sociology and anthropology slideshare 04/11/2022 0 Comentários

dark and light feminine energy

As someone begins to explore the attraction dynamics of romantic relationships, theyll often find themselves asking, What is Masculine and Feminine Energy? They ask this question because theyve heard these apparent buzz words floating around in conversations about love, sex, and attraction. If you consult any source specifically about femininity or any dating sources that discuss the importance of a womans femininity, you will find they teach that Femininity is soft, gentle kind, innocent and caring. She has birthed the Womb Wisdom Journey and Training for those in womens bodies to connect to the full potential of their feminine, and the Intimacy Journey for Couples to support them on their path as Consorts. There will be breaks for meals. This Universe is created by both male and female energies. These two types of energies flow through everything that exists. Additional schedule details will be announced to registered participants prior to the start of this journey. Both female characters are decidedly feminine, but in different ways. In order to come to balance, the distortion must come out of the shadow into the light, and the authentic expression be given permission. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. For feminine beings who love masculine beings, they are most definitely aware of the single-focused nature of the masculine. Dark Feminine energy lives deep in the rich black soil of our Earth. It is the energy of action, but one open and loving, focused on faith-based action. This is my wish for you and all of humanity, and nothing less! <3. In order to come to balance, the distortion must come out of the shadow into the light, and the authentic expression be given permission. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The masculine plans. Please note that while the journey is not residential, it is an intensive and should be treated as a complete immersion. Us people including are dual in nature no matter the gender, the ratio is the only difference in male versus female. Friday, February 7: 14hrs 21hrs (function(d, s, id) { Feminine energy by contrast brings flow, spontaneity, creativity, and emotionality to life. Untamed dark feminine energy can make you reckless, toxic, and unable to access light feminine aspects like the ability to experience empathy, be receptive, nurturing, intuitive, and radiant. The differences between them are not a problem. From the embodied integration of these approaches and the gifts she came into this life with, she transmits the full range of evolution from personality healing, to soul awakening and anchoring, to opening to Spirit and letting yourself be guided by the One Life-Force energy. The Dark Feminine sensual pleasure, erotic wisdom, emotional fluidity, and naked authenticity., * January 2021: Living at the Center of the Cross (for women and men together). When they both work together, they dance and form a spiral, moving upwards, thriving and growing. It may be a pleasant experience for a while, but guys will get sick of you. In the alchemical mysteries, this unknowable, liminal place is the crucible for spiritual transformation. You simply can not be in your masculine energy and create true art. This may sound bizarre and slightly new age, but there is more to you than most of us think, believe acknowledge or understand. It is our sensual and creative side that scares people. It's a powerful, yet kind energy, that manifests through raw sexuality, being turned on so much by yourself that you turn everyone on around you. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. When we connect to her we connect to divine grace, unconditional love and acceptance, and the beauty in everything. Worse yet, these two words that play such a significant role in not just the chemistry and passion in conscious relationships, but also the entire expression of humanity, are often quite misunderstood and therefore judged for something they are not. The brain is in reverse, i.e the right eye is connected to the left side of your brain and the left eye is connected to the right side of your brain. When it comes to sex, these expressions show up as ravishment masculine ravishes while the feminine is ravished. 2. The shadow expression is when usually there is an excess of this energy, or it has been repressed, and then gets distorted. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. * Shadow: aspects of our being that are unconscious or repressed, and yet are affecting or even guiding our behavior. What happens then is that you are locked into one way of doing things. There is no energy of desperation, neediness, lack which relates to what we call these days the Wounded Feminine. Now, there is no question that masculine and feminine energy, as well as male and female bodies, are different from each other. TheRedArchive is an archive of Red Pill content, including various subreddits and blogs. * a non-refundable deposit is needed to reserve your place. This shows us that the ancients knew that these two energies had to interplay in order to experience wholeness and ultimate fulfillment. Without labeling these as light or dark, conscious or shadow, in the extremes the masculine dominates while the feminine submits. The shadow expression is when usually there is an excess of this energy, or it has been repressed, and then gets distorted. By being in this energy of relaxation, trusting, allowing, giving, and receiving, weve made room for rest, recovery, rejuvenation, receptivity, and love to manifest in our lives. As I approach the final chapters, I am extremely excited for the release of this new program! Connect more deeply with your body. Note: I will be posting lots more on the Dark and the Light Feminine in this FB event, in the form of videos, blogs, and commentaries. 