sensitivity analysis is a study of

C. Change in output due to change in input. PubMedGoogle Scholar. 5 in Sensitivity Analysis Results Using the Novel PCE-Based Approach section among \(E_{{\text {a}},{\text {LV}}}\), \(E_{{\text {b}},{\text {LV}}}\)and \(R_{\text {OO}}\), the original calibration strategy proposed in Ref. \ldots N_{{{\text{outputs}}}} ] $$, \(X_{(-j)} = \left( X_{1}, \dots , X_{j-1}, X_{j+1}, \dots , X_{d} \right) \), \({{\,{\text{var}}\,}}[{\mathbb {E}}[Y_{i}|X_{j}]]\), \({{\,{\text{var}}\,}}[{\mathbb {E}}(Y_{i}|X_{j})]\), $$\begin{aligned}&Y = {\mathcal {M}}(X) = \sum _{k=0}^{\infty } \beta _{k} \varPsi _{k} (X), \\&\Rightarrow Y \approx {\mathcal {M}}^{\text {PCE}} (X) = \sum _{k=0}^{P} \beta _{k} \varPsi _{k} (X), \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned}&Y = {\mathcal {M}} (X) = \sum _{k=0}^{P} \beta _{k} \varPsi _{k}(X) + \varepsilon _P \Rightarrow \beta ^{\text {T}} \varPsi (X) \approx {\mathcal {M}}(X) \\&\Rightarrow \beta ^{*} = {\text {argmin}}_\beta {\mathbb {E}} \left[ \left( \beta ^{\text {T}} \varPsi (X^{(N_{\text {s}})}) - {\mathcal {M}}(X^{(N_{\text {s}})}) \right) ^{2} \right] , \end{aligned}$$, $$ Q^{2} = 1 - \dfrac{\sum _{l=1}^{N_{\text {test}}} \left( Y^{(l)} - {\mathcal {M}}^{\text {PCE}}(X^{(l)} \right) ^{2}}{N_{\text {test}} \, {{\,{\text{var}}\,}}(Y)}, $$, \(Y^{(l)} = {\mathcal {M}}(X^{(l)})\, \forall l = 1, \dots , N_{\text {test}}\), \(\left\{ X^{(l)} \right\} _{l = 1, \dots , N_{\text {test}}} \cap \left\{ X^{(k)} \right\} _{k = 1, \dots ,N_{\text {s}}} = \emptyset \), \(N_{\text {test}}^{*} = 4 \times 10^{4}\), \(N = \left[ 5 \times 10^{3}, \,10^{4}, \,2 \times 10^{4},\, 4 \times 10^{4} \right] \), $$\begin{aligned}&{\text {err}}^{S_{1}, Y}_{N_{1},N_{2}} = \max _{j \in \left[ 1, \dots , d \right] }\left|S^{N_{1}}_{1,X_{j}} - S^{N_{2}}_{1,X_{j}}\right|,\\&{\text {err}}^{S_{\text {tot}}, Y}_{N_{1},N_{2}} = \max _{j \in \left[ 1, \dots , d \right] } \left|S^{N_{1}}_{{\text {tot}},X_{j}} - S^{N_{2}}_{{\text {tot}},X_{j}} \right|, \end{aligned}$$, $$ {\text {Err}}_{L^{2}} = \sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{6} w_{i} \left( \dfrac{Y_{i}^{\text {target}} - Y_{i}^{\text {sim}}}{Y_{i}^{\text {target}}} \right) ^{2}}, $$, $$ f \left( \dfrac{{\text {d}}y}{{\text {d}}t}, y, t, x \right) = 0, $$, $$ \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{{\text {d}}V_{i}}{{\text {d}}t} = Q_{{\text {in}},{\text {i}}} - Q_{{\text {out}},{\text {i}}} &{} \forall i \in \left\{ {\text {RA}}, {\text {RV}}, {\text {LA}}, {\text {LV}} \right\} \\ P_{i} = E_{i}(t) (V_{i} - V_{0,i}) &{} \forall i \in \left\{ {\text {RA}}, {\text {RV}}, {\text {LA}}, {\text {LV}} \right\} \\ Q_{{\text {out}},{\text {i}}} = G_{i}(\Delta P) \; \Delta P &{} \forall i \in \left\{ {\text {RA}}, {\text {RV}}, {\text {LA}}, {\text {LV}} \right\} , \end{array}\right. You must log in or register to reply here. Sensitivity analysis is a study of. European Association for the Study of the Liver. If the main interest is the HA flow, the results (central panels of Fig. Impact of the SA on the calibrated set from measurements Fourth, the combination of the Sobol indices results pre-hpx and post-hpx opens to the identification of which parameters can be better calibrated in the pre-hpx in order to increase the accuracy of the post-hpx predictions. The total order Sobol index in Eq. Therefore, let the input parameters \(\left\{ X_{j} \right\} _{j \in \left[ 1, \dots , d \right] }\) be random independent variables following each a probability distribution, employed to compute the random output vector Y via the model \({\mathcal {M}}\). Sensitivity Analysis can be used to make this determination. Although this work is focused on partial hepatectomy, the pipeline can be applied to other cardiovascular hemodynamics models to gain insights for patient-specific parameterization and to define a physiologically relevant virtual population. Finally, we improved the calibration strategy using the information retrieved from the physiological filter outcome and the results of the SA, significantly decreasing the overall computational cost of simulating a virtual hepatectomy, in particular for the parameter estimation step. In particular, the model is solved for several cardiac cycles before simulating the partial hepatectomy, which is performed by decreasing the mass of the left and/or right liver. 