is just a small fraction of this principle in its densest manifestation). The Lords of Karma are intelligences which oversee that the principle of action and reaction is well balanced in the cosmos. A possible analogy would be to look inside our bodies to realize that all cells in the body act in concerted harmony to cooperate towards the well being of the whole body. Here we have important metaphysical concepts. There are several different gradations of etheric matter, this being the material that forms the human chakras. Blessing number 4 contains a teaching in disguise. It is a self-empowering therapy that gives us the tools to identify and address the imbalances in our belief system that cause conflict and prevent us . The result of the voice transmissions associated with the work of George King is truly remarkable, especially the transmissions The Twelve Blessings and The Nine Freedoms that we note here, containing several hours worth of advanced metaphysical instructions which are still relatively unknown even in the so-called new age community. If a mantra is used for selfish purposes (in connection to black magic) it will bring grave karmic limitations to the person who recited it. The aforementioned metaphysical society also safeguards the original tape recordings of the full voice transmission of each teaching (received by George King in a trance state), and makes these important documents publicly available. It's understanding how to navigate the unseen world so that we can better navigate the seen world., When we learn how to navigate the unseen world, then we can better navigate the seen world. This is said to be the plane of intuition because it is where the higher aspects of mind can be contacted, including the Akashic Records. The increased, multidimensional awareness is an energetic state which comes from the recognition of the unity of all things, opening doors for subtle forms of energies and inner perception to flow through the chakras from higher vibratory planes or dimensions, which are energy levels. Higher dimensional extraterrestrials: This expression refers to extraterrestrial beings who have achieved a greater level of cosmic (spiritual) awareness compared to us. New teachings should not invalidate the ancient universal laws, but rather complement them and in some cases supersede some aspects of truth with more advanced concepts. Dharma Wheel. It investigates psychic abilities and psychic occurrences. Metaphysical Spirituality is a science, philosophy, and religion and is based on the life, teachings, and demonstrations of all Master Teachers. People who attend religious services, research finds, appear significantly less vulnerable to deaths of despair such as suicide, drug abuse, or alcohol poisoning. The outside cosmos is contained inside each and every one of us. The spiritual meaning of grace is the concept of receiving something from someone and passing it on until the environment around you begins to change drastically. Vibration: This refers to a molecular-atomic movement or frequency of all matter, energy and wave phenomena which characterizes their state and quality upon an infinite spectrum, forming the different cosmic planes of consciousness. Spirituality means different things to different people. If we contemplate deeply into this condition, we can all at some point choose to assume some degree of responsibility for this global suffering, one way or another. In essence, water is the life force that centers our spirit and our body, signifying wisdom and conscious awareness. When those are attained then we have freedom from ignorance (enlightenment), freedom from limitation (cosmic consciousness) and freedom from rebirth (ascension). The main problem with our western society (in these modern times) is that we have been trained to perceive the world only with the physical senses. Yin Yang says no matter how dark or light, knowledge or ignorance, masculine or feminine - everything needs balance. The last freedom refers to a path which is still inconceivable to us at this state of our evolution, but hints that the destiny of those who serve towards cosmic administration (again through inner spiritual development) is to eventually become a collaborator of the sun itself. As such, we attempt to provide an anchor that will draw people out of pessimistic dwellings linked to words such as abductions, invasion, etc, in order to uplift and show what is available to work with when the consciousness is sufficiently raised. This is the place normally inhabited by intelligences with a low degree of spiritual advancement, who cannot withstand the subtle spiritual emanations from the higher planes. For metaphysical background on the Post-Truth Era go here. We decided to add the instructions below because: 1) they were received by Cosmic Masters from our Solar System (hence from our immediate neighbors), 2) they enlarge upon ancient knowledge available in the occult metaphysical literature, 3) they are relatively little known around the world, 4) Alex Light was briefly contacted by one of the extraterrestrials who facilitated this information (see question number 75), and we believe that the teachings are true and accurate. Now you know what metaphysics is right? Guarding your soul (your feelings, your heart, your desires) is a path that leads to great spiritual wisdom. Metaphysics is an old branch of thought, and has a long and famous history starting in England in the 16th century. Saturnian existence refers to an exalted state in which the lifestream can have access to one of the most advanced planets of our Solar System where the headquarters of the Masters of the Solar System sits. You may Subscribe to JasonPowell.Faith on YouTube! Interpretation: These teachings are even more advanced than the metaphysics behind the twelve blessings, and relatively less known on Earth. Spiritual therapy falls under the umbrella of psychotherapy, also referred to as "talk therapy". The lower astral is heavily connected with basic physical desires and desire