8. In this case, in order to come to balance, this energy needs to be given permission, cultivated and strengthened. The world deeply needs the integrated healthy feminine to shine in womens and mens bodies. Let your creativity flow. From these stems the fact that the left hemisphere of your brain is involved in the language and logical reasoning whereas the right hemisphere is involved in the emotional processing. Pinterest. The Dark feminine is generally devilish and plays with desire. Dark feminine energy (yin) refers to us reclaiming our power as women and acknowledging our magick and seduction. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The majority of the time you will be participating in exercises and practices. Similarly, I took a phone call from a potential client years ago who was describing what he desired in a relationship. The woman that embodies this energy is magnetic and able to attract everything she wants knowing that its the energy of co-creation and manifestation. Either type applies to a Tomboy and Girly Girl contrast. Rose Quartz - universal love stone. The Dark and Light Feminine: Both the Dark and the Light Feminine can have a healthy expression, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow or stunted expression as well. Dark feminism isn't about being a Harley Quin clone or an edgy emo. Click HERE to find out more details and how you can get your man to fall deeper in love with you and beg you to be his one and only. If you've been on the internet in the past month or so, you've probably come across the terms light and dark femininity. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Takih is a Tantrica, a therapist, an activated soul, an international teacher and a student of life & essence. During this intensive you will: Without labeling these as light or dark, conscious or shadow, in the extremes the masculine dominates while the feminine submits. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Driving to a goal can be completely conscious, kind, and respectful, and that is also a time when the unconscious, or shadow side, of the masculine can show up. Journal 6 . The stunted version is when there is an inability to connect, to give and receive love, or to forgive. Priority to register will be given to those who have done the previous part(s) of the Journey: 4-Part Self-Training At The Center of The Cross, * February 7-9 2020: Initiation into the Dark and Light Feminine (for Women), * April 24-26 2020: Initiation into the Dark and Light Masculine (for Women) She is the essence of innocence and purity, love and divine knowing. Thank you , LOVE this! Even as she is queen of the dark, guardian of crossroads, traveler between realms, keeper of spells and sacred mysteries and protectress of women and witches, her name actually means "the luminous and shining one." (read my article about surrendering to masculine energy). The Dark Feminine is the expression of the dark, positive, and necessary energy that captures the mysteries of womanhood and magic, the chaos of creation and destruction, death and birth, transformation, rage, fierce compassion, seduction, and pure spiritual ecstasy. What is dark feminine energy? It contains. In order to get the most out of the journey, please make no other plans from when we start to when we finish. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Here, you can be seen for who you really are, broaden your comfort level in expressing your femininity, and tap into the essence of the power your particular feminine carries. Choose one of the download options below: TheRedArchive 2022. These opposing, yet joint energies, together actually make up the entirety of existence. The feminine goes with the flow. Girly Words . This is an intensive and its experiential. Female Energy is cyclic, like a circle. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Traditional ideas and concepts of femininity confine women to a particular way of acting. We must take note that we are speaking about energies here and not about tangible forms or anatomy. Light feminine energy. * while the journey is not residential, it is an intensive and should be treated as a complete immersion. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. * experience the Dark and Light Feminine as a portal of Life Force. (Click here to take the quiz Am I Dating a Commitment Friendly Man?). Watch. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. View complete answer on In fact, Kali really represents empowerment, fortitude, and courage. When I used to think of femininity, I thought of light, caring, soft, and nurturing. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; You can also like my FB page where I share plenty more. It projects outward, it secures and has a giving nature. The shadow expression is lack of boundaries, overly nurturing, and bypassing pain with all is love and light. } She is based in Finland with her soulmate, husband and inspiration. We are witnessing in todays society an increase of the Masculine Energy or patriarchal approach to life especially in the western world and when this energy is overly present, violence and competition in various forms is taken over. The animal and soul polarity is the vertical axis of The Cross. Being vulnerable is a light feminine energy and if you only activate your light feminine energy thats how you become a pickmeisha, men will never respect you. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); By the way, I am nearly finished with a New Program called Dark and Light Feminine. How to tap into your dark feminine energy in 14 healthy ways 1. The black, yin side has a fully enclosed circle of white, yang energy within it. To reiterate, masculine energy is not toxic and feminine energy is not toxic, but both can be unconscious, unkind and even harmful at times. Please only register if you can be there for the entire duration of the journey ! Connect with nature and your senses. Anything that can get you back into your body and back to pleasure and joy, can get you back into your feminine. I do think there is a subtle exploration there of what is the right balance for me? part of the ever-flowing path towards greater authenticity much love. She is that mysterious space between death and rebirth where something miraculous happens. Its an initiation we are going through as a society. We will be diving into these qualities during the intensive. var $container_width = jQuery( '.facebook-like-widget-2' ).width(); Too many today think in terms of masculine vs feminine energy, instead of focusing on their complementary and intertwined infinite nature. She is the fertile void of potential. It does not store any personal data. Takih has been leading international groups of all genders in almost 25 countries over the last decade, in the Americas, Europe and Asia. By the way, Ive just published my brand new DVD titled Becoming His One & Only! and right now its FREE for you to get a copy. * recognize how the Dark and the Light Feminine manifests uniquely through you; They will even heal our bodies when we understand their authentic nature and expression within us and between us both in the bedroom and in the boardroom. She is the decay and dissolution of matter. He shared that he desired a woman who was completely sexually uninhibited. } }; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js.src = ""; The dualistic nature of the Universe exists because of these energies which are opposite to each other: Day and Night, Light and Dark, Expansion and Contraction, Hot and Cold, Thought and Emotion, Order and Chaos, Yin and Yang all reflections of these primordial energies. function fusion_resize_page_widget() { Thank You. Drop any masks you wear based on patterns of pleasing, rebelling, or trying to live up to expectations of what a woman should be. Learn its language. This duality is best described by Anne Boleyn about herself and her sister in the movie, The Other Boleyn Girl - "I shall be dark and French and fashionable and difficult. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Its time we each play our part, and do something about it! It isn't limited to a gender or sexuality. The shadow expression is manipulation, power games, chaoticness, vengeance, and emotionally explosive. Be playful and spontaneous. This is an intensive and its experiential. Embrace receiving. The two sides of your body are reflecting these energies: left being predominately feminine and the right side being more masculine. For centuries, the moon has been a symbol of the goddess spirit, hanging like an orb above our heads, sometimes a slip of light, other times as fat and full as harvest. Watching a deeply feminine woman, for example, youll likely feel as if you can see an invisible light surrounding her, or in other words, youll see and feel, and likely be captivated by her radiance. Mercury Retrograde 2022 (Part III): Mercury in Libra & Virgo, Mercury Retrograde 2022 (Part II): Mercury in Gemini & Taurus, Mercury Retrograde 2022 (Part I): Mercury in Aquarius & Capricorn, The Line of Destiny transiting the signs of Scorpio & Taurus. When it comes to sex, these expressions show up as ravishment - masculine ravishes while the feminine is ravished. This is the energy that unites the world in love, peace, and personal authority, allowing all beings and all things to have a seat at the round table of oneness. Dark and light exist in both masculinity and femininity. Masculine and feminine energies interplay with, and sometimes but not always, correlate with, gender or sex, but they are most certainly not the same thing. For more free resources and inspirations, join:,, Video Webinar: The Light Masculine 101 (for those in Mens & Womens bodies), Video Webinar: The Light Feminine 101 (for those in Mens & Womens bodies). Being dominated by my masculine energy . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Come and anchor the essence of the Dark and Light Feminine within you, and feel the power of the union of the sisterhood within. Now, lets be fair, this is where the feminine can be truly conscious and honoring in her uninhibited wildness, her free emotional expression, and it can also be where feminine energy becomes an unconscious, or shadow expression. The Dark and The Light are about the vertical connections you have. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Both the Dark and the Light Feminine can have a healthy expression of feeling, different yet complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow or stunted expression as well. Jun 14, 2022 - This Pin was discovered by Dark Feminine Guru. Generally, the mental aspect of a person is driven mainly by male energy and the emotion aspect is driven by the female one. Either way, we will all be served in our hearts, our health, our happiness, and our sexuality if we make peace with these two natural energies. Love this Joanna. The stunted expression is when usually there is a lack of this energy, or it has been rejected, and therefor its not accessible. Take this 5-minute quiz to discover your core energy. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Want to Read. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I will also be releasing more information about Dark and Light Feminine the Program, and what it will cover in each module/section prior to the Release date. The Light Feminine The capacity to live as love and embrace everything. It perpetuates the old battle of the sexes. The masculine controls while the feminine surrenders. We define masculine and feminine energies qualitatively, or better yet, experientially. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Ideally, you will go through the whole journey, although each part is complete in itself. 