8, global sensitivity analysis (GSA) for cardiovascular models has already shown its usefulness and, when combined with the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) method, its efficiency. 6) indicate that: \(E_{{\text {b}},{\text {LV}}}\) plays a significant role in all the major hemodynamics outputs: significant on \(P_{\text {pv}}\), MAP, CO and \(Q_{\text {pv}}\), mild on PCG and \(Q_{\text {ha}}\); \(E_{{\text {a}},{\text {RA}}}\), \(E_{{\text {b}},{\text {RA}}}\) have respectively a weak and moderate influence on \(P_{\text {pv}}\) and negligible influence on all the other outputs of interest; the effect of \(R_{\text {OO}}\) is significant for all the quantities of interest, especially for MAP, except for \(P_{\text {pv}}\); \(R_{\text {ha}}\) is crucial in the determination of \(Q_{\text {ha}}\) only; \(R_{\text {DO}}\) has an impact notably on \(Q_{\text {pv}}\) and moderately on \(P_{\text {pv}}\) and PCG; variability in \(R_{\text {pv}}\) and \(R_{\text {hv}}\) affect the simulated values of \(P_{\text {pv}}\) and PCG. Eng. Eng. 1. SA results using the full model \({\mathcal {M}}\) before (pre-hpx) and after (post-hpx) the virtual hepatectomy (\(N=10^{4}.\)). 114:2939, 2019. 37(10):e3497, 2021. 12. 3 and 6) follows the conclusions drawn for the pre-hpx Sobol indices comparison. Similarly \(R_{\text {OO}}\) effect is increased after the filtering for MAP by 0.08 for first and total order indices. No 05/2020 Dated 29/12/2020. A. Moreover the final parameter distributions enable the creation of a virtual population available for future works. It is also known as what-if analysis or simulation analysis. Comparison with literature data Third, the Sobol indices results presented in the previous section are in agreement with respect to previous findings in literature. Let me illustrate this on a simple example: Imagine that you research a problem with three variables: Income ($/yr. Note that for every input and output couple the first index is close to the associated total index, which means that higher order interactions are negligible. PubMed The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Sensitivity analyses are commonly employed in the context of trading, because they help traders understand how sensitive stock prices are to different factors. It may happen that a sensitivity analysis of a model-based study is meant to underpin an inference and to certify its robustness, in a context where the inference feeds into a policy or decision-making process. 5, 15). They regularize the original dataset distributions (Fig. In other words, when you do a sensitivity analysis, you're looking to see how certain variables change or are affected by the change of other variables. In order to verify that convergence is reached, several sequential simulations with increasing N are performed (\(N = \left[ 5 \times 10^{3}, \,10^{4}, \,2 \times 10^{4},\, 4 \times 10^{4} \right] \) exploiting the simulations already completed for the results presented in Sensitivity Analysis Results Using the Full Model section). Methods Biomed. For example, if the eligibility of some studies in the meta-analysis is dubious because they do not contain full details, sensitivity analysis may involve undertaking . However, it is unknown which tools do SR authors use for assessing . Math. Partial - the most commonly used approach, uses alternative values for individual key parameters. Finally, the outcomes of a preliminary study on improving the calibration step for the model \({\mathcal {M}}\) are exhibited. In literature, several numerical techniques have been proposed to reduce the overall computational cost. A future UQ considering uncertainties for a given subject is planned. The distributions of the input parameters specified