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sensitivity analysis netlogo

Thanks. Sensitivity analysis is an investigation that is driven by data. a vector of input parameters) as an argument, and returns the outcomes of interest in a pandas Series. Copyright 2017, J.H. "Easing Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Netlogo Simulations Using SPARTAN." Proceedings of the ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems.ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems. Your email address will not be published. Every potential resident has an idea of their ideal lifestyle and acts selfishly to obtain this lifestyle. Results would have the potential to inform city and regional planners the kinds of density profiles that accompany these basic preferences found in the real estate market of their towns and cities. The size of the ST and S1 circles correspond to the normalized variable importances. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. NetLogo focusses on implementation of agent-based and spatially explicit simulation models, although system dynamics models are supported as well. Before you click OK, select Sensitivity from the Reports section. We can then use SALib to calculate first-order (S1), second-order (S2) and total (ST) Sobol indices, to estimate each inputs contribution to output variance as well as input interactions (again using the mean sheep count). We will perform sensitivity analysis to make this change of regime appear. pyNetLogo is currently compatible with NetLogo 5.2, 5.3, 6.0, and 6.1 and should support most NetLogo extensions. Taking the outcome for the average sheep count as an example, we obtain the following, using the scipy library to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) for each parameter, and the seaborn library to plot a linear trend fit. It is usually carried out using Monte Carlo techniques. Sensitivity analysis in NPV analysis is a technique to evaluate how the profitability of a specific project will change based on changes to underlying input variables. Voting Sensitivity Analysis If you download the NetLogo application, this model is included. Sensitivity Analysis (SA) is defined as "a method to determine the robustness of an assessment by examining the extent to which results are affected by changes in methods, models, values of unmeasured variables, or assumptions" with the aim of identifying "results that are most dependent on questionable or unsupported assumptions" [ 2 ].,var.sens= c ('X2','X5'),split.vals= seq (0,1,by=0.05)) Copy. All the algorithms and methods have been coded in a matlab toolbox allowing numerical analysis, reliability analysis, simulation, sensitivity, optimization, robust design and much more. We applied 13 parameters that defined the model and actively changed seven of the parameters to modulate the evolution of the population curve in response to these changes. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Gentrification, displacement and social exclusion are hot topics of debate in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The model currently has two monitors that show the number of green and blue patches. Sensitivity analysis gives you insight in how the optimal solution changes when you change the coefficients of the model. Yes, you can use BehaviorSpace to run your model 100 times, saving the results you want to a file-system file, then have a different netlogo program ( or proocedure ) read in the data and plot it. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), . In attempts to further understand complex systems at an individual level, the application of agent-based modeling is becoming prevalent across a range . For example, we could make the NetLogo file a keyword argument and pass the absolute path to it. All the algorithms are implemented by using NetLogo. Develop the forecasted income statement Determine the fixed costs and the variable costs on analyzing all the costs involved in the process Determine the range of Sales Factors percentages . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What exactly makes a black hole STAY a black hole? Cambridge, MA. Mathematically, the form of the Ishigami function is. With the addition of SPARTAN, the researcher can automatically create Netlogo experiment files for both. Easing Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Netlogo Simulations Using SPARTAN K. Alden, J. Timmis, M. Coles Published in ALIFE 30 July 2014 Computer Science In attempts to further understand complex systems at an individual level, the application of agent-based modeling is becoming prevalent across a range of academic disciplines. 5 Sensitivity Analysis. However, it can be noted that confidence bounds are still quite broad with this sample size, particularly for the S1 index (which indicates each inputs individual contribution to variance). We also send the SALib problem definition variable to the workspace of the engines, so that it can be used in the simulation. Because RNetLogo is available on CRAN, installation from within an R shell/RGUI can be performed by typing install.packages ("RNetLogo"). either code below or use the ProcessPoolExecuturor from concurrent.futures (recommended). We present an open . #Ensuring compliance of code with both python2 and python3, #Import the sampling and analysis modules for a Sobol variance-based, #Push the current working directory of the notebook to a "cwd" variable on the engines that can be accessed later, #Push the "problem" variable from the notebook to a corresponding variable on the engines, #The NetLogo random seed requires a different syntax, #Otherwise, assume the input parameters are global variables, #Run for 100 ticks and return the number of sheep and wolf agents at each time step, criterion : {'ST', 'S1', 'S2', 'ST_conf', 'S1_conf', 'S2_conf'}, optional, only visualize variables with criterion larger than cutoff, # use the absolute values of all the indices, #sobol_indices = {key:np.abs(stats) for key, stats in sobol_indices.items()}, #Set negative values to 0 (artifact from small sample sizes), Example 1: NetLogo interaction through the pyNetLogo connector, Example 2: Sensitivity analysis for a NetLogo model with SALib and ipyparallel, Running the experiments in parallel using ipyparallel, Example 3: Sensitivity analysis for a NetLogo model with SALib and Multiprocessing, ipyparallel package (also available on pip), Although leaps in computational power mean researchers can now conduct a comprehensive sensitivity analysis, if realworld data are unavailable . 