for selfish power over others. The term black has nothing to do with a color per se, but it hints an intention to bring aggrandizement for itself. We can't help but ask big questions: Research finds that even declared religious skeptics can't stifle a sense that there is something greater than the physical world they see. How can you discover the meaning of a nightmare? It also refers to the esoteric lack of light where light is cosmic consciousness or awareness of the connection of all things. It involves the use of spiritual energy to overcome the problem, such as removal of distress, caused by negative energies. As we can see, the teachings above are more than simple new age embellishment, as they contain advanced metaphysical knowledge informing about the actual structure of how the cosmos operates. When kundaline rises it activates each chakra, producing ever increasing psychic manifestations and awareness until complete inner cosmic realization is attained. Spiritual fasting can increase mental clarity, allowing a person to hear God's voice more clearly. Fasting is an act of discipline and self-control. African spirituality is truly holistic. It transcends the physical or visible world. Patchouli metaphysical properties. Count me in! Compassion - Compassion is one of the closest expressions that make love stronger. It is also the working of these intelligences that explains why the higher dimensional extraterrestrials havent been able to appear openly as yet, as humanity needs to sincerely wish and deserve such intervention with the heart (not with the mind, as explicitly stated by the Cosmic Masters). For others, it's about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selves through quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation. Research supports this idea: Those who report actively seeking meaning in life also report lower life satisfaction and happiness. Spirituality is awareness and communication between the individual and the higher forces of the cosmos through inner knowledge. This sub-plane exists in etheric matter around the Earth, and has been the battle ground of occult forces that would take control of the physical planet if so allowed. After sifting through many different versions of what everyone thinks metaphysics is and how it is practiced, I compiled some solid observations that define metaphysical belief. Jungian therapist Jeremiah Abrams defines spirituality as a "holy longing, a yearning to know the meaning of our lives, to have a connection with the transpersonal." Two simple but profound definitions of spirituality are offered by Alan Jones, former dean of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, who regards spirituality as "the art of making . Steve Lopez knows he is running out of time. Blessing 9 refers to a group of beings well known in the metaphysical literature. The astral body is also known as the emotional body in the metaphysical literature (related to the substance water in liquid form), which means that the aura or astral emanations of each person can change according to their emotional state. 5. The extraterrestrials who live in their etheric bodies have developed continuity of consciousness on a much more subtle plane of matter, such as the ones existent on planet Venus where they live independent of the environmental conditions upon the denser planes which we can observe and measure with our physical instruments. Spiritual fasting is how you practice your ability to manage the desires of the flesh. Your spirituality is the aspect of you that is tuned into the idea of there being something beyond you. Marc Wittmann Ph.D. on November 1, 2022 in Sense of Time. Interplanetary existence refers to a state in which the lifestream is free to serve and learn in different planets throughout the galaxy. The spiritual meaning of Amethyst is all about protection, divine love and positive energy. ), Metaphysical spirituality is about getting to root causes - getting to root causes of events and conditions of the mind and the body and the heart and the soul and dealing in the realm of root causes so that we can create more of the life that we want and less of what we don't want. (READ: Numerology, the Mathematical Code of Your Life). The universal laws influence everything we see and feel. We could use cosmetic pathways to make things look more attractive, but we feel that the simplicity of the path recommended by the Cosmic Masters is the way to go. Higher Self: This expression refers to the higher spiritual consciousness of each person, as opposed to the lower aspects linked to the personality, the purely intellectual mind, and the emotional and physical bodies. It has everything to do with transcending the temporal and touching the eternal so that the eternal realm of good can influence the temporal realm in the here and now. According to a spiritual perspective, ailments in these areas have one huge . Luckily, if you have understood our message you will know that spirituality has nothing whatsoever to do with organized religion. Law of Vibration. The terminology here refers to the more advanced stages in which the person can achieve this temporary liberation consciously, hence retaining full or partial memory of everything that was experienced upon the higher planes. Some of its properties are currently being studied by researchers who are investigating the many manifestations of aura of humans, animals and all materials. "Jesus said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 7th Sense Stories is your source for daily articles on psychic life, spiritual, metaphysical subjects, love, romance, relationships, mindfulness and so much more. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness. Cosmic Masters: This word normally refers to highly advanced life streams who are consciously linked to the cosmic hierarchy, and who actively engage in many forms of spiritual service that aligns with the higher purposes of the respective hierarchies.

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