in Input Parameters section come from the study of Golse et al.12 The authors employed the mathematical model presented in Human Cardiovascular Lumped-Parameter Model section to perform a validation study on a cohort of 47 patients. ii) Comparison of profit and loss is generally termed as P&L statement. One may check the results for the full sample and then analyze the sample . J. Numer. How to Do Risk & Sensitivity Analysis in a Feasibility Study. To numerically compute the sensitivity indices described in Eq. 4 the authors conducted a synthetic-data-based parametric study for a closed-loop cardiovascular system in order to investigate sensitive and insensitive model parameters trying to decrease the complexity of the model. For the calculation of Sensitivity Analysis, go to the Data tab in excel and then select What if . CAS Appendix 1 recalls the main features of such model. Predicting the risk of post-hepatectomy portal hypertension using a digital twin: a clinical proof of concept. Milan: Springer, 2010. Sensitivity analysis is a major approach to re-examining an already concluded viability study in order to determine what the investment appraisal outcome would be, if same or all the factor elements were to vary. In the context of using Simulink Design Optimization software, sensitivity analysis refers to understanding how the parameters and states (optimization design variables) of a . A 378(2173):20190381, 2020. In the context of using Simulink Design Optimization software, sensitivity analysis refers to understanding how the parameters and states (optimization design variables) of a . 6a and top left panel of Fig. Which of the following is the correct operation/use of 'under counter compactor types"? Future developments In the future we intend to extend the GSA to other significant input modelling parameters and to investigate the uncertainties within-subjects. In the present study, the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (eFAST) method was used to optimize the sensitive ecophysiological parameters of the Biome BioGeochemical Cycles . Sensitivity analysis is a systematic study of how sensitive (duh) solutions are to (small) changes in the data. The resistances \(R_{{\text {pv}},{\text {r}}}\), \(R_{{\text {pv}},{\text {l}}}\), \(R_{{\text {ha}},{\text {r}}}\) and \(R_{{\text {ha}},{\text {l}}}\) are inversely proportional to the hemiliver mass, whereas capacitances \(C_{{\text {liver}},{\text {r}}}\) and \(C_{{\text {liver}},{\text {l}}}\) are directly proportional to the hemiliver mass. This article is intended as a tutorial on sensitivity analyses, in which we discuss three methods to conduct sensitivity analysis. Allard, A. S. Cunha, D. Castaing, et al. New York: Springer, pp. sensitivity to hidden bias: some are sensitive to very small biases, while others are insensitive to quit large biases. 12 (top right panel of Fig. To accomplish this task, the model parameters need to be optimized with respect to in situ observations. B. Figure 4 displays the predicted probability density functions for the major hemodynamics outputs Y and compares them with the associated clinical measurement distributions from Ref. Formaggia, L., A. Quarteroni, and A. Veneziani. Please enter your email address. Using as baseline value the median of the clinical measurements from Ref. 12 for more details. If the model requires further developments, a first stage of validation before a new GSA has to be performed; however the framework to realize such SA is proposed in this work. Methods Biomed. C 48(4):484493, 2005. 