johnstown flood bodies found

Female. Medium height. Badge marked C. I. Co., employment. Extremely heavy golden hair. Son of Phillip Rapp, of Hornerstown. $1.00 bill. Passenger on the day express Given to R. B. Bates, Racine, Mich. Two breast-pins. Male. Age thirty-five. Five years old. View of lower Johnstown three days after the flood, Copy of the preceding picture was resold 11 years later as part of the Galveston Texas storm of 1900, Floods have continued to be a concern for Johnstown, which had major flooding in 1894, 1907, 1924, 1936, and 1977. Button shoes. Light complexion. Weight almost 130. Black or gray wool skirt with two broad ruffles at bottom. Pocket-book, containing $1 in paper and $1.30 in silver. Male. The force of the flood swept several locomotives weighing 170,000 pounds as far as 4,800 feet, $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and 18 foreign countries, The American Red Cross, led by Clara Barton and organized in 1881, arrived in Johnstown on June 5, 1889 it was the first major peacetime disaster relief effort for the, Johnstown has suffered additional significant floods in its history, including in. Female. Breast-pin shape of star. Sent to Prospect. Young lady. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Height 5 feet 6 inches. A catastrophic flood in 1889 killed more than 2,000 people. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Age about fifty-five. May 1JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Johnstown police are investigating deaths of a middle-aged man and woman whose bodies, as well as a dog's, were found with gunshot wounds in a second-floor bedroom of a house on the 500 block of Pine Street on Saturday afternoon. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Striped coat and pants. Plain gold ring. Ear-rings with white set. Trevor Hughes. Female. Two purses containing $19.45, one $2 bill, rest in silver, all halves and quarters except $2 and four nickels. Weight 130. Tom has no idea of Anna's love for him, and he becomes engaged to Gloria. Red flannel drawers. Four collar-buttons Set ring. One light plain gold ring. Breast-pin. Dark hair. Knife. Brown hair. Age about eight. Gray hair. Age twenty-five. Two rings with clover leaf pearl set. Light sandy hair. Blue waist. Weight 140. Age about thirteen. Female. $3.90 in coin. Woolen skirt. Sent to New Florence. Age about eighteen months. Gaiter shoes. Height 5 feet. Sandy hair Plain ring on third finger of left hand (with initials inside "C. R. Age thirty-five. Plush dress. Light hair. Round face. Weight 100. Dark hair. Alpaca dress. With blue merino stockings. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Blue and white striped shirt. Full face. 65 and collar-button worked in. Conemaugh street, Johnstown Oroide watch. Brown eyes. The body entirely nude, excepting two small pieces of skirt or petticoat Found at Ten Acre in the river, July 3d. Black hair. One band ring on finger of right hand. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Valuables given to James H. Green, brother-in-law. Age twelve to fourteen. Male. Left leg off three inches below the knee. St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. Black and white plain skirts. Red flannel underskirt. On May 30, 1889 the South Fork Dam, which maintained a pleasure lake for wealthy Pittsburgh industrialists and their families, failed due to very heavy rains and poor maintenance by the dam's owners. Age eleven to fourteen years. Plain cloth dress. Age nineteen. Gave valuables to R. Duncaster in presence of Corporal F.W. Brown and white ring hose. Male. Female. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Nickel five cent piece. Age thirty-five. Blue flannel underskirt. Middle-aged. Long brown curly hair. Little black waist Red undershirt. Silver watch and chain. Female. Full face. Gold watch, engraved Christmas 18-. Badly burned. High button shoe. Weight 125. Black stockings. Buttoned shoes. Gold band ring. Tape line. Age twenty-two. Supposed to have been employed by W. A. Moses. Medium stature. One chain with bracelet with small padlock attached Two pins joined by chain. Blue shirt. Sandy hair. One rubber sleeve holder with steel attachment. Two rings on finger of left hand. Check gingham waist. Age fifty to fifty-five. Long white dress. Full round face From Merchants' Hotel Identified by A. Adair. White cotton underskirt and red flannel skirt. At first supposed to be George Helsel, but found to be a mistake. Age thirty-five. Key ring. Brown black hair. Quite aged. Age about twenty-two. Female Age six. Gum rubbers. Age about eight. Pennsylvania's South Fork Dam exploded and unleashed a 40-foot wall of water. Dark hair. Female. Pencil Several letters. Breast-pin engraved. Purse delivered to brother. Small child. Valuables given to his son-in-law. 58. Babe. Young man. The death toll here was approximately sixteen people. Straw bonnet Black gloves One false tooth. Small gold ring. High broad forehead. Blue eyes. (2016). Bodies Were Found for Weeks Johnstown's dead were found miles past the stone bridge for weeks. Height 3 feet 9 inches. Two pocket-knives. Knox and Reed successfully argued that the dam's failure was a natural disaster which was an Act of God, and no legal compensation was paid to the survivors of the flood. Age fifty five. Cut in upper lip. engraved thereon. Female. Age unknown. Pocket-book containing eighteen cents. Killed on P. R. R. July 14, 1889. Female. No valuables. Debris was recovered as far away as Pittsburgh, about 75 miles to the west. Letter from her mother addressed Miss Della Davis, 142 Grant street, Johnstown. Chain with cross attached. Sex unknown. Vine street, Johnstown, Pa. Large. Lovers burnt and sweethearts drowned, Black cheviot coat, knee pants, coat pleated in front White waist figured with dog's head and red collar. Flannel shirt. Light complexion. Supposed to be John C. Clark's son. Black jersey. Two pair stockings. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Female. Female. Overcoat. Dark wool shirt pleated in front. Received the above valuables: Charles Brixner. Pair of steel knuckles Key. About forty-five years. Age about four. Female. Received the above described ring: Mrs. Allison. Boy. Thin silver ring on third finger of left hand. Valuables. Buttoned shoes White handled knife. Woolen stockings. B. or J. Supposed to be William Henry. Age thirty-five. Red hair and mustache. Small button shoe spring heel. Pocket-book, $6 35 money. Striped white and blue stockings. Eyes unknown. Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. Claimed by Wm. Red skirt, with six inches of checkered cloth at top of band. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Hazel eyes. Mark on stomach looks like a burn. 7. Johnstown Police detectives were . Age fifteen. Female. Height 5 feet 6 inches. No valuables. Body left on lot of Thomas L. Davis. By order of Mr. Scott buried at Prospect, June 10th. All but the hips and lower limbs burned away. Schotz.". Pocket-book and buckeye. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Age forty to forty-five. Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889 challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report, Heliyon. One body was even recovered 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio (Coleman 2019). In 1988 he said that the high water . Black hair. The last victim wasn't found until 1911. Male. Male. Initials, I. P. or J. P. Male. Very fair and fine looking. Weight about sixty-five. Body delivered to her husband and taken to Morrellville, Pa. Dark hair. Cash $12.74. Though the Flood of 1889 bears the name of Johnstown, the reason for the flood started 14 miles up river at "Lake Conemaugh." The 3-mile long body of water was originally called the Western Reservoir and was built by the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal system in 1852. Charm with different metals set in. Weight 90. Female. Age five years. Coffin furnished his father from the Morgue. It was, however, the third flood to devastate the town in Cambria County - the first in 1889 killed more than 2,000 . False teeth lower jaw. Slender. to "M S. Bunch of keys. Nine years old. Female. Small piece of green ribbon. Weight 150. Large. Cow-lick on right forehead. The morgues kept very careful records, but nearly one in three of the victims were never identified. Comb with glass beads. Kaktins, Uldis, Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., Coleman, N.M. (2013). Light hair partly gray. Large. Dark hair. Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Female. Button shoes. Taken by "Deckart.". Greatly decomposed. Dark brown hair. By 1889, Johnstown's industries had attracted numerous Welsh and German immigrants. One old style carved ring. Watch chain and two lockets. Age about nineteen. Button shoes. Weight 140. Body lifted by Thos. Plaid dress. Female. Male. Male. Height 3 feet. One cloth slipper flowered. Ring on finger. Conemaugh street, Johnstown. Afterwards identified as Mrs. Samuel Lenhart. ($1.68, keys, etc). Female. Height 5 feet 4 inches. [15] From his idle locomotive in the town's railyard, the engineer John Hess heard and felt the rumbling of the approaching flood. Tents and . Weight 100. Age seventeen to eighteen years. Male. On the morning of May 31, in a farmhouse on a hill just above the South Fork Dam, Elias Unger, president of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, awoke to the sight of Lake Conemaugh swollen after a night-long heavy rainfall. Female. Black and gray mixed coat. Red waist Wore a truss. Last summer, Beale's yellowing journals were found in an old Philadelphia carriage-house, shedding new light on a catastrophe that killed 2,209. Large hair-pin. 81 cents in change. Age eight. All toes off left foot except small one. Plaid dress pleated in front. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Pocket knife. Female. Maroon colored dress. Blue and white barred gingham apron. Black and white striped dress with a black cross stripe. Breast pin. Age twelve. Witnesses Charles Diamond, E.B. Of Company C, 14th Regiment Penna. Had shoes on. Dark flowered calico waist. Eye-tooth taken off at gum. Coleman, Neil M., Wojno, Stephanie, and Kaktins, Uldis. Black pants and coat. Height 3 feet. Bar pin with red settings. Weight about 120. Red flannel underskirt striped up and down Left lower jaw deformed. Small gold ring. Female. Bright steel buttons. Female. Died from injury in the flood. Waist of narrow striped black and white goods. Auburn hair. Two feet rule. shoes. Home knit lace collar. Blank book. Rusty door key in one pocket. $1.13 loose. Black stockings. Lisle thread mitts. Light complexion Blue waist. Height 4 feet 9 inches. Afterwards identified as James Dillon, of Somerset. Well dressed. Knee pants and brown and black striped, good. Weight 165. Weight 125 pounds. Age about ten. Heavy build. Pocket-knife. 8 comments. Two rings, one engraved E. Male. One out left side. Red woolen hose with black feet. Shippensburg, Pa. $1 29 silver. Black cashmere dress. Sex unknown. Male. Gingham apron. Davis T., C., Coleman, Neil M., Meyers, Reed A., and Kaktins, Uldis (2009). Wooden pipe. Young, June 9th, Grandview. Female. Johnstown, Pa. Age twenty. Found at Conemaugh furnace. Beale, D.D. Gold ring with set collar-button. Small earrings with ball attached. McCullough, David (1968). Unrecognizable. Fair hair. Age about thirty. Barton would leave Johnstown a hero. Light hair. Male. Red and black ringed woolen stockings, home knit. Female. Black hair. Brown hair. Male. Blue calico dress, new, with white vine stripes. White underclothing. Eighty. No clothing. Black pants. Blue and brown striped shirt pleated in front, pearl buttons. Female. Richland township. Smooth face. Colored shirt. Female. Male Sandy beard and moustache, slightly gray. Breast-pin. Female. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. Watchman at Wire Mill. Middle-aged. Guardar para ms tarde. Calico waist. Hair dark and very long. Age forty or forty-five. Age eleven. Age about twenty. Black stockings Cardinal jacket, with brass buttons. Rhinestone ear-rings ruby set, two sets lost out. Light hair. Comment. Thomas J. Jones. Identified 12th August by her sons, Matthew and D. A. Matthews. Male. 145 pounds. Brown hair plaited and tied in knot in back. Spectacle case. HE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. . Steel buttons. One cuff-button and large key. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Black hair. Badly burned. Male. Weight 70. Frank Shomo, the last known survivor of the 1889 flood, died March 20, 1997, at the age of 108. Describe the flood that devastated Johnstown. Age forty-five. Age eight or nine. Spring heel button, shoes, half soles, heels repaired. On May 31, 1889, a neglected dam and a phenomenal storm led to a catastrophe in which 2,209 people died. Forty were killed by the Laurel Run Dam failure. Female. Red and white striped skirt. Hundreds of people were never found; over 750 bodies were never identified and their remains were buried in The Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery. Age twenty-one to twenty-five. Gray woolen drawers. $13.30 in change Open-faced silver watch. Flash floods occur when heavy rainfall exceeds the ability of the ground to absorb it. Two pocket-knives Forty cents in silver. Brown stockings. Heavy mill shoes. (2017). Son of John W. Peydon, 179 Clinton street. Age fifty. Black calico dress with white spots. White underwear. Corsets. Red mustache. Breast-pin. Male. Height 5 feet 6 inches. White and black mixed frock coat and vest. However, owing to the delay at the stone arch, the flood waters gained renewed hydraulic head, resulting in a stronger, more abrupt wave of water hitting places downstream than otherwise would have been expected. Blue and white striped shirt. Age seventeen. Weight 145 pounds. Weight about 60. Age sixty-nine. White undershirt. $29 54. Light brown hair. Black overcoat. Weight 40. Female. Silver watch, knife, etc., taken by A. Craver of Ebensburg. Black wool underskirt. Two gold rings. Muslin skirt. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. Black stockings. Eighty cents in coin. Small, round, black ball. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Age about sixty-five years Knife. Two keys. [7] The Conemaugh River, immediately downstream of Johnstown, is hemmed in by steep mountainsides for about 10 miles (16km). Age sixty-five. White Age twenty-nine. Also blue mother hubbard wrapper with white spots. Two years old. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. Found in arms of Miss Brown. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Viering aged one year. Light hair Gray wool dress pleated. 1 on person. Male. Blue calico basque figured with white squares. With George O'Brien, Florence Gilbert, Janet Gaynor, Anders Randolf. Philadelphia, PA: J.W. Brown hair. Electric wire keys Plug of tobacco. Male. Low laced shoes. Name on key-ring was Frank E. Stattler, on reserve side was No. The Johnstown flood of 1977 was a major flood which began on the night of July 19, 1977, when heavy rainfall caused widespread flash flooding in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, United States, including the city of Johnstown and the Conemaugh Valley.. On July 19, 1977, a deluge of rain hit the area around Johnstown during the night. Male. Left incisor tooth broken. Female. Large pocket-book with papers. Dark hair. Red underskirt. Dark hair mixed with gray. Wine color underskirt. Medium height. Steel spring gaiters. Weight 134 pounds. Brown hair. Weight 60 Height 4 feet 4 inches. Earrings. Found at Conemaugh furnace. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. Tobacco box. Male. Age about twenty-one. Samples of dress and skirt on coffin. 16518. Buried in St. John's Cemetery. Male. Supposed to be Cooney or Conrad Schnable. Blue eyes. One scarf-pin. Height 5 feet 6 inches. White flannel skirt. White and black or blue striped collar. Medium height. Found in Conemaugh Borough. Female. Female Age seven. On Day Express. 99 entire families were wiped out, 396 of them, children. This number of deaths was later surpassed by fatalities in the 1900 Galveston hurricane and the 9/11 attacks. Valuables in hands of John H. Scott. Black ribbed hose. Two black hair pins. Age forty-three. Blue wool skirt. Buried at Grand View, June 9th. Height 5 feet. Black skirt Red underwear. From pockets were taken a three-bladed knife, ring, shoe button, lead-pencil with pocket fastener, street car check and child's china ornament. Plain gold ring on first finger of left hand. Brown dress with red plaited front and cuffs. St. John's Cemetery.

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