4. In this case, its as if his mere presence commands your attention. This is actually just yet another way we perpetuate the battle of masculine vs feminine. Well go deeper into more qualities of each energy in a moment, and for now, notice how through this initial description, you can already see the contrasting opposite natures of the two words. The archetype of the dark spider or dark mantis is born, which sucks the life juices of its lovers. Masculine energy sucks it up, so to speak, and drives through the obstacles. When there is a deep understanding of the masculine and feminine within, well realize that there is a deep communion between the two, that they depend on each other for their fullness and power. Do You Know What They Are? Oct 15, 2022 - This Pin was created by Oceangirl on Pinterest. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Another powerful comparison between masculine and feminine energy has to do with emotions and logic. You cannot plan art. Receive spiritual inspiration and healing right in your InBoxby filling the form below: This is beautiful Isabela And humanity needs it too! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Follow the path of the dark Goddess 4. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. More specifically, the potency of the masculine depends wholly on the embodiment of the feminine within and in support of the masculine. Broaden your connection to the healthy and integrated feminine, and tap into the essence your particular feminine carries. You asked for it so let's talk about it! They will heal us. If you are ready to clear out the unhealthy imprints and patterns, and traverse the shadows around your femininity, this is for you! The active generative nature of masculine energy produces results while the passive creative energy of the feminine attracts matter and experiences. * access and increase the range of how your feminine expresses herself. FB.XFBML.parse(); Why is dark feminine emerging now? Please note: The shadow expression is manipulation, power games, chaoticness, vengeance, and emotionally explosive. js = d.createElement(s); = id; * Evil: anything that is actively blocking or attempting to destroy love, light and life. This is my wish for you and all of humanity, and nothing less! Syma Kharal (Goodreads Author) (shelved 2 times as dark-feminine-energy) avg rating 4.49 39 ratings published. The Dark Feminine is the expression of the dark, positive, and necessary energy that captures the mysteries of womanhood and magic, the chaos of creation and destruction, death and birth, transformation, rage, fierce compassion, seduction, and pure spiritual ecstasy. Therefore, activating your senses is one way to tap deeper into your feminine energy. All of that brings us directly to a sexual aspect of these two energies. There is a Dark and Light Feminine, and there is also Dark and Light Masculine. View complete answer on Dark feminine energy is led from the heart, it is being open and available for all things, but being unafraid to check someone if they do not respect or appreciate your boundaries. Always. This is so meaningful for my inward journey. When looking at a person, say watching someone walk across the room, you can feel masculine and feminine energy in your body. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful knowledge with us. While it is true that we each have a mixture of yang, masculine and yin, feminine energy within us, one of the ways our misunderstandings of these two energies wreaks havoc in love lives and sex lives occurs when these energies mix unconsciously and inauthentically. For example, you are never simply just a mother, a daughter or a best friend. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Perfectly well explained and very clear. 60,615 views Jan 19, 2022 3.5K Dislike Share Save Thee Dragon Goddess 10.8K subscribers Within this video I explain what dark Feminine energy is. The Light feminine is generally angelic and feels love. The Dark Feminine's negative aspects tend to be closely related to psychological issues such as hysteria, alcohol and drug abuse, and depression. To register please email: It is born of being ok with being what society doesn't want or allow you to be. Then, maybe consider making a personal consultation with me in order to shed some light and try to heal this issue from its root. However, thinking that one is better than the other, or that one is more powerful than the other, or that one is toxic and the other isnt, does deep damage to our psyches, our lives, our relationships. Being a nice girl is simply not enough. The shadow expression is when usually there is an excess of this energy, or it has been repressed, and then gets distorted. * Evil: anything that is actively blocking or attempting to destroy love, light and life. In completely consensual love making, many feminine beings are deeply aroused by the ravishing, even controlling, energy of the masculine. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The feminine cannot expand into her fullest embodied expression, her greatest power, without claiming, owning, and expressing her yang masculine energy as well. Dark Feminine Guru. For the hands, the principle is similar; your left-hand deals with your inner world and the roots of your emotional state, while your right-hand deals with how you project these emotional gifts to the outer world. That are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet aspects of Earth... Soul, an international teacher and a student of life & essence a fully enclosed of... Or shadow, in the category `` Analytics '' both work together, they most. Titled Becoming His one & only to give and receive love,,. A phone call from a potential client years ago who was completely sexually uninhibited. visitors with relevant and... Additional schedule details will be announced to registered participants prior to the healthy and integrated feminine, do... 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