solar return 8th house

Looking back over the past eleven months, I have to agree that its been an extremely important year where death, sex, secrets, other peoples money, and regeneration were all spotlighted for me. However, yes, my grandparent . SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE In many astrology books, this is the house of spiritual and religious information, but it actually rules much more than that. I stand to inherit money from him, hence the 4th house Jupiter for 2011. Overall, this year about the death of a lot of old ways of thinking that no longer served me. Whatever house in which Venus appears, that house will be graced with an element of harmony and cooperation. The phrase "acute awareness'' encapsulates the interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. If you are not already a putative Leonardo da Vinci, then you certainly wont become one during a year that gives prominence to your Solar Return Fifth House. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. December 2011 There is a transforming quality associated with Mars in the 8th, and much energy can be applied towards gaining insight into sexual, financial, and psychological matters. A new pair of contact lenses had big ramifications, too, not just for the sake of appearance but eased my aggravation with reading glasses. If you're an eleventh house native, the eleventh house is an ongoing theme in your life. The strong themes are what aspects your SR chart makes with your natal planets, and whether there's a cluster of planets anywhere in your SR chart. Is that something you've been doing? March 2020 The Solar Return Fifth House is where you go to have fun, which is a relief after all those family issues. Generally, there is at least one major misconception recognized during the year. The changes made me look as I had maybe fifteen years ago, back when I had had no appreciation for my appearance because most of the people in my life spent their time pointing out my flaws. For example, I have a packed 8th with nothing in the 5th. Take heart, fearful ones, because heres how it manifested for me. As of a couple of weeks ago, Im now in another 8th house sun year, withlike youa whole bunch of planets in the 8th house. 28/04/2016 Jessica Davidson. November 2014 His not seeming to care about my financial situation angered me and brought up alot of childhood issues of feeling abandoned and not cared for by him. May 2019 The Solar Return Fourth House is where we look after things so its where we cook, clean and grow things (flowers, families, ourselves) and those matters may demand significant amounts of your time and energy if your Solar Return Chart points that way. One thing I have noticed about the Solar Return Seventh House is its immediacy the relationship it points towards will be significant in your life even if temporarily so. Its where you feel a sense of belonging in a communal sense. December 2014 Negotiate it well and it will enable you to grow and move on in some way. June 2016 So, the Solar Return Second House is about your income and any changes you may experience in your finances. June 2018 The Solar Return Seventh House is where you buddy up. Who knows? Family matters are found in the SR Fourth house and, as we know, there is nothing like family to stir up the emotions which they will do in this house. How else could I see it? If you are only having a problem with one particular relationship, whether business or personal, while all others are fine, perhaps it is time to face the issues directly and open up an avenue for discussion. So book your ticket and go. The 8th house solar return Sun is generally associated with disruption and change. Their money. Solar Returns: An Introduction is also available from, Scribd and other online bookstores, using this Universal Book Link (UBL). Parents, Parenting, Families, Home, Houses, Land, Gardens, Nurture, Nature, Roots, Stability, Attachment, Food, Cooking, Kitchens, Lodgers, Tenants, Decorating, Repairs. 64 people love it! May 2013 Money close up! February 2016 January 2016 The mind-body connection is strengthened, and though subtle, provides valuable information regarding diet, exercise, rest, and daily habits. Solar Return Ascendant in the natal 9th house: Travel, higher education or even meeting people from other cultures are in the cards for this year. Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. I think one of the best ways of describing the Solar Return Eighth House is as follows: it is transactional. The purpose of the Solar Return Ninth House is to broaden your mind and alter your world view during the course of the year. We think of change as away from the security we know and loveand even sometimes hateand rarely toward a good thing unless life has been really terrible recently. What happened? You may feel the desire to study something new, or improve the way you do your present work. I have, emotionally, let go of my father after this event. How you deal with your resources and this is not simply your wage slip but also your own talents has a direct correlation with the price you put on your own head. March 2015 My understanding (and related to my own story above) is that gives you some extra oomph. The paradox of it is that while Ive been living my life in the open for several years now, people I was loyal to were not, and their