2. This provides a more advanced example of interaction between NetLogo and a Python environment, using the SALib library (Herman & Usher, 2017); available through the pip package manager) to sample and analyze a suitable experimental design for a Sobol global sensitivity analysis. Finding intentional patterns within the complex universe. It helped me a lot to report the final numbers. The integration of Netlogo's parameter sweep function, Behavior Space, with an extended version of SPARTAN, the authors' previously published open source statistical package for performing local and global sensitivity analyses is demonstrated. One of the libraries wrapped by concurrent.futures is multiprocessing. NetLogo also boasts simple programming language, graphical user interface, and a comprehensive library of resources comprising community models, code documentation, and cloud services (Figure . One of the default libraries that ships with Python is concurrent.futures. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is an important part of the development and analysis of any simulation model. Next, we can connect the interactive notebook to the started cluster by instantiating a client, and checking that client.ids returns a list of 4 available engines. These options can be changed using the arguments. & Rand, W. (2015). The INITIAL-GREEN-PCT slider controls the percentage of initial green patches. On the other hand, global sensitivity analysis uses a global set of samples to analyze the design space. ga('create', 'UA-8461212-1', 'auto'); The Fire model integration has been covered in the NetLogo page of the Model section, so we take it from here. The formula for sensitivity analysis is basically a financial model in excel where the analyst is required to identify the key variables for the output formula and then assess the output based on different combinations of the independent variables. A current phenomena is short-term rentals of private homes. However, as the model demonstrates, many individuals acting selfishly alters the environment drastically from what it was originally perceived as. You can also Try running it in NetLogo Web. We can use a more sophisticated visualization to include the second-order interactions between inputs estimated from the S2 values. More details of this function can be found in (Sobol and Levitan, 1999). It is a companion model to another model from Chapter seven of the Textbook, Voting Component Verification. This code requires python3. What is the best way to show results of a multiple-choice quiz where multiple options may be right? BehaviorSpace is a software tool integrated with NetLogo that allows you to perform experiments with models. We then briey discuss the three sensitivity analysis techniques that are included within the SPARTAN package (one local analysis, two global analyses), before describing the result of each analysis for simulation responses gen-erated from the Netlogo model. Elaborate on both a) and b) in detail. NetLogo Voting Sensitivity Analysis model. Sensitivity versus scenario analysis. The orange line below is accompanied by a trend line, giving analysts an idea of the divergence NND displays across 4 parameter experiments based on an average value in the dataset. This model is part of the textbook, Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo.. Rand, W., Wilensky, U. Use Sensitivity Analysis to evaluate how the parameters and states of a Simulink model influence the model output or model design requirements. Below you can find the optimal solution and the sensitivity report. Kang, J.; Aldstadt, J. Running the experiments in parallel using a Process Pool; Detailed Documentation; Changelog Registration for the 2023 course will start in May 2023. . Although NND goes for a bit of a roller coaster ride throughout the parameter sweep forDistance to Service Preference,a pattern exists. After 500 ticks, the model stops. switch is on, then in the case of a tie, the central patch will always change its vote. If the CHANGE-VOTE-IF-TIED? A small change in a parameter the model is highly sensitive to, leads to a comparatively large change in the model output. This indicates a positive relationship between the sheep-gain-from-food parameter and the mean sheep count, and negative relationships for the wolf-gain-from-food and wolf-reproduce parameters. In the Sensitivity Analyzer, after . The interface offers methods for executing commands and returning values from reporters. An interface to access NetLogo from Python. The 2022 course is fully booked. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Facilitating Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models: A Cookbook Using NetLogo and 'R Winfried Kurth 2014, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Sensitivity Analysis is used to know and ascertain the impact of a change in the outcome with the inputs' various projected changes. Sensitivity analysis is an approach where model input is modified in a controlled manner and the effect of these modifications on the model output is evaluated. A refined Feedback model could have an adaptive utility calculation influenced by settlement densities. You can evaluate your model in the Sensitivity Analyzer, or at the command line. Homeowners have a plethora of standards or priorities and all may be informed by the density of where they live. Here we demonstrate the integration of Netlogo's parameter sweep function, Behavior Space, with an extended. We then start a link to NetLogo, and load the example model on each of the engines. Assume a plot widget reporting demean and destd. Furthermore, the ipyparallel package (also available on pip) is For example, the variable Neighborhood Density Preference has a range of values or parameterswhich are numerical (eg. SALib relies on a problem definition dictionary which contains the number of input parameters to sample, their names (which should here correspond to a NetLogo global variable), and the sampling bounds. Sensitivity Analysis: Definition. [ . SQL PostgreSQL add attribute from polygon to all points inside polygon but keep all points not just those that fall inside polygon. But what I want to is to draw plots such as this. Here's a sample writing part that computes mean and standard deviation of a run of numbers and after ten ticks stops. However, when the citizenry values aesthetic qualities of their surroundings over the convenience of the supply of resources, they congregate around these attractive landmarks but bring with them the nature of density: increased economic activity, potentially devaluing the region they once revered. Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo. Maybe we want to evaluate different quantile values as well. If you mention this model or the NetLogo software in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. I have several indexes such as mean and standard deviation of variables. Sensitivity analysis involves examining what happens to a budget when changes are made in the assumptions on which it is based. If the AWARD-CLOSE-CALLS-TO-LOSER? It would be nice to add a plot that shows the relationship between these two numbers. Here, we developed a model in NetLogo to describe the growth of a microbial population consisting of Pantoea. The second step is identification of the output model that is supposed to be analyzed, which must be directly related to the problem to be solved. 3.1.1 Sensitivity Analysis Notwithstanding the keep it simple mantra has been constantly kept in mind, AWS1.0 results to be to be very rich in content and makes use of numerous parameters, which is a common characteristic of many . I was thrilled to find SALib which implements a number of vetted methods for quantitatively assessing parameter sensitivity. This model is from Chapter Seven of the book "Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo", by Uri Wilensky & William Rand. I want to simulate this model, for instance, 100 times and plot the mean and CI of indexes. To calculate first-order, second-order and total sensitivity indices, this gives a sample size of n(2p+2), where p is the number of input parameters, and n is a baseline sample size which should be large enough to stabilize the estimation of the indices. All files used in the example are available from the pyNetLogo repository at Upon performing a parameter sweep for the 3 Preference variables of the Feedbacks model, it is evident thatAesthetic QualityPreferencepossesses the greatest volatility or inconsistency in relation to the density of neighbors. Why Nearest-Neighbor-Distance? Cite appropriate sections where-need-be. Below we use multiprocessing, anyone on python3.7 can use the The greatest sensitivity is observed at both 0.25 and 1 Aesthetic QualityPreference. Abstract NL4Py is a Python package for the parallel execution of NetLogo models via Python, designed for speed, scalability, and simplicity of use. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Required fields are marked *. Can I spend multiple charges of my Blood Fury Tattoo at once? As a result, agents happiness or satisfaction with their initial settlement decision could bedisplayed. However, at 1 aesthetic quality has greater value to each resident creating a more densely clustered settlement pattern at either attraction point. I prefer women who cook good food, who speak three languages, and who go mountain hiking - what if it is a woman who only has one of the attributes? Released under the LGPL license, the engine can be used, modified and redistributed free of charge. Sensitivity analysis is tightly linked to uncertainty quantification and is the process of quantifying how much of the output uncertainty each parameter is responsible for Saltelli (2002b). Snail eggs, juveniles and adults; prepatent and infectious snails; cercariae; and miracidia are represented as agents with temperature dependent birth or production, development and mortality rates. It determines how the independent variable of a business can have an impact on the dependent variables. Documentation for Ipyparallel is available at Sensitivity analysis, also known as "simulation analysis" or the "what-if analysis," determines the robustness of a model's outcome. Comput. The objective of the model is to measure the change in forest-extent after 160 ticks, i.e., the main model output is forest-extent. In the authentication 13 section we made use of the opinions of the stakeholders involved in the project. It can be used with the NetLogo graphical user interface, or without (i.e. As displayed by the model (quite accurate to real life), more people in a given area means there exists a greater demand for convenient resources (Service centers). How does the INITIAL-GREEN-PCT affect the results of the model? The former script was already performing a sensitivity Analysis, by varying density from 20 to 80 by step of 10, with 10 replication for each (seed is taken 10 . Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Sensitivity analysis, or the what-if analysis, is a tool used in financial modeling to evaluate how the effect of uncertainties in one or more input variables may lead to uncertainties in the output variables. The analysis identified the most influential predictors (parameters and their interactions) of the Gini-coefficient wealth inequality outcome. This site is maintained for personal and professional communications as authorized by the University of Oregon's computer use policy. As an example, this subsection uses the SALib Python library for a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) on the wolf-sheep predation model presented earlier. rev2022.11.3.43004. R can be downloaded from It could be a line plot showing the percentage of green patches, or it could be a histogram showing the count for each color. Positive feedback thus provides a level of certainty within this variables settlement outcome. This method takes a function and a Python sequence as arguments, applies the function to each element of the sequence, and returns results once all computations are finished. A variable is a value that is able to change within a scenario, such as an agent-based model, that is relevant to the experiment's outcome. This section describes two example use cases of nlrx using the Ants simulation model from the NetLogo Models Library: (a) a Sobol sensitivity analysis based on r' s advanced statistical packages, (b) a genetic algorithm optimization approach to optimize foraging speed. What is the difference between a variable and a parameter? This paper is supported We then set up the engines so that they can run the simulations, using a direct view that accesses all engines.

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