12 that has proved to be clinically relevant. Philos. The associated nonlinear algebraic system is, where y is the state variable vector (see Table 9) and x is the list of all the model parameters (see Table 10). Retains study design, but mathematically manipulate the study variables. In particular, the orthonormal basis of the PCE is built using only such couples employing the adaptive Stieltjes algorithm,23 a more stable alternative to the well-known GramSchmidt algorithm. Simulation models use . The inputoutput framework described in Human Cardiovascular Lumped-Parameter Model section is not guaranteeing that all the considered outputs Y have physiological values. A sensitivity analysis, also referred to as a what-if analysis, is a mathematical tool used in scientific and financial modeling to study how uncertainties in a model affect that model's overall uncertainty. \(N_{\text {test}}^{*} = 4 \times 10^{4}\) (starting the SA study with \(N_{\text {test}}=5 \times 10^{3}\)) \({\mathcal {M}}\) simulations. The coefficients of this PCE-based surrogate model are then used to compute analytically the novel Sobol indices. False, Which of the following is TRUE regarding sensitivity analysis? Continue with Google. All . 4, 16. The GSA adapted by the authors was a Sobol index analysis that took into account the variance of six resistances, focusing on the liver and liver-feeding splanchnic system. Finally, we refer to Ref. Am. Although several sensitivity analyses are available, these are used infrequently. Sensitivity analysis involves assessing the effect of changes in one input variable at a time on NPV. In particular, the comparison between the computed preoperative Sobol indices before and after the filtering (left panels of Figs. A sensitivity analysis can also be referred to as . : Modeling for Advancing Regulatory Science. Lorenzo Sala. The difference between the simulated and measured median of the post-hpx CO is only about 0.13 L/min (\(2\%\)). Comparison of profit and loss. The results of this new strategy are discussed in Impact on the Performances of the Calibration Step section. Note that this analysis is just a preliminary investigation on the performance of the new calibration algorithm based on a small synthetic cohort. The following error estimation based on the predictive squared correlation coefficient \(Q^{2}\) evaluates the PCE accuracy: where \(Y^{(l)} = {\mathcal {M}}(X^{(l)})\, \forall l = 1, \dots , N_{\text {test}}\) and \(\left\{ X^{(l)} \right\} _{l = 1, \dots , N_{\text {test}}} \cap \left\{ X^{(k)} \right\} _{k = 1, \dots ,N_{\text {s}}} = \emptyset \). The E-value is defined as the minimum . 3.1 A First Look at Design Sensitivity. Heart Circ. Google Scholar. To view a copy of this licence, visit [1] A related practice is uncertainty analysis, which has a greater focus on uncertainty quantification and propagation of . Sci. The parameter values are available in the dataset at 1 that associates X, subset of x, and \(Y = H(y,t)\) with H observation function which only involves a subset of y. Inria Saclay Ile-de-France, 91120, Palaiseau, France, Universit Paris-Saclay, Inserm Physiopathognse et traitement des maladie du foie, UMR-S 1193, 94800, Villejuif, France, Nicolas Golse,Alexandre Joosten&Eric Vibert, You can also search for this author in In this study \(P=\dfrac{(d + q)!}{d!\,q! A. comparison of profit and loss B. comparison of assets and liabilities C. change in output due to change in input D. economics of cost and benefits of the project . The pre-hpx results (left panels Fig. Cardiovasc. Therefore, the ensemble of parameters and the couples inputoutput used in this study are a promising generated virtual population that can represent well the behavior of a real population of patients (virtual population dataset available at EASL clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Lost your password? After the filtering, from a classical Sobol experiment the number of remaining filtered physiological simulations can be significantly decreased. The computational cost of such estimator for first and total order Sobol indices is \(N_{\text {s}} = (d+2) \, N\) model evaluations where d is the dimension of the input space X and N is the sample size. Ellwein et al.9 highlighted the importance of performing SA for such system but with a local SA. See the standard solving pipeline in Ref. In this Appendix, we recall the main features of the mathematical model employed in this work that has been introduced and validated in Refs.

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