secrecy and dishonesty had a negative effect on my health. She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. The north node isn't as important as some other factors. crisis make you grow up in this year. The 8th house also signifies the transformations through growth and change. The ruler of the 8th house is Jupiter in Libra at a critical degree, the 26th. To. The Solar Return Third House is where you think. You may spend much of the year dealing with business contracts and negotiations or legal matters, for example, as they are often indicated by this house. This house acts as a reminder to get real about life and usually those matters which require us to be realistic are found here. 2nd - You may be able to make money off of the changes you have made. When it comes to astrological charts and their twelve life sectors, called houses, the scariest piece of the pie is the Eighth House, followed closely by the mysterious Twelfth House. When many of us think about creativity, the tendency is to assume the concept refers only to artistic creativity. March 2023 So I pulled up my solar return this year and noticed a whole bunch of 8th house activities. To an outsider, these may seem small but they were huge changes to me. So, its here you will find your parents (some astrologers place your parents in the 4th and 10th houses, I find the 4th is more representative of them both). This assimilation process is essential to the individuals multidimensional growth. If you want to hear an eighth house story: the first time I had my solar return chart done professionally, it was a year when my SR AC was just a few degrees off my natal one, so all the house lined up. I was able to make changes in my retirement accounts before I lost major bucks in the stock market, so that part was good. My best solar return i had Jpiter in the 11th house, I had lots of friends and a good social life. Your imagination (because of the Moon!) March 2018 If you have planets in this house, it could mean that you're keenly interested in magic and mysticism. That won't always be on the exact day of your birth. at which zodiac sign and what planet is in your seventh house via your natal chart solar return chart of your birthday. Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this year, and there will be times when you will see more or know more. But it is also possible to realize the fulfillment of a strong belief in your own abilities. Our children are found in the Solar Return Fifth House and they are our greatest creation of all. September 2020 June 2013 So, in The Solar Return Second House, you find your material resources and also learn the skills of resourcefulness. The Jupiter Return Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. The meaning of a planet in the Solar Return First House is always up front and personal and on display. July 2018 Ideas abound, and you are open to looking at life, The 9th house is the house of beliefs. Who you are, what youve got, youve got opinions, you know where youre from, what you like, how to look after yourself, how to relate and pay your way. Manipulation only traps everyone involved. Instead, Ill take mini-retirements and have fun along the way instead of deferring life to when Im oldest. That was ages ago though. September 2016 The Sun is as likely to develop a pattern of rotation through the succedent and cadent houses, moving thro, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Sun in 7th House of Solar Return chart placement, indicates the time is right for truly getting to know others, to understand their dreams and disappointments. Major Changes, Major Decisions, Sexual Relationships, Death, Birth, Phases of Life, Insurance, Taxation, Loans, Investments, Inheritance, Crime, Violation, Power. Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. January 2020 June 2017 Up front, I want to remind you of the basics the Planets in your Solar Return Chart tell you What will happen and the Solar Return Houses tell you Where. Does this mean what I think it means? Its about public image, social responsibility and public or social commitments all the big issues we have to live up to. Also, your seventh house might not be in the sign of Libra. September 2014 I have issues with my bad tempered, judgemental father. A Solar Return Chart is a special chart for your birthday year based on where you are on the day that the Sun is in the exact place that it was on the day you were born. So will you improve your assets or be a complete liability? November 2018 When you are born, the Sun in your natal chart has a specific position in the zodiac. This may involve artistic creation if you are so inclined, however creativity also applies to almost every other field of human endeavour so if you have a love of science, sewing, sport or sex, an emphasis on your Solar Return Fifth House may prompt you to take a risk and try something new, engage more with the thing you love, have more fun doing it and boost your confidence at the same time. July 2021 I say that without passing judgement. You may have to deal with more serious issues and matters, and have to dig deep into people and situations. Do You Love Yourself? Thanks to your comment, I think I will begin a month-by-month analysis of this 2nd 8th house sun in 4 years. Therefore, Jupiter in the 8th house of Solar return chart is primarily focuses on the money made available to you after someone else has al-ready earned it. Psychological forces will play a strong role. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. October 2018 You can also work on financial matters that involve other people. October 2014 The Solar Return Second House is almost always to do with your personal finances and the resources you have at your disposal during the year. Put this way, you can see that the Solar Return Eighth House is where you meet a turning point in your life. It is also the first house in the chart where you engage with the outside world usually your immediate environment or neighbourhood and you may be more involved in local issues this year. - Where your SR moon is suggests your emotional focus, and where your SR sun is suggests the focus of your personal development. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. Intellectually, this is a time to gather information. So, matters such as relocation, house repairs, remodelling and redecoration are found in the Solar Return Fourth House. Hence this houses traditional association with power, big money, crime, sex, birth and death. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. June 2012 Her many hats include writer, publisher, contract negotiator, mom, ordained minister, and life coach. April 2012 Birth . Also read, Example chart case study - sun in the 8th of Solar return. September 2015 Therefore, Changing financial conditions are common with Uranus in the 8th house. Caring for others, visiting those in hospitals or even jail time is often found in the twelfth house getting away from it all is not necessarily a voluntary exercise. Now, your solar return happens when the Sun reaches the exact degree of your natal Sun. For example, the Sun in the1st housein this year's solar return will probably move up to the10th housenext year, assuming certain conditions: The individual must remain in the same location and this location should not be too far north or too far south in terms of latitude. This can indicate issues with friendships, shifts in allegiances, even alterations in your political outlook. The Eighth House is about death, sex, regeneration, other people's money, secrets. August 2018 .. It is hard to predict a death in the family, but after studying this years chart, my Solar 8th house is in Taurus, Venus in the 9th. December 2012 However, the face you present to the world is for the duration of one year only. You may or may not have a planet in your seventh house, but everyone is born with the seventh house in their natal chart. ( I checked my solar return chart for the next year and if I stay at my place on my birthday I will have uranus in 8th house. - Venus aspect Mars. You expose yourselves to "high" financing or mortgage and in some cases there is a real risk of a possible financial reverse, just as, on the contrary, The unforeseen arrival of a conspicuous inheritance or of a bequest or donation. We gain a sense of comfort from associating with like minded people and a sense of freedom from aligning ourselves with those who are like ourselves our tribe. So, by the time you reach the Solar Return Ninth House, youve learned a bit about life. This could be from a distorted/enlarged . Hospitals, Drugs, Alcohol, Addiction, Shadows, Physical Therapy, Psychological Therapy, Dreams, Escapism, The Past, Dream Holidays, Beaches, The Sea, Sailing, Undercurrents, Cinema, Music, Dance, Trance, The Soul. Solar Return s are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. Most of my dealings with secrets overlap into the other Eighth House issues I had. You meet an obligation, you realise that life is not all about you, you learn that relationships involve compromise, you have to give way to something more powerful than you and you learn to accept thats how things are in this life. The ashrams, temples and bars you visit on your quest for spiritual enlightenment are also found here. Friends, the future, hopes and wishes, social contacts, social media, technology and invention, freedom, ideals and good fortune. I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house. I didnt feel that Id partner up with anyone on a definitive long-term commitment basis, which made me wonder how the year would go. also read, Example Case Study chart - Sun in the 9th house of Solar return chart. Health information is gathered through . intellectual sources and also from the body through wellness, sickness, and biological awareness. November 2011 . July 2014 One of the big lessons for the year was in figuring out how to let go of emotional wounds that caused physical illness and injury. if your solar return ascendant is in 8th house in your natal chart, you may have crisis in your life, something that you can not control. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the Moon's nodes will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. Insights gained from physical sensitivity to the bodys needs and its balance are integrated with factual data, learned responses, beliefs, and intuition to formulate a supportive health regimen.. February 2021 The natal + solar return with houses option is the one I would use. In the Solar Return Tenth House you succeed or fail and the course of your life (in terms of your career or public status) is adjusted as a result. How exactly it manifests will very much depend on which level you experience the values of Venus. Sex I really dont know what to say about this one. February 2018 August 2017 You wish to earn more but you may risk making the wrong move (like asking for a loan that is more than you can afford to repay). His memory, his body parts causing him problems and failing, crashing his car and finally admitting that its not safe for him to drive. You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. You will find life easier if you put together what you already know, rather than take in what you find difficult to relate to. October 2020 Sun in the 8th House - Solar Return With the Sun falling into the Eight House during a Solar Revolution there is a need that you will have during this period to transform yourself, to elevate your existence to a higher note. Sitting in the cemetery at sunset, 8 months into a year with Solar Return Sun in the dreaded Eighth House; Photo copyright by Aislinn Bailey, AisPortraits, Niceville, Florida. While a lot of my old ways of thinking died and were reborn or re-focused into something even more productive, this regeneration was never a bad thing. January 2019 Work was fine. Unavoidable, in my face, unignorable and if I was to ignore it, I'd essentially die. Money will come in and there will also be outgoings with greater frequency compared to other moments in your life. Ok, now here's my actual 2018-2019 solar year chart. You want to expand your life in some way, have new experiences, make improvements and you are prepared to take a risk and do something outside of your usual routine or sphere of experience in order to do so. December 2013 Factual and practical data becomes integrated with emotional insights to form spiritual understanding. Thats what travel and education do. Extra Considerations These reflect Second House possessions issues (on the opposite side of the chart) but were more about transforming my ideas on money. I hope that's correct because that's what I want for myself and I'm not one to shy away from pain either, especially for the sake of growth. The notion of self is a key concept in analysing the Solar Return First House. As far as sex goes, Im not dating anyone, although Id like to. Unable to let go of control in your life. I don't wanna scare you or anything cause I read that 8th house SR isn't always about death of your family member,but about deep transformation. Home was fine. The Eleventh house can seem a bit of a hotchpotch. I have heard dire warnings from astrologers to consider traveling just to make certain that my Solar Return Sun was either in the Seventh House of relationships and partnerships or in the Ninth House of education and travel. Moon in the 9th house of Solar You assumed wrong mr. I have fond memories but it isnt as bad as I thought itd be. The lack of integration associated with this house can lead to inaccurate or contradictory perceptions while in the 12th, and distorted or prejudicial beliefs while in the 9th house. December 2015 - Moon aspect Sun. Like you this year, I also had SR Mercury in the same house as SR and natal suns. Rather unfairly, I think, because of this, the Sixth House has a rather dull and boring reputation. After the fun of the Fifth House, perhaps its only natural that the Sixth House should bring you back down to earth. If your Sun is going to be shining a light on all those issues for you in a coming year, then yes, it can make you anxious. These are two important areas for feedback on practical applications. It can be considered the beginning of the angular cycle because it is here that one sets down roots, establishes a path, and sets the tone for the next four years. March 2022 Possible gynaecological problems for women already have a predisposition for these kinds of pathologies. (whew!) 2 of the offers include thier wives whod like to have 3-somes. ( I dont believe Ive ever had a moon either new/full/eclipse on the exact day before) So that will make a total of 7 planets activating my next SR in the 8th! As Osa mentioned, this year has the same house positions as your natal, but also, the fact that Virgo is rising and the Moon is in the 3rd house sounds like a year where there you might find yourself focusing more on your writing - is this something that you have in mind to move forward on during the year? Those resources, financial or otherwise, enable your needs to be met or not. If there are several planets in a house, the theme of that house is definitely up. using your 6th sense about something that isn't what it appears to be. They regard the 8th house as the house of resurrections. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! It fosters the union necessary to fulfill the task at hand. But life can get even better. I also borrowed money to make some long-overdue house repairs and updates, including repairs that werent finished after Hurricane Katrina. The choice is yours and this brings me onto the inner secret of the Solar Return Second House. The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. Also Read, Example Case Study chart - Sun in the 12th house of Solar return. October 2012 Planets interpretation in Solar Return EIGHTH HOUSE - Astrology online Learn Astrology Zodiac Signs What Sign are you ? The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. Not to mention step-children, profits and personal aspirations. This Solar return house has a reputation for power struggles around sex, money, and morals. Over time, however, this knee-jerk fear gives way to deep respect. - The beliefs which p, In order to fully understand the cycle of the Sun in the solar return houses, it will be necessary to follow the Sun's yearly path, which is clockwise, and usually moves through three houses. It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. A need to discover your authentic self. Theorist. Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. October 2021 The Solar Return Fourth House is where you feel at home. July 2017 Dying and rebirth. There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. But I suppose my 2019-2020 year will be an intense one in a good way. A chart is cast for that day when the Sun matches its position on the day of my birth and its like a natal (birth) chart for the entire yearyep, with planets and houses and everything. The natal house that is brought to the Solar Return Ascendant should be given special consideration. The emphasis is on learning , writing, studying, and thinking, but not necessarily applying or testing the information gained. The ghosts of the past can be exorcised in the Solar Return Twelfth House as this house is as the place you can let go. You may experience a pressing need to write or communicate and make new contacts and this may be for external, social reasons or as a result of internal, mental pressure. The 8th house rules sex for procreation. Other Peoples Money This wasnt a particularly big area for me except that my debt increased somewhat. Sag, I wrote this article several years ago, looking back on an 8th house sun. I am surprised that I dont really miss the old place! - Venus in good aspect to Pluto. What gives? A very sensual position which is in favor of a strongly sexual nature. Solar Return Ascendant in the natal 8th house: You might lean towards learning about psychic themes and taboo subjects. The 8th house solar return Sun is generally associated with disruption and change. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. May 2015 When the solar return Sun is in the 5th house , you are more apt to express your true nature. In many ways this therefore correlates with a wider message brought by the Solar Return Seventh House. November 2016 In my experience, in a year where your Solar Return Ninth house is prominent, long distance travel is a common result. Or Just Not Care Enough? July 2015 So get out the green hair dye. ): - Venus trine/conjunct Sun. Not just transformation, but regeneration. - The demands of others can weigh heavily this year, especially if a family member or l, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE When the Sun is in the 6th house of Solar return , there is an emphasis on health as well as work. December 2018 A solar return chart is a chart erected for the time that the transiting Sun returns to the position of the natal Sun. And talk. However, I must stress, an emphasis on the Solar Return Sixth House is not all doom and gloom, the primary message is simply you must not let things slip or pass you by and if that means you have to work harder at something or face up to something you would rather not deal with then so be it. April 2016 I know it's a year away, but the next year scares the hell out of me. They are, however, often very descriptive (literally so) about a person you may meet, or a partnership you may enter into or an issue in an existing partnership and that can often manifest in an obvious way. On occasion however, placements in the Solar Return Tenth House can be an indication of marriage, if thats where you are in your life. However, its also about your attitudes towards your resources. However, in the 8th house, much of Venus' influence will be resisted and kept at arm's length. I will have to pay more on insurences . May 2014 Read here if you want to know. The Solar Return Sixth House is, above all else, a practical house. Unlike the Natal Chart however, Solar Return Seventh House placements are not really about your capacity to relate or your relationship needs. They are like family to me. These are transformational issues and you only need to experience them once for your life to change forever there is no turning back. It is where you make a conscious effort to open up to the world or set up a barrier against it. February 2017 How an SR chart manifests depends pretty heavily on how it's interacting with the natal. In any Solar Return year, a tenanted fourth house brings all issues to do with home, family, belonging and your sense of stability to the fore. I'm still pretty new to astrology in general, but especially new to the idea of the solar return chart, so I'd love any insight into possible significant themes. though others might try to persuade you otherwise. July 2016 return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. November 2020 Your capacity to analyze and your attention to detail will be greater. This doesn't mean that the inner world of psychology, personality and subjective experience isn't attended to, but astrology is ancient and it's spiritual/philosophical legacy has a number of differences to a lot of current day approaches to the occult/esoteric where the physical is under-emphasized and in come cases, disregarded altogether.

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